• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 3,267 Views, 130 Comments

Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

  • ...

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Chapter 20: Dashie: Cancelled Beta

***3 days before Twilight was repaired***

Dash walked towards the recharge tent, her battery blinking on critical she should have been recharging half an hour ago. She knew Rarity was going to ream her for being late for a recharge cycle, Applejack likewise would lecture her senseless, and Dash couldn’t be happier. She wanted them to yell at her, she wanted them to hurt her, but they already knew that. It’s the only way to atone for what I’ve done.

Taking her position between the two, Rainbow connected her charging cable and powered down; the mechanical body she possessed going limp; a smile on her muzzle.


Dash looked around her as she materialized; the sight of a luxuriously plush queen-sized banister bed causing her to grimace. Its bedspread was as smooth as a foal’s flank, while the sheets were of hoofwoven Saddle Arabian silk threading. The frame of the bed consisted of forged gold and various gemstones.

It wasn’t just the bed either. The dresser, the bookshelves, even the strange exotic vases, paintings, and plants. All of it was extravagant and almost regal in nature. Dash sighed as she caught sight of her reflection. I never should have told them about my past.

She was wearing a crown cast of platinum with a lightning bolt-shaped ruby embedded within the crest. Did they really have to dress me in this manner? She looked at the ensemble she now wore. Rarity is too good at recreating outfits. It was a gown, crimson red woven of a gossamer made from the moon’s light and embedded with a strange silvery variety of stone. This is eerie, she really recreated my formal attire. Even the Illumis? Those crystals were rare, even in my world

Staring at the stone, she thought momentarily of how it looked exactly like the one her mom gave her on the day of her coronation. Her ascension to Princess of Loyalty, and Ruler of Equestria had been a momentous occasion for the daughter of Queen Celeste.

Her eyes cleared and once more she gazed upon her reflection, and her eyes narrowed in rage. No! This isn’t me. I’m no ruler, not anymore. This isn’t me-

“This isn’t me!”


With ferocity, as the desperate scream tore itself from Dash’s throat, she smashed her forehoof into the glass mirror; shattering it instantly. Furiously she attempted to grab the fabric in her teeth, to rip off the ensemble; the pain on her face culminating in the tears streaming down. Over and over she tried, but nothing happened. This isn’t me! I have to get this off! This isn’t me anymore. Why won’t this come off? This isn’t me. Please come off! This isn’t me!

Throwing herself to the cloud flooring, Dash sobbed uncontrollably and wrapped her wings over her eyes; having given up the futile efforts to take off the royal couture. That’s when she heard the voice of another.

“I heard you crying. Is something the matter, Princess Dashina?”

Dash suddenly stopped crying; the use of her real name startling her. The words were cold and uncaring, but Dash recognized the speaker immediately.

“Mistress Rarity?”

“Don’t call me that. You’ve made it clear to me, you have no desire to belong to me. And so, after a discussion with AJ, I’ve decided to let you be free.”

“No! Th-”

“After all, why would a pet, who wished to be bound to my will, so willingly and continuously defy the curfews and restrictions that I instilled upon them?”

“Please I need you!”

A moment of silence followed while Dash shivered in apparent fear. Then Rarity’s voice could be heard once more; her voice conveying no mercy.

“What is this? The 9th…10th time in a row you’ve blatantly disregarded our desires? Not just mine but AJ’s as well? You are very strong-willed about invoking punishment from us. The thing is, we have no interest in tethering and binding the will of an unwilling submissive. Have you forgotten it was you who begged us to ground you beneath our hooves? That you wanted us to control every facet of your life? We did this for you.”


“Take some time and consider what you really want, Princess. We have given you back your freedoms; your possessions have been returned to you. I have no interest in a submissive that fights against my control. Enjoy your freedom.”

“No, wait!”

Only silence greeted the distraught Pegasus. Sitting down on her haunches, Dash began to sob once more, laying herself down and curling into a ball; shivering and whimpering pitifully.

“Please…Don’t leave me. I can’t lose you...Not…again.”


As her hoof left the intercom button, Rarity muttered angrily.


Turning away, however, her face portrayed her true feelings; Her mascara was running down in streaks. Her normally sparkling sapphire eyes were downcast, puffy, watery, and trickling with the anguish in her heart.

Slowly trudging over to the kitchen bar, she pulled herself onto a barstool, before letting out a scream and throwing her head down onto her hooves; sobbing.

