• Published 6th Apr 2022
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When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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The Silver Rose (Part 3: Confetti Falling)

Donut Joe’s, Twilight Sparkle’s P.O.V.

As I was talking with my brother, the donut shop’s bell rung and then I heard, “ALRIGHT! WHERE’S THE BLACK BEAN JUICE!?” I looked at saw Wishing Star, his head held high and looked like a stallion on a mission… if some of the customers here didn’t gave him a ‘What did he just say?’ look. Quite honestly, I don’t know if that was taken with or without context.

“Uhh…” My brother dumbfoundedly asked me as he leans over to me, “Are you sure this is the same guy I talked to back in your old room?” I nodded, just as confused as he was.

He then looked at Joe and said, “Hey Joe, one cup of black coffee please! No cream or sugar added.” He then tossed a coin to him, flipping in the air. Joe catches it and gave him a hesitate nod. Then he looks to us, me and my brother specifically and said, “Ah! Twi! I’m quite surprised to see you here!”

“Um, I’m happy to see you too Wish,” I say to him a little confused about his behavior, “But… um, are you feeling okay? You’re starting to act strange.”

“Oh, who, me? Ah, nah, I’m fine! I’m totally, perfectly, absolutely, one hundred percent fine!”

Rarity leans over and whispered to me, “He’s actually having a little bit of a rough first day in Canterlot. I could already see why he doesn’t like some of the high class ponies here.” I turned to her with wide eyes for a second and then looked back at Wish, who’s right eye is now a little… twitchy. “Not to mention, he already had a run-in with your brother.”

Well, no wonder, I shook my head with giggle. “Shiny, I think we need to work on making sure you don’t crack anypony.” He looked at me confused, then I whispered the same info that Rarity told me. With an expression of first shock, then shifts to concern when he looks at Wish, who of which is giving him a very nervous smile.

“S-so…” Wish started nervously, “H-how-how has your day been Twi? H-having the best birthday ever?”

“Not yet,” I explained to him, “My brother actually sent me a letter to come up to Canterlot. He said he has a surprise announcement he wanted to tell me.”

“Oh? And what pray tell is that surprise announcement?” Rarity asked him curiously.

Shining chuckles and changes the subject, “We’ll get to that soon, but first, I’d take it that Twilight’s surprise from you two are ready?”

“Rrrrready, heheheh, sure, you-” Wish gulped before continuing on, “Could say that.”

I giggled at him again, then I gasped, “Oh! Wish! I almost completely forgot!” I then reached into the saddlebag and pulled out the journal, it was a polished dark teal with gold trimmings on the front cover, and on the rims of the book. “I know it’s my birthday, but I wanted to give you this as my surprise for you.”

He took the book, all of the nervousness completely melted away and was replaced by pure joy, “T-Twi, you… this is wonderful.” But just him eyeing the front cover of the book, the joyous smile was replaced with a sad one. I know what he’s thinking… at least, I thought I did.

Spike too noticed it, but he pipes up, “Hey, you’ll get it someday.”

He nods back to Spike, but then I decided to brighten things by continuing on, “Well, you’re not the only one who has a friendship journal. In fact,” Using my magic, I pulled out other journals with the same golden trimmings, but with the same color as the girls’ pelt coats, “Princess Celestia recommended to me that I would give each and every one of you a friendship journal, writing down a friendship lesson!”

Each of the girls were very thankful for me, especially Pinkie. “Wow! I thought we were going to surprise Twilight with our surprises, which I’m usually good at, but golly, did Twilight gave us the bestest surprise ever!”

Rainbow then sarcastically jests, “You know, if you’d gotten a bit from everypony every time you say ‘surprise’ Pinkie, you’d be a millionaire.”

“I WOULD?!” she gasped get up and close to Rainbow’s face.

“This was very thoughtful of you Twilight dear,” Rarity complimented to me, “I’ll cherish this and write down any friendship lesson that’s been taught to us along the way. It makes me feel bad that it isn’t a greater gift we’ve made for you. Shall we show them to her darling?”

I was giddy as I then looked at my new student, as he chuckles quite nervously again, “Uhh, y-yeah! We shall, hehe.”

As we walked in my old room, Rarity got in front of a red velvet cloak underneath what I can assume is my surprise. “Miss Twilight Sparkle,” Rarity tells me in a introductory tone, “Wish and I are proud to present to you ‘La Belle Étoile.’” Rarity pulls the cloak and unveils a mannequin wearing a yellow dress.

