• Published 6th Apr 2022
  • 5,043 Views, 236 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

  • ...

The Wishes of Harmony

Hearing the sound of the rooster’s cawing, the morning light crept through the crack of the curtain’s gap, and the turquoise stallion groans in trying to wake himself up. As his grogginess starts to subside and gain his vision, he looks down at himself. He sighs as he looked at his hooves. Still the same Earth Pony. Still in Equestria. Still no answers.

He kicks off the blanket off of him and gave himself a recap as to what the plan was he set himself up last night. Okay, so the girls told me of the field trip, then I suggested a field trip that came up with on the spot, so I need to get the girl’s approval to go on this little adventure, and hopefully this won’t have Discord fucking up the Equestrian days of their daily routines... I seriously hope the can buy into this bullshit excuse.

As he went downstairs, he could see Applejack, coffee pot in hoof. “Mornin’, Wish!” She greets him in a cheerful tone. “How’d you sleep last night?” His tiresome groan answers her question for him, which made her chuckle, “Well, I gotten just the thing to get ya’ll up and movin’ again.” She pours the coffee in a mug, and then asks, “Care for some cream and sugar?”

“Sure,” he says, his voice sounded very tired as he took a seat at the table, “I could use some sugar to go with that coffee.”

“Black, but sweet huh?” She chuckles again, grabbing a tablespoon of sugar, placing it inside the mug of coffee, and giving it a stir until the sugar dissolves. She placed the mug next to Wishing Star and sat next to him at the table.

He looked around the room in search for the Crusaders after he took sip. “Thanks AJ, Black Bean Juice what I seriously need to start the day.”

The country pony was laughing her head off by the name he called the drink. “Black Bean Juice?” She asked after a few giggles escaped her lips.

“Oh yeah, I’m real fun at coffee shops,” he explains to her with a smile, “Every time when I walk in to a coffee shop, I always walk in with this Celestia awful look on my face, tired as I am, and I would shout to the counter where the employees are working and say, ‘HEY! WHERE’S THE DAMN BLACK BEAN JUICE?!’” This made Applejack laugh harder, so hard in fact, she nearly fell over to her right side to the floor. At least he’s got somepony to entertain himself with and to hear some laughter going through the day.

“Oh man Wishin’,” She says to him wiping the tear from her eye with her hoof, “I never laughed that hard in mah whole life! How come ya'll haven’t moved down here to Ponyville? We need somepony like you to enlighten the day.”

He smiled when she said that and appreciated the compliment, taking another sip of his coffee. He then looked around for any signs of the three fillies.

"Where are the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" He asked Applejack, "Shouldn't they be awake by now?"

"They should be up and ready for school." She says looking the direction where Wishing Star is staring at, "Why? You plannin' on taking them?"

“Well, uh...” he starts, but he didn’t want her to suddenly get suspicious like Rainbow Dash is on to him, so he sighs and explains the situation, “Here’s the thing AJ, last night the girls asked me that if I could be a part of this field trip to the statue museum. One of those statues, as you may know, contains Discord the Lord of Chaos. If something were to cause such chaos in front of the statue, he’ll be free. So I suggested an alternative and take them on a field trip of my own.” Applejack was taken aback by the information the turquoise stallion gave out to her. “I know! I should’ve came to you first last night,” he continues, “But I was scared something would cause Discord to return, so I wanted to-“

“Hold up partner,” she says suspiciously, he knew that the plan isn’t gonna work and now he’s preparing for the worse, “Are ya saying that because the Crusaders told ya as their excuse to not wantin’ to go to school?”

“What?” He asked in confusion, in secret though, he was thankful he wasn’t taken in for a lie detection test, “No, of course not, I just wanted to have them to take day off from the school’s norm and have a change of scenery for once.”

She gave it some thought, then she gave another question, “Exactly where are you taking them?”

“Well, there’s a story I was told when I was a colt, about a wishing well that make your wishes come true.”

Her eyes went wide, jaw hanged open in shock. “ARE YA’LL TALKIN’ ABOUT THE FOUNT WELL OF WISHES?!” Wait, that wishing well has a name? he thought to himself, then proceeds to nod yes. She then busts out laughing, “Good luck on findin’ it! That there Fount Well of Wishes hasn’t been found in years!” She calms down from her laughter, and just gave him a smile, “Ah appreciate that ya’ll want to give em a day off Wish, but you they still need to get their history assignments done, it’ll be due til’ tomorrow.”

In his mind, Carson’s gears and brain juices were flowing through, coming up with a plan. “I propose a deal then.”

“Oh? What’s on yer mind cowcolt?”

“If the Crusaders and I can’t find the Fount Well of Wishes, then I will every single chore around the farm, including plowing the fields and apple bucking the trees.” He says, “But if we find it, I get to choose who’s going to toss their coin into the well first.”

She gave it some thought, at first it sounded like an absolute redundant bet, but she’s willing to take chance and play along. “Okay partner,” she says with confidence, “It sounds like a deal, but Ah’m goin’ to sweeten it, not only will ya’ll be doin’ every single chore, ya will also help with Applebloom’s homework.” She extended out her hoof and then says, “Assumin’ of course, ya ain’t stallion enough to take on every single chore by yerself?”

“AJ, you’re talking to a surpassed high school student,” he says proudly, “I can take anything that you throw at me.”

“So, that means we have a deal?”

“Damn straight.” He shook her hoof and the bet was set.

“Good,” she says, “Well, in the meantime, why don’t ya’ll go see if the fillies are ready? Ah’ve gotta get started on with the corn pickin’.”

He nods and heads back upstairs, once he knocks on the door and tells asks them if they were ready... no response. He starts to get a little concerned and opens the door, what he sees was the most adorable thing he had ever seen, three little fillies, sleeping silently. If only he had a polaroid. But of course, he had to wake them up.

“Girls?” He whispers quietly as to not disturb them that much, “Girls. Time to wake up.”

“Mmmph... five more minutes...” Scootaloo moans in her sleeps.

Then he thought what ever parent would do when kids like them don’t wake up in this situation. SPLASH SOME COLD WATER ONTO THEM! He thought at first, but then he thought it over again, No, that would be too mean... Then he thought the second thing what ever parents would say when their kids don’t wake up. “Hmm... well, it seems like I’m gonna go on this field trip by myself then.”

And just like that, three pairs of eyes snaps open and they screamed in unison ,”DON’T GO WITHOUT US!!!”

He chuckles at their sudden reaction and then smiles, “Alright then, you three better get packed, we leave in ten minutes.” He leaves the room and closes the door behind him, leaving the girls to their privacy and getting their affairs ready. Oi vey, I seriously hope Sweetie Belle doesn’t overpack like Rarity does. he thought to himself as he went back downstairs... only to realize that he himself doesn’t have anything to pack for this trip, so he decides to go see Applejack if she has any spare backpack or saddlebags to spare, when he suddenly opens the door however, he was paying attention and bonked into the lilac unicorn’s horn again.

“OW!” They shout in unison, rubbing their own foreheads.

He looks up to sees Twilight Sparkle and what he thought he heard her mutter to herself saying, “Klutzy Twilight...” Never in his life did he ever hear Twilight say that to herself in the show, that usually either comes from Fluttershy or Ditzy Doo, or as the MLP community would all her as Derpy Hooves.

