• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 3,267 Views, 130 Comments

Mechaniquus - DougtheLoremaster

Tossed through a portal as a last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familliar face; her own.

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Chapter 19: Pinkie Pie: Open Beta v1.0

***1 week before Twilight was repaired***

Starlight blinked in surprise as she stared down at the charging pads of the Element’s tent. Not only were the CMCs from before jacked in again alongside the Elements; recharging, but so was her own daughter.

There laying snuggled up against Pinkie Pie, lay Chrysi; the smile on her face saying it all. A cable connected Chrysi to Pinkie’s charging pad, and seeing this made Starlight chuckle; Chrysi was spending the recharge cycle at Pinkie’s house. I’m glad she’s found somepony she resonates with. I do hope she can handle Pinkie’s chaotic nature.


“So this is your home?”

“Yep. This is where I go during recharge. Actually, each of the Elements has dedicated partitioned apartments in this storage.”

Pinkemena flopped onto her half of the bed, twirling her knife, watching in amusement as Chrysalis raced around her apartment examining all the decorations. The entire room was split, right down the middle; with one side being clearly inspired by a festive partyer and the sheer hyperactivity of Pinkie Pie.

It featured balloons, sugary pop bottles, and a DJ stand that gave Chrysi a moment of pause as the vinyl records scratched themselves; reminiscent of a certain Unicorn in goggles she once knew. The floor was frequently changing colors like that of a nightclub while the music played from no visible speakers. Most startling, however, was Pinkie’s half of the bed was literally edible; her half of the pillow made of marshmallow, the half of the bedspread woven of frosting and, the mattress half was made of cake.

The other half was clearly the lair of a deranged pony, with gruesome trophies hanging on the walls, and the dripping style of the somehow wet, crimson “paint”. Faces contorted in eternal screams were stitched to various hides of many colors boasting very familiar cutie marks, comprised her half of the bedspread and pillow. Chrysalis wasn’t sure what Pinkemena’s side of the mattress was made of but just that it made a sickening squishing sound and screamed at her when she poked it. In fact, all the furniture on Pinkemena’s side of the room seemed to be made of a fleshy substance.

While that was pretty strange to Chrysalis, something on the wall caught her attention; a group of around 15 certificates, framed in forged gold and placed around a single photo of Pinkemena and Starlight. Calling back over her shoulder, Chrysalis shouted.

“Hey, Mena? What are these?”

“Huh? Oh, those are my credentials.”


“Of course, I’m not some random serial killer, Chrysi. I am certified to the highest degree, and before the metalling, I was well recognized in my field as one of the best.”

“Your field? So these-”

Chrysalis stared at the silver foiled lettering on one of the certificates:

Luna’s University of Vice

Upon recommendation of the faculty,

And upon authorization of the Board of Trustees has granted

Pinkemena Diane Pie

The Degree of

Master of Sociopathic Killing


With all rights and privileges pertaining thereto.

Given under the seal of Luna’s University of Vice at Canterlot Kingdom, Equestria

Lunar 12, AL 1425

“Aren’t jokes?”

“Of course not, there was no way to make a real living off the wages of being a simple killer. I wanted a career, not a job, y’know.”

“You made money-”

Reading over another certificate, Chrysalis was amazed at all the levels of credentials Pinkemena seemed to have:

Luna’s University of Vice

Upon recommendation of the faculty.

And upon authorization of the Board of Trustees has granted

Pinkemena Diane Pie

The Degree of

Bachelor in Psychopathic Science


With all rights and privileges pertaining thereto.

Given under the seal of Luna’s University of Vice at Canterlot Kingdom, Equestria

Lunar 12, AL 1420

“From killing others?”

Pinkie’s voice came from the kitchen; that Chrysalis was almost certain hadn’t existed a moment ago, where she seemed to be baking something.

“Yep! Mena was once known as the 7th richest being on Exuus.”

“Wait, what?”