“That stupid Pegasus! After all I’ve done for her!”

From behind the bar, a gentle voice spoke up.


“Shut up, Applejack.”

“Come on, Sugarcube. Don’t you think you were being a bit too hard on her?”

“I won’t go through it again, AJ.”

Coming out from the kitchen door, Applejack gently patted her partner on the back.

“You know she isn’t-”

Raising her head, Rarity roared in Applejack’s face.

“I won’t let her die like I did Dashie!”

Applejack didn’t flinch at the outburst, instead, she leaned down and hugged Rarity whispering to her softly.

“She isn’t Dashie though, Rar. Tell you what, I’ll go down and talk to her, why don’t you clear your mind by going and checking on the fillies. Their antics always amuse you.”

Staring momentarily hopefully into AJ’s eyes, Rarity snarled abruptly.

“Ugh, do whatever you wish.”

Applejack just smiled and kissed her on the muzzle.

“It’s alright, Rar. You’ll see. Dash does care about you, as much as we do for her.”


For several minutes, the emancipated Dashina curled into a ball and cried; utterly shattered. This wasn’t happening! Not again…Please! I can’t fail…again. Please don’t leave me. Then came the motorized sound of elevator doors opening.

*Ding, wrrr*

Lifting her wing off her face, Dashina looked hopefully towards the sound. A long elevator connected her room to Rarity’s; a backdoor that had been programmed by Scootaloo at Rarity and AJ’s behest. Eagerly, Dashina rose up and flew towards the elevator; desperately praying for the chance to apologize. As the doors slid open, she watched as Applejack stepped out. Instantly, the distraught Pegasus broke into sobbing, desperate, and almost incoherent pleas.


Dashina fell silent as Applejack’s forehoof lightly pressed against her muzzle. The Earthpony smiled warmly at her and spoke softly, as she grabbed the ex-Princess in a soothing hug.

“Easy there, Dash. Calm down, girl. I’m here for you, I got you.”

Though Rarity had been the sole owner of Dashina; Applejack had been nothing but supportive of the Pegasus’s desires and had been active in her training. In truth, Dashina had become a much-beloved pet for the married mares. Hearing the name Rarity had given her had an instant effect on Dashina. Her frantic sobbing quieted down, though she still cried silent tears, slowly melting into the warmth of the embrace.

Applejack gently ran her hoof through Dashina’s naturally rainbow-hued mane, whispering soothingly; almost as one would a lost puppy.

“It’s alright girl, you aren’t going anywhere, you still belong to her, I promise.”

Whimpering, Dash looked up into Applejack’s inviting gaze.

“B-but she said-”

Gently booping her on the snout, Applejack chuckled.

“If my Rar got rid of everything that upset her, she would have chucked my lazy flank out the door decades ago, and probably every night since then, as well. Don’t worry, she still holds your leash, Dash.”


“Yeah, Sugarcube. Rar just needs some time to herself, you aren’t the only one who is being haunted by ghosts in her past-”


A loud explosion came from the elevator shaft followed by Rarity’s muffled screams of rage.

“Sweetie Belle!”

Applejack sighed.

“Rar’s just a little spooked at the moment. Why don’t you and I sit and talk down here for a while?”

Walking over to the bed, Applejack gave a shrill whistle.

“Here girl! C’mon Dash, come to AJ!”

Instantly, Dash raced over and leaped onto the bed, before rustling her wings and settling in beside Applejack, who gently ran her hoof down Dash’s back.

“Good girl.”


More angry shouting echoed down the elevator shaft.

“Scootaloo, I swear I’ll skin you alive if you don’t drop that vial! No, not literally!”


“Arrrrrgh! My floor! Applebloooooom!”

Applejack flinched and gave a shaky nod.

“Yeah, let’s stay down here a while.”

For several minutes, Applejack gently stroked Dash’s fur with her hoof. Dash, having calmed down considerably, had rolled onto her side, exposing her chest fluff for AJ to pet, and happily rested with her head on AJ’s lap.

Both listened to the sounds coming from the elevator shaft. Terrified screams, Rarity’s raging screams turning into a burst of distorted unholy laughter, and the frantic pleas for mercy from Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom filled the air.

Several more explosions were then heard, as Dash spoke to AJ.


“Yeah, Dash?”

A thunderous sound, like that of a high yield explosive going off, caused the roof above the bed to shake violently, and Dash sat bolt upright. While AJ glanced nervously towards the ceiling, she wrapped a hoof around Dash, to calm the Pegasus. A wicked cackle was then heard as a distorted voice shouted.

