• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 5,247 Views, 1,286 Comments

Twilight Tries... - Peni Parker

There are many things Twilight Sparkle has never tried, but she's going to try some of them with you in her new vlog!

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Playing a Fighting Game

Hi, everypony, and welcome to another episode of Twilight Tries!

So as you’ve probably already guessed by my appearance, today’s episode is going to be one that takes place in Sunset Shimmer’s world. And as you’ve probably also guessed from what’s going on behind me, Sunset is going to be a part of this episode! Right now she’s just getting everything set up for what it is I’ll be trying today, and what it is I’ll be trying today is…playing a fighting game!

Now just to be clear, when I say ‘fighting game’ I’m referring to a videogame, not a real-life game. As the Princess of Friendship, I obviously don’t condone the playing of real-life fighting games where ponies can get hurt.



Okay, let’s not turn this episode into a debate on the ethics of fighting in general, Sunset. As far as I’m concerned any kind of fighting in real-life is bad because it can lead to real-life harm, but virtual fighting is okay because the characters in the games aren’t real and therefore don’t actually get harmed.



Ha ha, Sunset. As interesting as that theory is, I highly doubt that the characters within fighting games are secretly sentient and capable of feeling pain.

At least I sure hope not, given what we’re about to do.

But getting back to the topic at-hoof, everypony, the reason why I’m going to try and play a fighting game today is because I’m actually going to be helping Sunset by doing so. You see, Sunset has a vlog of her own, called Shimmer Code, that focuses on videogames. Now typically episodes of Shimmer Code are about Sunset playing videogames either alone or with a friend, but for today’s episode she wanted to try doing something a little different; she wanted to try teaching a non-gamer how to play fighting games.

Pretty interesting idea, don’t you think?

Turns out though that there was just one problem with Sunset’s plan: just about everyone in this world she knows has played a fighting game at least once in their life, and those few who haven’t declined to participate.

I’m told Rarity declined rather tempestuously, calling fighting games ‘uncouth and gauche’.

So in order for her idea to come to fruition, Sunset was forced to come back to Equestria to look for a suitable participant. Of course she didn’t have to look very long or very far though, because as soon as she stepped through the portal and told me what it was she was looking for I immediately volunteered.



What was that, Sunset? We’re all set up and ready to go?

Okay, be right there!

Well, everypony, seems like we’re about to get started. So wish me luck, because in all honesty I have no idea how well this is going to go.


All right, Sunset, teach away!



First I need to select a character? Hmm, let’s see.

Boy, there sure are a lot of interesting characters in this game.


Is this one just a high-schooler?


Oh! I think I’ll go with this strong-looking martial arts girl.



Now that I’ve selected my character I should go to Training Mode? All right.

Training Mode…Training Mode…


Ah, there it is.


Okay, we’re in training mode. So what now?



Learning the basics? Sounds good.






Use this button to do a light punch?



And this button to do a heavy kick?





All right, I think I’ve gotten the hang of the basics. What’s next?




Ooh, those sound fun.



A spinning what kick?



Oh, a spinning bird kick. So how do I do that?



Got it. Here goes!


Oh, wow. That's an…interesting move.

Um, what other moves does this character have?



Uh-huh. The hazanshu.



The kikoken.



The aerial hundred lightening kick.


Hey, that one’s pretty neat.

And you know what? This isn’t nearly as complicated as I thought it would be.

I have to admit, Sunset, I’m enjoying this more than I thought I would. I never knew that fighting games could be so much fun! Do you think we could maybe play a match now?



Pleeeease, Sunset? Just one match?




All right, let’s get out of Training Mode and into Versus Mode!


Ooh, Sunset chose the military guy. Interesting.


Here we go; round one…fight!


Ha! Got you with the kikoken, Sunset! Now for a – wait, what?! D-Did you just grab me while I was jumping?!

I didn’t know that was possible.

Well, no biggie. Once you get a taste of my spinning bird – huh?! How the hay did you hit me while I was in the middle of my spinning bird kick?!


Oh, this isn’t good. Sunset’s backed me up against the corner.

Um, um…aerial hundred lightening kick!


