• Published 30th Sep 2021
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Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

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Chapter 15: Ransomware

***Three weeks before Twilight was repaired***

“Welcome to the Party Tent!”

Chrysi stared in silent shock at the outlandishly excitable pink Earthpony standing before her. She had been warned ahead of time just how over the top Pinkie Pie, the owner of the Party Tent, could be. And yet, nothing could have prepared her for this.

When she had first walked up, there had been nothing at the entrance. Within a microsecond, however, the area came to life with a pink-hued Earthpony, excitedly gesturing to her while holding balloons that seemed to have been pulled from thin air. Startled, she watched the fabled Party Pony, reach into her holographic mane and pull forth a-

Cupcake? How in the- That’s not even possible in this world! There’s no wheat, no salt and there’s no water! Besides ponies here don’t even eat, let alone have physical manes. How did she-

“Where anything can happen.”

With an unnatural shine in her sky blue LEDs, Pinkie grinned and gave a flourished bow, the cupcake nowhere to be seen.

“And it always does. The name’s Pinkemena Diane Pie, the Element of Laughter; at your service.”

Leaning close, Pinkie whispered in an oddly seductive manner.

“Though, you, Chrysalis, can call me Pinkie.”

Something I should warn you about is Pinkie is very…open to any and all. She is also aware of your situation. Chrysi blinked as Pinkie’s muzzle was barely microns from her own; causing her to feel, awkward. Yeah, yeah I can see what Mom meant now.

Noticing the tremble in Chrysi’s body, Pinkie chuckled and slowly pulled back.

“Starlight’s waiting for you to take you to a dinner in the Crystal Empire’s sector. Though, perhaps afterward, you and I could mosey on down to the Charging Love. Your design intrigues me and I’d love to see more of you in your more… natural form.”

She is very…forward, isn’t she?

“Erm, I- I better go, mom is waiting and-”

Grinning at her, Pinkie said.

“Of course, of course, right this way.”

Chrysi watched in disbelief, as the pink mechanical pony, bounced and swayed; as though she were light as a feather. As though she were flesh and bones. At a loss, she followed Pinkie through the tent flap, and even more questions arose in her mind.

The tent was acres larger inside than it was outside, and everywhere she looked, Pinkie Pies were everywhere. She watched as one called out to another about guest #12’s reservation, while another two Pinkie Pies seemed to be strapping in a couple, saying cheekily not to do anything she wouldn’t do, adding that of course there wasn’t such thing.

“What, how is this even…Why are there so many…I mean-”

Stopping for just a moment, Pinkie whispered softly to her, as she turned to stare Chrysi in her ocular receivers.

“Being curious is a wonderful quality, it’s nice to wonder how and why isn’t it? Though let me tell you this; it isn’t magic, but then I’m sure Starlight will tell you, it’s not possible either. And for others, it isn’t. Perhaps the how and why should be left to your imagination, after all, imagination can be its own magic.”

Giving a slight giggle, she added silkily.

“And who doesn’t find a little mystery alluring? Anywho~ Follow me, silly filly!”

With that she began bouncing along playing a whistling track, or perhaps she was actually whistling; Chrysi no longer had a clue, as she followed along in stunned silence to a strange machine, where Starlight waited in silence.

A glass container next to her had just two gears floating independently of each other, and yet, they turned in opposite ways as though each was turning the other. Completely mystified, Chrysi poked at it and looked at Starlight.

“How is that even pos-”

Immediately, she found Starlight’s metallic hoof covering her vocal speaker. Shaking her head, Starlight just said.

“Trust me-”

Pinkie’s own eyes had flashed with an instance of malice, the moment Chrysi started speaking. Starlight’s LEDs lit up and darkened to show her giving Pinkie a sideways glance, before continuing.

“You don’t want to ask that question.”

Turning to face the amused gaze of Pinkie Pie, Starlight spoke sweetly.

“We’re ready to go, Pinkie.”

Nodding, Pinkie reached up with empty hooves and gently tapped both Starlight and Chrysi just behind their ears where they would jack cables in, to recharge; Chrysi’s eyes grew wide with surprise. As Pinkie touched her port with her clearly empty hoof, Chrysi heard a distinct clicking sound. The sound of a cable being inserted.

Still grinning, Pinkie said.

“Alright, good to go, girls. Close your eyes and count to five. Afterward, open your eyes.” Chrysi’s eyes went dark, still confused at this, but noticing Starlight had done the same a moment ago, she decided to trust Pinkie. The last thing she heard as she counted was Pinkie’s voice growing more and more distant.



“Oh, I wonder where you’ll go and what you’ll do. Have fun.”