“I’ll spare your lives this time, little sister-”

The distortion faded and Rarity’s regular voice could be heard as she shouted.

“Next time, I won’t be so generous, now clean up this mess and don’t make another peep; any of you!”

Looking at Applejack, Dash whispered.

“Mistress is scary.”

Nodding AJ just laughed.

“Yeah, she can become a real nightmare when she gets angry.”

“But, why was she so mad at me?”

“She wasn’t mad at you, Dash. She was mad at her.”



“I’ve heard that name before, but who exactly was Dashie?”

Applejack reached up and removed the stetson on her head, her golden locks spilling forth and swaying in the air as she shook her mane. Staring at the rust-colored stain on the stetson, AJ seemed deep in thought. Taking a deep breath, she let out a sigh.

“After 20 years of asking that very question, I still don’t know how to answer that. In a crowded room, she was alone. She saw nopony or no object unless she could use it. As ruthless as they come, Dashie was the Element of Narcissism, and was the epitome of ‘me, myself, and I’. And yet, somehow, ended up sacrificing herself to protect another.”

Laying down on her back, AJ stared wistfully at the ceiling, as the waves of the past washed over her.

“You see, Dash, Rarity, and Dashie all started nearly 20 years ago. Starlight had discovered that unlocking the inverses of our Elements could grant us an unfathomable power. One by one we found that which dwelled in us; that is, everypony but Dashie. And so Starlight and Twilight called a meeting to discuss how to push her over that hurdle, especially since she never acknowledged us. Coincidentally, Rarity had just been granted the ascension to Nightmare Plaguespreader. It was a very different world, Dash…Then again, so were we.”


20 years ago

“So why did the Princesses summon us?”

Sitting in a chair at a stone table, sat a Unicorn that was as twice as tall as a normal one. Her fur was a deep purple, and her eyes shone like diamonds in the light; pale blue with vertical pupils. Her mane and tail boasted an almost ethereal glow, consisting of white, and purple streaks; sparkling with dozens of star-like glimmers. Shifting in her seat revealed her cutie mark; three diamonds surrounded by strange shimmering stars. Her eyes were creased in fierce scorn, and in front of her lay what looked like a foreleg carved almost perfectly in pure diamond, down to the fibers of the bones.

Next to her, Applejack sat, on her head sat a stetson that was frayed, tattered, and had a very obvious slash in it which was surrounded by a noticeable rust-colored stain. Her bright emerald eyes narrowed in annoyance as she stared across at Pinkemena and Fluttershy. Slowly she tapped her bronze horseshoe-ladened hoof on the table as she watched them.

Pinkie’s normally light pink forehooves had been dripping with fresh red crimson, as she playfully tossed her favorite knife from hoof to hoof; the blade a dark crimson red. This apparently had gotten on Fluttershy’s nerves, causing her to snag the blade out of the air, almost too swiftly to be seen, and was now pointing it between Pinkie’s eyes; her own buttery yellow face now splotched with the same wet, dripping crimson as the blade she was currently threatening Pinkie with.

Throwing up her hooves in surprise, an embarrassed expression crossed her face, as she frantically gestured a placating apology to the irate Pegasus. Fluttershy snorted in response and flipped the knife around, passing it back to its owner.

As soon as the handle touched her hoof, however, Pinkie gave Fluttershy a cheeky wink, before an unsettling smile graced her face. Fluttershy’s eye twitched as the knife vanished from sight, meanwhile, Pinkemena just smiled cheerfully; though it seemed a bit off, and gave off a sense of wicked intent causing Fluttershy to shiver involuntarily. Rolling her eyes, Fluttershy just smiled as Pinkie broke into a fit of giggles.

Applejack sighed and stopped tapping her hoof, turning away from the other two before replying to her partner.

“I don’t know, Rar. Let’s ask Starlight when she gets here.”

“Ask her what, Sugarcube?”

Around the table, all four froze as the sugary sweet voice came from the doorway, in which stood Starlight Glimmer; the Heir to the Throne. Without giving them a chance to answer, she admonished them in a rapid-fire manner.

“Mena, your slashes were sloppily done, you’ll be practicing killing blows after this. Dispose of the body. Now. You have ten seconds. Rarity, no work at the table. I want my little Darling in that seat in five seconds. Sugarcube, remove those horseshoes, no brawling at the table and Flutters, no, you may not kill Mena for ruining your coat. Now hold still while I clean that blood off your fur.”

