• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 2,023 Views, 158 Comments

My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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Fizzy, get out of my Laboratory!

Fizzy, get out of my laboratory!


If there was one concept Wind Whistler understood, it was science. Cold, hard logic and the facts, that's what made the world go round,. Not these silly sentimental concepts her overemotional friends used to guide their lives. Oh, she did indeed have feelings, to be sure. She did care about her friends and family in a way only her emotionally devoid mind could, but said feelings were not the guiding force in her life, and were not displayed every moment of the day.

No, let her friends and family rely on their 'hearts' to run their lives for them (though how a pulmonary muscle had anything to do with emotion, Wind did not comprehend) She would let the rational mind be the driving force in her actions, and leave the sentimentality to lesser ponies.

The blue Pegasus was hard at work in her lab, examining chemicals in beakers and Bunson burners, and monitoring the scientific equipment around her. Tesla coils buzzed and sparked behind her, and lights blinked and flashed on the computer consoles the mare surrounded herself with. This is where Wind Whistler belonged, spending her spare time keeping the castle above's technology running smoothly. While she did enjoy playing some games with her friends, it was times like this she was happier at her work.

"Now, if I can just mix these two delicate isotopes… " The goggles and white lab coat wearing mare thought to herself, as she began to pour her mixture between two beakers she was holding in the wings. "Dream Valley will have to only Smooze repellent in all of Ponyland. I just have to be extra carefullllll…."

"HEY, WIND WHISTLER!" A loud, intrusive voice bellowed down the steps. "YOU DOWN THERE?! WE WANNA TALK TO YA!"

BOOM! The surprised mare jumped, causing the volatile mixture to explode in her face. Her pink mane blown backwards, the blue mare coughed as black smoke filled the entire room.

"Whew, Wind Whistler!" A blue, jewel-eyed unicorn waved the smoke away with her hoof, as she and a white mare descended the staircase. "Were you eating One of Cupcake's triple layered burritos again?"

"Salutations, Gusty and Fizzy." The Pegasus greeted her two goofy friends with a sigh. "To what do I one the pleasure of this visit to my workshop?"

"Well, Fizzy here thought you'd been working a little too hard in your lab." Gusty snorted, as she and the blue unicorn looked around at the various odds and ends in the laboratory. "Though we might ask if ya wanted ta join us!"

"Thank you, ladies, I really appreciate the sentiment." Wind Whistler replied politely. "But I really need to-"

"Ohhh, is this a soda pop?" Fizzy asked, downing a test tube of a strange yellow liquid. "Mmm, tastes like root beer!"

"No Fizzy, don't drink that!" Wind Whistler cred out, dashing over to the unicorn.

POOF! There was a flash of light, and the other two ponies present suddenly found Fizzy had become a horse of a different color.

"Ahhh, Fizzy!" Gusty wailed. "You've gone to plaid!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" The jewel-eyed mare asked, looking at her reflection in a nearby beaker. "Eeee! I'm all ugly! Wind Whistler, make me pretty again!"

"Okay, now hold on you two." Wind Whistler exclaimed, hurriedly flipping through one of her science journals. "Let me see if I can find a- no Gusty, do not touch that!"

"Wha?" The white unicorn asked, as she levitated an orange potion up off the table. "What do ya- oops!"

SMASH! Gusty clumsily dropped the vial, shattering it on the floor. A bizarre cloud covered the mare, and when it finally dissipated, The unicorn found she had acquired a new growth on her face.

"Aieeee! Gusty! What happened to you?!" The plaid pony shrieked. "You've got a beard!"

"Aieeee! I look like a stallion hippie!" The white unicorn wailed. "Wind Whistler, do something… quick!"

"Girls, those potions were on loan from Zigzag, so I'm not quite sure what side effects they might have!" The blue Pegasus interrupted, trying to calm the two panicking ponies down. "Now, if you two would just hold on-!"

"Ohhh, fixitfixitfixitfixitfixit!" Fizzy wailed, jumping around the room in a panic. Suddenly, her back hoof hit a lever on the console behind her, and series of alarms and flashing lights went off all over the lab.

"Uh ohhhh…" The unicorn mare moaned, taking a step towards the stairs.

