• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 2,023 Views, 158 Comments

My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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Not Another Slumber Party!

Not Another Slumber Party!

After a hard day's work in the orchard, Applejack was tired, and ready for a good night's sleep. More than a thousand red delicious and golden delicious apples- mouth picked by the clumsy mare and her team- all washed and busheled away for the winter. Sometimes, AJ wished she could still buck apples, as she had in her youth. But Queen Majesty had banned apple bucking for safety reasons, and the orange mare didn't feel the need to defy or question her. Right now, the only thing the exhausted earth pony sought was a warm bath, followed by a good sleep in her nice warm bed. What she got however, was a loud knock on the door, just as she was drawing her bathwater.

"Hey Applejack!" A yellow earth pony with a blue mane called out, sticking her head through AJ's open door. "Cotton Candy's having a slumber party tonight! Wanna come?"

"Ugh... hello, Bubbles." Applejack groaned in annoyance. Oh course, leave it to the annoying mare with the white diamond shape on her face. The earth mare was in charge of Dream Valley's water supply, and had met AJ when the she can delivered her report on how much of the water would be needed to keep the orchard watered. Bubbles had proven particularly annoying in her persistence in trying to draw the orange farmer pony out of her own little personal bubble. "Look, I'm kind of tired tonight, couldn't you just-"

"Great!" Bubbles cheered gleefully, a huge smile on her face. "I'm so happy you'll be coming, too!"

Before Applejack could even blink, the other mare had whisked her out of her room, and dragged her to an apartment on the floor below. There, two other mares were sitting around on the floor, giggling and laughing with curlers in their manes. The pink earth mare, whom the apple mare recognized as Cotton Candy, was a silly filly who had first welcomed AJ to Dream Valley when she had first moved here. But the pink unicorn, with the white mane with purple stripe in her mane... this was a pony that Applejack had not expected to see here.

"T-twilight?" The silly pony asked in shock. Wasn't she supposed to be on her honeymoon with Tornado?

"Oh, of course not, silly!" The unicorn with a multi starred cutie mark on her flank. "Twilight's my sister! I was the one invited to this slumber party!"

"Oh, Milky Way..." Aj replied, realizing who this mare was. "... I haven't seen you since the wedding."

"Well, it's good to see you again too, girlfriend!" Milky replied with a laugh. "Bubbles here thought you might be lonely with Twilight gone and your other friends busy, you could come down here, and hang out with us!"

""I just love having new ponies at my slumber party!" Cotton Candy giggled in delight. "Now, who wants some s'mores?"

"Ohhhh boy...." Applejack groaned inwardly, smacking her hoof against her face. The mare remembered the last time she had been pulled into an impromptu slumber part such as this. That had turned out to be such a wonderful experience, that AJ could barely wait to excuse herself from this airhead crew.

"Look girls, I'm really grateful you invited me. Really, I am." The orange earth mare laughed nervously. "But I really need to get my beauty sleep, so I can get up tomorrow, and-"

Before she could finish, the mare found herself dragged over to a table, and a warm mass of chocolate, marshmallow, and gram cracker was shoved into her mouth. The annoyed apple picker chewed the snack up and swallowed it, smiling at the deliciously sweet taste.

"Okay, maybe I'll stick around for a bite or two...." AJ replied, as she downed a second one. Soon the four mares had downed an entire plate of the gooey chocolate treats, and sat back on the room's two couches satisfied.

"Oh, man... we're gonna be wearing those on our flanks for awhile." Milky Way giggled, "What do you girls wanna do now?"

"I know!" Cotton candy replied. "What do mares and fillies always do after smoores at a slumber party?"

"MAKEOVER TIME!" The two ponies squealed in gleeful unison.

"Oh no..." Applejack grumbled, as the other mares reached for her.

AJ was suddenly found herself dropped into a chair, and what followed was a flurry of scissors, mascara, and makeup.

"Oh, you're gonna look soooo adorable!" Cotton Candy exclaimed, as she applied strawberry flavored lip gloss onto the orange mare's lips.

"The stallions won't be able to keep their hooves off of you!" Milky Way agreed, tacking a pair of false eyelashes on the apple picker.

"Mmmmmmph!" An exasperated Applejack groaned, as the other mares fawned over her.

"There, aren't you glad you came here with me?" Bubbles grinned, as she applied glittery hoof polish the AJ's hooves.

"Yeah,it just great." Applejack growled, now dressed green dress with a red apple print. "Not like I haven't been made over at a slumber party before."

After the other three had been dolled up, the four mares were seated around a lamp in the middle of the floor, telling creepy stories to each other.

"...and that's when they found his rusty hook, hanging out of the window of their stagecoach!" Bubbles finished with an evil-sounding laugh, "So, whatcha think?"

"If he was a pony, how did he trot around with an iron hook?" Milky Way asked, more confused than scared.

"I think that story was a dud, Bubbles. Sorry." Cotton Candy sighed, turning to the last mare. "So what do you have, AJ?"

