• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 3,267 Views, 130 Comments

Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

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Chapter 7: Overclocking-Part One

Twilight lay on the hillside, underneath the radiant beams of a silvery full moon. Laying beneath the shaggy star-filled wooly blanket, she rested her head on the flank of Starlight; the warmth of her partner’s body giving her unending comfort. Both lay there, as the wind gently swept across the rolling pasture, watching the silvery stars of the night sky.


Twilight laughed as Starlight gave a playful wiggle, and rolled over, before nestling in beside her.


Draping a wing over Twilight, Starlight gently nuzzled her.


Twilight gave a contented sigh, before asking her partner.

“Do you ever miss doing this? The grass, the moon and stars?”

Starlight thought about it for a moment, before replying.

“Not really.”

Taken by surprise Twilight asked her, why not?

Gently kissing her forehead, Starlight said softly.

“The grass, moon, the stars and even this hilltop, none of it mattered to me, Twilight. The only thing I miss from those days, is being able to feel the warmth of your body as you lay next to mine.”

Twilight playfully rolled into Starlight.

“You are so cheesy sometimes, honey.”

Starlight giggled.

“Well, you are the one who proposed those decades ago, so I must’ve been doing something right."

Laughter erupted from both, as Twilight gave a slightly less humored sigh.

“I suppose it’s time we go back. Thanks for the lovely evening, sweetie.”

Starlight nodded.

“It was wonderful, thank you for watching the stars with me.”

Sharing a final kiss, both shouted.

“End Date Simulation!”


Both Starlight and Twilight sat up, opening their eyes. Sharing a glance, the two mechanical Alicorns reached up and disconnected the cord that connected them, from the jacks located beneath their right ears; the real world coming into view once more.

Rising wearily, Starlight grimaced as the groaning of the stressed gears in her legs could be heard. Unfolding her wings with a scraping squeal, the sound of rusting metal struts echoed throughout the tent. Twilight stared at her partner.


Ignoring her, Starlight sighed, finally standing fully erect. Before her eyes, she watched a warning indicator telling her she had 3% battery left; for the past five days, she had spent every waking moment with Chrysi, teaching her how to use her new body and control her emotions. She had skipped multiple recharge cycles and she was feeling it. Although she had a greater energy pool as an Alicorn, Starlight knew she was running on fumes.

She felt the groaning of her body, the non-stop use of her metallic form causing dangerous stress between her gears, and the various parts of her body were threatening to fracture under the over-use. Not only that but she had also been skipping the daily oil baths that were a necessity for the robotic ponies, her metallic flesh had begun rusting and her wings strained to unfold.


Though still gentle, Twilight’s words were more firm. Starlight, however, started towards the tent entrance.

“I’m going to go check on Chrysi.”

Twilight suddenly slammed her hoof down with an audible thud. Dropping the gentleness, she sharply shouted.


Starlight turned to look at her, the creaking and whining of metal making Twilight wince; the squealing constantly ringing in her audio receptors.

“What, Twilight?”

Smiling sweetly, Twilight told her.

“You are taking today off.”

Starlight just stared at Twilight for a moment and let out a weary sigh.

“Twilight, I have to go check on…”

Starlight, being lifted into the air already by a levitation spell, face hoofed as Twilight smirked.

“Nope. You are taking today to relax.”

Walking over to the Princess, Twilight gently nuzzled her before whispering softly.

“Listen, sweetie. You carry a heavy weight; the weight of all life on this planet.”

Her eyes dimming slightly, Twilight spoke mournfully.

“The last remains of life on this planet that is.”

Her eyes brightened and smiling, she vigorously tickled Starlight with her metallic feathers; Starlight rolling her eyes at the taunting gesture, being completely unable to feel it.

“Starlight, I am so proud of you for taking your new role as a mother this seriously. Even though our new bundle of joy has a bit of a scratched hard drive, I can see how much you are doing for her. What with informing the Elements of her errors and glitches so they can work with her as well. Be that as it may, you are shouldering far too much.”

Sitting on her haunches, Twilight shook her head, her energetic tone gone, and the LEDs that made up her ocular receptors dimmed in sorrow.

“When they fell, you took up the mantle; when the countries of Equus, those countless lives were lost to that vile abomination-”

Starlight stiffened as she levitated at the mention of her one failure; the one she couldn’t save. Twilight continued.

“You led the way. They look to you for strength, I look to you for strength. You know that. But what do you think will happen if you do your rounds like this; in your rusted, stressed, and exhausted state? Sweetie, we are a team, and you are not alone; and right now, you are on the verge of breaking down; you are trying too hard to be everything to every creature. We are a team, you need to let me carry some of that responsibility. So do me a favor.”

Twilight stood up and lowered Starlight to the ground, pulling her in a hug with her wings, as she whispered in her wife’s ear.

“Take today off, and get refreshed. I can handle your side of things for one day, while you enjoy a day of pampering maintenance over at the RariBelle Workshop.”

Starlight just nodded. Her battery was just too low to formulate words, and besides, she had to admit a full twenty-four hours of non-stop pampering, metalwork massages, recharge and oil soak sessions, sounded amazing.

