• Published 12th Sep 2012
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My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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Queen Majesty Returns

Queen Majesty Returns

Dream Valley, two weeks after the events of the episode "The prince and the Pony", the final G1 episode;

The sun shone down brightly on the Paradise estates, as the Ponies of Dream Valley were eagerly at play. Wind Whistler, Buttons, and Shady were out in the yard beyond the main house, at a game of pony polo.

"C'mon Shady, hit the ball to me!" Buttons exclaimed.

"I...I don't think I can do it..." Shady bemoaned, tapping the ball with her hoof.

"We've gone over this before, shady." Wind Whistler sighed, rolling her eyes. "Simply apply enough force to the ball with your snout, to send it flying towards Buttons!"

"O-okay, I'll try..." She replied nervously. But as she moved to hit the ball, a loud noise from overhead startled her. "Aieee!" She cried, accidentally sending the ball flying into the pool.

"What in the world is that?" Buttons cried, drowned out by the loud roar overhead. "We don't have jets in Ponyland!"

They all looked skyward, to see a white carriage with Pink Wheels roaring overhead, pulled by two Pegasus Guards in armor.

"The Sky Skimmer Carriage!" Buttons exclaimed. "Queen Majesty has returned to Dream Valley!"

"She must have finally finished the negotiations between Hoofkaido and Fort Rainbow Dash." Wind Whistler whinnied in surprise. "Considering it's been a year, it's about time!"

"Oh, Wind Whistler, what are we gonna do?" Shady wailed. "When Majesty finds out what we did with her castle, she'll have our heads mounted on her wall!"

"Now just calm down Shady, it's not our fault at what happened." Wind Whistler snorted. "Fizzy and I had the Moochick create Paradise estate, as a temporary refuge against the Smooze. It was Truly and her cronies who had us abandon the castle to the grundles."

"But will Majesty realize we always intended to reclaim the castle?" Buttons asked the blue Pegasus. "What should we do, Wind Whistler?"

"Exactly what we had planned to do, right from the start." Masquerade appeared from nowhere, startling the other three mares. "Gather those ponies who are still loyal, along with their offspring, and leave the traitors to their fate."

"Must you always sneak up on everybody?" Shady asked in frustration. "It's starting to get old!"

"We don't have time for that now!" Wind Whistler snorted. "We need to maker our preparations, and get out of here!"

"We should hurry." Buttons agreed. "Though I almost wish I could be here, to see if Truly survives whatever Majesty has planned for her!"


The Sky Skimmer Carriage landed in front of Dream Castle, and Queen Majesty stepped out. Taking in a breath of the fresh Dream Valley air, she smiled. "Ah, it's so good to be home!"

The white unicorn then turned to "Thank you, my good Stallions! Now, if you two would please take the carriage down to Wind Whistler's laboratories for a cleaning and a tune-up?"

"At once, my queen!" The two Pegasus bowed, and took the carriage inside the cave behind the waterfall.

Majesty lowered the Drawbridge with her horn, and trotted into the castle that had been her ancestral home for more than a thousand years...

... to find the place an absolute wreck! The walls and floor absolute mess, the curtains were torn and shredded, and the beautiful wall frescoes and mosaics, depicting the thousand-year history of Dream Valley, were covered in obscene goblin graffiti .

"M-my home..." Queen Majesty's eyes teared up. "W-what-"

It was then, that Twilight Shine came up, and bowed nervously to Majesty. "My Queen, Welcome back... we are most pleased at your safe return." She looked around nervously, as Applejack, Glory, Firefly, Bow Tie, and Medley emerged behind her. "W-we've had some... uninvited guests staying in the castle, though we managed to keep them confined to the throne room and the main halls... and- your private Chambers." Twilight laughed nervously. "It appears Magic Star gave the castle away, and... neglected to tell me..."

It was then that a hideous goblin came around the corner. "Hello, silly-looking pony! Welcome to kingdom of Grundles!"

It took only a few seconds for Majesty to put two and two together... The queen's eyes went wide, and her magic-amplified whinny echoed across the breadth of Dream Valley.



Majesty stormed down the corridor of her castle, having just traded 1/3 of the royal hoard to the Grundles to get them to leave. Priceless treasures of Ponykind- including the royal regalia of Princess Celestia herself, recovered from the troll-looted crypts of Canterlot- were now in the hands of a crude tribe of goblins.

"Twilight! How is the rest of the herd?" Majesty asked. "Are they here, or did Truly sell them into slavery to the Blarks?"

"The rest of the herd stayed here during the grundle occupation, my queen. Along with the six of us." She gestured to Firefly and the others with her hoof. "We kept the grundles out of the treasure vaults, the library, and the royal catacombs. They never even discovered the dungeons or the laboratories and repair bays beneath the castle."

"But the grundle king insisted on having your room, my queen." Firefly winced. "It's not a pretty sight."

Majesty almost died at the sight of her private quarters. Her beautiful satin sheets were tattered and thrown about... obviously soiled by the Grundle king's 'personal entrainment'. Her bed's beautiful lace canopy was shredded, and her mattress had feathers coming out of the insides.