I gasped in shocked surprise. I walked up to the mannequin and looked at the dress, my mouth was agape. “This is my dress?” I asked Rarity and Wish, whom they nodded to say that this is my dress. “It’s so… simple.” I tell them, analyzing the dress, “ So… Practical. So… Me!” I used my magic to take the dress off the mannequin and held it close in glee, “It's the perfect dress for my birthday party! I love it!”

“I’m glad to hear you say that.” Rarity told me and then proceeds to insist, “Go ahead dear, try it on.”

I gladly did so and tried on the dress, giddier than a filly. I looked in the mirror and squealed in delight, “I look like a princess!”

The girls giggled and then Rarity said to me coy like, “Yes, but I have a feeling something’s missing… oh yes! Wish dear?” We turn to look at Wishing Star as he proceeded to give me a small rectangular black velvet box, his hooves were shaking a little as he gave it to me. Upon opening it, the contents consisted of two things. The first was a beautifully hoofcrafted necklace that has a silver rose on it. It looked like the same rose from Beauty and the Beast! The second object is a pair of black framed glasses, the arms of it were the same silver as used for the rose, and on them bares my cutie mark on each side.

I looked shocked at Wish, who seemed very nervous, as he says, “I-I hope you l-like them Twi.”

“How did you know that I use to wear glasses?” I asked him with a rose blush. He told me that he never knew he wore them, but he saw them, thought about me, and had added some modifications to them, like cleaner lenses. I was speechless, I haven’t wore them since I was eleven, my eyesight was twenty/twenty-five vision the last time I checked… but I got made fun of in school and I never wore them since then.

Wish was about to say something, but I tell him, “I don’t think I can wear them.” He looked at me confused as I trailed off, “L-last time I wore them, I-I…”

He looked at the others for a few seconds, then back at me and said to me kindly, “We’re your friends Twilight, we’re not like them. Give them a try, and if you don’t like them, we’ll put them away under lock and key.”

I blush at his proposal and gave him a nod. So, looking at the mirror again, I wore my newly modified glasses and I was quite surprised, my vision was much clearer and I didn’t even recognize myself. With them on, I looked like somepony else! I could possibly be mistaken for Moondancer!

“Well?” Wish asked me, looking over my shoulder at the reflection, “What’s your verdict?”

I looked at myself in the mirror for little while, giving it some thought. Just by looking at myself in the mirror, I swear I’m looking at my eleven year old self. I giggled as I then looked at him, quickly gave him a hug, and exclaimed, “I love them!” I let him go to look at him at his stary yellow eyes and continued on, “You didn’t have to modify my glasses, but you did, and I’m very happy that you did, so thank you.”

He gave me a goofy smile, seeming relieved that I enjoy my gift, the girls gave out a collective, “Awwww…” but that moment went by quickly as Rainbow Dash then said, “Okay, enough mushiness, who’s ready for a party?!”

“ME ME ME!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly.

Ballroom, Wishing Star’s P.O.V.

We enter this enormous ballroom, with every birthday decoration that’s been hung, so was my jaw, I completely forgot how good of a decorator Pinkie was, and stupidly I asked, “How in Celestia’s name did you find the time to put up all these decorations?”

The party pony gave me a giggle, “Ooh, I never reveal that secret!~”

Of course she was gonna say that. I musingly thought to myself, rolling my eyes. I then heard Twilight say, “I thought about having my birthday outside, but they're having another party on the castle grounds today.” She gestures to another group of ponies gathering outside in the castle garden to which I quickly looked away from the window to not get worked up again, and avoid being spotted. When I did looked however, I saw both Upper Crust and Jet Set were there. If they haven’t aggravated me the way they did, I wouldn’t have been scolded by Celestia herself.

They better not come in here and hurt Twilight, or so help me God- I shook the violent thoughts out of my head and said, “Well, I’m just glad that we’re in here than out there.”

And so, the party had started. We’ve started by tossing Twilight in the air multiple times, which I have to say, seeing that in person, erm, pony, it’s puts a smile on my face, seeing her happy. Following on that was cutting the cake, which of course Shining refused, and I don’t blame the guy, needs to stay fit and set up a perfect example for the troops.

Then, I decided to speak up to Shining, “Say, didn’t you have something to say to Twilight for her surprise?”

Shining looked at me with a raised brow, then he realized what I meant and said, “Oh yeah! Twilight, there’s something that I needed to give you.” He then hands her a small folded up piece of paper.

Twilight opened up the paper and then proceeded to read carefully. The look on her face… was not the one I was expecting as she said, “You’re going to get married?! To Princess Cadenza?! That’s what the secrecy is for?!” My mind went into panic mode, Uh-oh! Better do something! rewinding back to the episodes carefully in my mind, I remembered that Shining mentioned that she was once her foalsitter when she was little. I chuckled at that thought, big blunder. “What’s so funny?” The birthday filly asked me curiously.

