• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 2,023 Views, 158 Comments

My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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Honeymoon in Selenia- Part two

Honeymoon in Selenia- Part two

"Ohhhhhh..." I groan, as my eyes slowly open to the early light of dawn. Looking over to my left, I see the most wonderful mare in the world snuggled up my side, her own eyes just now opening, as well. "Good morning, my dearest. Sleep well?"

"Ohhh, my aching flank..." She smiled, rubbing her nose against mine in response. "Yes, actually... you did kinda tire me out a bit last night. Not that I didn't enjoy it."

It was an odd feeling for both of us, to wake up beside another pony after a long, pleasurable night. It was something that would take some getting use to, to be sure, but from that first night on our honeymoon, the benefits seemed to far outweigh the disadvantages. (It would only be over the next year or so, that I would discover the annoyance of Twilight's blanket hogging, and she would learn to despise my loud snoring, but that is a story for another time).

Anyway, it did not take us long to get showered, and have breakfast delivered to the hotel room. While we were finishing grooming ourselves, I noticed Twilight levitate a familiar yellow tiara with a pink heart jewel out of her bag, and place it on her head.

"Wait, your family's ancestral coronation crown?" I ask suspiciously. "Twilight, what are you planning?"

"Well, Pretty Visions told me that I'm looked at as a princess here," My wife replied candidly. "so I'm thinking- why not take advantage of that?" She smiled mischievously. "I mean, I've always wanted to be treated like a princess, and this might be my only chance."

"Oh, Twilight..." I sigh, knowing full well what really behind all this. Twilight is not happy with any view of her ancestor as an alicorn, and in her eyes New Equestria has taken this error to it's worst extreme. Pretty felt her displeasure when we first arrived, and now I feared the rest of Selenia will feel her displeasure.

It was at that point that a knock came at the door, and I opened it to find Pretty Visions standing there. As soon as the mare saw Twilight in her crown, she respectfully bowed low before us.

"Greetings, your highness." Pretty greeted her humbly. "I have returned once more, and I have brought two of my friends along to assist me."

"Salutations, Princess Twilight." An earth mare with a blue coat and orange mane bowed. "My name is Twisty Tail, and this is my friend, Braided Beauty."

"We've come to give you a and your consort a tour of the city's sights today," The green Pegasus behind her continued. "since you don't know your way around Selenia that well."

"What about our visit to the palace?" I ask, surprised by this turn of events. "Weren't we supposed to meet with the princess today?"

"Our gracious ruler has had an... unexpected problem come up. Rest assured, she will be more than happy to see you tomorrow."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Twilight asked, a big grin crossing her face. "C'mon Tornado, let's get out there and see the sights!"


Over the next few hours, we were able to see some of Selenia's greatest sights. While the city was mostly a magnificent reconstruction of old Canterlot, there were many things that gave New Equestria's capital a charm all of it's own. Our dear mares proceeded to play tour guides, explaining to us the significance of everything we saw on our journey.

"This is bridle falls, the tallest waterfall in all of new Equestria." Twisty Tail told us, as Twilight and I looked over the rail at the roaring surge of water. "Much as Horseshoe falls did in the old country, this natural wonder draws many New Equestrian couples on their honeymoon to the capital."

"Ohhhh, look Sugar Pie!" My wife gasped, staring over at the cliff side at the towering falls. "It's such a looong way down!"

"Whoah, that is a long way down..." I agree, as I climbed over the railing to get a better look. "I never realized how far up we were."

"Prince Tornado, it might not be a good idea to stand up there." Pretty Vision warned, trotting up and grabbing my hoof. "Those safety rails are there to stop ponies from fa-"

"Whoa-oah-oah- oahhhhhhh!" I stumbled in surprise as Pretty grabbed me, losing my balance, and tumbling over the side. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"SWEETIE!" Twilight shrieked, extending a hoof downward in a panic.

It all happened so fast- my falling, Braided Beauty reflexively zipping down to catch me. Before either Twilight or I could cast a spell, the green Pegasus had me back up at the observation platform, where I was rattled, but otherwise alright.

"Oh, Tornado!" Twilight hugged me tightly. "Are you all right?"

"I-I think so." I replied shakily. "I think the next time I go over those falls though, I might want to use a barrel."

"You should be more cautious, your highness." Braided Beauty chided me, zipping around over our heads. Twilight stared up at her with an angry scowl, clearly not happy with ethier my Pegasus rescuer, or our original guide, Pretty. It doesn't take long, before I find out what bothering her.

"Face it Tornado, she pushed you over." Twilight whispered, as we stopped to get lunch. Our three guides had sat at a table farther away from us, where they would hear our conversation. "Those three are plotting to ruin our honeymoon, I just know it!"

"Now Twilight, you're just being ridiculous!" I snort, trying to keep my voice down. "Why in the name of the horsemaster would they be trying to ruin our trip?"

"I've heard them talking, Tornado." My wife grumbled, glaring over at the three mares. "They think we're savages from the old country. Pretty and her friends are just trying to make us look stupid!"

"Twilight, please stop it!" I hiss, as the mares at the other table finish up their meals. "I really don't think we should say anything, until they actually do something!"