“And Chrysi, think about what I said, after all, playtime isn’t just for fillies, you know.”


Chrysi opened her eyes, fully expecting to see Pinkie, only to realize she was standing in a room made of a shimmering purple crystal. Wait a minute…where is my display? She blinked and held up a hoof, it wasn’t made of metal. Gazing at the purple fur on her foreleg, she stared in disbelief. Is this real? Wait…am I a pony? Startled, she wildly looked at her surroundings. Next to her stood Starlight, also made of flesh and blood and dressed in full royalty regalia. Smiling, she rustled her feathers, as Chrysi looked on in confusion.

“I always feel so happy being able to feel my body, again, each time I come here. Oh, also-”

Gesturing around her with a hoof covered with a crystal shoe, Starlight announced proudly.

“Welcome to the Crystal Castle of Canterlot, as it was on the happiest day of my life.”

“Crystal Castle of Canterlot?”

Still stunned, Chrysi gazed at the massive shelves of books around them, and the armchair by a roaring fireplace. Chrysi looked closely at the shelves and while she recognized the names of the authors, the titles were vastly different from the ones she remembered; Rainbow Dash and the Desert Bandit by Daring-Do, The Demon of the Sun by Princess Luna, among many others. Rows and rows were filled with books that judging by the titles, were mostly chronicling all the infamous and heroic deeds performed by Starlight and her friends; though one particular book caught her attention: At Twilight the Stars Fall, by Starlight Glimmer.

This book sat on an end table by the armchair, and next to it was an inkwell and a feather-tipped quill. Chrysi stared at it as Starlight explained, but most of it fell on deaf ears as she thought about that book. I’ve seen that book.

“This is…best day…”

But where?

“Any moment she’s…and…buffet.”

It was all so surreal to Chrysi. How had she found herself here? What exactly was here? And why was she a flesh and bone pony? Her mind spat out question after question but no answers were forthcoming. As she pondered the answers to these questions, she felt a hoof tap her on the shoulder, and turning, she found herself face to face with a sinister-looking Alicorn peering down at her.

The Alicorn was dressed in attire matching Starlight’s own, with a lavender furred hide. There’s no way. The amethyst eyes held a ruby-tinted glow and were narrowed in a cold glare. Around her neck, the mare wore an amulet of ruby red set in forged Cold Iron. The luxurious mane of indigo possessed a single stripe of bloody red hue, and on the flank of the imposing Alicorn was the unmistakable cutie mark of none other, than Twilight Sparkle. Though her voice contained flecks of condescending superiority; it was still somehow warm and comforting to Chrysi.

“Hello there. Why are you in my Starlight’s library, and who are you?”

Starlight chimed in before Chrysi could answer.

“Twilight, this is Chrysi.”

Turning, Twilight’s glare didn’t let up for a moment, and her voice grew cold as a snowstorm.

“Starry, you never told me we were having guests.”

“She’s new to Canterlot so I thought I’d show her around.”

Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Another new friend, is it?”

Undaunted by the icy demeanor, Starlight grinned viciously in return.

“That’s right, love. I was thinking of inviting her to the banquet with us, as a guest.”

Turning back to Chrysi, Twilight towered over the mare glaring down at her, as though sizing her up, in silence. After a moment of intense staring, Twilight shook her head.


Starlight looked shocked at the response.


“You heard me.”

Gesturing at Chrysi with her hoof, Twilight’s tone remained so cold, that Chrysi was sure it was enough to inflict frostbite.

“I will not stand for her joining us, not dressed like that!”

“But she isn’t wearing anything.”

Nodding, Twilight turned to head towards the doorway.

“Exactly! We are royalty and I will not suffer any guest of ours going in anything less of that befitting us.”

Calling over her shoulder, she barked at Chrysi.

“You, Chrysi was it? Move your flank and follow me.”

Heading out the doorway, Twilight left the room, and Chrysi looked stunned at Starlight.

“That’s Twilight?”

Starlight just chuckled.

“At this point, we’ve only been dating for about three months, Chrysi. Having just gotten her wings, she still barely understands the concept of helping others, let alone being gentle about it.”

A thundering shout echoed down the stairwell in the hallway, ringing in Chrysi’s ears, causing her to wince at the sharp, annoyed tone.

“Now! Get up here. I won’t ask so nicely next time!”

Starlight just grinned.

“You best get going, she can be very aggressive when she wants something.”

Swiftly, Chrysi galloped for the stairs, worried about upsetting Twilight. If this was her benevolent version in this world; she was determined to never see her dark side.

For the next fifteen minutes, Starlight sat in her armchair, waiting and listening to Twilight’s increasingly furious shouts from above; accompanied by the sound of a struggle.

