• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,246 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Tae Bo

Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

So today’s episode is going to be an interesting one because what I’m going to try is something that I’d never even heard of until recently. Plus, it’s something that comes from…another world!



Sorry, I couldn’t resist doing that.

But in all seriousness, what I’m going to be trying today really does come from another world. Sunset Shimmer’s world to be specific, and was actually introduced to me by Sunset herself.

What I’ll be trying today is…Tae Bo!

So what is Tae Bo you may ask? Well, if you’re like me then your first thought might be that it’s a type of tea, like bai mudan or ginseng, but it’s not that at all. Tae Bo is actually a form of working out that incorporates martial arts techniques such as punches and kicks. Sunset said it was a pretty popular way of exercising in her world a while back, and when I mentioned to her that I was thinking of starting an exercise routine she said this might work for me.

But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Let me explain why it is I’m even trying Tae Bo in the first place.

You see, I don’t exercise that often. And when I say, ‘that often’, what I actually mean is, ‘at all’. Believe me, I know that I should do at least a little bit of exercising on a regular basis, but like a lot of ponies I just don’t. This is mostly because I’ve never felt the need to since I get a good workout whenever I fight monsters and other threats to Equestria. I mean, doing that has to burn just as many calories as a regular-old workout, right?

Anyways, this is kind of embarrassing for me to admit, but recently I discovered that I’ve…

…gained a few pounds.

But only a few!



So anyways, after this discovery I decided it was time for me to get serious about exercising. The only problem was, I didn’t know where to start. At first I thought about asking somepony like Rainbow Dash or Applejack who works out fairly regularly for a bit of guidance, but during one of my journal chats with Sunset the other day I mentioned my new devotion to exercising and she said that she might have something to help me. So I hopped on over to her world and she gave me this!

Now where did I leave that thing?


Ah, here it is. A tape of Billy Blanks’ Tae Bo Workout.

This is apparently the first in a series of Tae Bo workout tapes from this Billy Blanks person, and Sunset said she’d be willing to let me borrow the others too if I wanted them.

But enough chit-chat. Let’s do some Tae Bo!


I just realized that I have no idea how I’m supposed to play this tape.

It’s a bit too big and rectangular to be played like one of those DVD things Sunset has so many of, and it doesn’t seem like something I can play through my computer either.



Excuse me for a bit while I pop on over to Sunset’s world and try to figure out how this thing works.

Okay, I’m back.

So Sunset gave me this thing called a ‘VCR player’ that she says should play the tape she gave me. It’s pretty bulky compared to other technology I’ve seen in Sunset’s world, but given how bulky the tape is I guess that’s not surprising.

Now all I have to do is hook this up and we’ll be good to go!


Let’s see. That cable connects to that port there.

Aaaand that one goes there.


Okay, all set…I think. The little clock on the player keeps blinking 12:00, but I don’t think that’ll keep it from playing the tape. So let me just put the tape in and…yes, it’s playing!



You know, when Sunset said this was popular in her world a while back she must have meant a long while back.

Either that or her world is heading in a really weird direction.

The music and graphics seem so dated, even to somepony from another world like me. But I guess the important thing is the workout content, so I’ll just focus on that. Of course as I say that and continue to watch this intro I’m realizing that this workout routine is designed for bipedal creatures, and I’m not a bipedal creature.

Geez, I am really lacking in hindsight today.

Although, maybe I can try standing on just my back hooves while I do this. Let me just adjust myself here and - Whoa! WHOA!



Okay, the fact that I just fell flat on my back tells me that I can’t do this bipedal. At least…not here in Equestria.


I have an idea.

Okay, I’m back again, and as you’ve probably noticed I look a little bit different now.

That’s right, I went through the mirror portal into Sunset’s world and now I’m human. A bipedal human.

Though I suppose that goes without saying.

Anywhoo, I figured doing this was the only way I’d be able to try Tae Bo, so I grabbed the tape and the VCR player and came here. And where exactly is here, you ask? The answer is it’s Sunset Shimmer’s apartment, which means that, you guessed it, I’m with Sunset right now!

Say hi, Sunset!



Sunset said that as soon as she finishes hooking the VCR player back up, we can get started doing Tae Bo. And yes, you heard me correctly, I said, ‘we can get started’. Sunset’s going to be joining me!

When I started this episode I wasn’t planning on having any special guests join me, but I’m certainly glad to have one. Like with most things in life, I’m sure this will be even better doing it with a friend.



All set, Sunset?

Great! Then let’s get started!



Oh, you think I should change into some different clothes first?

Now that you mention it, that’s probably not a bad idea. These clothes that magically appear on me when I step through the portal don’t really seem like they’d be good to exercise in.

Do you have a spare workout outfit that I could borrow?



Okay, thanks, Sunset.

Excuse me for a moment while I go get changed.

Oh yes, these clothes are definitely better for working out in.



Yep, I’m ready when you are, Sunset. Let’s do some Tae Bo!


Okay, five…six…seven…eight.

Right hook, one…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight.

Left hook, one…two…three…four…five…six…seven and eight.

Double time, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

One more time, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.


Phew, I’m starting to feel the burn already.



Oh don’t worry about me, Sunset, I can handle it.

Knee raises, one…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight.

Other knee, one…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight.

Side kick, one…two…three…fo – OH MY GOSH, SUNSET!




Oh thank Celestia!

I am so, so, so sorry! I didn’t realize I’d shifted so close to you like that!

Are you sure you’re okay?



Well let me get you some ice for your arm.

Turn this thing off first.

Okay, so, as you saw I accidentally kicked Sunset in the arm while doing the side kicks. Thankfully she’s all right and only has a bruise where I kicked her, no broken bones or anything severe like that. But even still, I feel just awful about the whole thing.


So, yeah, Tae Bo. It was kind of fun up until the point where I ended up hurting Sunset. But after what happened here today I think I’ll maybe just get a treadmill or something in order to get my exercise. You know, something that’ll give me a workout without involving punches or kicks.

I’m going to go check on Sunset now, so I’ll end things here. As always, thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries.


Is there anything else I can do for you, Sunset?



I can k-kiss your arm to make it feel better?!

Oh my.

Author's Note:

Thankfully when I tried Tae Bo for the first time all I did was knock over a lamp. :twilightsheepish:

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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