Aaaand I lost.

All right, well, round one may have gone to you, Sunset, but I’ll be taking rounds two and three.



Oh, we’re definitely going to round three! Just you wait and see!

Come on, Twilight, you got this. Eye of the gryphon.


What the -?!

How did she move so quickly after the round just started?




What?! Why did my character just do a low kick?! I didn’t tell her to do that!



I didn’t, Sunset! There must be something wrong with this controller!



Okay, okay. Just calm down, Sunset. I take it back, there’s nothing wrong with my controller.

Note to self: Blaming the controller greatly aggravates other players.




Aaaand I lost again.


All right, I have to know something, Sunset; how did you manage to beat me so effectively? I mean I get that you won because you’re more skilled at playing fighting games than I am, but the way you beat me was so, so…unmitigated. What’s your secret?



Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, Sunset.

Meaty and combo starter? Defense-crushing maneuver? Recovery on hit advantage?

I have no idea what any of that means.

Um, okay then. It’s clear from all those things you just mentioned that I still have a lot to learn about fighting games, so can we maybe go back into Training Mode and you can explain to me what all that stuff means?




Um, just give me one quick second before we do that.


So I think I’m going to stop recording for now, everypony. I have a feeling that the stuff Sunset’s about to teach me is going to take quite a bit of time, which means that it’s probably best to break here and return once we’re done in Training Mode.



What was that, Sunset?



I should keep recording and just do a training montage?

Huh. I have always wanted to try doing a montage in one of my vlog episodes.

All right, everypony, new plan: I am going to record the stuff Sunset’s about to teach me and then edit it into a montage! Though full disclosure, I have no idea how to properly segue into a montage, so I’m just going to transition into it by saying this: MONTAGE TIME!


Yep, that training took a long time just like I thought it would. Though I think that time was definitely well spent. I learned a whole lot of new and interesting things about fighting games, and not just from a gameplay standpoint either. Turns out there’s quite a bit of math involved in optimizing one’s skills as a gamer, including but not limited to Nash-Equilibrium and the Lemke-Howson Algorithm. But I know you don’t want me to go too much into all that math stuff, so let’s get back to the fighting!

Ready, Sunset?



All right. Let’s do this!



Geez. Sunset sure loves those drive rush combo extensions.




Ha! I knew you’d fall for that frame trap, Sunset! Now feel the wrath of my mid-screen punish counter drive impact combo!


Yes! Round one goes to me!



Yeah, yeah, Sunset. You ‘went easy on me’, sure. You just keep telling yourself that while I’m kicking your butt in round two.


Good. I got her in the corner early.

Corner drive impact!



Yeah, that’s right, I added a super at the end for more damage.

You trained me well, Sunset. Perhaps a little too well.


Rats. She got out of the corner.




Oh, impressive move, Sunset; sneaking in a drive rush mix-up after your sonic boom like that. But don’t get too cocky.

Level 2 super, go!


Yes! Got her right where I want her!



I…I won?

I won!




GG? What does that mean, Sunset?



Oh, it’s short for ‘good game’. How interesting.

Ooh, I’m learning all sorts neat gamer lingo!



Do I want to try playing another fighting game? Absolutely!

Just give me a second to sign-off on my vlog first.


Well, everypony, I think we’ve reached the end of this episode. As fun as it would be to keep recording while Sunset and I play all kinds of other fighting games together, I just feel that doing so would make this episode too long. And I’m not just saying that to avoid a ton of work in post.

Though I will admit, the time it’s probably going to take me to properly edit that montage is playing a factor in this decision.

So as always, thanks for watching, everypony, and I’ll see you next time on Twilight Tries!



Ooh, that game sounds interesting, Sunset. The ‘Mortal’ in the title makes me feel like it’s going to be intense.

Author's Note:

Special thank to everyone who suggested various fighting games! Sorry I was only able to work-in one of them.

Also, sorry if some of the fighting game terminology in this chapter is wrong. I had to research most of it since I didn't play many of fighting games back when I was a gamer.

I was always more of an RPG kinda gal.

If there's something you'd like to see Twilight try, please let me know in the comments!

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