“Sorry about that.” He says to her, checking on her, “Nothing broken?”

“No, I’m alright.” She reassured him, to which he sighs in relief, “Actually, I’m glad that you’re still here.” He looked very confused as to what she meant by this, so she explains, “You remember that potion that I mentioned yesterday?”

“Yeah,” he says remembering the events from yesterday, “You were taking the Dancing to somepony named Zecora, right?”

“Somezebra actually,” she corrects him, “But yes. When I mention you to Zecora, she mentioned something about a prophecy. She said and I quote, ‘The day will come when day and night will meet, the day one a star will fall and bow at your feet, the choices he makes will shape Equestria as a safe haven, and will rise above to the heavens.’“

He became really nervous about what he was told. “And... this involves me, how?” He asked in worried tone.

“That’s the thing when I asked her, she said that it didn’t involve you, but at the same time it does?” Even Twilight was confused, placing her hoof on her chin, “But, she also says that you being here could have some impact here in Equestria. What she means by that, I’m still unsure.”

As she was talking, Wishing Star couldn’t keep his eyes off of the red mark of her horn, once again, nothing was damaged, but he couldn’t help but feel like to say ‘I’m sorry,’ to her. God, do I feel like a jackass... he thought to himself, I made a wish that would be a hero of my own story and find someone that would make me happy, and right now, I feel like the biggest chump of jackassery.

“Wishing?” She says to the zoned out stallion, “Are you okay?”

He shook his head out of his blank state again. He could see the concern on her face, and she has every right to be. He gave out a troubled sigh, “Twilight... I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry? For what?” She asked him, he then once again stared at her horn. When she looked up at what he was gazing at, it didn’t take her that long to put two and two together. “A-are you still on about me hurting my horn?” He sheepishly nods, she gave him a reassuring smile and says, “Wishing, it’s okay, you didn’t know where you were and you panicked. You apologized and I forgave you.”

As she said that, the Crusaders where about to let their field trip guide know that they were ready, but Wishing Star snaps in a upset manner, “But I hurt you! Every time I keep seeing that mark on your horn, I feel like a jackass and I’m in debt tot you!”

She was taken aback by his outburst, never through her three and a half months time in Ponyville had anyone raised her voice at her. He realized by what he did and was about apologize again, but she place her hooves on his shoulders, once again having him doing the breathing exercise.

Deep breath in...


Deep breath out...

Wishing began to calm down, the tense feeling in his muscles began to loosen. She smiles at him and begins to tell him, “Wishing Star, what happened when we met the first time, yes, it was a rough patch through the weeds, but today’s going to be different, right?” He nods yes, then she continues, “Then you have nothing to worry about. You’re trying to get the hang of the concept of friendship, and believe me when I say that I’ve been through with the same problem as you’re are right now. When I first came to Ponyville, I only cared more about studying than making friends," she said, looking at him in his starlight yellow eyes. "When Princess Celestia sent me here to Ponyville to make some, I was dreading it. That changed when Nightmare Moon returned, and I quickly realised that the five ponies I had met on my first day here were indeed... my friends. Once I realised that, we were able to recover the Elements of Harmony and use their power to defeat Nightmare Moon — which in turn returned Princess Luna to us. And ever since then, I've been so grateful to have them by my side.”

He took a deep breath again through his nostrils, then smiled at her. “You know? I think the both of us are a lot more in common than I thought. Both of us isolating ourselves because we chose to, and we struggle to make friends at first... but that’s where those similarities met it’s crossroads. You made making friends look so easy.”

She giggles at his compliment, “Well, sometimes making friends isn’t easy. Sometimes new friends come to you, other times, you to come around to new and potential friends. Besides, you made friends with me, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash!” He cringes when she mentioned the speedster pegasus. True, they may seem on friendly terms... for now, but he keeps getting the feeling that Rainbow might see over his facade of a life he made for himself to cover his human origins, if he makes another mistake, she could send his sorry ass to the Princesses, and probably to the worse place of all, Tartarus itself. She could see the look on his face, then she realized that he and Rainbow aren’t in good terms for the moment.

“Okay, so Rainbow is indeed suspicious about you, but she shouldn’t force you to talk about something if it’s too personal for you to talk about,” she says to him.

“That’s one other thing I’m scared about Twilight,” Wishing said, “What if I goofed up hugely on something and then you turn away from me?”

She gasps from the question, “Wishing, from where ponies like us come from, we never turn away from friend that are in need! Trust me, whoever told you if you messed up and get left behind are terrible and have no actual meaning of friendship. Take it from me and my friends, we’ll do anything to help a pony in need and we intend on keeping those promises.”

He smiles and felt more at ease with himself, and having more proof as to why Twilight is his favorite. “Thanks Twilight.”

She smiles back, then was suddenly pulled into hug by him, she blushes in shock by this at first, but then embraced him in return.

Either couldn’t believe that this happened. For Twilight, to meet somepony that could relate to her and somepony who is willing to listen. To have somepony like Wishing Star? She very lucky. Little does she know how lucky she really is to have him. As for Wishing Star himself, this was beyond anything he could ever ask for, hugging his favorite character is without a doubt the best moment that he’ll cherish for the rest of his life. Some Twilight fans back on his world would be really jealous.

They then heard an audible “Awww...” from from the Crusaders, except from Scootaloo who just rolled her eyes, she isn’t for one with mushy and lovey dovey things. They realized that they were being watched and quickly let go of each other, not wanting to make the scene any awkward.

“Um, you girls ready to go?” He asked.

This made Twilight curious. “You’re taking them to school?” She asked.

“Even better!” Scootaloo says excitedly, “He’s gonna take us on a field trip to find the Fount Well of Wishes!”

Twilight’s eyes went wide when the gamboge pegasus filly said that, she then looked at Wishing Star. “You’re taking them an expedition mission of finding the Fount Well of Wishes?” He nods sheepishly, hoping she might have a much positive reaction... to his surprise, she became giddier than she was when she was at Donut Joe’s grand opening. “The Fount Well of Wishes?! There’s so many stories about that place! Many legends say that Starswirl the Bearded had created it for those who are in need in their troubled times! Ooh!!! I really wanted to find that place myself ever since I was a filly!”

“Oh boy, there she goes again.” Sweetie Belle groans rolling her eyes as the lilac unicorn continues her rambles of excitement.

He chuckles and asks the white filly, “Not the first time?”

“Eenope,” Applebloom says, “Last time she got that excited was when she retold her story of how she got her Cutie Mark.”

He looks at the still talking Twilight, he couldn’t help but feel the same energy of ambition and excitement on finding the Fount Well. Just seeing her peppy and head over heels, he finds it really cute. “Well, why don’t you join us?” He inquires.

She suddenly stops when she heard the offer, her expression went from shock to pure joy in seven seconds flat. “Y-you want me to come with you?!” She asked him.

“Sure, I could use a guide myself.”


She then hugs him, jumping up and down like a child waiting in line to go on a roller coaster. She’s hugging me, and she’s more excited like a filly! He thought to himself as he’s been bear hugged, I would find it cute, if I could breath!

“Twilight! Twilight! Can’t breathe!” He gasps as he tries to get her attention.

