• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 2,023 Views, 158 Comments

My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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The Visitation

The Visitation


"Medley, would you please stop that?"


"Medley, cut that out!"


"MEDLEYYYYYY!" Firefly yelled, finally at her wits end.

"I'm terribly sorry, Firefly, I really am!" The Pegasus apologized profusely. "I'm just so excited to finally be visiting the human world, after all you and Megan told me about it's wonders... i-it just makes me want to- SQUEE!"

Firefly rolled her eyes at her best friends excited squeaking. Sure all mares and fillies squeaked like that when they became excited or extremely happy. But right now her dear friend was really getting on her nerves!

At Medley's urging, Firefly had finally agreed to take the other Pegasus over to the human world for a visit- to explore the oddly strange playland that she, North Star, Wind Whistler, and Surprise got to explore on the other side of the rainbow bridge. Medley had always been too be cowardly and frightened to go over to the other side, but the mare had finally mustered up the courage to ask her best friend to take her over the bridge.

"Ohhhh, there is so much I want to do!" Medley exclaimed excitedly, as the two ponies flew toward the rainbow bridge. "First, I want to go to a disco, and -SQUEE!- dance! Then, I wanna go see a John Travolta -SQUEE!- movie! Megan told me how cute he is!"

"Medley, of course Megan has a crush on that guy, they're both human." Firefly grumbled, as the two flew into the multicolored column of light. "And we can't let the wrong humans see us... otherwise, we'll end up on the dissection table!"

The two ponies, passed into the rainbow tunnel, zooming along the passage as it pulled the two Pegasus to another world. There was a sudden flash of light, and the two ponies emerged above a brightly lit city, surrounded on all sides by mountains.

"Oh my, would you look at that!" Medley exclaimed in wonder, as they flew across the night sky. "I-it 's like a bunch of big castles with stars in their windows!"

"They're called skyscrapers, Medley. Our ancestors had them in Manehatten." Firefly sighed. "The rainbow must have dumped us out over one of their inland cities, and judging from the landscape, I think I know which one."

"Ohhh, what are those rivers down there?" Medley exclaimed. "And... ohhh, what's that round building down there, with all the seats? Is that the Coliseum Mister Moochick was talking about?"

"Okay, now I definitely know where we are. Those rivers are the Monongahela, the Allegheny, and the Ohio." Firefly smiled, as they flapped overhead. " And no, that's not the Coliseum, that's three Rivers Stadium, a place the humans gather for sporting events." She suddenly dove down towards the city. "C'mon, Medley! Let's go have a look!"

"Wait, Firefly! I can't keep up with you!" Medley cried, zooming down after her. The timid Pegasus tried to follow her friend’s trail, but in the cloudy and misty skies, Medley lost sight of her friend.

"Firefly, come back!" Medley wailed, soaring down towards the river below. "Come baaack!"


Flying towards a suburban area, Firefly saw many houses on the ground blew, with their window lit, and families happily going about their evening business. Quietly landing near a darkened end of the street, the Pegasus looked around at the now-quiet neighborhood.

"How can humans live in such an un-natural place? Firefly thought sadly, feeling sorry for these silly creatures. "At least Megan lives on a farm in the country."

The Pegasus was about to take off again, when she her a gasp, and the sound of a dropped trash bag behind her. Spinning around, the Pegasus found a shocked human girl standing there, staring at her in shock.

"Oh my gosh..." The red haired girl exclaimed, her eyes going wide. "A-a Pegasus..."

"Oh Ponyfeathers" The pink pony sighed, shaking her mane. "Not again."

"H-hey there." Firefly greeted her, stretching her wings. "What's up?"


On the docks near the river, a washed up sailor lay against a warehouse wall. Having spent the last of his money from his temp jobs working the river boats, he was currently laying in a gutter and downing a canteen of spirits. His only companion was currently sitting on his shoulder, and making his headache even worse.

"Dorp that bottle, sailor!" The green parrot squawked in anger, pecking the sailor on the head. "You're better than this, start acting like it!"

"Aww, can it Polly!" The washed drunk in jeans and a blue shirt grumbled, turning his flask up again. "If ya don't shut yer yapper, I'll sell ya to the pet store!"

A sailor from the west coast, Hector had been unable to hold down employment on a vessel due to one too many fights with his shipmates. Having come east, he had made his way across the country working odd and end jobs, hoping to hop an Atlantic cargo vessel to Europe. His money -and luck- had finally run out here in Pittsburgh, and now he was just trying to drink his troubles away. Pouring the last of his canteen down his throat, the last of his booze dribbled down his short beard.

"Awww, damn, there goes the last of my stuff." The sailor grumbled, to no one in particular. "Things just can't get no worse."

"Um, excuse me, good sir?" A feminine, ladylike voice behind him called out. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help me..."

"What can I do for ya, doll?" Hector looked up, expecting to see a beautiful dame, but instead the sailor got the shock of his life. "W-wha?"

Hector Delgado had previously hallucinated everything from pink elephants to beautiful girls. But the one thing he had not expected to see was a pastel-colored, talking pony with wings.

"What the hell are you!?"


"So, let me get this straight..." The red-haired girl asked skeptically. "You're a talking pony from a magical fairyland across the rainbow, and your here to explore earth?"

"Yep, name's Firefly, adventurer extraordinaire." The Pegasus exclaimed proudly, flapping her wings. "I've been on so many fantastic adventures, it'd make your head spin!"