The words were spoken, swift and calmly, almost as though Starlight was used to such antics from the four. As Fluttershy sputtered and protested, Starlight used a magical cloth to scrub the blood splatters off her muzzle, calling out to Pinkemena as she did so.

“Mena, sweetie, just because you can kill my mother’s soldiers, doesn’t mean you should. Furthermore, as your owner, anything you do reflects on me. So when you do kill my mother’s guards as you have many times before now, make sure your cuts are clean, no frayed muscle, and no splintered bones from now on. Okay?”

A grunting sound was heard from the hallway as Pinkie, apparently attempting to drag a heavy object, responded.

“Yes, Starligh- Ow!”

Twilight was then heard barking at her.

“You will show her respect, or I’ll flay you to doll rags. Got it?”

Stammering, Pinkie winced.

“I-I meant, Y-yes Princess.”

“That’s better. Now get in there.”

Moments later, Pinkemena came sailing in through the open doorway to land in her chair, the magic surrounding her dissipating as Twilight calmly walked back into view. Standing in the doorway as all eyes turned towards her, the ever-hateful mare surveying them with her eyes of shining ruby irises.

“All you, shut up and pay attention. My Starlight has something to say.”

Having finished cleaning Fluttershy’s face, Starlight stood up and walked over to stand beside Twilight. Glancing to the side, Starlight addressed her wife.

“Don’t you think you are being too rough on my little ones?”

Huffing in annoyance, Twilight’s eyes surveyed the four at the table, making sure to look each one in the eyes as she spoke.

“Each one of them is an accomplished killer; were we to give the command each is more than capable of eliminating the entire kingdom’s population, alone. They are not fillies learning to use a knife-”

Taking note of the saddened expression on Fluttershy’s face, Twilight’s eyes softened for just a second as she added.

“Nor are they baby cubs needing mama’s milk anymore-”

Seeing that Fluttershy smiled happily at this, Twilight flashed the merest hint of a smile, herself, before continuing.

“I won’t belittle their accomplishments. Only by sparing none of my wrath, will they know how I feel. I refuse to mollycoddle them. And I refuse to let them get away with anything less than perfection. Anything they do, reflects on us, even away from public eyes. When they do well, we will reward them. When they mess up, they will feel it. Isn’t that right, you worthless mares?”

Around the table, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack gave murmurs of agreement, as Rarity’s tail flicked side to side in excitement at being degraded; the ring at the base of her tail glinting in the candlelight. Fluttershy, however, sat there, blankly staring at Twilight, that is until Twilight calmly walked over and leaned down to stare her in the eyes, whispering to her in a tone all could hear; an almost gentle tone.

“And you, my little cub, what have I told you about threatening others?”

Muttering, Fluttershy averted her eyes, but Twilight was having none of it. Though her tone was gentle, her words carried an air of absolute control.

“Look at me, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy’s eyes slowly moved to focus solely on Twilight, she whimpered, but Twilight continued, her tone never changing.

“Do you want to upset Mama Bear?”

The words had an instantaneous effect, as Shy, the cruelest of the Elements, seemed to regress back to a filly’s mindset. She cried out in dismay.

“No mama!”

Twilight nodded, as though nothing had happened and gave a small knowing smile.

“Then answer me properly, my little cub. What did I tell you about threatening others?”

“Not to do it, unless I have the resolve to carry out my threat.”

“And were you prepared to kill Mena?”

“No mama.”

Twilight nodded and gently ran her hoof on the underside of Fluttershy’s muzzle.

“Exactly. Remember, we don’t threaten others’ lives; we make promises to end their existence. Don’t do it again. Understood, little cub of mine?”

Fluttershy nodded eagerly.

“Yes, mama.”

As Twilight stood up and walked back to Starlight’s side, Starlight chuckled.

“You were saying, ‘Mama Bear’?”

Twilight snorted back in retort.

“You shush, you’re young enough to be an actual foal-”

Stopping mid-sentence, Twilight turned to see a stricken look of actual terror on Starlight’s face. Tears began streaming down Starlight’s face, as Twilight desperately started consoling her; the fierce demeanor having vanished instantly, instead, she looked genuinely concerned for her partner.

“Shh. Shh. Sweetie, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up what your mother did. Starlight sweetie, don’t worry, she won’t hurt you. You’re safe.”