Pinkemena laughed.

“It’s true. 140,000 average per kill for everyday creatures, and 465,000 or more for well-known individuals, and thankfully, I never had targets laid out for me; the joy of being a sociopath. Still, it took many years of study and practice to develop my own modus operandi.”

Calling out, Pinkie chimed in.

“But she did it! Starlight was so proud.”

“But how exactly did you get paid?”

Pinkemena gave a sort of lopsided smile.

“Sadly, it wasn’t as simple as just killing a pony and getting paid immediately, if that’s what you’re thinking. It usually took from days to weeks for payment to roll in. And required a lot of labor on my part.”

Chrysalis flopped down in the middle of the grotesquely gory, and frosting bedspread; pleasantly surprised; it felt like regular fabric. Gently pulling Mena against her, she whispered softly.

“We never had such careers in my world, tell me about it.”

Pinkemena looked surprised at this statement while nuzzling Chrysalis.

“Really? That’s a bit weir- oh! Right. Sorry, I forgot. Villains in your world weren’t tolerated were they?”

Chrysalis chuckled as she ran a hoof through Pikemena’s mane.

“Not. At. All. Though I doubt any of them were as sweet as you.”

“You know all this teasing makes me uncomfortable around you.”

Chrysalis giggled and whispered in her ear.

“Oh, does it, now?”

Pinkemena snuggled closer to her marefriend, and kissed her neck passionately.

“Unbearably so. You are so insufferable. I hate you so much, Chrysi.”

Chrysalis grinned and tickled Pinkamena’s chin.

“Good and don’t you forget it. So tell me about this career of yours, what was it like getting paid to kill others?”

Rolling over onto her back, Pinkemena sighed.

“I suppose I can tell you the basics, but let me preface this by saying that even the basics made it a hard career to make a living out of.”

Chrysalis looked surprised.

“Can’t anypony just kill another?”

Pinkemena shook her head, her tone rather serious.

“Regardless of knowledge, Princess Luna had a spell that prevented all from being paid above a skill level; no credentials, no payment. A starting paycheck was less than 15 bits a week. Barely enough for a hay on wheat sandwich, let alone rent.”

“Oh, wow.”

“Yeah, it’s a rough and demanding line of work, but let me tell you, there’s nothing like the rush it gives. Alright so to start, you get one kill per week. And the number one rule is: Don’t get caught. You cannot be seen taking a life, you can kill more than one target at once but if any witnesses escape, you get no commission.”

“So, is that it?”

Laughing, Pinkie could be heard calling from the kitchen as an oven slammed shut.

“Not even close!”

Pinkemena nodded.

“She’s right. Not only did I have to dispatch an individual of my choosing, but I also had to more or less stage the crime scene; decorate with splashes of blood, destroy nearby furniture, cause property damage and even the leaving of my calling card.”

Chrysalis seemed a bit curious at this reveal.

“But, why do all that if you didn’t want to get caught?”

The response that came from Pinkemena gave her chills.

“To put on a show.”


“The murder is just the start. Not only do you need to commit the crime, but you also need it to be found quickly. The fresher a murder is when it is discovered, the better. You see, when the scene is initially discovered, the royal guards are called to preserve the crime scene. They magically coat and preserve every inch of it, and after rigorous attempts to discern the culprit, if they are unable to trace the criminal; name, address, etc… Then the scene is opened up for public viewing.

In front of a gathered crowd, the autopsy is performed and ratings are posted in papers. And if the display was truly well received, reviews are done on the evening news. Based on the attendance and skill in the staging, the funds are then placed in the account of the registered killer.

Though only Princess Luna ever knew exactly who was registered to which registered calling card.”

“Oh, kind of like an art exhibition in a museum.”

“From what you’ve told me, yeah kind of.”

Chrysalis propped herself up on one hoof.

“So what makes a pony decide to kill others as a life’s work?”

Pinkemena took a deep breath, before exhaling slowly, as though thinking of how to answer.

