• Published 6th Apr 2022
  • 5,042 Views, 236 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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Tell Me Your Wish...

Sigh... Why does my school life always has to be difficult?

It’s the same question that Carson Andrews had to ask himself every single time he walked out the school doors. Everyday was the same routine: get up, freshen up, collect his school books, walk out of his apartment, go to school, get through his classes, walk out of school and go home, go to bed, repeat for the next day.

It was a particularly cold day in Wisconsin, snowflakes started to drift down from the light gray clouds, covering the ground in white and making the blacktop of the highway into black ice. As he looked at the vehicles that were passing by him against the traffic, he’s at least thankful that his car wasn’t functioning, not that he wasn’t a reckless driver, but cautious about getting into an accident and walking back to his apartment from his school was a better call.

On the one hand, he would have less trouble with crazy drivers that would speed down the highway, but on the other hand, this also means that he has to walk to his apartment in a eleven mile walk. It’s a good thing that he called in for pizza as soon as he was five minutes away from his home.

Carson never made any friends throughout his personal life, or in his childhood days, the only people he had in his life were his father and his grandfather. He would have many conversations with his loved ones, talking with his grandfather about his father in his days as a soldier in World War Two, and watch documentaries about the one woman absent in his life... his mother.

Not much was told to Carson about his mother, but all he knew was she is the woman his father cared for up until her death from child birth. He even asked his father that if he would ever find other girl like her, to which his answer is always never, she was the only woman for him as he was the only man for her.

Carson chuckles at the thought of being in love. I wonder what it was like for him when he met mom for the first time, he thought to himself, Probably a socially shy guy like me. Why can’t I just have the one moment when I find true love? He looked at the ground in shame of himself, as confident as he is when doing his homework, he’s been entirely shy to other people, except for his peers. He would turns in his work and moves on to the next assignment, no questions asked, no nonsense.

As the young man reaches the Foxhaven Apartments, he took his key out of his backpack, unlocked the door, and went inside. He took his black beanie hat off of his head, revealing his curly blonde hair, then taking off his red jacket and his black shoes, placing them by the door. The apartment wasn’t anything too fancy, but not too typical either, a large living room, small kitchen and bathroom, bedroom... yep... not too typical at all.

Well, at least I can restart my binge watch on My Little Pony, he thinks to himself positively, he grabs out the first season DVD case off from the shelf. Looking at the shelf, seeing MLP seasons two through nine, nothing seemed to be out of place... except for one object that is placed on top of season two and three’s cases.

The object seems to be like a necklace, it was nordic gold in color, the main center piece of the necklace was gold star with a turquoise gem in the middle. Funny... he thought, I don’t recall ever owning a necklace like this. He shakes his head and places the necklace on the couch, thinking he’ll return the necklace to whoever owns it. He places the disc in the DVD player and turned on the TV.

As he begins his nostalgia trip, he can’t help but kept thinking about his little thoughts about love. Seeing his favorite character, Twilight Sparkle, on screen made him ask why can’t he have someone like her? What’s truly stopping him from asking a girl out to go on a date? Is it probably because of the fact he watches shows like this? He sighs in sadden and shook his head.

How can he find a reason to not like the show? The characters were enjoyable, the writing was well-thought out, and the creators of the show had huge fan services. He hasn’t been to any of the conventions that has been held in big cities like Chicago, Los Angles, or Orange County, but he always wanted to do something among the line of other MLP related activities.

He then took his gaze off from the screen and looked at the window, stars appeared in the black night sky, shining brightly as they could. One of them was bigger than most of them. Is that a wishing star? he thought to himself as he looks at the star, then he shook his head again with a smile, Oh, that’s silly, such things like that only happens in fairytales. It’s not going to make me wish for something ridiculous like looking for adventure, or for love. Sorry little star, but I’m not gonna fall for it!

He crossed his arm as he refocused his gaze at the screen... only to look at the star again few minutes later, caught in it’s glowing trance. He sighs and says, “Okay wishing star, you win.” He got up from the couch, went to the back porch, looked up at the star, and begins to speak out his wish.

“If you really are a wishing star, then I wish that I would find happiness and the courage to be a hero of my own story.”

At first nothing happens, making him sigh and drop his head in sadness, knowingly well how foolish it is for believing such fairytale. Then, a bright glow emanated from behind him. Looking back at the glow, it was the necklace that was enveloped in a turquoise orb, shining brighter and brighter towards him. He shields his brown eyes from the glow, but he was too occupied as he questioned himself as to why he wasn’t running away from this light.

Before he could hit the deck and make a break for it, the turquoise orb then absorbed him, enveloping like a warm blanket of a soothing fire in it’s fireplace. He began to panic and hyperventilating, trying to wrap his head around to the situation.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!” He panicky shouts as he gets engulfed by the light.

As he uncovers his eyes as the dissipates away as he then finds himself a breeze from below him, seeing that he was no longer human.

“Gah!! W-What the hell is going on?!” He asks himself as he looked at his turquoise hoofs, “Where are my hands?!” But a more shocking discovery is that he’s plummeting down to some kind of forest. He screams so loudly that practically anyone could probably hear him, waving his new appendages around trying to slow his fall somehow.

At two minutes in his free fall, he then sees something the middle of the clearing, at least three to four different pastel colored ponies were right where he’s going to land. “Oh god...” he says breathlessly, then begins to shout, “OUT OF THE WAY!!!”

Unfortunately, the individuals below him had got out of the way... expect for one. Does that creature have some sort of death wish? He screams at the top of his lungs to tell whoever this is to move, but it doesn’t move. Like a bullet train, he slams into the purple creature and blacked out.

Carson gain half of his consciousness as he began to hear voices... voices that he seemed to recognize.

“Darling! Are you alright?!” The first voice asked in concern and worry, from how she sounded, that was undoubtedly Rarity.

”Ah’ve fallin’ stars before, but never a fallin’ Earth Pony!” Yep, that’s Applejack.

”Are you okay Twi?!” another voice asked, from her tomboyish tone, it’s no mistake that it was Rainbow Dash.

Wait... Twi? As in Twilight Sparkle?! he thought to himself in shock, Uh-oh, I hope I didn’t really hurt her!

“Ugh...” Twilight groans, “I think he hit my horn on impact...”

He then groaned out of pain as then Applejack said, “Look! He’s coming around!”

Once his eyes are opened, his blurred vision begins to see familiar shapes and colors: a face that was upside down, her fur is a light purple, her hair a beautiful is a dark indigo with purple and pink streaks, and amethyst eyes. At last, his eyes have regained their clear vision, and right before his very eyes is the very same unicorn in the show he adored so much, the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship herself!

It’s Twilight Sparkle!

Author's Note:

This is my first Human into Pony story and one that isn't a crossover!

Man, it's been a while ever since lent! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this story. This was inspired by RoyalRainbow's Ford Mustang series.