Twilight’s eyes grew wide as she noticed that Starlight’s horn had begun to glow brightly. The look in her eyes caused Twilight to immediately leap between her and the four at the table casting a spell of her own as she yelled out to the startled mares behind her as she faced the enraged face of her wife; the latter of which for some reason didn’t seem to recognize her.

“Get under the table! Now!”

Throwing up a spell shield, Twilight dug in her hooves just as a searing blast of raging heat slammed into it with tremendous force. Again and again in increased velocity, various spells slammed into the magical forcefield; lightning, ice, fire, unholy, and even holy; the five mother elements from which all magic stems. Twilight gritted her teeth and fought off her own urges to strike back; this was not her Starlight, no, this was the real Starlight.

The scared foal that had been forced by Luna to age into marehood through a forbidden and sadistically painful unholy magic; all because Luna could not stand the thought of caring for an adopted foal. Though also granted by the Princess with an artificially obtained knowledge of all magic, Starlight was by far the youngest of all five present; a mere filly amidst mares.

Thrown back into that agony, the now seven-year-old mare showed just as much maturity as she lashed out in fear and anger at the one she called mother; the moments of that unbearable and excruciating agony of her bones growing, her skin tearing from being unable to keep up, her organs twisting and changing, ringing in Starlight’s mind.

And Twilight knew this; refusing to counter the blows. She stood there gritting her teeth as the magical tantrum started causing chips and cracks in her shield. In seconds it would shatter, and kill all present; Twilight noticed a momentarily lull in the onslaught as Starlight panted in exhaustion, and at that moment Twilight dropped the spell shield and rushed forward; enveloping Starlight in a loving embrace.

“I’m here, she can’t hurt you. I promise.”

Her words fell on deaf ears as Starlight began hitting her with her forehooves. Screaming into her face with utter hatred.

“I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you! I’ll -mmmph!”

As she screamed and raged, as the blows struck Twilight with enough force to shatter concrete, Twilight placed her lips on Starlight’s own, interrupting her tirade. Rather than fight it, Starlight instantly melted into the warm embrace, but Twilight knew that it wasn’t because of her kiss. No, it was because of Starlight’s mother’s own perverted predatory nature. Another unspeakable crime that Luna had afflicted and conditioned her daughter with time and again as Starlight screamed pleas to gods that never answered.

As the bloodlust dissipated from Starlight’s eyes, Twilight held her tightly, refusing to let go. Closing her eyes, she renewed the vow in her mind; the one she had told Princess Luna to her face the night she and Starlight were wed:

I’ll kill you, Luna, for what you did to her.

“Twilight, what’s going on? Why are you bleeding?”

Opening her eyes, Twilight found herself staring into the normally, empty, placid violet eyes Starlight possessed; there was no sign of tears, no sign of any emotion other than concern for Twilight’s now bleeding muzzle. Wiping her hoof across her dripping muzzle, Twilight just shook her head.

“It doesn’t matter. The time has come to put the final piece in place.”

She watched Starlight turn to address the four mares that unbeknownst to Starlight, Twilight had sent an all-clear signal behind her back; causing them to come out from under the table and take their seats once again as if nothing had happened.

I’ll kill you, Luna. Your days are numbered.

“Alright, girls, the time has come to discuss the blue pegasus in the clouds.”

Instantly a look of disgust appeared on Applejack’s face.

“Ugh, what’s Dashie done now? I swear if she bankrupted that damned factory again, I’ll snap her neck!”

Rarity gently placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Come on, now Darling, surely you don’t mean that.”

Applejack angrily twitched as she shouted back.

“Don’t you darling me, Rar. My *ahem* associates and I spent hundreds of thousands of bits greasing the hooves of Cloudsdale’s higher-ups. I spent the better part of a year ‘convincing’ the residents it was in their best interest to let Rainbow open that factory, not to mention the propaganda campaign we ran about failures being a blemish on the Pegasus’s reputation, convincing them to send those that failed in the work or flight tests to the factory to be ‘put to better use’.”

Rarity flicked her now luxurious violet coifed mane with a white-furred hoof, the amulet around her neck and the ring at the base of her tail sparkling in the candlelight.

“And you’ve done a wonderful job darling, there’s no reason to be a sour apple.”

Twilight’s eye twitched in annoyance as Applejack brought her hooves crashing down on the table causing cracks in the supposedly indestructible stone it was made of. Shouting, Applejack’s natural mannerism of speech started to show in her ire.

