• Published 12th Sep 2012
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My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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A Christmas Reunion, Part 2

A Christmas Reunion, Part 2

"Bow Tie, you need to calm down!" Fizzy pleaded, as she sat beside the seething mare, trying to calm her down. "Nightshade has already made up for what he did, and everybody's forgiven him. Doncha think you should, too?"

"Forgive him?!? FORGIVE HIM!?!" The enraged blue mare snorted angrily. "Fizzy, do you know what that two-faced, slimy rattlesnake did to me? I loved that pony, gave him my heart and all of my affection for years! And do you know how he repaid me?!?"

"Teamed up with an evil cloud genie named Arabus, betrayed you by turning your family your friends into shadowless zombies, and tossed your love into the trash like an old worn out shoe." Glory replied, trotting up to her dear friend. "It was horrible what you had to go through, Bow. No one should have thier whole lives ripped away from them like that."

"A-after he and Arabus chased my out of the city, I wandered the Ponyland countryside for months." Bow Tie remembered bitterly, closing her eyes tightly. The other two mares present already knew this story by heart, but let her tell it again so she could feel better. "I was able to scavenge food at first. But then the cold of late fall set in, and it became hard to find anything to eat..."

Bow Tie struggled against the bitter cold, hunkering low to keep the chill from feeing her. The mare gazed around with bloodshot eyes, seeing if there was a place to take shelter for the night. Spotting a nearby stream, and slowly trotted up to take a drink. But the reflection she spotted in the water below, was not of a pony she recognized.

"Great Horsemaster, I look like a savage!"

Her haggard pink mane, once the envy of every mare in Bright Valley, was now a tattered mess. The mare's satin and silk ribbons all through her mane and tail, gifts from her family and friends, were tattered and torn beyond recognition. She could just imagine some human hunting party coming across her, nd filling her fragile little body with arrows after mistaking her for some kind of wild animal.

"I need to keep moving."

The mare continued her trek southward for several weeks, passing over the unicorn run, and into the narrow passes of the Equestria Valley. Winter was setting in, and Bow Tie was hoping to fin her way to one of the great citadels of Ponyland before she ethier starved or froze to death. But my mid-December she was too week to go on, having survived on the sparse shrubs and grasses she had found, and was ready to give up. But just as Bow Tie was about to collapse, her weay eyes gazed upon a sight that filled the weary mare with awe.

"C-canterlot Mountain." She whispered allowed, her eyes going wide in wonder. "I've made it to the holy city."

Somehow finding the strength to push on, the mare slowly trotted her way towards the mountain. Climbing the ancient staircase that led to the capital, Bow Tie found herself amidst the crumbling ruins of broken down buildings, and roofless homes that had not been inhabited for more then five centuries.

"So this is where I get to spend my last Christmas, amongst the ruins of my ancestors.." The exhausted mare thought, stumbling over into the shadow of a broken down building and collapsing. "I wonder if someone will find me here in a hundred years, and think I was part of the ruins."

Bow Tie lay there quietly for several minutes, staring out into the remains of the old Canterlot city square. It was then, that something odd began to happen. Whither a strange supernatural event, or some trick of the tired mare's mind, the entire city suddenly began to light up around her. Street lamps blazed at every corner, and wreaths hung above every door. Bow Tie then noticed the shades of Equestrians ponies trotting to and fro, giggling and laughing and going about their holiday business. Clad in jackets and scarves and hoof mittens, the merry ponies of old Equestria taking no notice to dying pony lying off to the side, the life slowly draining from her malnourished body.

"Awwww, c'mon Nightshade! Get me that jacket for Christmas, pleeeease?"

Among the shadows of ponies past, Bow Tie caught a glimpse of herself- or rather, a shadow of herself as a younger filly, trotting around with Nightshade. The look of joy on the other Bow Tie's face, sent a pang of sorrow and regret through the older mare's heart.

"You know I can't afford the brand name one, honey girl!" Nightshade asked. "Why don't we just get the cheap knock-off?"

"C'mon, Nighty, that's no fun!" The filly replied, pouting. "Only the best will do for your Bow Tie!"

Bow Tie buried her face in the snow, ashamed of how shallow and frivolous she had been. All of the blessings she had had with her family and friends over each and every Christmas that slipped by, and she had never once stopped, and enjoyed the company of the ponies around her, company that was now lost to her forever. She would never again see her father's smiling face on Christmas morning, nor would she ever taste her mother's hot ginger soup again. No, she was going to die right here on this cold stone floor, and nobody would even shed a tear.

"Oh great horsemaster, please have pity on this wretched mare, and end my suffering now." She pleaded aloud, trying to push the pain and heartbreak out of her mind. "And please, if there is ever another filly who had all of the blessings that were given to me... please don't let her squander them... let her stop, and see her dear ones as the blessing they are."

It was at that moment, that all of the sights and sounds of the holiday vanished, and all of the ghosts faded away. Bow Tie couldn't be sure, but it almost seemed one dark blue shade, with both wings and horn and a flowing mane, seemed to linger a bit longer than the others. It stared at her sadly, before vanishing like all the rest. Suddenly, a light snow began to fall all around her, and the young mare thought she could hear voices.

"Commander Sunburst, over here!" A pony's voice exclaimed, as a white unicorn came into her blurry field of vision. "It looks like there's a mare, half frozen in the snow!"

"Great Horsemaster, you're right!" A commanding voice replied, and a glittering stallion trotted up beside the unicorn, looking like an angel to the fallen mare. "We'd better get her back to dream castle, before it's too late!"

"You were lucky Sunburst and I were there at the ruins." Glory noted, as Bow Tie finished her story. "He was serving as my escort while I was looking though the remains of Canterlot for old Equestrian tapestries to restore."

"You two saved me, and brought me back here to my new life in Dream Valley." The mare replied gratefully. "Later, Sunburst and I even got married, and had baby Bow Tie together."

"But if things turned out so well for you, why are you having such a hard time forgiving him?" Fizzy asked. "It's no good for you to hold on to grudge like that."

"Fizzy, my parents died during that whole shadow fiasco, and he's partially responsible." The mare scowled angrily. "How can I possibly forgive that jerk for how that jerk betrayed me?"

Honey, you still need to talk to him, and let go your hatred." Glory replied, pointing a hoof at the door. "Because if you don't, the pony you'll end up hating is yourself."

Bow Tie scowled silently at her friend, before nodding and trotting out the door.

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