“There’s something you need to understand about Exuus. In this world, the crimes and villainy your kind scorned, were just jobs for us. Killing, stealing, even adultery. All of it was merely the daily bread for those who were deemed members of society. Those who had vices were considered active inhabitants; they were paid, had houses, groceries, and even utilities. But for those who didn’t, only one place in society awaited them; slaves.

Working purely for that night’s dinner. Fail your quota, go hungry. Have an illness? The owner of the property puts you down. Injured? If you are lucky you may be granted one day of rest, with a double quota the next.

I should know. You see, each and every Element aside from Starlight and Rarity started out as a slave to Princess Luna.

Starlight gave us a chance, the chance none other did. I remember when I first met your mother. I was in the kitchen using my knife to slice a rock, having failed to meet my quota on the family rock farm earlier that day, for the fifth day in a row….”


34 years ago

Thunder crashed as the lightning flashed down in the torrential downpour outside, and yet it was nowhere near as fierce as the rage in Pinkie’s heart.


It wasn’t fair!


I was just one rock short.







Lightning struck the massive boulder at the edge of the farm as Pinkie screamed out the word; startling those behind her. Her mother, father, and three sisters sat silently; eating the single boiled potato and steamed carrot on each of their plates.

The mood was heavy in the Pie household. For the last five days, Pinkemena had failed to meet her quota and now she was starving. Cloudy Quartz desperately wished she could share her meal, even give it entirely to Pinkemena, but to no avail.

The enchantment upon slaves was as clear as crystal; those that contribute, get. It wasn’t even possible for them to offer another their food, their clothes, their beds. Not that they didn’t want to, or didn’t have enough to share; the enchantment literally prevented the act of helping others. Sharing was simply impossible and so Cloudy was forced to watch helplessly as her daughter wallowed in the agony of slow starvation.

Silently she prayed to a power she wasn’t even sure she believed in anymore. Wasn’t there anything that could be done? Anything at all, to save her daughter?


The sound of a hoof banging on the front door, caused Cloudy to look at her husband in confusion; who could possibly be knocking on their door so late at night and in such a rainstorm?

Eyeing her husband, the Maretriarch of the household and her partner slowly rose and exited the room. A minute later, the two returned with stricken looks on their faces, followed by three ponies.

One was an Earthpony mare, with orange fur and a braided mane, dressed as a maid in silken garters on her hindlegs. Around her neck was a golden amulet with a jewel-shaped like an apple. A single tag was attached to the amulet and shimmered in the light, revealing the engraved letters: “AJ”.

Standing beside her, was a Unicorn mare, with an amethyst mane and alabaster white fur. Like the Earthpony she was dressed in a servant’s garb, clearly designed to be evocative; a black silken hose, and a red leather corset. In her mane was a red rose clip and around her neck was a golden amulet; similar to the Earthpony’s but this one held a purple diamond-shaped gem inlay. Attached to the amulet was a metal tag on which the word “Rarity” could be seen glinting in the candlelight of the dimly lit kitchen table.

Both were sopping wet, from the pouring rain; their outfits dripping steadily onto the wooden floor beneath them. They shivered silently, and the looks on their faces clearly expressed their discomfort, but neither said a thing; both staying perfectly still and keeping their eyes firmly on the third visitor.

She wore no outfit, and yet from her demeanor; her walk, and her stance, there was no doubt she was the one in charge. Unlike the other two, she was perfectly dry without a hair out of place. She was a Unicorn, with lilac-colored fur. Her mane was a rich violet with a single seafoam green stripe, and her eyes twinkled with a strange light. And those eyes were focused squarely on Pinkemena Diane Pie. In a somewhat silky tone, she addressed the distraught Earthpony.


“So you’re the one who failed her quota again, huh?”

Without warning, Pinkemena whirled around, knife in hoof, slashing at the Unicorn. A gasp of fear came from those behind the mare, but it soon became apparent for very different reasons.