“She didn’t even say thank you! Gave ‘er my services fer no cost an’ she didn’t even so much as bat an eye!”

Starlight shook her head as Twilight twitched, causing her partner to stay put as she addressed AJ’s outburst. Her words were ones of a well-worn sorrow.

“That’s not fair, you know, Sugarcube.”

Applejack stiffened as Starlight used her personal name for the mare. Closing her eyes, Starlight swayed in place as though hearing a melody none other could. Her eyes flew open as she continued.

“Dashie’s well aware of what you did for her, what all of you have done. What…I’ve done for her. She cannot express how much pride she has for her friends. Not that she doesn’t want to, but even if she did, her Element of Narcissism would not permit her to acknowledge the efforts of others. After all, none can be greater than her. She knows what you did Sugarcube, she’ll just never let you know that she knows.

Still, the melody of harmony requires one more piece, one more complete bearer. And that is why you were called here, to finally awaken that which lays dormant within her; to finally awaken her Element of Loyalty.”


“In the end, we came to the conclusion that only Rarity’s Selfishness could counter Dashie’s Narcissism; we had her lay claim to Dashie, forcing the Pegasus to obey her. Well at first anyway. Literally on a leash, Dashie was forced to stay by Rarity’s side, but then as she struggled against her bonds, Rarity’s generosity got the better of her.”

Just then a wicked cackle from overhead was heard.

“Less pleading for forgiveness and more cleaning little sister! And Applebloom, if you think even for a second I’ve forgiven you just you wait until your big sister gets back! She is far less understanding than I am.”

Applejack chuckled and ruffled Dash’s mane, much to the delight of the Pegasus.

“Some things never change. Anyway, much like with you, Rarity’s Selfishness bound Dashie to her will, but Rarity’s element of harmony caused her to dote on Dashie to almost unbearable levels and miraculously awoke Dashie’s Loyalty. And because of her desire to protect Rarity had emerged, she did just that.

A Centaur named Tirek broke into the Canterlot Castle, managing to consume the magical abilities of Celestia and Luna. We were summoned to deal with him and so we came armed to the teeth. We were tossed like doll rags and then he turned on Rarity as she desperately tried to keep her Dashie safe.”


Tirek charged forward as a blur of cyan slammed into his face stunning him.

“Stay away from her!”

Rainbow Dash angrily tensed for another blow but Tirek just smiled his horrible smile.

“That all you got, welp?”

Rarity watched, unable to move with the debris on her leg, screaming at Dashie.

“Dashie don’t do-”

Before the command was issued, Rainbow Dash charged the centaur only for him to grab her skull in one hand and squeeze as he lifted her, struggling, causing Rainbow to scream in pain.


Rarity’s plea fell on deaf ears as a horrible cracking sound was followed by the drip, drip of fresh blood.


Rarity’s eyes went wide. There in front of her still in Tirek’s grasp, was the bloody visage of Dashie’s corpse; mangled and twisted in his grasp.

“No.No. Nonono Daaaaaaaaaashhhhhhhhie!”

In a swirl of shadows, a cold wind blew and Rarity gave into her rage. Her form grew bigger and her fur changed to a rich black in a flash, her eyes resembled diamonds and no longer had any semblance of holding back.

Together, standing alongside Twilight and Starlight, the three managed to slay the massive Centaur; overwhelming him with magical blasts born of pure hatred.

“That’s for Dashie.”

Rarity whispered as the dead Centaur crashed to the broken stone floor.

“That’s for my Dashie.”


“To this day, my little sugarcube, Rar blames herself for what happened to Dashie. She believes her inability to command Dashie at that moment was what led to her demise. I don’t buy it though.”

“What do you think happened?”

“She knew full well she couldn’t win, Dashie wasn’t an idiot. Not by a long shot. Dashie with her Narcissism made the ultimate display of loyalty. I think she finally found somepony she felt was worth dying for.”

Dash was silent for a moment before saying softly.


Applejack paused, her ear twitching.

“Hm, seems to have quieted down up there. Why don’t you reflect on what I’ve said, while I go talk to Rarity about this.”


“Trust me.”

Dash watched as AJ made her way back to the elevator, before laying on her back and closing her eyes; since she was already recharging, she simply turned off her filters for her senses, laying there thinking to herself. Her thoughts slowly shifted to the Rarity from her world. I’m sorry I failed you. Again.

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