She realized that she’s nearly crushing his windpipe, so she quickly releases him. “Oh gosh! Are you okay?!” She asked him in worry. He chuckles and reassured her that he’s fine, to which she sighs in relief. “Though, I’m wondering about something, why are you and the girls are trying to find the Fount Well?” He looked at her, then just hung his head in sadness and sighs. “It’s because of what happened in your foalhood, isn’t it?” He nods to her question, though this is more than just insuring the safety of the girls and Equestria rather than himself.

“Well... that and I felt bad for scaring them earlier last night.” He informs her half of the truth.

“Well, we can’t turn the clock back to when it happened back then,” Twilight comforts him, “But, if there’s any way we can make it up for it to here and now, now’s a good time to do so.” He gave her a small smile and nods, she continues, “I also appreciate you being honest with me.”

Ahem.” They heard Scootaloo clearing her throat impatiently, “Can we go now?”

“Oh yes!” Twilight jumped a little, making the Crusaders’ face lit up “First things first, I need to get my things and a special map that I brought when I first moved here! I’ll be right back!” She galloped on her way back to the Golden Oaks Library, Wishing Star just stares at her dreamily.

Going on a real adventure with Twilight he thought in dreamily, Heh, of all the things happening for me during the course of my life, this has to rank as the best. Speaking of the best... “Okay girls, let’s first head to Ponyville and get a quick snack, we’ll meet back here with Twilight once we’re done.” With that being said, the the Crusaders agreed and head on their way to Ponyville.

As they strolled into town, many other ponies were going through their own daily grinds. There were no tall buildings, just normal houses, lots of trees and flowers, and there seemed to be a lot of streets with a bright blue sky in the air without a single cloud in the sky, grey or otherwise. He never seen any active like Ponyville in person and looking around with it’s atmosphere, it feels like the medieval times of London or Scotland, peaceful and bustling with life.

“Wow... Is Ponyville really this active?” He asked himself as he sees other ponies going through their daily routine. Then he turned to look at plaza’s fountain, there seemed to be a couple of ponies to be in a an uproar. “What’s going on over there?” He and the Crusaders went to the plaza’s fountain and what they found in there is incredibly shocking.

What use to have water in the fountain, instead they find chocolate. The Crusaders were extremely confused as to what is happening, but Wishing Star could already tell who’s responsible for this, and is very worried that the action he made of preventing the Crusaders releasing a certain Lord of Chaos may have been all for nothing.

“Did the Plummer ponies forgot to change out the filters again?” Applebloom asked in confusion, she then noticed Scootaloo placing her hoof in the chocolate and taking a lick. “Scoots! Don’t lick that!”

“What? It’s chocolate.” She says to her fellow Crusaders.

Looking at the brown pool of liquid sweetness, he was in a panic. He thought for sure that this chain of event would prevent from Discord from returning, so there wouldn’t be any way that he could get out unless... Could Diamond Tiara be the one responsible for this? he thought to himself, but the he realized that she wouldn’t, She wouldn’t say a word to that statue, it wouldn’t be enough to cause this type chaos... Looking above the sky, cotton candy clouds were already on the move, he only had one question and one question only.

Who let you out Discord?

“Girls, we need to get to the Golden Oaks Library, now!” He instructs the fillies.

“Huh? Why?” Sweetie Belle asked.

He gave them a very serious look to them, “Listen to me carefully, right now, outside isn’t safe. Stay close to me and follow me to the library. Come on!” With that being said, they quickly made a getaway to the library. All the while, Wishing Star couldn’t help but feel as if he was being watched by some unknown force... and it’s not Discord’s.

As they got to the library, it seems they were the first ones to make it in. This means that Twilight might’ve already caught sight of the cotton candy clouds and the chocolate rain, in which they would be able to wrap them up and have the animals eat the clouds... which to him question that if it really was a smart idea to have them do that considering chocolate could either get them sick, or worse, kill them.

But back on track, he looks around to find the book, ‘The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.’ He requests the girls to help him find it. It took them a few minutes to find the book, but thankfully, Sweetie Belle shouts, “I found it!” Whoever freed Discord may be clever, but Wishing Star is already one step ahead of them. “I don’t know how this is gonna help, but something’s got to- WHOA!” The white unicorn filly accidentally tripped over on a stuck out nail, dropping the book and to everyone’s surprise, including Wishing Star, whom of course already knows but acts surprised, all of the elements came out from the book. Five necklaces and a crown, and the best part was that they were the real ones.

“The elements!!” The Crusaders shout in unison.

“Wait, those are the Elements of Harmony?” He pretends to be confused, picking up the elements of laughter and loyalty, one engraves a light blue balloon and the other has a red lightning bolt, “Huh, good things come in small packages I guess.”

Suddenly the door bursts open, it was Spike, the baby purple and green dragon, who was out of breath and looked like was about to collapse, and Wishing Star couldn’t blame him. He looks up at them and notices four of the Elements of Harmony on the floor, then sees the other two Wishing’s hooves. “Hey! What are you doing with those!?” He demanded.

“Whoa, hold on Spike!” Applebloom stepped in the way, “Wishing Star’s just trying to help! We didn’t know that they would be in there!”

“Yeah!” Sweetie jumped in, but then gasps, “But if they are here, then what did Princess Celestia-“

“My thoughts exactly,” The turquoise stallion proposes, he then turns to the baby dragon, “You, you seem to be writing capable, can you write a letter and send it to her?”

“No problem!” He says to him with a salute, “In fact, I can send the Elements of Harmony along with the letter! Give them here, quickly!” They do so and Spike began to write to the Princess in regarding to the elements. He then stops and looks at the only adult in the main room. “Uh... what is your name?”

“Wishing Star.” He says to him.

“Got it.” Spike continues to write the letter, it took him at least twenty-two seconds to get the note written down, and send it and the Elements to the Princess with one fire breath. “I hope they make it in time before the girls get there.”

“You and me both pal.” Wishing says as he sat down, completely relieved that he and the girls were unharmed and gotten the Elements to the Princess... but now, all they can do is wait.

Suddenly, they heard a male’s laughter, a laugh that sent a shiver down the turquoise stallion’s spine, then a flash of light blinded everyone’s eyes.

“W-w-who is that!?” Sweetie Belle asked terrified.

“Girls! Get behind me!” Wishing Star shouts in a protective tone, they did as they were told and got behind What stood before them was the most unusual creature of all. He had mismatched limbs, antlers, and wings, a tail of a dragon, and a goat-like head. He is a draconequus, he is the Lord of Chaos, he is Discord.

“My, my, my... such a brave colt like yourself,” the draconequus remarked get up close to the stallion’s face, “But I quite frankly thought that you would be much younger.”

Wishing raised a brow at him. “So you know of me?” He asked.

“Oh, much more than that Wishing Star...” Discord trails off, giving him a glare of suspicion, “Or, should I perhaps call you by you real name? Carson Andrews?”

The stallion felt like his heart stopped when he heard his name. How did he know of this? Who told him his real name? Was it perhaps it was he who sent him here in Equestria?

“Wishin’? What’s goin’ on?” Applebloom asked him, he looked behind him to see the very scared and confused Crusaders, then he looked at Spike, who was shocked to the fact that he was given false info to him.

