• Published 30th Sep 2021
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Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

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Chapter 18- Applejack: Closed Alpha v.1.0

***1 week before Twilight was repaired***

Feeling the comforting sensation of the rustic floorboards, once more beneath her hooves, AJ wore a huge smile as the rest of her materialized within the simulation that she had called home for the past four years. Looking around at the rustic interior of the room, she felt just as she once had back when she could still feel.

Hanging on the wall were two mugshots; her mom and dad, when they were in the prime of their youth. She stared at it, intensely. Both wore joyful smiles; having treated it as just another lark. 45 years ago, in their youth, the two were infamous for robbing every major bank across Equestria. And then they tangled with Princess Luna; having in a drunken stupor decided to rob the royal. Nearly losing their lives in a strange twist of fate, they were the cause for Starlight’s adoption into the royal family.


***45 years ago***

“And so I say farewell, to my treasured advisors, and it is with bittersweet feelings I shall accept the role of mothering their daughter, as is my duty as her Godmother.”

Stepping down from the podium, the Alicorn Princess slowly walked towards a pair of Earthponies, who sat, tied and bound in heavy chains, not even Luna could break. Leaning down to glare into the faces of the pair, Luna spoke quietly to the two.

“If you so much as open your mouths, I will bury you where you sit. Normally, I would not bat an eyelid at the murder of one or two of my subjects, however, you did not kill a random subject or two, did you? No, you killed MY advisors and then tried to empty MY coffers. And not to mention, you endangered MY Goddaughter in the process.”

On her back, a giggling foal poked a hoof curiously at Luna’s starry mane. Luna winced as the foal pulled on her mane and began chewing on it, as happy as could be; entirely unaware her mother and father had been eternally laid to rest beneath the loamy soil of a willow tree.

Watching as they shivered beneath her unblinking gaze, Luna kept her tone even, while her form shook in utter rage.

“I’ve entertained a fair number of ideas on how to exact my excruciating vengeance upon you two. At first, I considered keeping you alive and letting my guards use your bodies as training dummies. Perhaps I could set you on fire and force you to serve as the kitchen’s oven, unable to ever find relief from the pain as my magic prevented you from dying, while you roasted vegetables cooked over your bodies on a spit?

That’s right. I’m not going to kill you. That is far too lenient for what you two have done to me. Shall we go over your crimes together?”

As the infant’s eyes slowly closed to the small rocking motion of Luna’s flank, Luna used her horn to summon and levitate a parchment before her.

“Let’s see, according to the report: 6 hoofcrafted vases, from before Equestria, were shattered. You managed to somehow vandalize my throne in your attempted escape. Oh, let’s not forget Clover the Clever’s Journal was set on fire by you clumsy oafs; as well as my entire feather flipping library. Misty Mane’s sacred mask, shattered by your hooves. What’s this? MY sister’s picture as well? So you managed to break into my chambers, did you? And the list goes on…Stained glass windows…my chamber doors …And finally…You spilled blood all over the 1,600 thread count saddle Arabian rug, given to me by Sonambula; knitted by her as a peace offering. Do you know why my priceless rug has blood all over it...Because you slaughtered my Head Advisors on it!”

Towering over the two helpless Earthponies, Luna resembled a voracious adder, eyeing its prey; her eyes, narrowed in malice and unblinking, doing nothing to dissuade the notion. Opening her muzzle, she spoke quietly to the two.

“Now then, as I am a benevolent and just ruler, I shall give you two options to choose from, listen carefully. Your first option is to work off this towering debt. No, I don’t mean the gold and trinkets you stole or broke in my castle. I’m referring to the lives of my advisors, and yes they were worth quite a bit to me.

I happen to have vacant farmland; a quaint 30 or so acres, covered with a grove of Apple trees in need of being harvested on a daily basis. They sit on that land, enchanted by myself to produce ripe apples every 16 hours from when they’re picked. If you decide to choose this option, you and your kin will mind this land for me.

Every day, you’ll harvest those apples for the neighboring towns and communities. You’ll sweat under the unforgiving sun, and you’ll be afforded no breaks as you use your own hind hooves to knock down the harvest; by kicking the trees. You’ll of course be forbidden from using anything other than those and wooden baskets.

“Naturally, you’ll receive nothing for your troubles, not even gratitude. All you will have is a single barn, an outhouse, and nothing else; I will personally make sure of that. Of course, there is another option you may choose as well.”