"You'll pardon me if I'm a bit skeptical." The girl in the jeans and t-shirt replied, picking up the garbage bag she had dropped. "But it’s not like I've encountered a magical talking pony every time I've taken out the trash."

Looking the girl over, Firefly noticed she was just a little younger than Megan. But sadly, she also seemed a bit more cynical. Firefly had once convinced Megan to have more confidence in herself. Surely, she could convince this girl to be a little less cynical!

"Look, I know all of this is hard for you to believe, but I've seen and heard a lot of crazy stuff during my lifetime." Firefly shook her mane. "Why, my friend Medley and I have encountered everything from a chariot riding demon lord who wanted eternal night, to an evil unicorn with shadow powers. And that's saying a lot, cause Medley's afraid of her own shadow! But once she's had a taste of something exciting, her excitement can usually overcome her fear." She went over, and nuzzled under head under the girl's hand. "Why, just getting her to visit this world was an adventure had a half!"

"Hm, sounds like your friend's a handful." The girl replied, stroking Firefly's mane with her hand. "But if you're friend's visiting this world too, where the heck is she?"

Firefly's ears suddenly perked up. "Oh my gosh, I almost forgot!" Leaping up into the air, the Pegasus bid a hasty farewell. "Nice meeting you, but I really have to go find my friend now!"

"Bye, funny flying thing." The girl called out, waving as the Pegasus took to the clouds. Going back to the bag she had dropped, the girl put the scattered garbage back into the bag, then tossed it into the dumpster.

"Lauren? Lauren, where are you?" A voice called from the house behind her. "How long does it take to put the trash out?"

"I'm coming..." The girl replied. But as she turned to go back inside, the girl noticed a book on the ground that had fallen out of Firefly's bag when she had taken off.

"Huh, what this?" The girl asked, as she picked up the brown hardback book with gold trimming. Turning the book over to look at the cover, Lauren noticed the glossy title emblazoned on the cover.

The history and Culture of old Equestria


"Ha ha! A demon that turns ponies into dragons!" The old sailor chortled. "Yer the funniest hallucination I've ever had!"

"Thank you, mister Delgado! *Hic!* And your sailor stories are almost as funny as Captain Barnacle’s! -SQUEE!-"

The Pegasus and the sailor were lying in the alleyway, laughing hysterically at each others terrible jokes. That’s how Firefly found them, as she landed nearby.

"Medley, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Firefly trotted up to them. "Why are you with this shabby looking human... and why do you smell funny?"

"Oh! Hector here shared some of his wonderful grape drink with me, *hic!* This stuff is better than cider! *SQUEE!*" The Pegasus began to flap her wings, and started to awkwardly take to the sky. "Hey look, Hector, I can FLY WHEEEEEEE!"

"Medley, get back here!" Firefly exclaimed, zooming up after her wobbly friend. "You're inebriated! You can't fly straight! MEDLEY!"

"Bye, bye, hallucinations!" As the two Pegasus took off, Hector Delgado stumbled over to a pay phone, and picked up the receiver.

"Hello, General Abernathy?" The drunk sailor gurgled into the phone "This ish Hector X. Delgado. I've decided if I'm seein talking pastel ponies, I might as well take you up on yer offer ta join yer *hic* outfit yer puttin together ta fight those snake guys..."


"Oh ponyfeathers!" Firefly grumbled, as the two mares approached the rainbow bridge. "I lost my book!"

"You lost your *hic* what now -SQUEE-!" Medley asked, flying in circles as she wobbled along after Firefly.

"The history book on ancient Equestria, I promised to Megan's aunt Bonnie." The Pegasus snorted. "it fell out of my saddlebag when I was talking to that girl."

"Well then, I guess Aunt Bonnie will jusht have to be happy with the modern history of Ponyland, *Hic*." Medley replied, as they vanished from the human world. "Besides, it not like anybody could do anything with Equestria's history, -SQUEE!-"

Author's Note:

Hello, Tornado Firehooves here again, ready to comment on a matter that many of my non-equine readers have been asking me about, despite the fact I am a historian, and not a biologist or doctor. Many of these individulas have noticed that, whever they are conversing with a mare or filly, in a moment of excitement or happiness a female pony will often get a big goofy grin across thier face, and produce a squeaking noise from thier throats. This effect is known among ponies as a 'squee', and those conversing with ponies sometimes believe that they are ethier being insulted, or being made fun of.

This is not the case at all. Rather, it is an aspect of pony phyisology that female ponies have two air pockets in thier cheeks, that will relexively empty on a moment of excitement or extreme happiness. Wind Whistler believes it is a biological reflex left over from the paleopony period, that served a myriad of purposes. The exact reasons are not clear, but evidence shows the noise can have a calming effect on foals and pony children- often the sound is incorporated into infant foal's toys to keep them calm, and foals have been known to sneak out of thier cribs and snatch the toys, sticking them in thier mouths and squeaking them all night to thier parents annoyance (Twilight and I discovered this with Drummer and his rubber frog- much to our annoyance.) And some pony mothers will incorporate squees into thier songs and lulllabyes they sing to thier offspring.

Surpisingly, the squee also seems to have a subconscious effect on pony males, similar to the foal effect. Many aggressive stallions who feel challenged have been diffused by thier wives's 'squees', subconsciously sending a 'don't worry, that's not a threat' signal to thier spouses. Unfortunately, we males lack the air pockets required to produce the 'squee', and therefore are unable to duplicate the sound or it's effects. I hope this was a help to some of our non-pony readers out there, thank you for your time!

Tornado Firehooves

Dream Castle Historian

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