• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,237 Views, 1,280 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Reading Fanfiction

Hi there, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

So today is a very special episode of Twilight Tries, because today I’m going to try…reading fanfiction!

That’s right, there are ponies out there who have written fanfiction about me! In fact, there are so many of them that there’s an entire website dedicated solely to posting Twilight-related fanfics!


I’m sorry if I seem overly excited about all this, but I just can’t believe it.

I mean, I know there are a lot of ponies out there who respect and look up to me, but I never imagined there’d be any that would admire me so much that they’d write fanfiction about me.

Not only that, but the sheer number of ponies writing Twilight-related fanfics is just…overwhelming. That website I told you about, it says there are over 9000 registered users! Can you believe that?! OVER 9000!

Wait, did I just make a Dragonball Z reference?



I did not make it on purpose, Spike! I’ve never even watched that anime, I just know the one meme from it!

Anyways, when I learned about all the fanfiction written about me I just had to give reading some of it a try and I thought, ‘Hey, make it into an episode of Twilight Tries.’

So, here we are.



Oh come on, Spike, it’s just fanfiction! I know it’s not all going to be good, not everypony is as talented as A.K Yearling or Virginia Timberwoolf when it comes to writing.



The content of the fanfiction? What are you…you know what, no, don’t tell me, I need to find out on my own.



Ha ha, very funny. Go ahead and have a therapist on standby if you want to, I seriously doubt I’ll be needing one.

Honestly, that dragon can just be such an exaggerating worrywart sometimes.

Anywhoo, I’ve printed off a few interesting sounding fanfics and I'm ready to get going!

The first fanfic I’ll be reading is called, ‘A Weathering Friendship’ and is about me and my friend Applejack.

Ooh, I like it already. Let’s get reading!


‘It was a dark and stormy night in Ponyville as Princess Twilight Sparkle lied alone in her bed, trying to ignore the loud cracks of thunder as they rolled across the sky. “Oh, I wish the thunder would stop. It’s so scary.” She said to herself as she pulled the covers over her head.’

Okay, bit of a strange start because I’m not afraid of thunder, but let’s see where this is going.

‘”I wish Applejack were here.” The princess timidly exclaimed. “She’s not afraid of anything and could protect me from the thunder.”’

Really?! I am not that timid! Heck, even Fluttershy’s not that timid! Whoever wrote this doesn’t know me at all!

Deep breathes, Twilight, deep breathes.


Just keep reading, I’m sure it’ll get better.

‘Just then, Twilight heard a noise that wasn’t thunder. A noise that sounded like hoof steps. “W-Who’s there?” She asked as she peeked over the covers. “It’s me, Twilight.” Applejack soothingly replied as she approached the bed. “Applejack!” Twilight happily shouted. “How did you know I needed you?” “Your heart called out to me, Twilight.” Applejack lovingly answered.’


‘”Oh, Applejack, I need you. I’ve always needed you.” Twilight confessed. “I know.” Applejack said as she crawled into bed with Twilight. “And I’ll always be here for you, Twilight.” Then, Applejack kissed Twilight on the lips and…’


Hang on a second while I read ahead and see what the rest of this is like.




Oh, oh my.




Okay, I definitely wouldn’t do that to Applejack, nor she to me!

You know what? I’m just going to put this story aside. It was getting a little too…lewd to continue reading on my vlog. I certainly hope that the rest of these fanfics aren’t like this.

I really hope Applejack never reads 'A Weathering Friendship'.

Let’s just move on, shall we?

This next story is called, ‘Dawn of a New Princess’ and is about me doing battle with Queen Chrysalis. I’m guessing this is a re-imagining of how I became a princess, where instead of finishing one of Starswirl the Bearded’s spells I defeat Queen Chrysalis.


‘Twilight Sparkle stood in the empty field as she stared down her opponent, Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings. “Whatever it is you’re planning, I’ll stop you, Chrysalis.” She bravely declared. “Oh, we’ll just see about that.” Chrysalis retorted just before flapping her wings and lunging at Twilight.’

Okay, this is more like it.

‘Twilight quickly put up a magic shield to protect herself from Chrysalis’ attack. In response, Chrysalis fired a beam of magic from her horn, but it did not penetrate the shield. “You’re going to have to better than that, Chrysalis.” Twilight taunted her opponent as she lowered her shield in order to fire her own beam of magic. But when Twilight lowered her shield, Chrysalis was gone.’

Uh-oh, where did Chrysalis go?

‘Twilight looked all around her, but could see no sign of the changeling queen. Just as she looked up, however, Chrysalis grabbed hold of her from above/ “Gotcha!” She shouted as she began to wrap Twilight up in a cocoon.’

Wait, I get captured by Chrysalis?

‘”W-What’s happening to me?” Twilight asked as her body started to feel warmer. “You’re becoming a changeling princess.” Chrysalis seductively explained. “And I think you’ll find the transformation to be most…pleasurable.” As Chrysalis talked, Twilight began to feel a tingling sensation in her…’

Whoo, whoo, whoo, the hell?! This story is about me being transformed into a changeling and getting sexual pleasure from it?!

Who comes up with this stuff?!

Okay, definitely not reading anymore of that one.

Let me just go through the rest of these real quick and find something that couldn’t possibly be lewd.




No, not that one.




Definitely not that one, even the name sounds lewd.




Ah, here’s a good one. ‘Twilight and Shining’s Bonding Time’, and is a story about me and my brother. There’s no way this could be about anything other than me and Shining Armor spending some quality time together.


‘Twilight Sparkle walked down the hallway towards her bedroom, excited that it was once again that time of the week where she and her brother would spend some quality time together.’

See, what’d I tell ya.

‘As Twilight opened the door to her room, she saw that Shining Armor was already on her bed… all tied up...and wearing a rubber suit…

Nope, uh-uh, no way, I know where this is going and I am not going to read one more word of it! I mean…wow! Me and my brother, just…wow!

If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I think I need to go throw up a little.

Sorry about that.

So, yeah, fanfiction. I…honestly don’t know what to think about it, probably because I don’t want to think about it now. It certainly is, um, creative, I guess, but I think I’ll just stick to my usual books for when I'm looking for reading material.

Anyways, thanks as always for watching everyone, and see you next time on Twilight Tries!

Hey, Spike, do you have that therapist on standby?!

Author's Note:

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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