At the table, her sisters, mother, and father, all gasped in horror at Pinkemena’s reaction and sudden aggressive behavior. They were worried about what she had done to the Unicorn. The two that came in with the mare, however, looked mortified, not out of concern for their mare companion, but for the safety of Pinkemena; having been in that position already. The lilac-hued mare chuckled as a steady stream of crimson spilled from her cheek. Reaching up a hoof, she brushed it across her cheek, feeling the noticeable warmth of blood.

“The first one is free. However-”

Her eyes narrowed darkly, as she glanced at her blood-soaked hoof, speaking cheerfully to Pinkemena.

“If you are smart, my little pony, you won’t try that again.”

Glaring at the mare uncertainly for a moment, Pinkemena glanced at the two behind her; both desperately pantomiming to drop the knife. During this moment, the mare introduced herself.

“My name is Starlight Glimmer and I am the new owner of-”

Instantly, as her anger rose, Pinkemena lashed out once more; swinging her blade at the mare. Before she could connect, however, a lilac-furred foreleg caught hers and Pinkemena screamed in agony.

Lacerations of all shapes and sizes, crisscrossed Pinkemena’s body as the Unicorn sighed in disappointment at the Earthpony.

“I warned you.”

Pinkemena heard none of it, as the pain became too much to bear and she blacked out; collapsing in a heap on the floor.

Looking distressed, Starlight turned to AJ and Rarity.

“Why does everypony insist on attacking me, girls?”

The two just sheepishly looked at her, without answering. Starlight sighed and lifted up her other hoof, gently tickling Rarity’s chin and then AJ’s; whispering silkily to both.

“Well, you both learned your lesson, didn’t you? I suppose she will have to learn hers as well, won’t she?”

Pointing the hoof at the table, Starlight instructed the pair.

“Take a seat while we wait.”

While the two obediently found some empty chairs to sit in, Starlight seemed to notice Pinkamena’s family staring at her. Smiling at them, she gestured to herself with her hoof.

“Hello there, allow me to introduce myself. As I was telling your sister, my name is Starlight Glimmer. And I-”

“What did you do to my little sister?”

Cloudy shouted sharply at her daughter.


Pausing to stare at the interrupter for a moment. The gray-furred Earthpony looked calm and placid, but her voice contained the worry for Pinkemena; causing Starlight to smile lightly.

“I promise you, Pinkemena will be just fine. She will feel a world of hurt once she wakes up, but you have my word, she won’t die.”

Maud seemed to be completely stunned by the answer. Starlight continued.

“Before anyponyelse panics; allow me to explain what happened. Much like these two-”

Starlight gestured at the now furiously blushing AJ and Rarity; clearly embarrassed.

“Pinkemena decided to attack me, rather than talk to me. In doing so, she ended up attacking herself. So sadly, she will be forced to face the consequences of those actions; she will feel intense pain, but you can rest assured, I’ll heal her once she realizes the futility of her actions.”

As an unsettling silence descended on the table, Starlight clapped her hooves just as a bolt of lightning caused a spray of farmland to erupt outside the window. A blinding light filled the room and as it faded, a rather menacing glow was visible in Starlight’s eyes for a moment. She spoke cheerily and at the same time, a dark undertone belay her words.

“Now then let’s discuss business. I am Starlight Glimmer and I am the daughter of Princess Luna-”

At that moment an unholy roar of thunder sounded throughout the air, punctuating the introduction.

“And the new owner of this property, and likewise, your family.”

Looking around the table at the Pie Family, Starlight’s smile faded to a frown. It wasn’t anything they did, but glancing at the plates they had been eating from, had infuriated her.

“What is that?”

Pointing at the single scrawny carrot on Cloudy Quartz’s plate, Starlight’s disdain was written across her face.

“Our dinner, your highness. Isn’t it great?”