My wife only sat there and stewed, while our three guides trotted over to our table to continue our tour. As we all trotted though the city, Twilight and I noticed several Pegasus guards in obsidian armor, Flying around the city, and going on their patrols. But when we looked closer, the two of us noticed a small detail about these shadow guards, that nearly threw us into a panic.

"Excuse me, Miss Beauty?" I ask our Pegasus guide, causing her to stop and turn around. "But am I mistaken, or do those stallion guards have... bat wings?!"

"You are not mistaken, my prince." The Pegasus mare informed me. "Those are our city's Nightwatch guards- a subrace of Pegasus bat ponies, who once served as princess Luna's personal troops."

"But, I thought the bat ponies were extinct!" Twilight whinnied in shock. "Their herds were wiped out in the Grogar Wars!"

"In the confederacy, perhaps. But Princess Luna had left several Nightwatch guards to watch over the colony, after her final departure." Twisty Tail explained. "Their descendants still watch over our country, carrying out the last orders of their dear alicorn princess."

As we passed a pair of the Nightwatch guards, I could have sworn one of their creepy bat eyes was following us as we trotted past. A shiver ran down my spine, as I hurried to catch up with the others.

We are soon guided over to the outskirts of the city, where there were a large network of caves running in and out of the mountain. Trotting us up to the mouth of the largest cave, the three mares stopped us in front of a small statue of Princess Luna, that rested on pedestal right at the cavern's entrance.

"These sacred caverns are called the Garden of Night." Pretty Vision explained to us. "This is where the first little orphans Princess Luna brought here, sought refuge."

"They lived here in secret for many years, until the other colonists began to arrive." Twisty Tail continued. "It was from the homes they made for themselves in these caves, that the colony expanded outward. The seeds of Luna's refuge would grow into the new Equestria."

"May we have a look around?" I asked, curious about these very historic caves. "I'd very much like to explore the interior."

"Certainly, but we must ask that you not use your unicorn magic to light the way." Pretty Visions replied. "The natural bioluminescence of the caves, shall see you through to the end."

"Thank you very much, ladies." Twilight told them. The three mares bowed to us, as my wife and I trotted our way into the caves. "Watch your step, Sweetie. I don't want you falling down again."

Once inside the darkness, the walls lit up all around us in an eerie obsidian-blue glow. A still silence permeated the caves, as it seemed like we were the only living things that had been here in a millennia.

"Wow, can you believe this was Princess Luna's secret refuge?" Twilight whispered, looks up at the rock formations hanging from the ceiling above us. "It must have been really scary for those poor fillies and colts!"

"Well, at least they had the light of the caves to guide them though." I replied, looking around at the glowing crystals embedded in the walls. "Can you imagine navigating this place totally in the dark?"

And it was at that moment, that the glowing light of the crystals was suddenly doused... and my wife and I suddenly found ourselves totally in the dark.

"Ack, sweetie pie, I can't see anything!" The pink mare beside me shrieked. "Quick, we'd better light our horns!"

"Twilight, no! We must respect our hosts!" reply, gritting my teeth. Even if I don't like the superstitious beliefs of these ponygans, I can still respect them. "Just take my hoof, and I'll see if I can guide us out of here!"

What followed over the next several hours, was two ponies stumbling around in the dark, stubbing their hooves on rocks, and banging our heads into walls. Finally, after I had fallen on my face six times and Twilight had fallen on hers four, we finally made our way back out into the light... where three hysterically laughing mares were waiting for us.

"Ohhh boy! You should've heard you two stubling around and screaming in there!" Pretty Visions giggled. "I can't believe you two fell for the old 'don't shine your horn in the sacred cave' gag."

"Oh brother, they were totally right about what brainless rubes confederacy ponies are!" Twisty Tail laughed. "You should see the look on your faces!"

"I'm very sorry we did that to you, Princess Twilight! But the way you've been treating everypony and the way you've been acting since you got here, you kind of deserved it!" Braided Beauty stifled her laughter. " Now, let us apologize to you by treating you to a nice dinner in the city's finest restaurant, and then we'll take you toi our finest spa for a lovely mane perm."

"You... you..you honeymoon wreckers!" My wife snorted, her horn glowing in anger. "It's not me who needs a new hairdo, it's you!"

"Twilight, no!" I pleaded, taking a step back. "You'll cause an international incident, they're not worth it!"

But it was too late. Reaching beyond her own miniscule unicorn magic, my wife's eyes and crown began to glow, as she tapped into her inherit power of wishing- my own dear Twilight's special talent.

"I wish...I wish... I wish... I wish!"

Within an instant, the manes of our three hosts began to grow wildly out of control. twisting and tangling in a manner a pony's mane was never supposed to move. The three mares suddenly galloped away from us in terror, as their hair writhed and moved on thier haeds as if it now had a mind of it's own.

"Guess they are the ones, who need to go to the salon now." A satisfied pink unicorn snorted. "Though I don't think the beautician is gonna want to work with a trio of' brush and grow' ponies, whose manes won't stop growing!"

"Oh Twilight..." I moaned sadly, shaking my head. "...what have you done?"

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