The oil used by the sisters was their own blend; surprisingly conjured by Sweetie Belle, who specialized in magical chemical mixtures, mixing it with solvents and cleaners for rust and corrosion, as well as an alchemical element that would soak into fractures and magically weld them shut. Rarity on the other hoof was widely known for her metalwork massages; smoothing and hammering out any wrinkles or folds upon the transmuted skin.

Twilight grinned, satisfied.

“Good, now let me contact her and get you all set up.”


Rarity stood in a candlelit room, gently pressing her hooves down on the torso of her last customer of the day; the metal bending and smoothing out beneath the light pressure being placed on it. The griffon let out a light cooing as the stress between her joints was greatly lessened.

“Oh, that’s the spot. Right…There.”

Rarity smiled at the reaction. She provided this service to any and all free of charge, but only once a week per customer. The oils soaked into the transmuted skin and made it pliable between her hooves. Slowly she increased the pressure, causing ripples amidst the alchemical metal, which she then smoothed out.

“Darling, what have you been doing to warrant such wear and tear on this gorgeous chassis of yours, Gilda?”

Gilda let out a sigh of contentedness, as Rarity slowly moved down her front, within a moment she heard her talons being bent and shaped to be completely rebuilt and like new again. Though she couldn’t feel it, she could see her own diagnostic display embedded into the ceiling above her head. Her entire mechanical form was displayed with heat signatures indicating exactly where the fractures, cracks, and stressed gears were within her body.

“Been running with the scouting parties for possible expansion of Starlight’s territory. same as last week.”

Nonchalantly, Rarity covered her hooves with a malleable metal and began pulling the griffon’s wingtip. Tugging on, stretching, and smoothing the creases as the liquified metal moved down her hooves, seeking out the cracks and pits in the metallic plumage.

“How many this time?”

Gilda hesitated to answer the question. She knew what Rarity was really asking. Not how many died, or how many came back. How many of the fallen had she recognized? That was what she was asking and every week it was the same question. And this time, she knew the answer would break Rarity’s heart.


Rarity laughed as she levitated a bottle of polish to finish applying the final touch-ups to Gilda’s metallic sheen.

“Just one? So then darling, whose unfortunate soul did you come across this time?”

“Rainbow Dash.”

Rarity stiffened at the name, the bottle of metal polish clattering as it hit the floor and rolled under the repair table.

Gilda asked her softly.

“Are you alright?”

Taking a deep breath and trying to contain her emotions, Rarity levitated the bottle off the floor, apologizing.

“Sorry about that darling, I was just a bit surprised, that’s all.”

Her voice dropped to a slightly bitter whisper. Shortly after the Smooze became one with Chrysalis, it used her magic to raise those it absorbed, bones and all. Rainbow Dash, or at least the one of their world, had gone down protecting her friends. She had also been the first to be reanimated by the Smooze.

“So, you saw Dash, huh? How’s that mare doing?”

“Well, for a reanimated corpse, she isn’t looking so bad, though her mane is gone. Her bones were a bit charred as well, though surprisingly her face was mostly intact. You, uh, sure you’re okay?”

Rarity stayed silent for a moment, before letting out a sigh and gently coating her talons with polish.

“I’m fine Gilda, honest, it was just a shock hearing she was roaming around once more. Besides. Our Rainbow died a long time ago, I watched her perish, myself, as Ponyville fell. Nothing I say…”

Rarity gestured to her horn with her hooves.

“Or cast, can bring her back, darling.”

Gilda smiled, as she rose from the table and admired her metallic body as it shimmered and sparkled in the candlelight.

“You really do some amazing work. I look fresh off the assembly line.”

Pausing for a moment as she folded her wings, Gilda spoke gently as she pulled Rarity into a hug.

“It’s alright.”

Gilda let her go and headed for the tent entrance. Pausing, she looked back, her eyes dimming momentarily.

“I miss her too, Rarity. We all do. Try and smile, though. She wouldn't think it was very cool of us to be sad for her. I’ll see you next week.”

Grinning broadly, Gilda turned and left the workshop. Rarity watched her go, and gave a soft smile, whispering.

“Very cool, indeed darling. Hm?”

Her transmitter was going off. Looking at her battery indicator that now stated 15%, she answered it. She had been ready to head to the back, to jack in, recharge, and call it a day; waiting for Sweetie Belle to get back from her outing with the CMC’s and Chrysi.

“Darling! This is Rarity, what can I do for you Twilight…Hm? Oh my. She’s in that bad of shape?... I see… Closed for the day? Not at all, bring her in…Hm?... Yes Darling, now is fine. Bring her in. Twenty-four hours? No, it’s absolutely no trouble Darling.”

15%. Rarity was tired and expected no more customers for the current cycle. 15%. Rarity smiled. 15%, barely enough energy to last another eight hours. 15%. Twenty-four more hours? She wasn’t sure she could do it.

“I’ll be waiting, Darling. See you soon.”

At least, not alone. Rarity brought up her interface, scrolling her contacts and selecting a name. She smiled.

“Fluttershy, it’s Rarity. Can you come to the workshop, Darling? I got a special case on the way, and she could use a bit of your Kindness.”

The other end was silent for a moment before Rarity heard a silky voice speak in a barely audible whisper.

“Kindness? Oh my, y-yes, I’ll be right down.”

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