Walking slowly behind them, Luna placed her hooves around their shoulders and whispered.

“Choice number two, is you WILL pick choice number one. Take your time, no rush, consider your options before choosing. Let me know when you’ve made your decision.”


Applejack’s eyes narrowed in anger at the photos. She had hated growing up on that wretched farm; that hard, ceaselessly back-breaking labor. Snorting in derision, she turned away from the mugshots, causing another photo to catch her eye. It sat by her bed, on the nightstand; a picture of Applejack and her sister Applebloom in maids outfits, frilled and lacey. And standing between them was Starlight. All three wore bright smiles, and looking at it, always had that effect on AJ; a wide smile appearing on her face.

A moment in time, frozen forever in a snapshot, and one AJ treasured; the very day she had met Princess Starlight Glimmer, for the first time, shortly after AJ got her cutie mark. Hard to believe that was a little over thirty years ago.


“Get off mah fence.”

Completely ignoring the irate shout, a lilac Unicorn mare stood on her hind legs, resting her forehooves on the oak fence. Cheerfully, she spoke to AJ.

“I’m looking for an AJ, would you happen to know her?”

AJ looked at the mare, sizing her up. She seemed to be nothing special; lean build, her legs were scrawny; built clearly for running from a fight, not participating in one. No really stand-out qualities of strength on the lilac-hued hide. Aside from the image of a falling star for a cutie mark, nothing really said special. Probably just another annoying pony come to gawk at her suffering, like the rest.

“Hmph. Get off mah fence, and go away. Ah gotta get back ta work, Ah ain’t got time ta waste with yer kind.”

Turning to walk away, AJ was startled by a silky voice from beside her, as a hoof was placed on her neck.

“Oh Sugarcube, you have never met one of my kind, I can assure you.”

Immediately, AJ turned and slammed her forehoof into the Unicorn’s muzzle with enough force to shatter timber. The loud crunching sound as it struck the mare’s jaw was audible, but she didn’t budge; not even flinching as the hoof was slammed into her muzzle.

In complete and utter shock that the mare didn’t just crumple under the impact, AJ stayed frozen for a second; her hoof still against the mare’s snout. Without a sound, the Unicorn calmly raised her hoof up, and forced AJ’s down; the smile on her face more pronounced as her eyes narrowed.

“Pretty feisty for a beast of burden, aren’t you? I have half a mind to kill you, but I can’t help but notice you never gave me an answer. Do you know AJ? I need to talk to her. Tell me, and I might just spare your miserable life.”

Stammering AJ exclaimed.

“That’s impossible, Ah…How did ya survive that? Ah kicked you with all mah strength!”

Shrugging, the mare responded simply.

“That was your best? Felt pretty weak to me. Perhaps when you wake up, you can finally answer my question.”

“What do ya mean when Ah wake-”

AJ’s words were cut off as a hoof was slammed with tremendous force into the side of her head. Falling to the ground from the impact, she blinked as the world spun around her. With darkness closing in, AJ listened as the Unicorn leaned down and whispered softly in her ear.

“That is how you kick a pony. Sleep well. We’ll talk later.”

And then, AJ knew nothing more until she woke up, hours later.


The starry night sky, greeted AJ as she opened her eyes. What happened? Slowly sitting upright, AJ let out a sudden screech as an immeasurable wave of pain washed over her. Nearby, a familiar voice said simply.

“Oh good, you’re finally awake. Are you ready to answer my question yet? Oh come on, I held back, suck it up. It can’t hurt that bad.”

AJ had fallen backward, writhing in agony from the sudden shock as her body cried out in anguish. The Unicorn from earlier just sighed; she had been waiting for AJ to wake and had enjoyed the now-shattered peace of the night. Rising up to her hooves, she slowly walked over and stared down at the hapless AJ; who was holding her hooves over her face as she screamed non-stop.

Her eyes narrowed in annoyance after a moment, the Unicorn sat down on top of AJ and snapped at her.

“That’s enough of that. Quit whining, stop your thrashing, and lower your hooves; let me see!”

Wrestling with the distraught AJ, the Unicorn was utterly amazed at the vice-like grip the Earthpony possessed; finding it completely impossible to move her hooves from AJ’s face. The more the Unicorn struggled, the more she began to worry. As she successfully managed to finally pull AJ’s hooves away, she flinched at the gruesome sight.