I recovered my chuckle and then fibbingly explained, “Oh, it’s nothing Twi. I just thought that you would’ve known Princess Cadance by now. You know, the Princess of Love?”

She looked at me confused for a moment, looking back at the letter, then telling me, “But it says that he’s going to get married by Cadenza.”

“Uh-huh, and what exactly does Candenza translates to?”

Her confused looking turned into shock within a minute as she slowly looked at Shining Armor with a smile. She squeals in excitement and hugs her brother, “OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!! When’s the wedding?!”

“In two months,” he chuckles as he let goes the embrace to look at her, “Cadance’s going to be very happy that you’re coming.”

“I’ll be just as excited when I get to be her sister-in-law!” She exclaimed as she hugged him again, a little tightly this time. Suddenly, some slow music started to play, I looked at the gramophone record player to see it was Pinkie Pie who turned on the song, it almost sounded like a waltz that played in Beauty and the Beast. “Oh, is it time to dance already?” She asked him.

He chuckles again and said, “Only if you want to Princess.” He gave her a bow and extended his hoof for brother and sister dance. She gave a giggle of her own and she too bowed, taking his hoof and began their waltz.

I couldn’t help smile at them, this is a much happier outcome than I thought it would play out, the girls joined me as we watched them dance.

“Should we dog pile them?” Rainbow asked jokingly.

“Let ‘em have their moment Rainbow.” AJ tells the daredevil pegasus, I nodded in agreement as we continued watching them.

Rarity leaned over in a hushed voice, “I’d say that went quite well, wouldn’t you agree dear?” I nodded in agreement, and today couldn’t get any better than that.

I went outside to get some fresh air, avoiding any eye contact with the high class ponies. It was a lot of excitement that happened tonight, and I’m certain never going to forget it. It would be perfect… had it not be for the muttering of the high class.

“A cutie markless pony? Here in Canterlot?”

“Why is a blank flank even here?”

Then one voice caught my attention. “My word, can you believe what that pony is wearing?” It’s the male pony I met at the café, Jet Set. He was asking Upper Crust while gesturing to Twilight inside the ballroom.

“It's just so plain. And just look at her with those… ridiculous glasses.” His wife added, this was stirring up my anger again, she then added, “And just like in his drawing, just fat.” Ooh, I really wanted to slap that prissy bitch in the face, and I’m getting close to walk over to her and scream at her face like a mad man.

“What could even possess a young stallion to something like her?” Jet Set asked her.

She doesn’t even need to answer him, because I had enough. I trudged up to them and shouted, “HEY!” I got their immediate attention as they looked at me, “That fat mare you’re talking about is the bearer of the Element of Magic, showing some fucking respect!” Now every patron in the party was looking at us, but I was too angry to even notice.

“Oh, it’s you again,” Jet Set says in an annoyed expression, “Come back to finish the job I see?”

“Hey, that was you and your wife’s choice to provoke me about my friends.” I reminded him in a warning tone, “And if you want to avoid that again in the future, I would exercise caution about to whom you’re speaking about.”

“Pssh, please,” Upper Crust scoffed, “If anypony deserves recognition and time, it’s the ruler of Equestria herself.”

“Oh, and Luna isn’t a Princess?” I questioned them, how fucking dare they. “Luna deserves the same recognition as Celestia, how do you think she kept you asleep from nightmares?”

They looked at each other, then they heard Twilight calling for me, “Wish! There you are! I thought you were just going to-“

“Ugh,” The mare said in disgust, I gave her a look that would tell her to back off now, but her attention is too focused on Twilight’s appearance, somehow offending her, “How is it that an Element bearer like you are made as a hero? Especially in this plain dress. And what kind of glasses are even those?”

“The ones I made for her, you fake bitch.” I growled getting very up and close to her face, everyone gasped by what I called her, Twilight too gasped, and at this point, I hardly even care at this point, “I like to see you wear those glasses, and get bullied by her class mates, AND THEN FUCKING JUDGE ME!?”

“W-Wish, calm down!” The lavender pony told me in an almost hushed, she took hold of my front leg, “L-let’s just go back inside and forget about this, okay?”

Jet Set decided to add further damage and tells me mockingly, “You should do as your friend says, and maybe she can get that weight off of her.”

I was about to go ballistic on this jackass, but then another male voice calls to me, not by name however, “Excuse me, Neighotiator?”

