• Published 12th Sep 2012
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My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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Heart and snow, part 1

Heart and Snows, part 1

As I step outside of my tent flap, the hellish winds of the northern wastes tear through my white mane. I can barely see where I am going, as I trot over towards the large hut at the center of our village. I am about to say my farewells, and I cannot wait to embark on the greatest adventure of my life.

I am a member of the Snow Pony tribe, a proud nation of equines who make our homes amongst the ice and snow. Descended from the proud crystal ponies of the Equestrian age, we are as proud of our past and ancestry, as we our of our harsh and grim present. Our relationship with the other pony herds vary- we treat others, based on how we ourselves are treated.

As I enter the tent of our tribal chief, I shake the snow and ice from my purple coat. My white snowflake cutie mark is the only thing on me, that doesn't stick out in this endless sea of white.

"Are you sure this appointment is what you desire, Powder?" Toboggan asked me, her voice like a hissing whisper. "Dream Valley is a place spurned by the other herds!"

"But not by our tribe, my lady." I reply, bowing to my chief with respect. "I am certain I can make a difference as our tribe's ambassador!"

"Then go with our blessing, young unicorn!" Winter Wish, our village shamaness, agrees. "To you we entrust handling of our tribe's affairs in the warm lands, and wish you success in representing us there!"

"And I shall send word ahead of your arrival!" Sno-Glow, our tribe's representative to the rest of Ponyland. "Furthermore, Chilly Breezes and Mittens, two of our best scouts, shall see you to your new post in Dream Castle!"

"T-thank you, elders!" I bow a final time, before turning to leave the tent. "I know that I shall not fail you!"

Trotting back out of the hut, I consider my tribe and it's misfortunes. We are well adjusted to this bitter cold, but food has been scarce this year, and we've had to cut deals with the other herds. We do indeed kill the predators who hunt us in this harsh climate, though we do not eat the pengrims and polar bears we kill. Instead, thier furs line the sides of our tents, and make wonderful material for our coats and parkas.

It's a harsh life we lead, but not an unbearable one.

As I walk back to pack my things, two other snow ponies trot over to speak to me.

"Don't worry, Powder!" Chilly Breezes assured her. "We shall successfully get you to Dream Valley!"

"Yes! We shall be happy to protect you on your way south!" Mittens agreed, patting me with her hoof. "Nothing shall hurt our dear Powder, not even the dark lord himself!"

Soon, we are ready to depart the camp, and almost every equine in the tribe is there to see us off! Whinnies of farewell and good luck fill our ears, as we trot out through the main gate, and the village soon vanishes behind us.

It is not long, however, before we are approached by a little filly who had been waiting just outside the village wall. She had waited until we were far away from the tribe to speak to us, and I am not at all pleased to hear what she has to say!

"Aunt Powder!" The little one calls out, galloping us to us. "Please wait for me!"

"Jingle Jangle?" Mittens asks in shock, seeing the small pony trot up to us. "What are doing out here alone, child?"

"I wanna go with you!" My niece exclaims. "It's boring in the village, I wanna see the rest of the world!"

"I don't know..." I reply uncertainly. "... your mother would be very worried!"

"Don't worry, Powder!" Chilly Breezes assured me. "She'll be perfectly safe traveling with the three of us!"

"yeah, and we'll see her safely back to the village, right after we get you to Dream Castle!" Mittens agreed.

With a sigh, I give in to the three's pleading. "Oh very well, Jingle Jangle! You may join us!"

"Yaaaaay!" The filly exclaimed, happily galloping around us in a circle. Picking up her own small bag she had packed, Jingle Jangle happily joined our group.

It wasn't long before the four of us were on our way- beginning our long trek towards the south. The drifting and blowing winds do not bother my two companions, but they cause me a great discomfort. My father was a stallion from Hoofkaido, and his unicorn pony blood leaves my immunity to the cold greatly weakened.

"Aunty Powder!" Jingle Jangle calls out, seeing me falling behind. "What's wrong?"

"Couldn't you ladies please slow down?" I plead, falling behind in the snow. "I can't keep up with the two of you in all this cold!"

"Oh dear, I was afraid this would happen!" Chilly Breezes exclaimed. "Couldn't you just use your unicorn magic to shield yourself a bit?"

"Ohhh! Good idea!" I exclaim, creating a force field with my horn. The projected aura drives away some of the cold, and I can better keep up with the other two.

As we continue walking, Jingle Jangle looks up at me.

"Aunty Powder, we're going through the lands of the ancestors, aren't we?" She pleads to me. "Please, tell me about the Crystal Empire!"

I smile at her, knowing she has heard these stories a thousand times. Still, we need to pass the time, and I feel like reciting the old stories the tribe's loremaster once told me.

"In the ice and snow of the frigid north, once stood a beacon of hope and prosperity. The Crystal Empire, a shining civilization of high culture and incredible magic, was the home of our great ancestors. They played and reveled in this paradise, their happiness powering the crystal heart, which served to protect them from all harm.

