• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 3,267 Views, 130 Comments

Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

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Chapter 9: Empathy.EXE

Twilight stood there in silence as Rainbow Dash flew in for a landing, calling out to her. The Princess was more focused on the three powered down forms of the fillies on Rainbow’s back; having immediately started a scan of them.

Whereas Starlight could be quite compulsive, unlike her partner, Twilight refused to act without understanding everything about a situation; sometimes to her detriment. She would calmly analyze every possible detail before moving a single hoof. While this particular habit had led to many mishaps, it had led to many more favorable situations.

The Elements were well aware of this; especially the fact that while scanning, Twilight wouldn’t respond, move or even acknowledge their existence before her scan was over. Seeing Twilight scanning her, Rainbow fell silent. Though she didn’t know what exactly Twilight saw, Rainbow knew she had a reason for it.

No creature knew what it was Twilight saw when she performed her scans; what they did know was she was the only one who could perform such a scan. Her scans seemed to tell her everything from external to internal issues both physical and mentally related. After performing them, Twilight somehow knew everything about what caused the issues and she never failed to say exactly what was needed to be heard at just that moment. And so Rainbow waited patiently, not moving a rivet while the scan took place.

Meanwhile, Twilight silently ran her scan of Applebloom:

Initiating Empathy.EXE…
Designation: Applebloom Apple
Beginning preliminary scan of exterior…
Detected: Burns of unknown origin…
Location: Exterior. Burn indicators on Chasis, Left Foreleg, and Neck.

I see that. Her barrel is scarred by strange scorch marks, there’s more on her left foreleg and her neck, too. Strange.

Comparing pattern to known burn causes...
Fire Damage: Negative

Agreed. She is immune to flames, fire wouldn’t do this.

Electrical burn: Match found…

You may be right. These burn scars are reminiscent of Electrical burns. The exterior seems to have been scorched by an arced current. We agree on the cause, but how and what does it mean?

Reason: Inconclusive…
Continuing Scan…
Interior Scan initiated…
CPU shows signs of electrical arcing…
Chassis contains shorted wiring…
Foreleg has a broken rod…
Core Systems are non-responsive…
Conclusion: Applebloom has suffered an EMP discharge.

I agree. Applebloom has suffered an electrical discharge that has disrupted her functions…I see. She was knocked unconscious, and due to the strain on her frame from the sudden shutdown, her foreleg snapped from stressed metal. Repairable. And the others?

After a minute of analyzing the two, Twilight concluded they too, had suffered almost exactly the same fate as Applebloom. Hm, I see. And Rainbow didn’t get away unscathed either, but my daughter is nowhere to be seen. So the question is…

Shutting down the executable, Twilight sighed and looked the Pegasus straight in her Magenta-colored LEDs; her voice wasn’t raised, more like she was disappointed as she asked Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow, Chrysi did this, didn’t she?”

The lights in Rainbow’s ocular receptors dimmed as she lowered her head; almost as if ashamed to answer. That movement alone, however, told the Princess of Empathy everything she needed to know. After a moment of silence, Twilight smiled, and in a gentle, almost loving voice asked Rainbow.

“I see, alright don’t worry I’ll handle it. You were swimming over by the ruins of Pinkie’s Rock Farm, weren’t you?”

Rainbow head still lowered, nodded. Her words filled with bitterness

“Yes, and then she- and I couldn’t even do anything!”

Twilight’s horn glowed with a bright amethyst and a bright flash of light came forth; saying one last thing to Rainbow.

“You did good Rainbow, it wasn’t your fault. And about my daughter, we’ll take care of it, don’t worry.”

With those words, she was gone. Rainbow raised her head, a confused look on her face. Did Twilight say ‘we’? Unsure of what she meant, Rainbow instead focused on the other part; she really needed to hear that. It wasn’t my fault. She could tell that Twilight had been talking about something that had been on her mind for years. Rainbow smiled, Twilight always knew just what to say.

Raising her head and feeling surprisingly more energized, Rainbow carried the three fillies on her back as she headed towards Applejack’s tent. These three need repairs, As she walked, Rainbow grimly entertained herself by practicing what she would say to Applejack about Applebloom’s condition.

So Applejack, your sister that you trusted me with got fried. Oh yeah, AJ is gonna disassemble me for this one. And then there was Rarity’s sister as well. As for Scootaloo, though the filly was an orphan, Rainbow was mentally tearing out her own metal feathers for letting her adopted sister get injured. I’ll definitely be visiting the Party Tent after this. By Starlight’s wings, I could just dismantle somepony for a cold cider, I miss that taste.