The skull was smashed inwards, and AJ’s eye was a mangled, deflated mess. The fact that the Earthpony was even still alive was a clear indication of powerful magic at play. Staring at it for a moment, the Unicorn seemed unconcerned; casually saying as her horn glowed brightly with light blue magic.

“Hm. Well alright, I guess that could be rather painful. Alright, let’s get you back on your hooves.”

With a satisfied expression on her face, the lilac-furred mare watched the screaming stop as AJ’s face and skeletal structure was completely rebuilt. Moments later, she sat, straddling AJ and admiring her handiwork; perhaps a bit too long, as she was sent flying by AJ, a second later.

AJ stumbled to her hooves to find the Unicorn giggling. Angrily, she shouted at her.

“What’s so funny? Ya break into mah farm, ya cause meh ta miss mah quota, Celestia knows what Princess Luna will do tah meh now, and ya nearly kill meh! It ain’t funny.”

The Unicorn seeing the hurt look in AJ’s eyes, immediately ceased laughing, and stated calmly.

“Sorry about nearly killing you there, it wasn’t intentional. I just didn’t realize you were that strong!”

Aj was confused. Not only did this strange mare sound impressed, but what did she mean by not realizing AJ was that strong? And why didn’t bothering Princess Luna concern this Unicorn?

“What’re ya talking about, ya hit meh! My kick didn’t do anythin’ ta ya.”

Looking surprised for a moment, the mare rolled her eyes as a look of realization spread across her face.

“Oh, right. Here, let me show you.”

AJ was utterly confused as the strange mare walked over to a massive oak tree and held up her forehoof. Closing her eyes, the mare slammed the unyielding tree with clearly all her strength causing an audible crunch, followed by intense wincing from the mare.

AJ’s eyes went wide as the mare’s foreleg had a sharp spike of bone sticking out of the side, and the tree didn’t have so much as a scratch on its bark. The Unicorn cried out in pain as her horn swiftly lit up and the foreleg was restored, panting from the effort. Glancing at AJ, she gestured to the tree.

“Your turn.”

AJ raised an eyebrow.

“Mah what?”

“It’s your turn, get over here and hit this tree as I did. Now!”

AJ didn’t understand it, as she slowly walked towards the tree, feeling strangely embarrassed. The mare had spoken with absolute authority, one that resonated with something inside of her, and one AJ couldn’t refuse. Who is this strange mare? And why am I even doing this? No answers came to her as she took her place alongside the tree, holding out her hoof as the Unicorn had. AJ closed her eyes and mustered all her strength.


With a shout, AJ slammed the backside of her foreleg into the tree’s hard bark, removing it to reveal a one-inch deep gash in the trunk. Beside her, the mare gave a low whistle at the display of strength.

“Yep, you are a lot stronger than any Earthpony I’ve met. Alright, now strike me.”

AJ blinked in surprise. Had she heard right?


Smiling sweetly, the lilac-hued mare said firmly, and somewhat excitedly.

“I said hit me. As hard as you possibly can. Hold nothing back.”

Looking dubious, AJ thought about earlier and asked nervously.

“Ya ain’t gonna hit meh again…are ya?”

Smirking the mare responded, flipping her violet mane playfully, the seafoam-colored stripe twinkling in the moonlight.

“Not if you don’t hold back. Now, everything you got. Hit me!”

Still non-plussed, AJ found herself turning around and tensing the toned muscles in her hind legs, before releasing them in a sudden burst; slamming both of her hind hooves into the Unicorn’s barrel with an audible crunch. Turning around and fearing she might have overdone it, AJ was bewildered to see the Unicorn completely unfazed and unharmed. As AJ gawked at her, she once more lifted up her hoof with a grin.


Slamming it into the rough bark once more, this time there was an audible cracking sound as the Unicorn’s hoof tore through the fibrous timbers of the old tree, breaking clear through to the other side and separating the trunk of the massive oak, from its bottom, and sending the tree toppling down the hill to rest at the bottom.


The mare chuckled, looking extremely pleased with herself, calmly sauntering over and lifting her hoof up to shut AJ’s gaping maw.

“-Is how strong you are against me. Sugarcube.”