Carson knew that it was going to going to happen, but he never expected to happen this soon. “We’ll talk later AB.” He reassures them, then turns attention to the draconequus, “What do you want Discord?”

The Lord of Chaos chuckles, “Oh, it isn’t what I want, it’s what he wants.”


“Devine Light is his name,” he explains, “He’s the apprentice to the Wishing Star, and he’s becoming aware of your arrival here. He wanted me to find the Elements of Harmony and bring them to him so he can replace them with replicas, but seeing as how I was too late and already sent them to Princess Sun-Butt, I don’t have to bother dealing with that anymore. However, my ambitions of causing chaos to Equestria has not left my mind. As we speak, Devine Light will be informing his master about the events that unfolded, so you can either, A: turn yourself in to Devine Light and you peacefully return home; B: be absolutely stupid, keep the your identity a secret, and probably ruin everypony else’s lives, including your secret crush.”

Carson’s emotions was running high, he was threatened to have his identity exposed to the whole world and would try to cause harm to his friends, and how dare him. How he dares to cause pain around others with his riddles, lies, and mind games? Wait... Mind games... Riddles... That’s it! he thought to himself, Why didn’t anyone here thought about this before?! I know how to truly beat him!

“Okay Discord.” He says with grin, “Here’s the deal, I’ll give you my answer, but I want my friends to be here to witness it.”

The draconequus laughs in victory, “Fantastic!” Discord looked at his wristwatch, which somehow appeared on his wrist. “Well now, I better be going. I’ve got some chaos to do! Oh, but remember, everypony will be watching... even he will be watching. Tallyho!”

With that, he disappears.

Wishing Star then looked behind the frightened fillies and a very disappointed Spike.

“Well?” The dragon asked with his arms crossed.

Carson looked them, mostly at the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the fear and confusion of the conversation between him and Discord, just made him feel heartbroken, but then this gives him an idea, another little spider web to keep them occupied and entertain the imagination... it’s mean, but it’s for their good.

“Girls. I want you to three to listen very carefully,” he began to explain, “There’s a language that my family and I use, it’s called English. My father and mother were Englanders, a world lost to time. Their names were Jebodiah and Melissa Andrews, in your language, they mean Guiding Star, my father’s name, and Lucky Star, my mother.”

Their eyes went wide in awe. So much so, Scootaloo then says, “Whoa! That is so cool! What does my name mean? Tell me! Tell me!”

He chuckles in surprise, hardly believing that they bought it... he felt bad for telling them this, but once again, it’s for their own good. “Well Scootaloo, you name would mean Samantha in my tongue.” He then turned to Applebloom. “Yours would be Annabelle.” Finally at Sweetie Belle. “And yours would be Synthia.”

“Hey, what about me?” Spike then asked him.

Oi vey, Carson thought to himself, What am I to them, a walking encyclopedia? “Well... yours would be... just Spike.”

The dragon’s jaw just hung when the stallion said that. “What that’s it?” He retorts with a pout.

“Hehe, sorry man,” he says with a shrug, “If there was another name that could be translated, I would tell you.”

The baby dragon sighs in disappointment, to be frank, Carson would too. His thoughts were interrupted by the door slamming open. He looked to see Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and two other ponies, Fluttershy the light yellow pelt and light dusty pink maned pegasus, and Pinkie Pie the... well, pink earth pony. The Crusaders cheered in joy to see their respective sister that they were alright. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity embraces them.

“It’s a good thing you girls showed up in time.” Wishing Star says to them.

“And it’s good thing you told us about the Elements being in the library.” Twilight says in relief, embracing the turquoise stallion, she quickly let go of him and looked at his starry yellow eyes, “Spike said you have them still?” He presented them to her in the book. “Necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, and one big crown!” Twilight called out as she handed over each respective element to their user, “Now, let’s get rid of Discord. Come on!”

“I’m coming with you.” Wishing volunteers, the Mane 6 looked at the turquoise stallion in surprise, “What? You think I’m just gonna stick around in a library? You’re gonna need back up in case things go south.”

“Silly pony!” Pinkie says cheerfully, “We’re going to stop Discord, not going south!”

Twilight suggests otherwise, “Wishing, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, you don’t have a element of your own.”


“So if Discord plans on making a hostage situation, I don’t want you in the crossfire.” She gave him a very serious look, knowing her, she can’t have anypony else get involved in this situation, if would be risky.

Wishing just gave her a small smile. “I’ll be alright Twilight. As long as I’m not in the way, you got a clear shot.” He says to her with confidence, he then hugs her, “You got this.”

As they walked outside of the library, they looked around to see any signs of Discord. “How dare you!” Discord’s voice bellowed, a light flashed in front of themThe same draconequus appeared mad as a hornet. “Trying to trick the Lord of Chaos like that!”

“Trick us?” Twilight said, she placed her hoof on her chin, then she recalled what the riddle was told from the Lord of Chaos himself, “‘Find the Elements back where you began.’ That was part of your riddle!”

“Yes, but you claimed you’d start at the labyrinth first!” Discord growls, “You’ve got some nerve double-crossing me like that!”

The Mane 6 stand in a line, having their Elements of Harmony at the ready, Twilight calls out, “Alright, ladies! Let’s show him what friendship can do!”

As this was playing out, Wishing Star felt like time was standing still at this moment, looking at Discord as he sat on his materialized throne and says, “Ugh, gag. Fine, go ahead. Try and use your little Elements. Friend me. Just make it quick. I'm missing some excellent chaos here.” Wishing could just watch everything unfold, watch his heroes turn him into stone and gain a huge victory... or maybe...

Twilight focuses her crown at the draconequus. “Alright... Ready...”

Come on Wishing, make a choice here! You know that Discord can be redeemed early!


Wishing, quit sitting like a total dunce and do something!

“WAIT!” The stallion calls out, getting in front of the girls, “Wait!”

“Wha- Wishing Star! What are you doing?!” Rainbow asked, she was really looking forward on freezing Discord on the spot.

Discord too took notice of Wishing’s actions, is it probably he made his decision?

“Look, you want Discord gone as much as the next pony would,” He says to them, “But may I remind you that it was you who freed Princess Luna from her darkside. Who’s to say that the Lord of Chaos can be turned as well?”

The girls gasped at him, they immediately knew what he’s trying to do. “Wishin’, you can’t be serious! You’re talking about Discord!”

“D-I-S-C-O-R-D!” Pinkie literally spells out to him.

“What if he does something awful to you?!” Fluttershy whimpers.

“He won’t.” He reassures them, he then looks at Discord with a positive grin, “Besides, I’ve already figure out a way how to beat him without turning him to stone.”

The draconequus bellows with laughter, “You?! You think you actually have a way to beat me?! Then by all means! But what’s the catch here, pony? What happens when I win, or if you win?”

Wishing already had the terms in mind and how this is going to play out if he succeeds or fails. “Well,” he begins, “Since you talk a big game about riddles, I’m gonna challenge you with three hard ones that I came up. If you win and get at least one or all three of them correctly, you can have me turned to stone and claim me as a trophy.”

“NO!” The girls shout, even the Crusaders came out of the library and ran to the stallion.