The sass-filled, grating tone of the speaker caused everypony present to tense up and look towards Starlight, who just smiled at the speaker.

Cloudy Quartz sounded desperate as she called out her daughter’s mannerisms.

“Limestone! Don’t talk like that, I raised you better!”

Starlight, however, just chuckled and held up her hoof.

“It’s alright, I’ll handle this. I’ve dealt with many naughty little fillies like her.”

Snarling, Limestone growled at her.

“Who are you calling a filly?”

Starlight’s voice took on a silky, sultry tone as she responded, causing both AJ and Rarity to stiffen upon hearing it; having clearly been on the receiving end of it before.

“You, little one.”

“I’m not a filly, I’m a mare!”

“No, you aren’t.”

“Yes, I am!”

Starlight sauntered over to her and in an almost mesmerizing motion, used her hoof to gingerly brush Limestone’s mane. Her voice was slightly fiercer as she replied.

“No. You aren’t. Because you see, little filly-”

Limestone seemed to be frozen in place at the touch of Starlight, as she slowly brushed the light gray mane; over and over, gently sliding her hoof along Limestone’s neck as she spoke sweetly.

“A mare wouldn’t possibly speak in such a disrespectful tone to me. She would be well aware of just how much power I wield, and how dangerous mouthing off to me can be. At least one taught proper manners by her mother and father, isn’t that right, little filly?”


Gently clicking her tongue, Starlight spoke admonishingly, cutting off any of Limestone’s attempts at retorting.

“Uh, uh, uh. A filly should mind her tongue while the big mares are talking. It really is such a shame, you see, my mother told me I would find five mares and one stallion in this house. So far, however, I’ve only seen three mares-”

Gesturing slowly to Cloudy Quartz, Maud, and then the one next to her, Starlight smiled.

“Three mares, who are very well-mannered, and then there are two very disrespectful fillies-”

Gesturing to Pinkie; still unconscious on the floor, and then pointing at Limestone, Starlight just shook her head as if in disbelief.

“And it really is a shame. I had such plans for this farm, for the five mares and one stallion I expected to find and my mother is rarely ever wrong, but no need to worry. I am very flexible-”

Starlight’s words became dangerously silky once more.

“Quite flexible-”

Rarity and AJ flinched at these words.

“I shall alter my designs to include this new development. For instance, this pitiful display you call dinner-”

Starlight’s horn glowed with light blue magic, and as all present watched in surprise, every plate became three and consisted of a full course meal fit for a Princess.

A large summer salad, with crisp greenery, ripe plump cherry tomatoes, and some dandelion greens. A toasted haybacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich on whole wheat. And a single slice of black forest cake. The Pie Family was in tears at the sight, never before had such a luxurious spread been blessed upon them.

Starlight smiled at the reaction and continued her words her tone disarmingly gentle.

“I had plans for my new property to be properly well-fed; one meal maybe, but a meal to be remembered, once per workday. Because I take care of my possessions-”

At the word ‘possessions’, Rarity swiftly began fussing with AJ’s mane, much to AJ’s annoyance. Though AJ didn’t resist, the look on her face expressed her desire to be anywhere else at that moment.

Making sure to stare into Limestone’s eyes, Starlight once more resumed her silky tone.

“Because that is what you, everypony on this property and this very land are, my little filly. My property. Don’t worry though, I know a little, immature filly like you couldn’t possibly eat such a mare-sized portion, and I do not like wasting food, so let me fix that for you, little one.”

In a flash of light blue, the meal at Limestone’s setting became nothing more than half a hay bacon on wheat sandwich, with a juice box of apple juice and a bendy straw. Starlight spoke to the stunned Limestone as the weight of the consequences of her actions began to dawn on her.

“There, a meal fit for a filly. Oh, and I almost forgot how important it is for a filly to have a reasonable bedtime. Now sadly, I and the big ponies have much more to discuss, but fillies like you should be in bed by 8 o’clock every night; starting now.”