"Shew, those namby-pamby stories? I got something that'll top 'em all!" AJ chuckled. "Now, lemme tell you all an old farmer's tale from when I was a little filly." She made a face in the lantern's light. "This is the story of the sass squash..."

And so, the the old farming mare found herself actually having fun, in spite of how tired she was. The hair curlers and dating board games, things that would have once been more of an annoyance she had to put up with, had actually become enjoyable to the old yellow mare.

"Wow, this party is amazing!" Bubbles laughed.

"Yeah, I gotta admit," Applejack sighed, leaning back in her chair. "I'm certainly glad ya pulled me outta my room." She smiled at the other ponies. ""You ladies are the best!"

"I don't see how this could be any more fun!" Milky Way added.

"Ohh, I know how!" Cotton Candy trotted into the back, and brought out a gigantic glass bottle with a yellow liquid in it. "I just happened to have this cider left over from last year!"

"I dunno, girls..." Applejack warned, as the other mares uncorked the bottle, and began pouring glasses of the funny smelling apple juice. "This stuff might be a little too old to drink."

"Awww, stop being such a wet blanket, AJ!" Cotton Candy chided her, as the mares began downing the cider. "Why do you always worry that something's gonna go wrong?"


"I know! *Hic* Your a schailboat!" The wobbly Milky Way said, nearly falling over in her seat as she spoke. "That's the only think that rocks like that!"

"Thatsh not rockin, you doofush!" Bubbles replied, wobbling around. "I'm shupposhed to be a *hic* cricket, hopping around the room!"

Applejack watched the other three with an annoyed sigh, She had been right about that crazy cider, and her three friends were now inebriated, and acting like total fools. She had stuck to drinking the milk in Cotton Candy's fridge, amd was currently the only sober pony in the room.

"Girls, don't you think it's about time to turn in?" AJ suggested, letting out a yawn. "I think we've had enough fun for one night!"

"Aww, lighten up, AJ!" Cotton replied, stumbling around in front of the mare. "The night is shtill young!"

It was just after a game of Scheherazade, that a knock came int the door. Outside, there was a white earth pony with a blue mane and several blue flowers cutie mark- a pony that none of the four recognized.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you..." The nervous sounding mare asked. "But my name's Mage, and I'm new to the castle." She set down a measuring cup in front of the other ponies. "Would any of you happen to have a cup of sugar?"

"Yaaaay! Another new friend!" Bubbles hiccuped, sending a fouls bust of stench right into the other mares face. "Get in here, new friend!"

"Ew, this place stinks!" Mage wrinkled her dainty nose, as Bubbles pulled her inside. "What have you ladies been doing in here?"

"Awww, wesh jusht having shome *hic* fun!" Milky Way giggled, sitting the new mare down on the couch beside her. "Now Cotton, you were shaying about the cashtle's *hic* boys?":

"Well, Quarterback Score has th-the best flank. And that Steamer boy Poesy brought in with her has the cutest eyes." Cotton replied dreamily. "But the Hottest hottie in Dream Valley has to be Slugger!"

"Oh yeah, that boy can buck me anytime! Woo-woooo!" Bubbles stood up on the couch, slapping her flank. "Pity he only hash eyes for Buttons!"

"Wow, you girls are certainly forward with a stranger" Mage cocked an eyebrow. "And what is your opinion on the castle's males, fair Applejack?"

"Well, I-I don't think that's an appropriate question to-" Applejack started, trying to hide her blush.

"Awww, c'mon AJ! *hIc*!" Bubbles stumbled over to the mare, putting a hoof around her. "We all know you have a thang for that Mountian Boy hottie, Lightning!"

"Whew! what a hottie!" Cotton Candy agreed, waving her hoof in front of her face. "That stallion is lightning in a BOTTLE!"

"I see" Mage replied, narrowing he eyes. "And tell me, what do you girls think of Queen Majesty?"

"Majesty? That old nag? *hic*" Cotton Candy snorted. "Naw, jusht kidding. She's a great queen. But she doshen't know how to let her mane down, and have a good time!"

"Yeah! She's an awesome leader!" Milky Way agreed. "But she's such an old fuddy duddy. Dhere's no way she'd *hic* come and hang out wif a bunch of mares like us!"

"Shtill, she's and amashing mare." Bubbles finished. "I'd rather have a shitck in the mud whose a good queen, than a *hic* good time mare that can't lead anhts to a picnic!"

"Thank you very much for your opinion, ladies." Mage smiled, trotting towards the kitcen. "I believe I shall get my cup of sugar, and beyond my way."

As the mare trotted her way out to the kitchen, Applejack swore she saw the top of a horn sticking out of the top of the unicorn's mane. Noticing what her inebriated friends did not, the earth mare suddenly realized what exactly what had just happened.

"Ohhh boy..." AJ thought to herself, as Mage trotted out the apartment door. "Things are going to be a whole lot more interesting when we all wake up tomorrow."

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