“Please, don’t do this!” Sweetie pleads.

“Who’s gonna help us find the Fount Well of Wishes if you’re gone!?” Applebloom asks in a begging tone.

“Please just let them turn him to stone! You’re our fellow Crusader!” Scootaloo shouts at him.

“I’ll be okay girls.” He coos them, “Which comes to my term if I win. If I do, I requests that you help me and these young ladies on finding the Fount Well.”

Discord was taken aback by the name. “The Fount Well of Wishes?” He asked, Wish nods, “Hmm... I happen to know where the Fount Well is. But what’s in it for me on finding said Fount Well pray tell?” Wish snorted at the last line. “What?”

“We’re you a poet, and didn’t know it?” He asked.

“Was that one of your riddles?”

“No, that was joke.” Getting back on track, he then continues, “Well, you can only guess three times for each riddle, if you get one wrong three times, I will tell you the answer. Plus, if you’re on your best behavior, I will consider of you making a wish at the Fount, but it has to be from the heart.”

“From the heart?” Discord gagged, “Ugh, what is it with you ponies and your values of friendship?”

Wishing smiles and simply says, “Play my game Discord, and perhaps you will find out.”

The Chaos Lord raises his brow at the grinning stallion. Just what kind of game is he playing here? “Very well then brave pony, but remember, any signs of double crossing an I will be the one to turn you to stone myself.”

“Consider me warned.” The turquoise pony says as he begins his first riddle, “‘What breaks yet never falls, and what falls yet never breaks?’”

Discord thinks carefully about the question, seeing as how he is the master of chaos and riddles, he may have know this one before... the trouble was that he can’t recall what the answer was in all of his years when he was turned to stone.”Hmm... plant leaves?” He guesses, which results Wishing Star making a incorrect buzzing noise, that’s strike one! This threw the draconequus off guard, “What?! It has to be plant leaves, surely!” The incorrect buzzing noise came out again, strike two!

“Come on Discord,” the turquoise stallion teases, “Surely you know this one.”

The draconequus was getting agitated and blurts out, “Ice!” He quickly covers his mouth, too little too late, strike three. “D’oh! What even was the answer!?”

“Seriously?” He asked, “Come on Discord, what are the Sister Princesses?”

“Wh-wha-? You dare question my intelligence?! The Princesses are-“ he stops, and thought back about the riddle, he face palms himself, “Ugh... how can I be this idiotic?”

“Day and night.” He turquoise pony answers him, earning himself a chuckle, “Wow, the Master of Chaos and Riddles he can make, but can never figure out from others.”

“Why you-!”

“‘What word in the Equestrian language does the following: The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great mare. What is the word?’”

As the riddle was said, all the Mane 6 could do is watch helplessly.

“Ohh, I don’t know if I want to keep looking at this.” Fluttershy says in a worried expression.

“Either do Ah,” Applejack admits, “We should really make him reconsider this and just-“

“If we do that, Discord might have the advantage,” Twilight retorts, “I don’t want Wishing Star to get caught in the crossfire, or worse, turn him to stone on accident.”

Discord one again thought carefully and then says, “A mother!” Once again, the pony makes a mocking incorrect buzzing noise. Growling in frustration, he then says, “An aunt?” Incorrect again, “Rrr... Come on Discord, think!” Then he believes he found the right answers and blurts, “A hero!”

“Oh! So close!” Wish says to him like an young boy teaching his great uncle playing a board game, “You were correct on the first four letters on the word, but what I’m actually looking for is actually ‘heroine.’ Like my mother...”

Discord caught sight of weakness in Wishing Star. “Your mother?” He asked.

The pony nods. “She died giving birth to me... but I was told that she was once a soldier. One of the greatest to ever be known in the world. She’s the reason why I’ve grown to respect females in any species, they shouldn’t be seen as weaklings or damsels in distress, they are strong, compassionate, and caring.”

“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re gonna get sappy on me already?” The draconequus asked.

“Are you say you have no respect with your mother Discord?” He reflects the question.

“DON’T YOU DARE BRING HER UP PONY!” The Lord of Chaos got up to the turquoise stallion’s face, as if he was ready to fight, “I HAVE GROWN TO RESPECT MY MOTHER IN EVERY WAY!”


“Is that why you left her?” He asked him in a sorrowful tone, “Is that why you left of your own kind? To want the same respect that she had? Is it why you pull these over-the-line pranks? Or is it because of something else?” Wishing needed to be careful when plucking Discord’s heartstrings, one wrong move and it’s already game over for him. “Did you do something they you would believe that your own kin would grow to hate you? Is that why you left them?”

A dark silence from Discord, but his head turning away from Wish already confirms his suspicion.

“We don’t have to talk about this and move on to the last riddle if you would like. I can understand.” Discord didn’t answer him, but he listens closely to the final riddle, “‘A colt was rushed to the hospital emergency room. The ER doctor saw the colt and said, ‘I cannot operate on this colt. He is my son.’ But the doctor was not the colt’s father. How could that be?’”

Discord raised his brow at the riddle and began to question it, “How can a doctor work on his son if it isn’t his?”

“That’s something you need to figure out.” The turquoise pony says to him.

Twilight could already tell that Wishing was trying desperately to redeem the Lord of Chaos and it seems to be working, but the sense of doubt is lurking in her mind like a spider spinning it’s web in the corner of the house ceiling. What if this was a trick to get his trust?

Discord thought carefully, and he thought, and he thought... only to come out with no answer.

“Do you give up Discord?” Wishing Star asked him.


“Yes.” With that one simple word, Discord gave up. The girls’ eyes went wide, they couldn’t believe that the Lord of Chaos, the master of riddles, had completely gave up! With a depressed sigh as he looks around the chaos he had caused, the frog balloons, cotton candy clouds, spiked vines that came out of the ground, checkered and striped patterns on the ground and every building. “What... have I done?” He asked himself looking around one last time before looking at the lone stallion before him.

“You can still start over Discord.” Wishing Star says to him, “I may not know what happened to cause you to become the draconequus you are today, but perhaps I’ve been there too. Friendless, deprived from hope... believing that being alone is your fate... but it doesn’t have to continue like this. I can be your first friend Discord.” He then lends out his hoof for the Lord of Chaos to take.

“My name is Wishing Star.”

Discord looked at the pony’s hoof, then at his yellow eyes, almost as if they were the same star under the night sky he looks upon. The girls became were on different emotions, Fluttershy was so scared she started to cover her eyes, Pinkie Pie was starting to bite her hooves like a wood chipper, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity were sweating bullets from the tension, the Crusaders were shaking to the core as to might happen next, and Twilight didn’t take her eyes off of Wishing Star, hoping that the riddle plan is a success.

Discord looked at Wishing’s hoof, waiting for him to give it a friendly hoof shake.


Suddenly, with the snap of his eagle claw, everything was returning back to normal, the buildings returned to Earth, the grass pierced through the checkerboarded ground, the clouds turned into water instead of cotton candy, and roads paved themselves with dirt instead of soap.

“Discord,” He says to him taking the earth pony’s hoof with a firm shake, “At your service.”

Everypony couldn’t believe it. This had to be some sort of dream, it has to be! Discord was befriended by an earth pony, and beaten him in his own game!