“Hold still!”


“I’m not kidding. Don’t move!”

*Frantic stamping of hooves*

“I’m doing this for you, now hold still!”


“That’s it! You move again, and I’ll blast you, damn it!”


Walking through the doors of the Crystal Empire’s Castle, Chrysi’s face was stricken; as though she had seen a ghost. She wore a dark ruby red dress, with platinum trim inlaid with smooth rubies cut en cabochon. From her, now, newly pierced ears hung platinum wired earrings shaped like fangs, each possessing polished ruby slab inlays. Matching bracelets rested on her four ankles, while ruby red crystal shoes adorn her forehooves. Beside her, Twilight continuously hissed veiled threats at her.

“Back straight, head up, shoulders spread. If you embarrass me, I’ll make sure your pieces will never be found. There, that’s better. You wear that quite nicely.”

Suddenly, a navy blue Alicorn approached them with a kind expression on her face. The mane and tail twinkled with the light of the stars of the night sky. Her flank held a black splotch that contained a cutie mark of a crescent moon, and her eyes were a gentle royal blue. She watched as Starlight knelt before her, and just as surprisingly, Twilight did the same. As one, both Princesses addressed the Alicorn before them as Chrysi watched.

“Princess Luna.”

Smiling gently at the two, Luna replied.

“Rise, girls. It’s good to see you both again.”

At that moment a white Alicorn walked up and bowed her head to Starlight, addressing her directly.

“Princess Starlight.”

The Alicorn wore no crown but possessed a mane and tail of silky pink that radiated the light of the sun. on her flank was the image of a sun shining brightly.

Twilight glared at her.


Turning to look at Twilight, Celestia’s eyes hardened in anger.

“And what? I haven’t forgiven you for what you did to my sister.”

Grinning, Twilight’s eyes glinted dangerously.

“Want me to do the same to you?”

Instantly, Celestia’s form ignited into a raging inferno, as she snarled.

“What did you say, you whelp?”

Chrysi stared on in confusion as nopony seemed bothered by the display; Starlight and Luna watching them with a knowing grin. As Celestia stood there, her mane and tail aflame and her eyes now a piercing yellow, Twilight repeated her threat; completely unconcerned by the display.

“Hard of hearing, Sun Butt? I said, do you want me to do the same to you?”

Celestia glared at her.

“Hillside, now. I’ll teach you to mock me.”

With an exaggerated bow, Twilight just laughed.

“After you, Fire Flank.”

Watching the Daybreaker strode through the doorway with a huff, Twilight turned to Starlight, her eyes shining with excitement.

“Me and Flaming Thighs are gonna do some catching up. Be back soon, sweetie.”

Starlight called after her.

“Keep it away from the city, you two!”

Turning back to Chrysi as the sound of an explosion outside could be heard, Starlight chuckled and indicated the room with the sweep of her hoof.

“Welcome to the Celebration of Harmony. The coming together of the darkness and the light in us all.”

Chrysi was completely floored as to the sight that greeted her. Over at the tables, sat Rainbow Dash and Applejack locked; hoof in hoof, wrestling to prove their strength. Beside them sat Wendy Whistles; Rainbow’s mother, also hoof-wrestling none other than Pear Butter. And then beside them, sat Bow Hothoof and Bright Macintosh locked in a fierce stranglehold; actually wrestling. All six seemed to be having a blast; shouting insults and boasting across the table at each other. Chrysi distinctly heard Applejack say.

“I bet you twenty bits, Rainbow, that my family sweeps yours!”

Off to the side, a fashion show seemed to be going, hosted by Rarity, amidst raucous applause; though Chrysi suspected the sign beside the stage had something to do with it:

Rarity’s Fashion: Trust me, darlings, you’ll love it!

Underneath, it had the words ‘or else’ scrawled in what Chrysi could only assume was fresh, still dripping blood. Turning her attention from the mixed excited and terrified faces, Chrysi glanced over to where a buffet of food had been spread out. Nearby, Pinkie seemed to be serving cupcakes to some young fillies; while their moms chuckled nervously. One joking nervously.

“T-this isn’t anypony we know, right?”

Chrysi blinked at the sight but then focused once more on the food. She was starving. Turning to Starlight, Chrysi addressed the Princess, out of habit.

“Hey mom, can we eat? I’m really hungry.”

Just then the ground shook and the taunting voice of Twilight could be heard, shouting.

“Ha! Your aim is terrible! You probably couldn’t even hit the broadside of your own sun!”

Daybreaker’s rage was evident as she retorted.