The day came when King Sombra, a vile unicorn with a heart of shadow, enslaved the crystal ponies, and filled their hearts with sorrow. Sombra was defeated at first, but the empire vanished from sight for a thousand years. But the day came when the crystal princess, along with the six harmony bearers, found the Crystal Heart deep within the royal castle, and destroyed the evil unicorn once and for all.

The crystal heart was our protector, nourished by our herd, and providing the power that protected us in return. Our great empire fell to evil forces, and the crystal heart was lost to the ages. It is the hope of the Snow Ponies, proud descendants, that the heart may one day be reclaimed, and peace restored to the lands!"

"Does the crystal heart sill exist, aunty?" Jingle Jangle asks me hopefully. "Can we make life good for our tribe again?"

"I don't know child." I reply, sighing. "I doubt we ever will know."

As soon as we come out of the mountains, I can see the snow gradually clearing away, giving way to a shifting and flowing sea of crystal.

"Ohhh, pretty glass!" Jingle Jangle exclaimed. "What is it?"

"The jewel sea..." Mittens whispered ominously. "... the place from which our ancestors once ruled!"

We step out onto the crystalline surface, and it ripples like water beneath our hooves. Trotting across the clear, fluid-like surface invigorates us snow ponies, and making the three of us more energetic at every step.

"Why, Powder!" Chilly Breezes suddenly yells. "What's happened to your coat and mane!?!"

Looking down at my reflection in the crystal, I see I am now partially translucent and glowing. My mane is done up in a fancy, aristocratic style. And I feel more alive than I ever have in my life.

"I'm not the only one changed by the experience, Chilly!" I reply, pointing my hoof towards both her and Mittens. With a gasp the both stare at each other in amazement. Their manes are now done up in fancy buns, and their coats shine like newly-polished gemstones.

"I-I can't believe it!" Mittens gasps in shock. "W-we're crystal ponies!"

"Ohhhhh! I'm all pretty!" My now glowing niece exclaimed, hopping and skipping about on the crystalline surface. Her mane done up like a princess's, her coat shining like a diamond... oh, if only Jingle's mother could see her now!

As the three snow ponies dance about, I can see the wonder in their eyes... the pleasure of seeing the glorious state of our ancestors, restored to us! Much as I know it has to be done, I hate to be the pony who let their expectations down.

"It's an effect of the crystal!" I snort, reminding them of where we are. "Our bodies are reacting to the power inherent in this place!"

"Whatever it is, it feels wonderful!" Chilly Breezes exclaims, practically gliding on top of the jewel waves. "I'm so glad we came this way!"

I stare down into the crystal as we walk, and the touch of my hoof creates images in the jewel sea... memories, from the age of the Empire, embedded in gemstone waves. Jousting mares in armor, little fillies and colts petting small sheep, a crystal stallion in a jester's outfit playing a flugal horn. It is the culture that our ancestors once hed... the culture that we, in the present, have lost.

"Aunty Powder, what are those pictures?" My niece asks me, pointing down with her hoof.

"That is our own tribe, child, as we would be." I reply sadly, as an image that looked like Jingle Jangle floated by. "This is the life that was stolen from us, and we shall never have again!"

"The feeling here is incredible!" Mittens exclaims. "I don't understand why the tribe doesn't move back-"

Mitten's question is quickly answered by a loud BOOM!, as the ground cracks open, and a wave of lava poured out in front of us! The four of us jumped back, as the river of magma circled us, corralling us into a tight loop.

"Aunty Powder!" Jingle Jangle wailed, terrified. "What's going on!?!"

It was at that point, that three large humanoids made entirely of lava swarm up out of the crevasse, riding on stone-like surfboards, and dripping and oozing magma from every pore.

"It's the lava demons! Run!" Mittens wails, as Chilly Breezes and I moved to protect Jingle Jangle. " Hurry Powder! Get your niece out of here!"

"What is this, Crystal Ponies?!?" The lead demon roars in disbelief. "Capture them! They may know the location of the crystal heart!"

"Yes, general Sludge!" the other two demons growled, diving towards us on their lava boards.

Ignoring my shock at the name of that sacred treasure, I run with Jingle Jangle, even as my two guards move to defend me. The lava demons sent a wave of lava at us, which my two snow pony companions quickly froze with a wave of ice. Blast after blast of lava was deflected by ice chunk after ice chunk, launched by my companions at the ferocious beasts.

Finally, one of the lava demons surfs right in front of me, trying to cut off Jingle and I's escape.

"End of the road, Crystal Pony!" The one called Sludge chuckles evilly. "You've got nowhere to-glllk!"

The lava general is cut off, as an icy blast from my horn freezes him in a large block of ice. Jingle and I then dash over the hills trying to move away as fast as possible, moving beyond the lava demon's reach.

"Foolish mare! We still have your friends!" One of the demons laughed, having trapped Chilly Breezes and Mittens in a circle of fire. "Now bring us the crystal heart, or these two will be melted to slag!"

"Oh no!" Jingle Jangle wailed, looking back in terror. "What're we gonna do now?"

"We need to get to the royal oasis!" I tell her, as we gallop away. "From there, we can go with a trade caravan to Dream Valley!"

And perhaps Queen Majesty can help me, I pray, find an artifact I'm not even sure truly exists...

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