• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 3,269 Views, 130 Comments

Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

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Chapter 4: The Weight of Her Smile

“Starlight, help me! What do I do?”

Chrysalis’s screams echoed throughout the Royal Hall of Canterlot Castle, reaching the ears of The Princess of Friendship. Blasting a mass of black slime that seemed to be coursing towards her, Starlight raced past Twilight, who was holding her own. The two shared a grim look as Starlight blasted her way towards the former villainess.

“I’m coming Chrysalis, don’t worry, I got-!”

Her words died in her throat as she reached Chrysalis; the blackish slime oozing into and out of the holes in her chitin. It was too late. Starlight stared at her in horror as Chrysalis succumbed to the vile goo.

She stood there, frozen in place, her eyes changing from her envious green hue to the appearance of a disgusting liquid tar; the last expression of fear and pleading, forever etched into Starlight’s mind. The holes of her body coursed and pulsed with the viscous slime, while a burst of unholy laughter filled the hallway. Her voice was grating, scraping, and dripped with maliciousness.

“You shall all perish! I will destroy it all!”

Suddenly, the Changeling was surrounded by a dark purple aura, moments before Luna cried out as her sister fell to the ground, a hole between her eyes; still sizzling with dark magic. In a rage, Luna flew at Chrysalis only to crash to the floor as her wings were sliced clean off; looking up at the ice-cold grin of Chrysalis as she, too, was eternally silenced.

Starlight screamed out at Chrysalis, just as Twilight, with the Elements beside her, grabbed Starlight’s hoof.

“We need to leave! Now!”

As the seven were teleported away, Starlight called out one last time.



The images faded and the world went dark, as Starlight’s visual interface flickered with light. The red screen had words in a black font scrawling across it:

Dream Sequence disengaged
Concluding Recharge Cycle…
Recharge Cycle concluded
Beginning Reboot…
Core systems check…Successful
Initiating motor functions…

Sitting up on her mat, Starlight turned her head one way then the other, as though to look around her. Meanwhile, the interface continued its checklist.

Motor functions initiated.
Testing vocal capabilities…

Starlight let out a yawn, as she stretched her hooves out.

“I’m up! I’m up.”

Vocal capabilities successfully initiated.
Activating cognitive thinking module…

Rolling her eyes, Starlight thought to herself. Good morning world.

Initiated. Reboot complete. Good Morning Princess Starlight.

Starlight let out a sigh as the world finally came into view. That dream again. That same nightmarish moment that had replayed every recharge cycle for the past four years. I better check on the girls. Reaching up her hoof, she unplugged the cable from the jack in her neck, connecting her to the large mat she lay upon, and slowly rose to her hooves.

Lifting her hoof to separate the veil of ray shielding fabric that comprised the tent entrance, Starlight took a deep breath. Like she had for the past four years, she pasted that smile she didn’t feel on her face, before stepping into the street.

Like a switch had been flipped, the instant her hooves touched the scorched pavement, every creature around her ceased all activity to look at her. All conversation, all activity; from shoppers to the fillies playing tag amidst the blazing firestorm, all turned their eyes on her.

They depend on me. Show them it’s alright. Seeing her smile, made them all smile and with a flourish of her wings, all activity resumed once more. That’s right, everything is fine, go about your business. Folding her wings once more, she calmly and precisely walked towards a specially-constructed tent just across the way, behind a raging magma spurt. How long can this go on for, though? Aligning her ocular receptors to a sensor on the tent's entrance, Starlight heard the familiar hiss of the dual-layered ray shield deactivating. I just don’t know.

Peering inside, Starlight was surprised by what she saw. The Elements were silently splayed out on their mats; recharging like usual, but there were three others as well.

Snuggled up tightly under the wings of Rainbow Dash was a small, orange filly Pegasus with short unmistakable wings and a rustled purple holographic mane. Meanwhile, side by side with Applejack lay a pale yellow filly with a red, holographic mane. And finally, laying with her head against the flank of Rarity, was a small white Unicorn with a well-styled hologram of a pink mane and tail.

Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle. They aren’t supposed to be in here. How did they even get past security? All three were jacked into the recharge stations, and Starlight noticed Rarity’s eyes were open; that she was watching her sister, not moving a micron and wearing a small smile. Rarity’s eyes darted over to Starlight, and they dimmed forming a pleading expression.

Starlight just rolled her eyes in response, silently unfolding a wing and making a brushing motion with it; a signal of ‘leave it'. Rarity nodded and lay her head down, closing her eyes. I can’t even be mad, they look so adorable, fine, so be it.

At once, Rainbow and Applejack opened their eyes and both gave her appreciative glances, before closing them once more. Slowly, Rainbow wrapped her wings around Scootaloo, while Applejack gently nuzzled Applebloom before both lay completely still once more. Both wore smiles of satisfaction.

I’ve never seen those five look so peaceful while recharging in a long time. I’ll talk to Twilight about this becoming a regular thing for them. Silently turning away, Starlight left the Elements to rest with their squatters, a smile on her face as she wondered. Where did those extra cables come from though? This screams Pinkie Pie’s doing. Starlight gave a chuckle at the thought, as she walked towards the tent where she left her wife and Chrysalis waiting.

Walking through the ash-filled streets of her once beautiful city, Starlight spread her wings to push the never-ending flames aside. The fire-proof metal her body was made of stepped through an erupting plume of magma with ease. All the while, she wore that smile for her followers. Make sure they see it. I don’t need them worrying.

Stopping in front of the tent, she habitually took a deep breath, to calm her nerves. Remember, this isn’t her, this Chrysalis isn’t your enemy. Better bookmark that thought. Taking a moment to access her user interface, Starlight filed that thought away; bookmarked for later, just in case. With a heavy heart, she entered the tent and was completely dumbfounded.

Neither Chrysalis nor Twilight was anywhere to be seen, but before her was a mare that looked like a mix between her and Twilight. The mare spoke to her, in a voice that was almost like her own, though she heard Twilight’s vocal patterns as well.

“Mom said she will be back in a moment.”

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