AJ was in utter shock, it didn’t make any sense to her. If she couldn’t do that before, then how-? That’s when it hit her. The kick from before. It had happened after she herself had kicked her. And now, the tree after the Unicorn had demanded she strike her. The lightbulb in AJ’s mind came on. Lowering her voice, she spoke carefully, as though methodically trying to work it out.

“Ya used mah strength ta bolster yer own…Somehow ya absorbed th’ impact from mah blow and… then used it ta strengthen yer next strike.”

Looking rather impressed, the Unicorn replied in a gentle, and strangely praising tone.

“That’s pretty well thought out for a slave. You are quite intelligent aren’t you?”

The hackles on AJ’s neck bristled at the word ‘slave’. She hated that word; having heard the loud jeers from citizens of Ponyville as they mocked her each day. As much as she despised it, however, there was no denying that was exactly what she was. Declared the property of Princess Luna, AJ had been forced to labor for no pay, for the mistakes of her parents. AJ had been denied the ability to leave the orchard.

She had not been allowed to attend schooling, which was reflected in the mannerism of the adolescent’s speech; the accent not so much as intended as AJ’s best attempt to pronounce words. Having never been taught normal Ponish, AJ had first learned to speak by mimicking her daily tormentors. Angrily, she snapped at the Unicorn.

“Ah ain’t no slave!”

“But you are-”

AJ froze, as the Unicorn whispered in her ear, a hypnotic and almost tender tone.

“Just a slave. You and every pony in your family; living purely by my mother’s blessing. But you see, I’ve purchased this little farm from my mother, and as such, I’ve purchased your home, your family, and I’ve purchased you.”

AJ felt a shiver of anxiety creep down her spine, as the Unicorn touched the back of her neck before continuing with her mesmerizing, strangely evocative tone.

“Every bit of you belongs to me. From your fiery will-”

AJ felt the mare slowly trail her hoof down her spine towards her hindquarters as she spoke. And still, AJ was unable to move.

“To your well-toned form. Every inch of your very essence belongs to me now.”

Suddenly an involuntary quiver shot down AJ’s hind legs, as the Unicorn sharply smacked her flank, before walking calmly to the front of the spellbound Earthpony; staring her square in the eyes.

“To do with as I please. Oh, goodness! Sugarcube, It’s okay to breathe, you know.”

AJ exhaled sharply, having held her breath, unknowingly, throughout the entire exchange. Gasping and panting heavily, AJ whispered.

“What sorcery is this? An’ why do ya keep calling meh Sugarcube?”

Taking a step back, and smirking at the obviously flustered state of AJ, the Unicorn laughed lightly.

“I’m not casting any magic, but it does seem you’ve fallen under quite the spell. As for why I call you Sugarcube, I find your antics adorable and your figure rather sweet to look at. Why? Do you mind being called Sugarcube by me?”

AJ’s face flushed the color of a ripe Red Delicious, as she muttered in an almost desperate manner.

“No, Ah dun really mind…It feels kinda nice, actually, but Ah does have a name, ya know.”

“Well, before you tell me yours, Sugarcube, let me tell you mine.”

AJ watched as the Unicorn gave a flourished bow and seemed to almost glow in the silvery moonlight.

“My name is Starlight Glimmer, and I am the daughter of Princess Luna. Now then, what is your name?”

Opening her mouth to speak, AJ found no words coming forth. Staring into the confident eyes of Starlight as she stared expectantly back, AJ found herself unable to think of anything but her actual name. She had intended to lie, to avoid her actual name, but all she could think of was her actual name. Lowering her eyes in utter submission and her body becoming uncomfortably warmer by the second, AJ answered Starlight in an almost unnatural level of respect.

“AJ. Mah name’s…AJ. Yer er…majesty.”

“None of that now.”

AJ glanced up at Starlight in confusion. Had she said something wrong?


Starlight stared back at her, her eyes shining brightly.

“Oh don’t get me wrong, I’ll most certainly have you calling me by an m-word title soon enough, but it definitely won’t be ‘Majesty’, and you’ll probably end up screaming it throughout the night. Still, Tartarus before Celestia, as mother always says.”

AJ felt her ears burning and was sure her face now resembled a tomato, with embarrassment at Starlight’s words. Starlight felt a twinge of amusement at the sight before her, before continuing, her tone shifting from evocative to that of a pained sorrow.