Limestone’s fierce facade completely broke, and she began whimpering.

“B-but that’s in five minutes!”

Starlight nodded, feigning surprise.

“Oh, so it is. Well, then you had best say your goodnights.”


“Though you know, little one, it isn’t like my mother to get her figures wrong. But everypony makes mistakes from time to time, perhaps I am making one right now. Maybe you aren’t a filly after all; I mean you look like a mare to me, but that attitude is so childish. Surely, you can’t be a mare, but maybe I’m wrong-”

Learning in and whispering gently in Limestone’s ear, Starlight continued.

“If only there were two little words you could say to me, to convince me that you really were a mature mare and not some disrespectful filly in need of punishment.”

Breaking into tears, Limestone desperately shouted out, throwing herself to the floor and covering her muzzle with her hooves.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please forgive my rudeness, Mistress Starlight! I’m so sorry!”

Aj and Rarity shared a look; both knew exactly how in control Starlight could be. When she wanted something, the Element of Domination made it happen; not through sheer force, but by making the other want to obey her.

AJ hated the feeling of her silken outfit against her fur, she hated the unnecessary frills and what she considered girly lace. She hated everything about the outfit she wore, and yet she felt no desire to remove it. Not that she couldn’t, but because Starlight had told her she would be happier with her wearing it, she felt that it was worth her discomfort. Likewise, Rarity felt utterly humiliated; being seen in such a risque ensemble and yet, she too had no desire to remove it.

Both had been given the simple command of ‘wear it for me’ and neither felt like removing their respective outfits because it was what Starlight wanted, and they both wanted Starlight to be happy. And just like with AJ and Rarity, Limestone’s will was completely crumbling before Starlight’s own iron wall of desires.

Looking down at the broken Limestone, Starlight shook her head and used her forehoof to lift Limestone’s tear-stained chin, to stare into her eyes.

“Enough of that now, Limestone. No more tears, like I said, we all make mistakes. I forgive you, now make me proud and show me that wonderful mare which I know you are.”

It was like time stopped as all watching were as silent as an unmarked grave. At first, Limestone had been a sniveling, broken mess, but as she stared in Starlight’s strangely encouraging eyes, an unholy calm seemed to descend on the normally irate mare. Slowly she wiped a hoof across her eyes, and the stream of tears dwindled to a trickle, before stopping entirely.

You could have heard a pin drop as Limestone rose to her hooves; her fierce demeanor wiped away, and a warm smile on her face as she stared at Starlight. Limestone seemed completely different.

“Yes, Starlight.”

Smiling sweetly, Starlight nodded in approval.

“There’s a good mare. Take your spot at the table with your sisters.”
As Starlight watched Limestone sit next to her two sisters once more, a low voice spoke up behind Starlight.

“I want to apologize as well.”

Everypony in the small room turned to find Pinkemena sitting upright; the deep gashes in her body, making a horrific sight, and yet she didn’t scream. She gave no indication of any pain as she sat quietly amidst the stares, a smile on her lips as she stared at the knife in her hoof.

Starlight watched in amazement as Pinkemena’s knife vanished without a trace and slowly rose to her hooves, though how with such wounds, was unclear. Still, Pinkemena spoke softly and in an almost placid way.

“I am sorry for attempting to kill you, I was feeling quite stressed and I needed to expend my energy. When you approached me from behind and started mocking me, I believed you to be a fool to be slaughtered.”


Pinkemena flinched. Without any inflection of emotion in her voice and no expression on her face, Maud spoke to her younger sister. Pinkemena protested.

“There’s no need to be so cross, Maud. I promise it isn’t what you think.”

Maud didn’t move a muscle; not a single eye flicker, nothing. She sat there, expressionlessly staring at Pinkemena. The latter seemed desperate to defend herself, regardless.

“Maud I swear, I’m not being disrespectful! Let me finish.”

