• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 2,023 Views, 158 Comments

My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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A day in the life of King Scorpan

A day in the life of King Scorpan

"Your highness!" I hear a voice calling out, breaking through the darkness. "Your highness! It's time to get up!"

The sound of her whinnying is enough to rouse my from my slumber, causing my eyes to flutter open. The first thing I see is the purple canopy hanging over my bed, before I find a pair of aqua blue eyes are quickly staring straight into mine.

"Your highness!" She calls out bluntly. "Are you awake?"

"Ahhhh! Sunbeam!" I yell, sitting up in bed quickly. "How many times have I asked you not to do that?!?"

"I'm sorry, my king." She replies apologetically. "But it's so hard to judge if you humans are awake or not!"

Sunbeam the unicorn... my royal advisor and assistant. A gift from Queen Majesty from Dream Valley, she has helped me put my kingdom back in order ever since I was freed from the dark lord Tirek. A very meticulous and precise pony, I probably wouldn't even be able to find my shoes in the morning without her help!

"Don't worry about it." I sigh. Standing up, I walk for my bathroom, shutting the door behind me. "Do you have today's schedule prepared?"

"Well, you have that meeting with the envoy from the rats of Munsterville at four, they want to re-negotiate our kingdom's tariff on cheese." I hear her turn the page of her levitated clipboard, as she stands outside my bathroom. "Oh, and you're supposed to meet with Sir Huguenot about his squire in a half an hour!"

"Thanks, Sunbeam." I reply gratefully, as I pull my blue breeches and tunic on, before slipping my golden crown onto my head. "Once again, you are a royal life saver!"

My name is King Athelstan Wessex IV- or, as I am more commonly known, King Scorpan of Manehatten. I rule this city state, and the surrounding countryside, which are home to most of Ponyland's population of humans. My long lineage comes from a great line of kings, who ruled this land, since the day humans fist came over the rainbow bridge over four centuries ago.

"Also, your highness, you may wish to look over these requests from factory owners Fudgy McSwain and Rocky Ripple." She continued, as I came out of the bathroom, and slipped on my fur robes. "They want to discuss the possibility of lowering the kingdom's tariffs on ice cream and toppings..."

"Yes, yes, Sunbeam! All in due course!" I chide her, walking out of my room. As I step out into the hallway, the warm rays of the sun shine down upon me. Looking out the window, I gaze upon the sight spread out before me. Manehatten, a beautiful city of townhouses, churches, and guild halls, and lining the cobblestone roads. Once a city of Ponies, our human ancestors rebuilt it into a great metropolis, where we can live under our own laws and customs, in a land ruled by talking ponies.

"Hello, your majesty! Good afternoon, your majesty!" The passing courtiers and officials in the hallways bow to me as I pass, while many of the ladies of court stare at my brown hair and blue eyes, swooning at my so-called 'good looks'. They all pay me the admiration and respect due to their king, but I have no way of knowing if their praise is sincere or not.

As Sunbeam and I pass into the throne room, many of the servants who are lazing about, suddenly snap to attention. As they proceed to the tasks which are their primary responsibilities, I can hear the throne room's radio broadcasting a pony station in the background.

"Yeeeaaaah! What’s up Ponylaaaaaand! This is D.J., coming at you live from Bright Valley music hall, with all of the greatest hits, along with weather, news, and sports! Today we'll be coming at you about a little disagreement, between Prince Clever Clover, and the Margrave of Fort Rainbow Dash! But first-"

The blue unicorn with the radio cutie mark is quickly silenced, as Sunbeam snaps the dial to the 'off' position.

"Stupid sensationalist trash!" I hear her grumble, as she trots back over to my throne. I'll never understand these ponies and their strange technologies- why did the ambassador from Fort Rainbow Dash give me that noisemaking box in the first place? We rely on the magic of our wizards for such things, and have little use for such strange devices.

With a sigh, I recline in my throne. "Sunbeam, send in the first dignitary."

"As you wish, my liege." She levitates her clipboard up. "First up is Powder, ambassador of the snow pony tribes of the north!"

"Thank you your highness, it is an honor to be here!" A purple unicorn with a snowflake cutie mark and white mane comes trotting in, and bows before my throne. "As you may or may not know, my tribe lives in a very cold land far from here. We cannot grow crops and food on our own, and so we were wondering if your honorable kingdom would be willing to trade with us for goods and supplies the other pony kingdoms just don't have!"

"With all due respect, Miss Powder..." I raise my arm, cutting her off. "My people and I have very little use for ice and snow in such large quantities."

I know of this pony- she is the snow ponies’ fast talker, who is always hanging around at Queen Majesty's court. I've heard it said she can sell a refrigerator to a pengrim.

"Aha, but that is where the answer lies!" The unicorn gave a mischievous grin. "You see, we have learned that Blarkland and Screea, being desert countries, have no access to large amounts of water! Now, if you were to, say, take our ice off of us, then transport it by magic..."

"We could trade or sell it to the Screens and Blarks!" My face lights up. "What a brilliant idea!"

"I knew you would appreciate it, your highness!" Powder replies with a grin. "It's a perfect solution that is a benefit to all three parties!"

And so it goes on, for the rest of the morning. I receive visit from a peasant who was digging a well, and ran into trouble when he accidentally penetrated a diamond dog mine.

"GRRRRR! Human dig into our kitchen! Demand recompensation!"

"That was my land I was digging under! It was your fault you put your stupid home under my property!"

I receive a domestic dispute from a duke, who bought a sleeping pony off a con man, only to find it could talk when it awoke.