The Crusaders were the first to rush at Wishing Star as they called his name. He looked behind him and tackled him with a loud ‘OOMPH!’ and enough force sending them a couple of inches away from the draconequus. Wishing thought it would never work, but with enough confidence and the right words of negotiations, he had done the impossible and reformed Discord early.

He could see the nearly in tears Crusaders and gave them he biggest hug he could possibly give them, reassuring them that he’s still here and yes it did happened, he got Discord to reform. The rest of the group went to him as well.

“Ah gotta admit Partner,” Applejack says to him, “Ya did good.”

“Splendid job darling!” Rarity cheers.

“That was amazing!” Pinkie Pie exclaims, “We could’ve just used the Elements, but you beaten him in different way! You were like, ‘I got a game of my own!’ And after a while we were like *GAAASP*, but now Ponyville is back to normal! We should-“

“Whoa whoa Pinkie,” Twilight giggles patting her friend on the back, “I do agree that you did surprise us all by befriending Discord, I must say, you’ve gotten a pretty good way of reaching out to others by opening up your heart to theirs.”

He smiles at the compliment, he’s never been given so much praise before, usually in High School, every teacher would always give him a usual, ‘Good work Carson,’ or ‘These are going to get good grades for sure Carson,’ but never anything like those compliment that would achieve something higher than that.

Discord clears his throat, making everypony having his attention, “Well, as long as everypony is a brighter mood, I do believe that there’s a bargain that I do have uphold?”

“Oh yeah, that’s right!” Wishing Star says as he releases the Crusaders and got up to his feet. “Okay then Crusaders, I believe that we have one last thing to take care of.” He looks up to the draconequus. “You wanna come with us?”

Discord’s eyes went wide, “Me?” The turquoise pony nods as he smiles. The Lord of Chaos only sighs in sadness, “As much as I wanted to, I’m afraid that can’t go with you. Even though you may have me reformed from my ways, I need to time to cooperate from the events that transpired here, and go into exile.”

Wishing’s smile faded as he then asked, “Where are you gonna go?”

“There was once a mountain were the rest of my draconequus clan had hidden themselves, far from Equestria. But fear not, one day, I will return and make amends to the Princesses, to set things right.”

Wishing looked at the fillies at first, then back at Discord. “Well then, until we see each other again. I wish you safe travels. Just promise us that you will come back?” He lend out his hoof once again.

Discord took his hoof and says, “I promise.”

Suddenly a loud belching noise came from Spike. “Hey! It’s from the Princess Celestia!” He says as he reads the scroll, “She says she wants you to come back to Canterlot for a celebration!”

The girls got excited by the news. “Wishing darling, are you sure you don’t want to come along?” Rarity asked him.

As enticing as it sounded to Wishing Star, he already knew what was going to happen as they would get a colored glass mural showcasing their victory. Even if he wanted to go, there’s the problem of Princess Celestia, despite knowing that she’s the more kind and understanding of the Princesses, he’s extremely nervous as to how she’ll react to an outsider like him.

“I-I’m sure M’lady,” he stutters with a bow, “Plus, I’m already taking the Crusaders to the Fount Well.”

Seeing the disappointed but understanding look on Twilight’s face, he knew he wasn’t going to hang out with her and she probably knew that he might not have the chance to meet the Princesses, which is a huge privilege to have.

“Well, just be careful.” Twilight simply said with a smile.

“We will Twilight.” He says to her, then he looks to the Crusaders. “Ready?”

“Ready!” They shout excitedly in unison.

Discord then snaps his fingers and with a flash of light, they disappeared.

“Well, what are we waiting for?! We got a train to catch! C’mon!” Rainbow exclaims, she flew to the skies and head to the train station, with the girls follow suit... all except for Twilight.

The rest of the five stopped to see their lilac unicorn friend with with her head hung low. She knew that they really had gotten any victory, the real hero was the stallion, a stallion who shows kindness and fairness to everypony, a stallion who would stand up for his friends.

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked her.

“I think...” Twilight says to them, “I think we should tell Celestia what really happened.”

Deep inside a small cavern, there lives a lovely unicorn mare in pink, her mane with beautiful colors of the rainbow, her diamond blue eyes kept watch of the crystal shining waters of her beloved Fount Well. She hums herself a little tune of her own, looking at the reflection of water she suddenly feels a sudden shift of the aura. She looked behind her to see a bright light.

“What in the great Stars is that?” She asked herself.

From the bright light came out three fillies and Wishing Star, as they opened their eyes they were instantly were in awe and wonder.

“Who are you?” She asked them getting their attention, “How did you find this place? Nopony has ever came to the Fount Well of Wishes in over a millennia. How did you get here?”

“E-excuse us,” Wishing Star stutters, he know exactly who he’s talking to, but he’s just hoping he’s wrong, “A-are you Wishing Star?”

“I am. Who might you four be? How did you come by to this place?”

“I... I share your name Lady Wishing Star.” He bows to her, “It was my mother’s request before she died.” He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for her to shoot at him with a wayward beam. He opens one eye and see that the blast never came, instead the mare looked at him in shock. “U-um... are you okay?”

She walked slowly towards him, her mouth agape. “It really is you.” She whispers, “The Great Stars really did send you.”

“Sorry?” He asked in confusion, he suddenly was entrapped by the mare’s hug as she kept muttering about the Great Stars for sending him, which made him look at the Crusaders, and all they could do is shrug in confusion. How would they know? They’re just kids. “Um, can you explain to me as to who sent me?”

“Oh! I’m very sorry.” She says sincerely, “I should start with introductions. I am Lady Wishing Star, keeper and creator of the Fount Well of Wishes. Please, tell me, what brought you here to my humble home?” Wish told the Lady who he is and introduces the Crusaders, he also explained the events up until this point. “I see. This is very good news indeed. But tell me, if Discord is indeed freed, who was the one responsible?”

He looked at her with regret and says, “I think you know him.”


“Devine Light.” He answers her.

Her eyes went wide and gasps in shock. “Devine Light? He was responsible for his return?” He nods, she was absolutely furious. “Are you meaning to tell me that my own apprentice released the Lord of Chaos and did not came back to inform me?”

“That isn’t all.” He informs her, “What Discord told me, he says that Devine knows me somehow.”

Now the mare was enraged. This is their apprentice that they're talking about and he nearly puts the whole world into jeopardy? The anger in her eyes looked like twin blue flames of pure rage. Um, I'm gonna go on a whim here as say that she might be a kirin in her past life. he thought to himself.

"M'lady Star?" He says to her, "I know you're angry with him at the moment, but we're here to make our wishes and contributions to the Fount Well. Though, seeing as you're in need of dealing with your apprentice, we will let you be."

"NO!" She unexpectedly shouted, seeing the shocked expressions on the Crusaders and Wishing's faces. She regained her composure and cleared her throat, "Forgive me for my behavior, I take my job here at the Fount Well very seriously and to hear that one of my own has nearly forsaken the whole world and place them on your shoulders, he should have let fate played out instead of interfering."

So, having someone from a different world and knows what's going to happen can make changes here is okay with you, but when it's someone from here who knows what's going to happen, they get a slap at the wrist? he asked himself in his thoughts, What are the rules here dammit?!

