• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 2,023 Views, 158 Comments

My little Short Stories - Paradise Oasis

a series of short stories set in my shared fanifc 'My Little Pony' multi-generational universe.

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A Pony Wedding- Part 2

A Pony Wedding- Part 2

"Oh, Twilight!" Glory exclaimed, as she levitated the bridal veil onto the filly's head. "I swear that dress is the most lovely wedding gown I've ever laid eyes upon!"

Eight female ponies were gathered in the Dream Castle ballroom, preening and fussing over the bride-to-be. For her part, the pink unicorn was merely sitting there and blushing, embarrassed by all the attention she was getting.

"You are absolutely correct, Glory." The bride's mother agreed, as her daughter admired herself in the body length mirror. "You look absolute lovely, my dear."

Twilight Shine was wearing a long white gown, all decorated in white satin and lace. Bows, ribbons, and sequins decorated the entire dress, and a long velvet train stretched halfway across the room behind her. In her veil was woven a wreath of baby's breath, And four translucent slippers adorned her hooves, crafted by master unicorn jewel smiths from the finest gemstone of the crystal sea. None of the ladies present had ever seen it's like before.

"I-it's all so wonderful, I just can't believe this is happening..." Shaking her head, the pink unicorn looked back at the blue earth filly behind her. "Thank you so much for this fantastic dress, Bowtie! I can't express how grateful I am!"

"Don't worry about it Twi, it really wasn't that big a deal." Bow Tie replied, putting safety pins in the back of her dress, and pulling a ribbon tight with her teeth. "You're about the same size as me, and it wasn't like I was planning on using this thing anyway." The ribbon-maned mare's eye twitched, as she tried to suppress the memory of a two-faced singing earth stallion. " wanted this wedding to be the happiest day of your life."

"She's right Twilight, this is gonna be the best wedding Dream Valley has ever seen!" Twilight Sky exclaimed, fluttering around over her head, looking at the dress from above. "And it was so wonderful of you to make us your bridesmaids."

"And it was even more awesome that we recovered from that meat spell in time to be in your wedding." Firefly added, handing Bow Tie pins and needles as she worked. "And even more awesome you let Medley do the music for your wedding."

"Oh yes, I heard her bird choir practicing in the castle gardens, they were so lovely!" Poesy sighed dreamily, as she arraigned some tulips in a vase. "And it's just as wonderful that you're letting me arrange the flowers at your wedding. I promise I'll make you the prettiest bouquet you've ever seen, Twilight!"

"Yeah, we're all gonna make sure your wedding is the coolest shindig ever!" Firefly adds, admiring her pink bride's maid's gown in another mirror. "I'm just worried my dress will get messed up, when I perform the double inside out loop after you say your vows."

"It's also a good thing you're not wearing white like Twilight, Fly." Applejack chimed in sarcastically. "We don't need everybody at the wedding bursting into laughter during the ceremony!"

"Why you little-!" Firefly angrily dove at the orange earth pony, the two kicking up a dust cloud as they fought. "You take that back, Applefat!"

"Hey you two!" Twilight pleaded, turning away from the mirror to face the two immature fillies. "Both of you stop that, right now!"

But the two feuding friends ignored her, punching and kicking each other all around the room.


"Goblin bucker!"

"ENOUGH, BOTH OF YOU!" Twilight Glow Roared, stopping the two fighting fillies in their tracks. "This is supposed to be my baby's special day, and I'm not going to let you two, her so-called FRIENDS, ruin it for her!" She angrily levitated the Pegasus and earth pony apart form each other. "So none of you two's usual childish fighting. Do you understand me?!?"

"Aww, she ain't worth the trouble." AJ snorted, trotting away from the small group. "If ya need me, Twi, I'll be in the kitchen, makin' sure Sweet Stuff's cooks aren't overcooking the food."

"Yeah, stick ta the catering, ya bug dumb farm pony." Firefly stuck out her tongue. "Leave the other wedding stuff to ponies who are good at it!"

"Yeesh, are we sure those two are the best of friends?" Twilight Sky whispered to Poesy. "I mean, they act more like the worst of enemies!"

"AJ and Firefly have a... dysfunctional friendship." The yellow earth filly whispered back. "They may argue a lot, but they really do love each other like sisters!"

