• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 3,269 Views, 130 Comments

Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

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Chapter 2: A Rusting Inferno

Chrysalis sat there in silence, staring at the two mechanical Alicorns that towered over her; staring unblinkingly into her eyes. She couldn’t get over just how uncanny it was; they looked exactly like the Twilight and Starlight from her world. Though, while Twilight seemed to be calmly scanning her, the mechanized Starlight seemed to be glaring piercingly into her soul.

While Twilight analyzed her, Starlight spoke in a horribly grating snarl, her horn still alight with a ball of dark blue magic; now crackling with an electrical impulse.

“Don’t. Give. Me. A. Reason.”

Chrysalis shivered as she stared into her eyes, the murderous red glow emitting from them, renewing her resolve to stay absolutely still. There was no mistaking it; Starlight had nothing but hatred for the Changeling.

In her world, Starlight had been one of the first to forgive her, one of the first to let the past be the past. Here though, Starlight’s rage was barely contained and Chrysalis couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness at the sight; what was it that had caused such a warm Unicorn to become such a hateful Alicorn? What happened to you?

“That’s enough, sweetie, you’ve made your point.”

Twilight had finished her scan and also taken notice of the destructive energy emanating from Starlight. With the clattering of metal plates, her wings extended and before Starlight could move, she swiftly wrapped her partner in an embrace. Chrysalis was amazed at how fluid and detailed the metal that composed their bodies was; she could see each individual feather on her wings.

Twilight gently nuzzled against a startled Starlight’s neck, producing a slight whining from metal rubbing on metal. She spoke; her words, soothing and tender, directing them at her partner.

“No threat detected from her, why don’t you go start a new charging cycle? I can see your energy levels are low and I need you at peak proficiency.”

“Negatory, Twilight I will not-”

Twilight was having none of it. Her words were slightly firmer in tone, she still maintained her loving tone.

“No negotiation. You know arguing yields no results with me. I am always victorious.”

The eyes of Starlight were no longer a blazing red, instead, they now shined with her more recognizable dark blue radiance. As Twilight spoke, Starlight resigned to her partner’s directive and Chrysalis watched as she rolled her eyes, listening to her.

“Now, off you go. I shall be alright, I promise. Go recharge your batteries, and do a routine maintenance check on the status of the girls while you are at it. Rainbow Dash has been crying on her mat lately, though she tries to conceal it from my scanners and I am concerned this may have to do with, well-you know-what. “

Starlight nodded and gave a simple, snarky confirmation as she walked towards the tent flap; her hooves loudly clanking on the ground.

“Affirmative. Command has been processed and parameters are acceptable. Your directive will be carried out.”

Twilight called out to her, ignoring the sarcasm, right before Starlight left.

“Oh, and get our guest some armored covering; when the sun fully rises, she’ll be incinerated otherwise, as she is fully biological and I will not be happy should that happen. Thanks, love.”

Stopping instantly, Starlight let out a distorted sigh of defeat. Without turning her head, Starlight replied.

“Just be careful around her. I’ll synthesize some liquid plating for her after I check on the girls. I love you too.”

With that, she walked off, and Twilight turned back to Chrysalis. Noisily sitting down on her metallic haunches, she folded her wings once more. The metal plates caused a strange jingle-like melody as she rustled them; a habit Chrysalis recognized as an Alicorn getting comfortable. Chrysalis couldn’t help it, she smiled at the sight. Just like mine used to. At once her eyes widened as Twilight’s words finally sunk in. Frantically, she swamped Twilight with questions.

“Wait…What do you mean ‘incinerated’? What happened to the sun? And…What’s liquid plating?”

Twilight, who had been fidgeting to find the perfect roosting position, stopped fussing and glanced up. Cocking her head with an almost amused expression, the Alicorn simply stated, in her distorted gentleness.

“Go to the entrance of the tent and open the flap, do not set one hoof outside the tent. Tell me what you see.”

Slowly rising, Chrysalis slowly made her way to do as she was bid. Sweat from anxiety started dripping down her sleek Changeling form, as she approached the opening. No. Chrysalis felt her body temperature skyrocketing as the sweat intensified. This isn’t from anxiety at all! The temperature's increasing!

Slowly pulling open the flap, Chrysalis’s eyes went wide with shock and fear; the world outside the tent was engulfed in flame. What should have been rivers were boiling and hissing with untold amounts of steam, while the ground itself had seemed to become scorched with ash marks erupting in plumes of molten rock. She watched as Ponies calmly went about their business; even stopping to talk to others, none of them acknowledging the raging inferno that licked hungrily at their bodies.

As she stared in horror at the sight, Twilight spoke up softly from behind her.

“Welcome to Exoquestria, Chrysalis.”

Turning slowly to look at Twilight, Chrysalis was met with a sorrowful smile.

“Don’t worry about the flames; you’ll get used to them soon enough.”

Chrysalis, taken aback, could only stammer at her.

“B-but the fire, where’s Princess C-Celestia? W-why is the sun so close?”

Instantly Twilight’s eyes took on a mournful expression, the amethyst shine dimming as she answered.

“Dead. Luna too. Nopony controls the sun and moon anymore…They do as they please.”

It sounded like she wanted to cry, but being a machine; couldn’t shed any tears. Chrysalis had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that she knew. No. How she knew, she didn’t have a clue, but she knew. Starlight’s anger towards me. Swallowing hard, she asked the question she already knew the answer to.

“How did they die?”

Starlight’s grating voice spoke up behind Chrysalis before Twilight had a chance to answer. There was no anger in her words, instead, it sounded almost pained; hurt. Filled with the agony of having been betrayed.

“You killed them.”

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