"However," she continues, "I will deal with him later. For now, you are guests here. Please, tell me, what is it that you like to wish for in this place?"

He chuckles and looks to the Crusaders, "Well, I didn't come here to make a wish, but these three are hear to make a wish of their own."

"Oh?" She asked curiously, looking at the three fillies, then at their flanks, she can already take a guess with what they're wishing for, she gave a giggle, "That desperate?"

"Yes ma'am!" The Crusaders cheered in unison.

She giggles once more, "Alright," her horn glows and appearing in front of them where three gold and platinum coins with a star in the middle of it, "Take these coins and toss them in the pond over there, the water's currents will guide your wishes into the and it will show you as to how you will achieve your wish."

"Awesome! I'm first!" Scootaloo cheers as she went to the edge were the water starts.

Both stallion and mare laughed as they watch the fillies rushed their way to the edge. The pink unicorn sighs, "It's so nice to see such young and curious faces like them. I never get tired of watching their reactions as to see what they will achieve for their futures."

"How long have you been here?" He asked.

"Oh, much longer than the Princesses, long after Equestria was discovered." she says matter-of-factly, she then looked at him, "But I believe that you've already aware of this fact, aren't you Carson?"

He was shocked at the mare. "You... know my name too?"

"The Great Star foretold me that you would be arriving here, so of course I know you."

“Then… can you tell me if I will ever be able to return home and become human again?” He asks with a glimmer of hope.

"That, I unfortunately can't tell you." She says to him, "I can only provide wishes of the future, not futures that provides a choice."

"Aw horseapples..." He curses sadly. It’s just as he fear. He lower his head in depression after hearing her answer.

"You seem troubled young man." She says to him, "Are you not happy to be here?"

"No, it's not like that!" He reassures her, then sighs in frustration, "I just… I just don’t know what to do for myself. I should rejoice on the fact that I’ve been transported into a world where one of my favorite shows is actually real. And I am happy! It's just… I feel as if my presence would just endanger everyone around me if I continue to stay any longer. I try to blend in with the other ponies, but I still feel like an outcast from the rest of the community. Oh sure, I may have reformed Discord, and saved Equestria from danger, but I still don’t have a Cutie Mark! I sometimes feel like I’m stuck between two worlds with nowhere else to go and no one else to turn to!”

He take a pause to let all of these dark thoughts begin to sink in. Now I know how Starlight feels, He thought to himself grimly.

"I understand your situation Wishing Star." She spoke up, "But I have a feeling that you are currently on the path that fate has set for you. Every tree has it's own branches and every limb sprouts out like it's roots below it. Only you have the power to choose where you believe is the right choice. I believe that you reforming Discord is no coincidence, and I believe that you may change Equestria for the better. So do not fret my friend, for when you reach to that point in your journey, I know you will make the right choice.”

He smiles a bit upon hearing her hopeful and encouraging speech, but he can’t help but wonder what she meant by that last statement. He wonders if she knows something about that than what she is letting on. “I hope it would be up the latter M’lady.” He says to her. The Crusaders came back to Wishing Star, they seem a little skeptical about the future they saw. “What did you three see?”

“We saw us with our Cutie Marks, but Diamond Tiara was there too, and she seemed... happy with us?” Sweetie Belle explains but seems very confused.

“Maybe she wanted to fit in with us?” Applebloom suggested.

“Oh please, she wouldn’t give a time of day to even think about being happy with us other than bullying us.” Scootaloo retorts.

Oh how wrong you three will be when you get them Scoots. he thought to himself, then he spoke up, “Well, perhaps it’s an act of kindness and guidance to help not just yourselves, but perhaps this Diamond Tiara as well.”

“But she already has gotten a Cutie Mark of her own!” The gamboge pegasus interjects, “Why the hay we would help her? By being bullies to other fillies and colts?”

“Well, it doesn’t have to be that way, right M’lady?”

“Your friend is right.” She explains, “It’s whether our actions and choices that we make to others around us can either change and inspire them, or they would remain the same. It isn’t just your choice, it’s their choice as well if they want to follow by your examples.”

The Crusaders looked at each other, with Scootaloo just only shrugging and thought it over.

“So, what yer sayin’ is that finding our Cutie Marks isn’t right?” Applebloom inquires tilting her head.

“No, not at all. Trying to force to your Cutie Mark appear would only be like asking a boulder to move on it’s own when you know that you have to find the strength to move it.” She then hints them, “Perhaps of helping yourselves, maybe you should find others to help find Cutie Marks of their own.”

Scootaloo and Applebloom were clueless as to what the Mare of Wishes was referring to, but Sweetie Belle has figured out what she was saying and exclaims, “It’s obvious! We need to find other fillies and colts to help join our cause to find our Cutie Marks!” Well... at least she tries to.

The other two believed they got the hint and the three bowed their heads to her and politely say in unison, “Thanks Lady Wishing Star!”

The pink unicorn mare only giggles at their enthusiasm and and says, “You’re very much welcome my little ponies.”

I’m not sure if that was forced or intentional. Carson thought to himself as he caught on the last line from the mare. “Well, I think it’s about time that we head home girls.”

“Awww… just one more wish!” Apple Bloom whines cutely.

“Please?!” Now the other two Crusaders whined, all three of them making the same begging faces in “Sleepless in Ponyville.”

It’s tough to endure just that one adorable expression, but to resist all three of them at once is an impossible task! Wishing kept his composure and says in a denying tone, “No no, absolutely not. We don’t wanna cause a wish that would accidentally turn ponies into frogs or worse.”

“But we’ll be careful! Pleeeeease!” Sweetie Belle begged once again.

Oh no, I’m not falling for that! he enduringly thought.

Now it was Applebloom’s turn to whine again, “Pleeeeease!”

I don’t see you!

“Pleeeeease!” Scootaloo pleads.


And then all three of the Crusaders then gave out all of their adorableness to him. “PLEEEEEASE!!”

He then snaps, “Alright! Alright! Goddammit!!” He immediately covered his mouth with his hooves as he actually swore right in front of kids! The Crusaders were confused as to what word he said, while the mare placed her hoof on her mouth, trying her best to not laugh at his blunder. “Y-you can do one more wish, but after that, we’re going home.”


The Mare of Wishes then gave them each one last wish coin and they trotted their way to the edge. She then looks at a blushing red Wishing Star, who still had his hooves on his mouth, slowly removes them and laughs sheepishly. “Um... you don’t happen to have a pillow with you, do you?”

She used her magic and teleported the fluffiest pillow she could conjure.

“Thanks, now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go scold myself vigorously.” With that shoves the pillow to his face and muffled out screams, the best part of it was that even though the fillies couldn’t hear him, but she could.


After what seemed like an eternity of muffled shouting and scolding, the group bid their farewell to the Mare of Wishes as she teleported them back to Sweet Apple Acres. The Crusaders could barely keep themselves awake, so he decided to carry the little fillies on his back, which he was quite surprised as to how light the little ones are considering that in his world, the fillies were heavy little suckers.

As they got into the house, he decided to take them into his room, placed them on his bed, grabbed their blankets, and laying on the young ones. He then tucked himself in to his bed. Before he fell asleep, Applebloom hugged her friend.