"This bed set was my grandmother's last gift to me." Majesty bawled, thinking of the late Queen Regal. But it was when the unicorn queen saw the picture of her mother and her, which had sat on her nightstand, smashed against the wall and torn in two, did Majesty finally snap.

"My queen! Masquerade has returned with the loyalists from paradise estate!" Medley cried out, as the mares and foals came trotting across the drawbridge.

"Only about thirty mares remain at the estate, loyal to Truly." Masquerade confirmed, following the refugees through the gateway.

"Twilight... keep everypony here at the castle." Majesty said icily. "I'm going to go deal with this...personaly!"


"BOOM!" The gates of Paradise estate were blown clean off their hinges, as an angry unicorn queen galloped her way through. Foals and mares ran for cover, asParadise flew directly into Majesty's path.

"Hold it Majesty, you can't just-" She never finished her sentence, as Majesty telekinetically tossed her into the pool.

"Take a bath Paradise!" The queen snapped. "Your hypocrisy stinks!"

She then saw Magic Star galloping away, but she quickly stopped her in her tracks. The queen levitated her back over to where she stood.

"My queen, please! We were forced to!" Magic Star begged, sweat trickling down her snout. "It was against my will! Truly-"

Majesty spun around, and horse-kicked Magic Star through one of the Estate's windows.

"That'll kick some horse sense into you, you lying old nag!" Majesty snapped. She turned her attention towards the main house. "TRULY!"

She smashed though the front door, where the stern earth mare looked up at her, stunned.

"Majesty?" She said in shock. "Ah knew ya'll would-"

Majesty caught the rotten earth mare in a levitation spell, slamming her into the ceiling, and then the wall, . "Ahhh! AHHHH!" She then finished by slamming the treacherous mare into floor...HARD.


Truly lie on the floor, gasping for air, despite the pain from her cracked ribs, and blood trickling from her mouth.

"Get up, you traitor!" Majesty roared. "You haven't even begun to suffer for betraying me! For betraying the herd!"

"I regret nothing, foh tryin ta get mah freedom!" Truly snapped in contempt. "Go ahead and slay me, yer highness!"

"But why, Truly?" Majesty asked her, as her horn stopped glowing. "I treated you an the entire herd as my children! Why would you do something like this?"

"Ya''ll treated us like yer children, all raight! But not as yer equals!" Truly spat at her. "Ah'd do it ahll ova again, ta get away from yer tyranny!"

It was at that point, that Majesty noticed several of the estate foals, watching her from behind the couch, and quivering in fear. She saw the terror in their eyes when they looked at her, and was horrified by what she saw.

Majesty looked down at truly. "Get up. I'm not going to harm you."

"Wha?" A confused Truly stared at her. "Ah don't-"

" You may keep your estate, so long as you and your ponies uphold your oaths of loyalty to me." Majesty trotted back towards the door.

"Wait, whay ah y'all sparin' me?" Truly asked, pulling herself back up on her hooves.

"Because... I have realized that I was becoming something even worse than you, Truly." Majesty replied, trotting out the door. "And that is a far worse fate than anything you have done to me."

Things began to revert to normal at Dream Castle, as the nobility moved themselves back in after queen Majesty's return. The little ponies worked hard to restore the frescoes and paintings, and cleaned up and repaired the damage from the grundle occupation. But there were many changes Majesty had noticed in some of her subjects, and the queen was extremely curious.

"Galaxy, can I speak to you for a moment?"

Majesty's telepathic summons called Galaxy down from her tower, where she had been grateful to find all of her astronomical instruments intact. Coming down the steps into the throne room, she bowed before her monarch.

"Yes, my queen?" She asked politely. "How may I serve you?"

"Since you were at Paradise estate for the past year, I wanted to ask you about some of the... changes.. that have occurred with my little ponies while I've been away."

"Of course, my queen." Galaxy replied. "What so you wish to know?"

Majesty looked over the notes Twilight had prepared for her. "I found that we now have an alliance with the flutter ponies, and both Bright Valley and King Scorpan's kingdom have been restored, and our alliances strengthened with them?"

"That is correct, Majesty." Galaxy replied, smiling. "Those are perfect examples of what we have accomplished over the past year."

"And what about those giant crabs I saw helping Posey weed out and plow the castle gardens?" Majesty asked curiously.

"Ah, the crab nasties." Galaxy replied with a nervous laugh. "We met them when we were attacked by some killer flowers."

"Killer Flowers?" Majesty looked at her strangely. "Galaxy, have you been hitting the loco weed?"

"My queen, it's true!" Galaxy replied. "And besides, the crab nasties are strong and powerful allies, as well!"

"Hm. I see." Majesty read farther on down the list "I also see the castle adopted a baby dragon?"

"Yes... his name is spike, my queen. He started hanging around the herd after we freed him from Tirek."

"Spike?" Majesty asked in surprise. "Do you think it's possible that we are dealing with the famous assistant of Twilight Sparkle here?"