“Hold still, brat! Mine next one will rend thee snide tongue from thine mouth!”

Starlight paused to look towards the stained glass window as it shattered, and sighed.

“Yeah, let’s eat. Those two will be at this for a while. And while we eat, we can watch Fluttershy’s creature exhibition.”

As the two walked towards the wafting aroma of delicacies procured from all reaches of Equestria, the ears of Princess Luna pricked up.

“Mom? Starlight never told me she had a daughter.”


Sitting down at the table with a tray heaped up with a simple summer salad, and a flask of dandelion burdock cordial, Starlight eagerly began munching happily. The sound of clattering silverware caused her to glance up; revealing a trembling Chrysi, looking pointedly at her.

Though she was still chewing, Starlight looked at her.

“Is something wrong?”

Chrysi’s eye twitched, as she shouted at Starlight.

“Is something wrong? This, all of this! None of this is right! How are we here, why are we here?”

Starlight calmly swallowed, and placed her silverware down, before looking coldly at Chrysi. Her tone was firm and possessed no room for debate.

“Chrysi Glimmer. I am your mother. You will address me properly and with respect, don’t you dare raise your voice to me. Am I clear, my daughter?”

Startled by the tone shift, and thoroughly chastised, Chrysi turned beet red, and her voice dropped to a mumbled apology.

“I’m sorry, mom.”

Her eyes softening at the display, Starlight nodded.

“That’s better. Now speak to me like the mare you are and not some whiny filly. What would you like to ask me?”

“Where are we and how exactly did we get here?”

Starlight lifted her hoof to her muzzle, tapping it pensively, as she spoke.

“The where, is an easy one to answer, though the how is a bit tricky. We are currently twenty-four years in the past, on the happiest day of my life. How we were transported here, I haven’t the foggiest; I would say a simulation is active, but to enter one of those, you need to be jacked in physically with a cable. The problem is, we weren’t. I once thought magic, but Pinkie insists an Earthpony using magic is a ridiculous notion.”

Chrysi looked a bit surprised.

“You really don’t know?”

Starlight sighed in resignation.

“No, I really don’t.”

Taking a swig of dandelion burdock cordial, Starlight looked annoyed for a moment before glancing at Chrysi.

“I don’t know how she does really any of the things she does. And I gave up trying to a long time ago. Once, I asked her to work with me to determine how she manages her strange abilities. She seemed eager to help in my research. I had her under a truth spell and had her layout exactly how she does things. After a year of research and observation, I revealed the results she herself gave me.”

Shaking her head, Starlight sighed and took another sip before slamming it down in frustration.

“Only for her, still under the same truth spell, to tell me that wasn’t at all how it worked. So, frustrated, I just accepted she did what she did. So the truthful answer is, I honestly have no idea how Pinkie sent us here.”

Chrysi seemed a bit perplexed at this but decided to focus on something else on her mind, something she was sure had an immediate answer to.

“Okay, so Pinkie is an enigma, fine. I can attempt to ask her later. What about the number you gave me yesterday?”

Starlight paused, and suddenly looked somber. Her voice dropped, to a soft, sorrowful tone.


Nodding, Chrysi asked pointedly.

“Yes, mom why is that number so special?”

Starlight appeared uncomfortable as she spoke.

“Twilight and I were going to explain this to you when you had fully adjusted to this world. Seeing as though the entire camp is aware of this, I suppose now is as good as time as any.”

Taking a deep breath, Starlight explained.

“Chrysi the number 13,659,472,021 is important because it represents the number of sentient beings still alive on Equus when Twilight and I cast our Alchemical transformation of the world. Sure, a couple hundred thousand or so were slaughtered by Chrysalis under the effects of possession, but the majority of the living were killed by us.”

Chrysi blurted out in sheer disbelief.

“Wait, what?”

A haunted look appeared in Starlight’s eyes, as she responded.

“Alchemy it turns out had a reason to be locked away in the forbidden section; you see, Alchemy is a class of definitive magic; a situation of specifically requesting what you desire, however, whatever is requested will always have an exact price tag for exactly what is asked. And we, we made a terrible mistake in our words.

“We thought only what was in the circle would become payable. We were fully prepared to sacrifice our lives and entire being to save every creature. We were idiots. It doesn’t matter what is in the circle, it matters what is connected to what is in the circle. And at that time, Twilight and I were already being recognized the world over, as the leaders of Equus. We had diplomatic ties to every culture, to every nation. And the circle knew.”

Downing the rest of the cordial, Starlight looked miserable as she continued.

“Somehow it knew. And when we made our request, we got our wish. Now only fifty remain. But the situation is far worse.”