“Thanks for takin’ us out today.” She says to him.

Wishing Star then returned the embrace and replies, “You’re very much welcome AB. Now, let’s get some sleep.”

“Okay. Good night.” She lays back down, snuggling next to him.

He chuckles and then says, “Goodnight my little pony.” He closes his eyes and falls asleep, once again entering the world of dreams.

Meanwhile, the the Mane 6 and Spike returned from the celebration of their victory. Twilight had many mixed emotions after what she had told her mentor and Princess of the Sun, and the conversation that led to it.

“And you’re absolutely sure that he has been reformed Twilight?” The tall white alicorn asked her student.

“Yes,” she confirms to her, “And if it weren’t for Wishing Star, we wouldn’t thought it would be possible to have such interaction with something or somepony unnatural like Discord.”

Celestia placed her hoof on her chin in thought. “Well, is he with you now? I must meet him.”

“No Princess, in fact, he’s out with Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo on the search for the Fount Well of Wishes. I could tell him and that you would like to meet him according your schedule.” She says to her.

“I’d be more than happy to clear my schedule for tomorrow and meet him.” The Alicorn of Joy says to Twilight, “In the meantime, I encourage you to keep learning the values of friendship and I must implore that you must help Wishing Star learn them as well. From what you’ve told me, he sounds like he has a troubling past indeed.”

“I’ll do everything I can Princess. I won’t let you down.” Twilight says confidently.

“I know you will.”

“Twi?” Applejack asked her, “Ya’ll feeling okay?”

She shook out of her train of thought and then looked at her friends with concerned looks on their faces. She sighs, “I don’t know. I promised Princess Celestia that would help him with learning everything about friendship. But given everything that’s happened today, I’m honestly thinking that we should’ve given Wishing a lot more credit than we given him for.”

“I have to agree,” Rarity chimes in, “After all, if he haven’t found the Elements, we wouldn’t be able to use them on Discord.”

Fluttershy interjected, “He even talked him down, I could never talk to somecreature scary like him.”

“Are you seriously forgetting that you could’ve used ‘The Stare,’ on him?” Rainbow Dash asked her.

“I don’t know how he would even react to it. He might not have any affect from it!”

“Oh! That reminds me! We need to give Wishing Star a ‘Welcome to Ponyville!’ and a ‘We Saved the World Again!’ parties!” Pinkie Pie mentions as she cheerily bounces along.

“We’ve gotten plenty of time tomorrow sugarcube.” Applejack says to her, “Right now, shut eye is in due order.”

“Yay! Sleepover!” Pinkie Pie cheers as she hops along to the country pony’s house.

As they went inside, everyone could hear a strange noise. “Shh, you hear that?” Rainbow asked in a hushed tone.

Upon a closer listen, it’s almost sounded like there is snoring coming from upstairs. Fluttershy whispers in fright, “M-maybe it’s an awful monster that came in through the house!”

“Oh, pish posh, darling,” Rarity says to her shy friend, “If a monster was that big, it would’ve broken the door frame at that size.”

“I’ll go upstairs and check it out.” Twilight volunteers as she bravely but quietly makes her way upstairs, following the snoring sounds into the guest bedroom and what she saw is the most adorable thing she had even seen. Wishing Star was asleep, as she thought, but what struck Twilight was the fact he was not alone — as three little fillies were tucked up with him. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were underneath an arm each, while Applebloom was snuggled up on the turquoise stallion’s chest.

Unable to contain her glee from the sight, she half shouts half whispers to the group downstairs, “Girls! Girls, look at this!” Curious as to what she is seeing, the rest of the group went upstairs to see the sleeping quartet. “Isn’t this so cute?!” She asked the girls.

As the girls looked at the peaceful sleepyheads, Wishing Star stirred awake from the whispering. “Twilight?” He asks groggily and a quiet tone as to not wake up the Crusaders. For the second time this week, he found himself locking eyes with the lilac unicorn. She was standing a few feet away with a small grin on her face. He felt trapped by her locked gaze, and found myself mesmerised by her soft purple orbs.

Eventually, she spoke up, “This is, without a doubt, the most adorable thing I've ever seen. You must really good with foals Wishing.”

He chuckles as he looked at his sleeping companions. “They couldn’t keep their eyes open after all of the excitement that happened today.” Looking at them now, it reminds him how his father would use to sleep with him as a kid if he ever gets nightmares. I guess my journey’s making me relive my childhood. he thought to himself.

“I’ll say,” Spike says to him giving a gentle punch on his shoulder. “From the looks of it, you guys had a lot of fun.”

Twilight looked at the clock, then realizes how late it. “Well, we should turn in for the night everypony,” she says to her friends, then to Wishing Star, “Goodnight Wish, you're going to need it, especially what we have in store for you tomorrow.”

“I-In store for me?” He stutters for a moment.

She gave him a wink as she left the room.

"Well, it was great meeting you, I just wished it it was in better circumstances.” Spike says to him.

“You and me both Spike.” He says to the little dragon.

You know, when Twilight told me about you, I thought at first, he does sound very suspicious, but now that I’ve met you for myself for the first time and watching you facing Discord head on, boy you definitely surprised me! You look like you’re an awesome pony to meet and I'm glad I did! Since we're both guys we have to hang out together and do a lot of guys-only activities!”

“Hehe, I’ll definitely take to consideration bud.” Wishing says to him.

Everypony else says their goodnight to him... until it was just him and Rainbow Dash, who never kept her gaze off of him. She then looked at a peaceful Scootaloo.

“You know,” she started, “When you came out of nowhere from Everfree Forest, told us about yourself, and became somewhat a nervous wreck, I became suspicious that you were going to try and take advantage of us.” Wishing was going to says something, but she cuts him off by a smiling! “But after what I saw today, I want to apologize for being on your tail a lot. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

After hearing that, part of him is relieved that she now believes him, but at the same time, he felt guilty himself. He wasn’t trying to prove that he could beat the bad guy, or get himself into the spotlight. All he wants is to have friends and give him the happiness he wanted.

“Rainbow, you don’t have to do anything for me.” He reassures her, “Honesty, having you girls and Spike as my friends is the best thing I ever gotten since I was alone. You gave me the inspiration and the courage to find you girls and have you as my friends, and I’m glad that I did, because if I hadn’t, I would still be in the alleyways of Canterlot, unheard.”

She returned a smile. “You know, you really are interesting pal. Glad that we did met ya.” She says to him, “We're definitely going to have a lot of awesome things planned in the future to do, so be ready!”

With that, she leaves the room. There it was again, the mention of plans for him. Were they planning on giving him a celebration for him of their own? Are they going to throw some kind of party for him? He’s never gone to one in his life. How many ponies are they going to be invited to this? What if the Princesses show up? The Princesses... he almost forgotten that they might congratulate him on his victory against Discord!


Oh sweet Celestia on a Segway... he thought to himself, What have I gotten myself into?

Author's Note:

Ooh boy! I’m so glad that this chapter is done! This one was a royal pain in the ass to get done, much longer too!

Once again, shoutouts are going to go to these awesome people in the previous chapter:

And Bandit1990

And a special thank you to Mix-up of giving me tips for helping me approving my writing for this fanfic!

Next chapter will be coming! Until then, see you soon!