"Oh mother, I still can't believe it... I'm really getting married." The filly in the wedding gown squeed, turning to face Twilight Glow. "It's all coming together like one of those wonderful fairy tales."

"I know, dearest... I only wish your father were here to see this, and give you away." The older mare hugged her daughter tightly. "But speaking of fairy tales, where is that girl Paradise?"

"Yeah, where is she?" Glory asked, cocking an eyebrow, it's the maid of honor's duty to be at the fitting."

"Oh, I heard her say something about wanting to talk to Tornado." Bow Tie remarked, as she adjusted Twilight's bridal veil. "She asked him to meet her up in the library for some reason."

"Probably wants to make sure he takes really good care of her best friend." Poesy added softly, with a smile. "But right now we have more important things to worry about, Twilight. Like planning your baby shower!"

"All RIGHT! I was hoping we'd get to that!" Firefly exclaimed, zipping around the room in excitement. "Okay,first we gotta get Cupcake and Gingerbread to bake us a big cake for the bow tie wearing stallions to jump out of! Then, we need to get Twilight some good gifts for her wedding night. Me, I got her got her a saucy black leather saddle and bit with lace that rides all the way...up... the... flank..."

The pink Pegasus slowly stopped realizing all the other females were staring at her with angry looks.

"What, is something wrong?" Firefly asked in surprise, as the other fillies and mares scowled at her. "Was it something I said?"


"Wow, this place is incredible." I thought to himself, looking at the endless rows of books stretching all the way to the ceiling. "I can't wait until Twilight and I take this over."

"Like what you see, horn boy?" The white Pegasus snorted, flapping her way over towards me. "I figured this place would remind you of home."

"Ahhh, Paradise. Yes, it does remind me of home." I told her, looking over the books once more. "You wanted to see me about something?"

"Yes,.. it's a matter about your wedding." The white Pegasus's smile suddenly turned angry. "Tornado, I want you to call off this wedding to Twilight!"

"Wait... WHAT?" I asked in shock, not believing my ears. "Paradise, you can't be serious!"

"I'm very serious, hornhead!" The filly snorted, stamping her hoof at me. "Twilight is my best friend in all of the world, and she deserves to lifebond with a pony a thousand times better than you!"

"What on earth brought this on?!" I ask her in disbelief. "Is this about what happened between the two of us back at Misty Mountain-"

"This has nothing to do with that, Tornado!" She snapped at me. "Twilight deserves a young and dashing prince of a colt, like she has dreamed about since she and I were both foals. She doesn't need to be saddled with a neurotic, broken down stallion who is twelve years her senior." She flew up in my face. "I don't know how you bewitched her, Tornado, but I won't let you ruin by best friend's life!"

"B-but Paradise..." I protest, my ears drooping. "I would never try to ruin-"

"Really? Do you really think you're the stallion of her dreams, Tornado?" She looked at me accusingly. "You saying you live up to all her expectations? That you can be the stallion in shining armor that the element of magic demands to be by her side?" She shook her mane. "Can you live up to the expectations she's going to set on her 'perfect' stallion, Tornado? Are you the fairy tale stallion who can make the filly of wishing's dreams come true?"

"But, I...I...." My arguments die away before her verbal assault. I began can to wonder... was I really the stallion that Twilight Shine needed? And more important, did I even deserve her? It was only then that Paradise struck the blow that drove all of my doubts home.

"Have you told her about your past mistakes?" She asks me. "I'm sure she'd love to hear about your part in the great alicornist purge of Misty Mountain. Just imagine...her brave and bold hero, his hooves tainted with the stains of his past misdeeds!"

"Please, no!" I look down, trying to hold back my tears. "Paradise, please... I love her..."

"If you love her, than you want the best for her." The white Pegasus finished. "And the best thing for her is not having the mistake that is you in her life."

Lowering my head, I could only turn away in silence. "See if you can keep her busy for a few hours, Paradise. I'll have my things out of the castle and make myself 'un-findable' by then."

"Excellent! I knew you'd see things my way, Tornado!" She replies happily, as I trot out of the room in silence. "Trust me, Tornado. You're making the right decision for Twilight!"

As I trotted away in defeat. my only response to her final words was silence.

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