"That merchant gave me a raw deal!" The nobleman grumbles. "All this old nag ever does is complain!"

"Who you calling an old nag, you weirdo!" The yellow pony with the green mane snorts. "My name's Tootsie, and I was just taking a nap, when this loser slipped a saddle onto me, and got on my back!"

One apology to a mare and anti-slavery lecture to a nobleman later, and I had reached my lunch break. Sunbeam clopped her front hooves together, and the servants wheeled a steaming cart of food in.

"I had the chef prepare the fist side of ham and blood pudding in Manehatten, your highness!" The mare boasted to me. "Now eat up, while it's still hot and cold!"

As I placed my napkin around my neck, and picked up my silverware, I noticed Sunbeam merely eating a bowl of oats over to the side. With a sigh, I realized how little of an appetite all of the stresses of my court must leave her with. I wish I could tell this mare how much I appreciate her hard work and dedication. But being the kind of Pony she is, I knew she would hear none of it.

Late arrivals from the other world, we humans fill out a kind of strange place here in Ponyland. Our ancestors first came here from a place called Angle-land, fleeing from the tyranny of a ruler called the eighth Henry. They discovered the rainbow bridge while fleeing from his authorities, and gradually snuck themselves and their families over to escape the horrible oppression. I, myself, am descended from the first kings of Angle-land, including the great king Alfred. It was the disposal of my line by Normandy of William, that led to my ancestors fleeing here, where the ponies set my lineage up to rule the human settlers.

After quickly finishing my meal, I await the arrival of the next petitioner.

"Sir Huguenot, your majesty!" Sunbeam tells me. "And his young apprentice, squire Alonzo!"

A middle aged, portly man in armor soon enters, followed by a teenage boy in a red tunic. It is clear that the elder gentleman is vexed by the boy, who carries a look of angry defiance about him. I hope things are not going amiss with this boy, as he was hand-picked by my court wizard, and I have high hopes for him.

"Ah, my good knight!" I smile, greeting the two arrivals warmly. "How goes your training of my court's next champion?"

"Not well, I fear!" Sir Huguenot growled, crossing his arms over his massive stomach. "The boy will not follow my instructions at all! He won't slay baby dragons when I tell him to, and he can't even stay in the saddle when jousting with other squires!"

"Those jousters are twice my size! How could I possibly stand up to armored riders that huge!" Alonzo protested. "And I can't slay any of those dragons, they might be friends or relatives of Spike!"

Spike... the name hits me like a blow from a club. The baby dragon who was my only companion for years, when Tirek had turned me into a monster in his service. That little fellow was centuries older than I would ever be, yet he acted with the bright-eyed wonderment of a newborn when faced with very real and dangerous situations.

I had hoped he would remain by my side, returning with me when I returned to my kingdom, but he chose to stay with the ponies who had saved us. Oh, Spike... where are you now? Happily frolicking with the ponies across the meadows? Or off on your own adventures? I hope one day, I will get to see you again, my friend...

"This boy will not even ride a horse into battle! He insists on using that stupid camel of his as a steed!"

"My camel isn't stupid! He can talk, just like the ponies do!"

"Bah, you are worthless, boy! That enchantress from the other world, has clearly bewitched you!"

"How dare you say anything bad about Megan! She is the sweetest and kindest maiden I've ever met! And she's the reason our good king was rescued in the first place!"

"Both of you, ENOUGH!" I yell finally, silencing them both. "I have heard enough from both of you, I need to consider matters in private! Now, leave me!"

"Yes, my king!" Both of them bowed simultaneously, before storming out of the room, still glaring at each other. As I am left in the throne room, I stare out at the evening sky.

"Y-your majesty?" Sunbeam asked in a worried tone, trotting up to me. "Are you all right?"

"I feel so... old." I remove my crown, gently caressing my temples. "I was robbed of ten years of ruling my kingdom by that monster, and now I am left to put things back into order, all by myself."

"You are not alone, my dear Athelstan." She came trotting up, rasing her head to nuzzle me. "I am here to help you, no matter what happens!"

"It's funny you use my real name, few ponies or people do so anymore!" I laugh ruefully, lowering my head. "Everyone calls me King Scorpan these days... all they remember is the flying ape-like monster I spent so many years as!"

"Don't let them get to you, your majesty!" She replied soothingly, rubbing her head against mine. "Your human herd is just having trouble adjusting to having their ruler back!"

"Ahhh, you're just a pony, Sunbeam!" I complain, walking out of the throne room. "How could you possibly understand?"

"S-scorpan..." I can hear the sadness welling up in her voice, just as surely as the tears were welling in her eyes. But how could she -how could anyone- understand? This is a sorrow that I alone must bear.

Reentering the hallway, I look out the window at my city again. So many wonderful, happy people out there... descendants of refugees, who have made successful lives for themselves here. How can I possibly be the ruler they except me to be?

"It is the fact you worry about that fact, which makes you such a wonderful ruler!" I hear in my mind. I turn, to find a white haired human woman with a yellow streak in her hair- and a unicorn's horn- staring at me. "A bad ruler wouldn’t' even care about their subjects."

"Sunbeam." I whisper, as the woman clad in a pink gown walked over, and rested her head against mine. "Isn't that a misuse of your unicorn magic, my dear?"

"We all have these problems, Athelstan, both pony and human." She tells me, putting an arm around me "It's how we use our friends and loved ones to deal with the misery and stress.

Saying nothing, I merely smile, putting an arm around her waist. Together, the two of us watch the sun set on the city before us, and just a little bit of the burden is lifted from my heart.

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