Still giving no indication to anypony present what she was thinking, Maud laid her head down onto her hooves after a moment of staring at the youngest Pie sister. This seemed to relieve Pinkemena who paused to exhale; having been holding her breath.

Starlight seemed surprised and somewhat amused at this exchange; though she hadn’t been able to discern what even just happened, she sat there quietly waiting to see what would occur next.

Straightening up, Pinkemena spoke calmly, in a low tone.

“I can see though, that there is more to you than meets the eye, your majesty; or perhaps future majesty-”

Pinkemena paused to bow her head in a clear act of submission. Much to Starlight’s delight, Pinkemena’s tone was nothing but respectful, and she silently allowed the Earthpony to finish her statement.

“Your vice is evident. A selfish, tyrannical ruling princess-to-be; you know what you want, and you will seize it for your own. But I can see your real self. You didn’t come here to taunt us, or tower over us, did you? You don’t see us as slaves at all, do you? You see us as pets, to be cared for and treated with love. You try to hide it, but you have a heart. You really care, don’t you?”

Starlight stared at her for a moment, in surprised silence before chuckling.

“Am I so transparent?”

Shaking her head, Pinkemena laughed.

“Only to me.”

Shaking her head in amazement, Starlight smiled.

“And how long have you been watching us?”

“Ever since Limestone insulted you.”

Nodding thoughtfully. Starlight narrowed her eyes coldly in a fierce glare and spoke to those present.

“It’s true. I am my mother’s daughter, and I was raised to be callous and cruel to those beneath me; as was my mother before me.”

Starlight’s eyes softened, and her words carried a tone of warmth.

But I can’t. I can’t just be cruel because I am, like mom. No, something in me keeps telling me that my cruel and vicious nature can be used to help my victims better themselves. Slaves can never be more than what their owner desires, and that’s just it. I desire more for my slaves; I want to see you learn, grow and become more than you are. I may be my mother’s daughter, but I see no reason why my slaves can’t smile as well.”


“Starlight gave us everything. The rest of society cast us away, but she saw something more-”

Silence fell, as Pinkemena paused as though suddenly lost in thought. What is she staring at? Following her gaze, Chrysalis saw something she hadn’t before; there on the wall, directly in the middle of the division between Pinkie and Mena’s areas, hung the remains of something, glinting with a golden sheen.

Rising curiously from beside her, Chrysalis walked over to the spot to reveal a rather peculiar sight. The remains of a golden amulet hung, the socket that had apparently once held a balloon-shaped crystal, twisted and mangled; as though melted in extreme heat. A dog tag welded to the side on the mostly intact loop had just one word carved in it: Mena.

Though the amulet was strange enough, underneath it, Chrysalis noticed an odd picture; Pinkamena stood next to Starlight and both were smiling. Maybe it was how close she and Pikamena had gotten, but Chrysalis was certain the smile was genuine. And around Pinkamena’s neck was the same golden amulet with a sapphire blue balloon-shaped crystal twinkling and sparkling in the silvery moonlight as the rain came down in sheets.

Turning back to her lover, now staring at her, Chrysalis asked.

“Hey, Mena? What is all this?”

A faraway look appeared in Pinkamena’s eyes as a small almost saddened smile crossed her muzzle. Her voice was unusually caring for a moment as she replied.

“A lifetime of memories ago, Chrysi. A lifetime of memories ago.”


I need to breathe…

The hot steam within the shower carried the aroma of times since past; the smell of cedar chips, cider, and incense.

Rarity really captured that bar in a bottle, didn’t she? Intoxicating, exhilarating, and dangerous. I can almost feel that barstool against my flank, I can almost hear them laughing, I can almost see them once more.

It had been three years since she had arrived in this world, three years since they were taken from her, three years since she felt their caress. And now, in her little charging apartment, Rainbow longed for them again. Only through Rarity’s homemade perfumes could she revisit that part of her life; could she see them again. Dash smiled. She was almost there.

Just need to breathe.

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