• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 3,267 Views, 130 Comments

Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

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Chapter 13: Static and Dynamic Processes

Applejack listened to the world around her, as she watched as the pump that had once been Applebloom’s heart, gave a shudder; refusing to work. Over in the corner, on Rainbow Dash’s lap, sat not only Sweetie Belle but also Scootaloo; both having gone into sleep mode after hours of waiting for Applebloom. Rainbow’s battery had completely run out and a small charging cable connected her to a small charging mat. Loud snores erupted from all three. And it was music to Applejack’s audio receptors.

She treasured moments like this, moments when the children were at ease when Rainbow wore that stupid smile on her muzzle; when Rainbow actually relaxed. Focusing on her work, Applejack carefully split the pump in two before frowning.

This damage is too extensive, I can’t repair this. The battery that was fused to its side had ruptured, and now the inner workings of the pump were completely corroded by the acid.

Sighing, Applejack looked at her supply shelf. Replacing such a part was really not that big of a deal, having replaced Scootaloo’s own CPU and Sweetie Belle’s entire ocular display just hours ago. However, she had none in stock currently. And that meant Applebloom would take at least a few days more on her repairs.

Heading to the back of her tent, Applejack turned on a machine, that infused magic into technology. Activating the display screen, Applejack pulled up the latest pump schematic and stared at the display timer: 14 recharge cycles to replicate. Ugh, whatever, it is what it is. Just got to do what I can.

Applejack looked at her sister’s head resting on the side workbench, ready to go. Sorry sis, you’ll have to wait a little longer. Flicking a lever on the way out, Applejack turned the lights out in the backroom; the machine barely made a sound as it slowly built the pump, molecule by molecule.


“You will pay for what you did to Sombra. I will have my revenge! You are nothing against my might, Starlight Glimmer!”

The Unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, glared angrily at the Alicorn Starlight and her friends; around her neck was an ancient necklace with a red ruby embedded in the center. Her amethyst eyes glowed with a piercing red, and around her back, she wore a tattered cloak of black fabric; that flowed and swayed like liquid, almost as if made of the very shadows of the abyss.

Starlight stayed completely silent as Twilight blasted her, again and again, with malicious bolts of shadow magic. Not once did she try to protect herself as the magic exploded upon contact with her flesh.

Lost in thought, Starlight, the Alicorn Princess of Friendship, just stared at Twilight. She remembered attending classes with the insane Unicorn. She could recall that while not as strong as her, Twilight had easily surpassed the rest of the class. That the two had been rivals.

Starlight thought about their first battle, where Twilight had joined with Sombra to attack the Cyrstal Empire. Bitterly, Twilight had angrily yelled at her, telling her of her jealousy, of how it wasn’t fair. Why had she been chosen? So what if she was gifted? Twilight had worked far harder than Starlight to be Princess Luna’s Apprentice!

The two had fought many times since, and each time Starlight had extended the wing of friendship, only for Twilight to go down darker and darker paths. And now? Princess Luna lay unconscious amidst the rubble of the Royal Castle, innocents had been tortured to the breaking point and then slaughtered without mercy. Her own friends, who had stood by her since the night Celestia in the guise of Daybreaker had returned from the sun in which she’d been sealed, now lay maimed, and bruised.

Starlight narrowed her eyes in a furious rage. She had tried typical Friendship, now, however, Starlight would explain it to her, in the only way Twilight understood.

“So this power of yours makes you stronger? Do you think that because I’m not attacking, I must be weaker than you?”

Twilight laughed.

“If you could have stopped me, you would have by now!”

“Oh, really?”

Barely causing her horn to glow, Starlight turned towards a nearby rockface; reducing the entire mountain to ashes in an intense blast of light blue magic, causing Twilight to stare, slackjawed at the smoking landscape. She stammered in disbelieving shock.

“B-but if you could do that, why didn’t you stop me?”

Flaring her wings and glowing with untold power, Starlight shouted at Twilight as she charged up her horn.

“Because I still care about you, you idiot!”


Starlight’s eyes flew open, her LEDs flickering to life as she swiftly looked around; the world once more came into view. How long have I been out? Where’s Twilight?

She was in a tub of some kind of sloshing viscous fluid. Her sensors told her it was mineral oil. Huh? Oh, that’s right. My day off. Damn you, Twilight.

Leaning her head back with a sigh, Starlight let her limbs go limp in the tub, listening to the soothing sloshing of its contents. You’re too good to me. A smile graced her muzzle at the thought of the dream she had; the moment Twilight had gone from destroyer to lover. That memory was the one she treasured most; even above her own ascension. That moment, was why she still smiled.

Turning to the side, Starlight saw the pale yellow Pegasus leaning against a white metallic Unicorn on a charging mat in the corner. Both were jacked in and gentle whimpers from the Pegasus seemed to reach the powered down form of Rarity. As Starlight watched, Rarity wrapped a hoof around Fluttershy, pulling her close against her metallic body; after which Fluttershy’s wings wrapped around Rarity.

The Princess smiled at the sight. Even in their powered-down form, both were still looking out for each other. She couldn’t feel their emotions, she couldn’t really even see them if it wasn’t for her sensors. And yet, she still recognized those movements. She still remembered what those smiles meant; the same smiles that Twilight and Starlight had shared long ago, back when they could still truly feel each other.

Even in this nightmarish world, even in this Pit of Tartarus, they still find love and friendship within themselves to share with others. Tilting her head back once more, Starlight felt pride swell within her. As it should be. This world has changed so much, and myself as well. And then there’s her…Hard to believe Twilight was the one that…


Chrysi’s LEDs flashed in absolute surprise. Had she heard that right? The Twilight Sparkle of this world, this benevolent creature who had taken her in, that she now called mom, had once been a villain?

“Wait a moment, mom are you saying you actually destroyed the entire Crystal Empire?”

“That’s right. Though, that was a lifetime ago.”

Twilight chuckled at the memory as Chrysi asked her, what happened.

“I was defeated by Starlight, and she showed me just how weak I really was, and how seeking a jealous revenge was a useless notion.”

“What, did she give you some grandiose friendship speech?”

Twilight’s answer sent chills down Chrysi’s massive Draconic form.

“No, she beat me to within an inch of my life, without even trying.”

It wasn’t spoken with bitterness, sadness, or regret. Instead, it almost sounded to Chrysi like Twilight really appreciated it. Twilight then added.

“And that’s how Starlight and I started dating.”

For what seemed like days, Chrysi and Twilight continued discussing their two realities; the differences, the similarities. How Twilight got her wings, how Flurry Heart was born. It was shocking to Chrysi to hear how at one time, each of the Elements of Harmony had actually been vile destroyers.

Rarity had once been a horrific nightmare that wrought plagues upon the populace. Applejack had been a swindler, obsessed with gold to the point of extortion, kidnapping, and even murder. Happy-go-lucky Pinkie Pie? A serial killer who ate her victims with icing. Sweet, innocent Fluttershy had even fed inhabitants to her monstrous Chimeras.

Even Rainbow Dash had run a factory in Cloudsdale that disposed of Pegasi who failed their flight exams; using their innards to paint the sky with vibrant hues as a reminder to the rest. All had been villains turned heroines by Starlight’s actions. Like Twilight, herself.

They discussed what had been, what is, and it had brought them closer together. Chrysi felt a surprisingly growing kinship with this Twilight. Both had once been villains, both had seen the errors of their ways. Though one query was still etched on her hard drive, and Chrysi decided to ask it.

“I have to know, why adoption? Why the insistence on me being your daughter?”

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