"I think ya really did it this time, Fizzy…" Gusty replied nervously.

A pair of doors on a section of the floor slid open, revealing a large water tank beneath the laboratory. Three long red tentacles uncoiled from beneath the surface, and began writhing around the room.

"Fizzy, you doofus!" Wind Whistler wailed, as the slimy appendages slithered towards her. "You just opened the tank where I was keeping that Squirk spawn we captured!"

The tentacles quickly grabbed the blue Pegasus, pulling her back towards the water. A red, octopus-like body emerged from the opening. And a large, tooth-filled mouth opened on the side.

"Ahhh! Get away from me, you mangy mollusk!" The scientist wailed, as one of the tentacles tried to strangle her. "I am not on your nutrition plan!"

"Uhhh, ya know Fizzy… I really don't think Wind Whistler wants to come play with us right now." Gusty said nervously, running back up the stairs. "She seems a little wrapped up in her work right now!"

"Yeeeeahhhhh, we'd better go and see Zigzag about getting back to normal." Fizzy agreed, as she and Gusty ran back up the stairs. "Bye Windy, see ya later!"

"Oh, for the love of-" Wind Whistler growled, biting and kicking at the tentacles as they pulled her closer to the tank. "If you want something done right…"

Reaching out with her wing, the blue Pegasus barely managed to grab a nitro grenade off one of the nearby counter tops. As the horrific monster swallowed the Pegasus in one gulp, Wind Whistler managed to flip the detonation switch.

BOOM! The creature suddenly exploded all over the room, splattering bits of octopi all over the room. The blue Pegasus emerged from the pool, a very sour and angry look on her face.

"Mental note to self; install a security device in laboratory to prevent entry of any pony with an I.Q. lower than a corn chip." She though aloud, as she shook the Squirk spawn guts out of her mane. "Second note to self, inform Chief and the kids we'll be having a dish similar to calamari for supper tonight."

With a heavy sigh, the exausted mare picked up a broom with her hooves, and started to sweep up the mess.

"And then, time to get some payback against too extremely nosy mares…"

It was only a few hours later, that the two goofball unicorns were trotting down the halls of Dream Castle, their problems having just been recently solved.

"Wow, that was sooo cool how Ziggy was able to cure us!" Fizzy giggled. "How come zebras are so good with potions?"

"Just a natural gift, I guess." Gusty replied with a chuckle. "Say, you think we should go back and apologize to Wind Whistler? Y'know, for wrecking her lab and all."

"Yeah, I guess we should. Windy doesn't have much of a sense of humor, after all." Fizzy replied, her ears drooping. "Running of like that was a mean prank, even if we knew she could handle herself."

"There's no need to apologize." A voice called out calmly. "After all the logical thing is to make up for your actions… which you are about to do, by the way."

A weird light suddenly shot out at the two girls, freezing their muscles in place so they couldn't move. Wind Whistler suddenly stepped around the corner, holding a weird looking ray gun in her wings.

"Molecular petrifaction ray." The blue Pegasus declared, slipping the gun into a pocket on her lab coat. "Something I reverse engineered after studying Crunch the Rockdog's magical transmutation abilities."

The two unicorns could only stare at her in horror, as the mad scientist pony smiled evilly, and rubbed her hooves together.

"You're probably wondering what I am going to do with you, well that is an easy one." She put her hooves around her paralyzed friends. "There are some experiments I've just been dieing to try out. Gusty, you're going to help me with a hair removal potion. Your whole coat'll fall out if this works properly! And Fizzy, I have a wonderful device called the canine-o-matic, that will give you four paws, and have you drinking from the toilet for the rest of your life. Now won't that be fun?" A puzzled look crossed her face. "Now, if only I could figure out how to get the two of you back down to the lab…"

As the two unicorns looked on in horror, Wind Whistler quietly hit the release switch on the ray gun in her pocket, zapping the two mares again ,and restoring their ability to move.

"NNNOOOOOOOO!" The two terrified mares wailed, galloping away at top speed. Wind Whistler just stood there, a smirk across her face.

"Gotcha." She said under her breath, as her two friends ran off in fright. "And you are clearly mistaken, my dear Fizzy. I most certainly do have a sense of humor."

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