“WHAT?!” I screamed at the stallion, but my face of anger quickly changed to shock, it’s gentleman of Canterlot himself, Fancy Pants, and I yelled at him! “O-oh, shi-shoot, Mr. Fancy Pants! I-I’m so sorry!”

To my surprise, he actually chuckled! “That’s quite alright my dear Neighotiator. I just wanted to come, face to face, to say thank you for saving Equestria from Discord. I even heard that he was redeemed. I must say, not many ponies were able to have a change of heart.”

I became very flustered and began to stutter, “Th-thank y-you sir.”

His attention then turned to Twilight, inspecting her dress with his monocle. “Might I ask where you got your ensemble?”

“Why, yes! Yes, you may.” She happily replied. “Wish and another very, very close friend of mine from Ponyville, Rarity, made these for me.”

“Ponyville? You don't say?” Fancy Pants replied, she nodded and I once again gave out a nervous chuckle. He then said to us, “In a moment, my dear.” Everyone around them stopped gawking of what they were seeing and were all ears. “This lovely filly from Ponyville was just about to tell me who made her charming dress.” He then looked at me and commented, “This dress you made is beautiful!”

“We all think so!” I heard Pinkie added as she and my friends all joined us.

“You know these ponies?“ Fancy Pants asked as I looked around at the confused expressions from everyone before turning to face the guests.

I gave out a calming exhale and tell him, “Yes. These are my friends. They may not be like you, but you know what? I’m happy with that. They’re my best friends… no, they’re my family, and they are without a doubt the most important ponies, and friends and family I know. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” I held my sewing instructor and Celestia’s Star pupil close to my sides, sharing a smile with me.

“Important ponies and friends? These ruffians?” Jet Set asked me.

“Don't make me laugh!” Upper Crust tutted.

The two rich ponies smugly laughed us off again until I told them, “Then be grateful that I’m not your son, because if I was, I would leave you two shmucks in a heartbeat.”

I heard Rainbow Dash muffling her snickering. As she did though, I think I’ve figured out what I would write down for my first friendship lesson.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I wanted to tell you about a two-in-one lesson I learned during my visit in Canterlot. I learned that no matter where you go in life, you should never forget that you are the product of your home and your friends. And that is something always to be proud of, no matter what, along with not forgetting with who your true friends are, otherwise you’ll forget to stay true to who you are.

I’ve also learned the importance of how to be humble to someponies, and be humbled in turn, even if they’re the ones you hate. Sometimes to be respectful and/or to be respected in turn is very hard to earn and come by. Some would come to know and respect you, other times they would despise you and would try to leave dirt to your name, but you have to show them strength by not being violent or lash out at others, but to humble them.

I’ve also been assigned as Twilight’s student of in the study of the magic of friendship, I wish you could be there to see the look on her face when I said yes.

The Neighotiator, Wishing Star

Sweet Apple Acres, midnight

I finished my letter and sighed happily. “Can’t get any sleep?” The cowpony’s rang up in my ears, I turned to look at her, leaning on the archway.

I shook my head no and told her, “After tonight? I still couldn’t get over those guys.”

“Who? The couple back in Canterlot?”

“Yeah,” I confirmed to her, “I even saw how hurt Twi was.” I sighed as I lay back on the bed, looking at the ceiling, “Do you think giving her the glasses and masquerading as the admirer was a mistake?”

AJ looked at me in shock, “Don’t tell me yer thinkin’ of backin’ out?”

“I don’t know anymore AJ… I really love her, but when I told her about the mysterious admirer, she completely forgot about like… that idea was stupid from the start…”

She gave me a punch to the shoulder and told me, “Ey, don’t beat yerself up like that! She loved the gifts ya’ll made for her, heck, even Rarity was proud of ya! Ya gotta keep trying til she has feelin’s for ya.” I let her words sink in my mind, and she isn’t wrong on any word she said, I have to keep trying to win her heart… “In the meantime lover colt, ya’ll should get some shut eye, ya’ll got some work with Rarity tomorrow, right?”

As we say goodnight to each other, I got under the covers while looking at the ceiling, I kept wondering to myself when I asked Twilight about the admirer, Did she really know it was me, or did she already knew and was playing with me?

Author's Note:

Yeesh, I’m sorry that this took a long time my friends, but this was so much to ponder about how to finish this three parter. But anyway, I’m moving this story along with a little love in the next chapter.

Shoutouts time!

Mister E-Nonymous
and Skyblazer9

Thank you guys so much for leaving your comments and your support for this story guys.

Well, until then, see you guys soon for the next chapter!