Looking up at the never-ending sun as she entered Applejack’s tent, Rainbow sighed in resignation. I miss sharing it with you girls, too.


Twilight looked on at the metal dragon as it showered the landscape with emerald flame. Watching the erratic thrashing of the roaring form her adopted child Changeling had taken, Twilight took in the sight with a slightly saddened smile. A dragon, huh? What do you think? It kind of fits, doesn’t it?

Receiving no answer, Twilight rolled the lights in her eyes, before bringing up her extensive mental library in her HUD. C’mon you, time to wake up. I need your help. She smiled as the familiar screen of green appeared, with its scrawling blue text:

Initiating Empathy.EXE…
Designation: Chrysi Glimmer (AKA) Queen Chrysalis
Model: Changeling Monarch…
Status: Dragon? ERROR
Dragon: Extinct
Inconclusive data found…

Don’t forget Changeling transformation magic, that is why she is in that form. My question is why?

Affirmative. New Query: “Why Chrysi transformed?”
Query accepted…
Gathering data…
Beginning Exterior Scan…
No Physical damage detected…

I don’t think this is physical this time, do me a favor and scan for any unusual behavior.

Affirmative. Scanning…
Anomaly Detected: Quivering with 2 degrees of deviation…
Reason: Shivering…
Conclusion: Inconclusive.

See anything else? She wouldn’t be shivering for no reason.

Detected: Unusual roaring frequency, deviation in normal pitch by 10 decibels…
Reason: Screaming…
Tone indicates fear…
Conclusion: She is currently scared.

Is there anything around here that could have scared her? I don’t think she would just go ballistic after the training Starlight gave her with her emotions. Do me a favor, scan the surroundings, there has to be more to this.

Anomaly Detected: Bone Shards…

Wait, bone shards? Where?

Fragments located 2 clicks south, 4 clicks northwest, and 2 clicks east…
Conclusion: Result of Combat

Hm. Empathy, can you determine what the bone fragments belong to? Specifically, what creatures they were?

Affirmative that is doable…

Please do so.

Gathering Data…
Confirmed: Several Species Identified…
Conclusion: Remains are of Dragon, Changeling, Earthpony, Pegasi, Unicorn, Yak, Hippogriffin, Griffon

I see. I was right. Rainbow’s group was attacked by the Smoozlings. Chrysi became a dragon to fight them. But what about the EMP source?

No source located…
Cause: Unknown…
Conclusion: Inconclusive

While Twilight pondered this mystery a wayward blast of emerald fire shot towards her. Reacting with her Alicorn’s grace, Twilight used her wings to part the fire as it struck her; Flaring her metallic wings to their full width, the flames were torn in half to fall on either side of her; feeling a sudden jolt throughout her systems as she did so.

Her body stiffened and her HUD blinked in and out for several seconds, and as she desperately fought to restore her own internal workings, she understood. This fire, so that’s it. Her flames are infused with a magnetic discharge.

Had she been a regular pony, there was no doubt in her processor that she would have been completely shut down. Running maintenance of her core systems, Twilight’s horn glowed again and again, as she replaced wires, welded, and rebuilt herself; piece by piece, the pain unimaginably excruciating.

Just when she felt her system would crash from the overloading of her pain sensors, Twilight watched a familiar green screen appear in her HUD once more, and text scrawled across it, though not in the usual way:

Initiating Empathy.EXE…
Damage Detected…
Concern initiated…
Princess Twilight are you okay?

I’m fine Empathy. Good to see you survived the shock.

Detected: Several damaged components
Concern initiated…
You cannot lie to me, Princess. You know this.

Alright, you got me. Empathy I am in a lot of pain right now, can you help me by shutting down my pain receptors temporarily?

I cannot interact with other systems, Princess…
I can only provide support…
That is my only function…

Don’t feel bad, Empathy, your assistance is and always has been just enough. Talk to me, these repairs are going to take a while. Chrysi is quite dangerous, isn’t she?

Affirmative: She is definitely your daughter.

Twilight winced as she took a deep breath and tore her now useless wing from her body, tossing it to the side and screaming internally at the shocking agony that filled her body. However, on her HUD scrolled new words, catching Twilight’s attention.

Princess, Focus on me, not the pain…
You can do this. I am here for you…

Giving a slight snort at those words, Twilight’s horn glowed brightly. As she fought through the pain. Aided by the Empathy program, the two conversed back and forth about everything and nothing, while Twilight continued slowly reconstructing her body under the blazing sun.

Meanwhile, Chrysi continued flailing and thrashing about on the outskirts of what had once been the Pie’s Rock Farm, now nothing but a valley of flowing lava; as it had been for the past four years.

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