“Until then, just call me Starlight. I am no royal. At least not at the moment. Mom insisted that the time has come to prove my worth. As a result, I have been relieved of my status as heir until I show her my mettle in the real world. And so I’ve used what was left in my coffers to buy you and this farm, and a few other properties as well.”

“Mmkay, but-”

“And my first order of business is to shut it down.”

“Ah beg yer pardon?”

“Not right now, you can do that later. What you can do is head to the entrance and wait for me there. And no-”

Smiling gently and leaning closer until she was just mere inches from touching lips, Starlight whispered.

“That was not a suggestion, Sugarcube. Go on, giddy-up. Now.”

Watching in satisfaction as AJ galloped away, towards the entryway of Sweet Apple Acres, Starlight turned, with a wide smile, back to face the orchard that had been the Apple’s greatest torment under her mother’s hooves; her horn glowing and crackling with an intensely blue glow.

“One down.”


Approaching the gatepost, AJ found Applebloom waving at her; holding some weird lacey outfit in her hooves, and wearing a joyful smile. The little filly seemed to be excited about something.

“Hey, sis! Starlight said ta’ tell ya ta wear this by the time she showed up. Not sure what this is fer though.”

AJ watched as the little filly held up a strange almost choker-like necklace; forged of radiant gold and embedded with a strange orange stone cut in the shape of an apple. Underneath the stone hung a just as brilliant rose gold dog tag, which was engraved with just two letters: AJ. What is this?

Clumsily struggling to put on the filly-sized black and white maid’s outfit, AJ took the strange choker from her little sister.

“Ya say she gave ya this ta give me? Isn’t this more yore size? Dern thing doesn’t fit!”

As a loud tearing sound was heard, she sighed.

“Great, now she’ll be all mad at meh. When did ya talk to ‘er anyway?”

“Well, how do ya think she found ya, AJ? I told her where you was when she arrived! She was so nice. She told meh we would never have ta pick apples again if Ah listened to ‘er. Ah like ‘er.”

The golden choker felt strange in her hooves; heavy and yet, natural like she was meant to wear it. Slowly, she placed it around her neck, clasping it into place. A small tingle traveled down AJ’s spine, just as Starlight appeared in a brilliant flash of blue.

Her body framed by the bright blue and white flames of the magical inferno that raged behind her, Starlight fell on the ground; rolling in a fit of laughter as she noticed AJ in the torn outfit.

“Oh gosh, Sugarcube! Hahaha, That outfit…Bwa ha ha!”

“Yeah, Ah think ya got the size wrong, Starlight…erm no offense.”

Ceasing her laughter and trying to stifle further giggles, Starlight nodded, as she lay on the ground holding her sides.

“Well of course it doesn’t fit you, it’s for Applebloom!”

Turning suddenly, her face as red as her namesake, AJ shouted at her sister.

“Ya said this was fer meh!”

Looking startled, Applebloom tried to protest, but to no avail.

“Ahm sorry sis, Ah thought…Ah musta mixed up th’ instructions!”

Turning back to Starlight as she rose from the ground, AJ asked her.

“So this weren’t a gift from ya then, Starlight?”

Starlight was a bit surprised at the almost hurt tone that the Earthpony was using, could it be she wanted such a gift as well? Smiling sweetly, her horn glowed a light blue and emitted a radiating flash of light, blinding AJ and her sister momentarily.

“I’ll tell you what, AJ. Since you do look rather adorable in that getup…”

The light faded, revealing both AJ and Applebloom in identical hoofmaid outfits, while the choker on AJ’s neck glinted in the silvery moonlight.

“You both can wear it. Oh, you both look so adorable, I need a picture of this!”



Both sisters smiled as the photo was taken, by a camera conjured by Starlight; both standing on either side of her, while in the background the magical fire raged on.


Applejack smiled lovingly at the memory. So much had happened since then; since that moment. That’s when her life changed forever. Sighing in contentment, she walked over to the doorway of her simulated bedroom and reached up to flip the switch, when something caught her eye.

There on a rusted nail, it hung; the gold having dulled over the years, the orange gem in the center, cracked and fragmented, and there underneath the gem, a half-melted platinum dog tag dangled. On it a single word: Sugarcube.

Giving it a momentary glance of longing, AJ grabbed her hat from a nearby hook before flipping the switch and stepping through the doorway into a hallway made of clouds; the sound of a running shower from the room across the hall reaching her ears.

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