Looking bewildered for a moment, Chrysi’s eyes went wide.

“The immortality. That’s what you meant.”

Starlight chuckled morosely.

“My daughter is pretty clever, isn’t she? That’s right. Twilight and I only lost our respective talents transforming the remaining living into machines but for the price of our attempt to protect our world; for the first desire of, we need the world to be eternally preserved against the power of the sun, We can never die. We can never see our lost friends again. Even if we refuse to recharge or break down and refuse to be repaired, somehow we are back to full operation within a week, back once more in our homes.

And we cannot create new life. Any damage we do automatically repairs itself and any structure we try to build crumbles to dust on its own. We cannot rebuild our cities, we cannot have offspring; we cannot build anything that did not exist before the ritual. Even the Overlord is stuck within this state of eternity. Though she seems more bored than anything.”

“Wait I thought she was a horrible creature?”

"At one time, she was. I’ve disintegrated that witch about twenty times now, only for her to show back up within a day or two. She can’t build her forces and the necromantic ritual she used before the metalling, is eternally set. Sometimes for fun, those of us who enjoy fighting, hunt the risen. Twilight, however, disapproves of this. No, we don’t call Chrysalis Overlord because of how dangerous she is, we do it out of pity, or maybe to mock her.”

“But Twilight mentioned a rebellion.”

"Actually, the rebellion forces, are just some fight club we established to fight the Overlord. She enjoys it and we do too, and since it really doesn’t matter if somepony dies, we host it every thirty recharge cycles. The truth is we are being held captive by the very efforts we made.”

Chrysi looked shellshocked.

“Then nothing we do matters?”

At this Starlight gave a loving smile.

“I wouldn’t say that. Even in a world where we have no power, we still have the means to be happy.”

Chrysi looked at her like she lost her mind.

“How, mom? You can’t rebuild, change the world, can’t repopulate, and can’t perish. What else is there?”

Starlight looked pointedly at her and asked softly.

“Do you know why today is considered by me to be the best day of my life?”


Grinning, Starlight said.

“Pay attention. It’s about to happen.”

At that moment, Twilight ran up to the table, with Celestia hot on her hooves. Both looked an absolute wreck; dripping crimson staining their fur, wing ripped open, Celestia’s face even had a gash below her eye. And both were grinning ear-to-ear.

“Starlight, Starlight! I won!”

Celestia looked ashamed and said, begrudgingly.

“Yes, she really bested me. Princess Starlight, um, can you help us clean up the town?”

Starlight gave a secret wink to Chrysi, before saying in mock anger.

“Alright, what did you two destroy this time?”

Looking pitiful, Twilight winced.


“What do you mean by everything?”

Turning to see a very cross-looking Chrysalis, followed by Cadance, marching towards them. Celestia chimed in, answering before Twilight had a chance.

“You have to come to see for yourselves, it’s hard to explain.”

Rising from her seat in apparent rage, Starlight yelled at the hapless duo and stormed towards the castle entrance; while secretly gesturing to Chrysi to follow them.

“We just finished repairing your last mishap! What am I going to do with you-?”

Her words cut off in mid-sentence as she stood in the doorway looking out. Tears welled in her eyes as she smiled and kissed Twilight.

“My answer is yes.”

Chrysi peered out the doorway and that's when she saw it. There on the hillside written in roaring flames were the words:

“Starlight, will you marry me?”

That’s when it clicked. There was still one thing that mattered. At that moment, however, the unmistakable voice of Pinkemena entered her mind.

“Times up girls, I got to bring you back now. Open your eyes.”

Chrysi’s eyes lit up as she looked around, once more she was by the strange gears, once more her foreleg was metallic. Her HUD informed her six hours had passed since she had closed her eyes, and as she watched Pinkie help another couple, she noticed that she had nothing in her hooves the entire time.

Beside her, Starlight had powered on once more, as well, and Chrysi turned to look at her. Her words were metallic and static-filled as normal.

“So eternity in this world, huh?”

“That’s right.”

Turning back to stare at Pinkie, she thought about how the Party Pony made no sense to her and really was a mystery. Perhaps she was right, what she said earlier.

Smiling, Chrysi glanced at Starlight, who seemed to be forlornly examining her wings, trying to rustle them; to no avail.

“I can do that. Hey mom? I got something I want to do.”

Without another word she walked over to Pinkie and tapped her on the shoulder. As Starlight watched her with an amused expression, Pinkemena turned around and was met with a grinning Chrysi, inches from her muzzle.

This mystery is pretty alluring after all.

“I’ll think I'll take you up on that offer after all, what do you say we check out the Charging Love, together after this tent closes?”

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