"Twilight Shine thinks this may be the case, given the long lives dragons lead." Galaxy responded. "Spike plays dumb whenever we talk to him about it, so we cannot be certain."

"The ponies adopted and then released a giant puppy, I see." Majesty levitated the paper down. "And it appears that Baby North Star tried to sell the twins to the elf royal family again?"

"Yes, but we actually helped the elves restore their king to the throne, after he was overthrown by his scullery maid." Galaxy finished. "And we even helped the gnomes get the Frazits under control again!"

"Well then, i guess that takes care of everything." Majesty raised her hoof. "Though I did want to speak to this 'Megan', that has been helping the herd so much."

"I shall arrange a meeting at once, my queen." Galaxy offered.

"Twilight shall take care of that, do not worry about it." Majesty narrowed her eyes, looking at something behind Galaxy. "But I wanted to ask you... why are those four doing that strange dance, in those silly costumes?"

Galaxy looked behind her... where Gusty, Shady, Sweet Stuff, and Sundance were dressed in veils and harem outfits... doing the dance of the seven veils.

"Oh good GRIEF..." Galaxy exclaimed, putting her hoof to her face. "Why did Scheherazade have to teach them that?"

As day turned to evening, the windows of Dream Castle lit up, as all of the ponies who lived there went about having their suppers, and spending time with their families. In the castle throne room, Queen Majesty of Dream Valley was holding evening court, listening to the problems that every pony in the valley came to her with.

"So as you can see, Surprise, you cannot just prank ponies who are working on the Castle's electrical system, by shooting them with a squirt gun!" Majesty shook her mane angrily. "It could be hazardous to a pony's health!"

"Yeah, Queen Majesty, I can see your point." Surprise laughed nervously. "Sorry I surprised ya with that squirt gun, Wind Whistler!"

"Thank you, your highness." Wind Whistler replied, every hair on her mane standing on end, and electricity sparking from her mouth. "It is my sincere hope that we can avoid calamities such as this in the future!"

The two Pegasus flew out of the throne room, the blue one spazaming and sparking every few feet. Queen majesty sighed, rubbing her temples with her hooves.

"Moondancer, whose my next appointment?" The queen asked with a sigh.

The unicorn levitated her clipboard over to her view. "Next up is your audience with Megan." She looked up at her queen. "The human ally to the Dream Valley ponies."

"Aha! Just the human I wanted to see!" Majesty replied with a grin. "Please, send her in at once!"

Lady Moondancer motioned to the guard, and he led a young blonde girl, wearing a Jean skirt and an orange t-shirt, into the room. She walked right up to the throne, before curtseying to the white unicorn before her.

"Your majesty, it is an honor to finally meet you." She said politely, looking up at the throne. "I've heard so much about you from the Paradise estate ponies!"

"Yes, it is a pleasure to finally meet you as well, my little human." Majesty inclined her head towards the girl. "And I wanted to personally thank you for keeping an eye on my subjects while I was away."

"It was nothing at all, your highness." Megan waved her hand dismissively. "They are my friends, and I would do anything for them."

"I understand that." Majesty replied. "But I have heard disturbing reports that you would take charge of my herd when there was a crisis, and order them around as if they were normal ponies." The Queen narrowed her eyes. "You even had the audacity to hop on the back of one of the princess ponies, and order her around as if she were a mindless earth mount!"

"But... Your majesty!" The little girl protested. "I was only trying to help!"

"I know you were... and you helped my little ponies out a great deal." Majesty sighed. "But a thirteen-year-old girl should be worrying about spending time with friends and boys, not helping ponies fight for their lives against evil sorcerers and fire breathing dragons."

Megan's heart sank. "You're not going to let me fight for the ponies or see my friends anymore, are you?"

"Of course not! You are as much a part of this herd, as if you were a pony yourself!" Majesty snorted angrily, stamping her hoof. " I am not going to force you away from Dream Valley. But I am not going to let you put yourself in danger any longer."

"So... what are you going to do?" Megan bit her lower lip, trying to hold back her tears.

"Megan Williams of earth, I herby grant you the rank of Duchess in Dream Valley, as a lady in waiting in my court." Queen Majesty sighed. "You - along with your two siblings- shall be free to come and go from the castle and Ponyland as you see fit, provided you are accompanied by a pony escort, and do not attempt to get involved in our conflicts any longer."

"I understand." She curtseyed to the queen again. "Thank you very much for your generosity, your highness."

"A pleasure, my little human." The queen replied with a smile. "And in the future, please remember... my subjects are not the horses on your ranch, that you can simply order around."

"I will, great Majesty. Thank you so much!" The young human ran out of the throne room in excitement. "Wow, me a Duchess! Wait till I tell my aunt Bonnie about THIS!"

The Queen smiled, and looked over at Moondancer. "All right, who is next on our list?"

"It's Cherries Jubilee and Applejack, your highness." Moondancer sighed. "Apparently, there was a disagreement in the garden..."

The queen sighed. "It's going to a looong night..."

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