• Published 6th Apr 2022
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When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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The Silver Rose (Part 2: A Birthday Party in the Making)

Canterlot Castle Rarity’s P.O.V.

I can’t believe this actually happened. Wishing Star just attacked a high class pony. I completely understand that he has an issue with high class ponies, and I knew that this was going to be a problem. As we sat in waiting next to the doors to the throne room like mischievous students waiting for the principal, I looked over to my right, seeing Wish having his forehooves bury his face.

I sighed and looked at the corridor, neither of us were saying a word. The only sounds were the muffled voices from the throne room behind closed doors. Suddenly the doors opened and Jet Set and Upper Crust were shown the way out, the mare shot a glare at Wish, of which he did the same. We then looked at the Princesses, escorting us in.

As the sat down in front of the Princesses, then Wish spoke first, “Princesses, I-I want to go on record-“

Luna rose her hoof in front of Wishing’s mouth, making him quiet. Princess Celestia then spoke, “We were already aware of your dilemma, and we’ve told the couple to never behave like that ever again.”

“That’s quite a relief,” I say to them, then to Wish, “Wouldn’t you agree dear?”

This didn’t go up to par for Wish. “What, just a slap on the wrist? That’s it?” He asked them in anger, “Couldn’t you just have them be stripped of their titles or have them exiled?! Oh, or better yet, send those assholes into Tartarus?!”

“HOLD THY TONGUE!” Luna bellows out at him, making Wishing Star falling onto his back from the power from the Princess of the Night’s voice.

Celestia just shook her head as she placing her hoof on her temple with a mutter, “The last thing I need is a migraine.” She then looks at me and Wish and then tells us, “Wish, I do understand that some of the high class ponies can be… bothersome, but please, for our’s and your friends’ sakes, please be mindful of your language and your anger. If such issues like that ever comes up again, you will report that to me or Luna from now on. Understood?”

Wish got back up on his hooves and says shaking from the force, “Y-y-yes, Princess C-C-Celestia.” Poor dear, I rubbed his back to comfort him. I would be shaking in fright too if I was in Wish’s shoes, and if it’s one thing I don’t like is to disappoint either Princess.

The Princess of the Sun gives a relived sigh and says, “Very good. And we’re actually glad that the both of you came to Canterlot, because Twilight just sent us a message stating that since you two will be staying for a couple of days, she has offered a rooms for the both of you to stay in.”

My eyes widened in awe and surprise. “R-really?!” I asked in glee, “We get to stay here?!”

“Hold on, hold on,” Wish cuts in, “You said ‘rooms’ plural. Are you saying that we’re going into different locations in Canterlot?”

“Yes, actually,” she replies to him, “In fact Wish, Twilight recommend a special room for you.”

Ooh la la, I thought to myself as I looked at the wide eyed and blushing Wish, Seems like Twilight’s given Wish an opportunity to know her. as he looked at the Princess of the Sun, he then asked her , “Y-you’re saying that I-?” She nods, making him continue, “But where is Rarity going to stay? Surely not one of those high-end, knock-off hotels?”

“Oh, no need to be concerned dear,” I reassured him with a pat on the back, giving him a smile, “I’m sure that the Princesses already have a room that I can be accommodated in.”

He sighs and says, “If you say so.”

“Wonderful,” I say cheerily, “Oh, and Wish, once you’ve finished settling in your room, I suggest that you meet me with Smelting Ore. He’s the owner of Steel Crafts and he can help you with Twilight’s necklace.” Wish gave me a nod agreement to the plan as I bid farewell, “In the meantime, I think I’ll take a look around Canterlot. Ta-ta!”

Twilight’s old Library Room, Wishing Star’s P.O.V.

As Celestia and the guards escorted me to Twilight’s old room, I took some small glances at some of the painted glass windows, showing images of Celestia and Luna when they were younger from, what I could I guess, centuries ago. It was like a timeline of events up until now and the recent when I then noticed a painted glass window of me and Discord, bowing in respect to each other.

I can only imagine how he would react to seeing to something like this, I thought to myself as we walk past the colorful glass painting, Speaking of Discord, I wonder what he’s been up to during his exile?

My thoughts were interrupted as we’ve made it to Twilight’s former room’s door. “Well, here we are.” Celestia says to me as she opened the door. I was in absolute awe like a kid in theme park, this was Twilight’s room! Then again, this was Twilight’s room.

“So, this is where I get to stay for now?” I asked the Sun Princess, looking around the room, it’s old books on the shelves and the huge hourglass that stood proudly in the room, I start to realize why Twilight has a huge love for books and history so much, for above her bed was some old scrolls and maps on the wall.

“Yes,” Celestia explained to me as I looked at some of her older pictures of her, Spike, and her family. “Twilight said that she’d recommend this room, since you have a love of reading as much as she does.” I looked back at the bookshelves, row after row of books, probably from old to new, or in alphabetical order. It probably be the latter.

I gave the Princess my thanks, but then she notices the look on my face. She told the guards to give us some privacy and used a soundproofing spell around the room. “I know that look Carson,” she says, and when she said my real name, I immediately looked at her for a few seconds and then looked down at the floor again, “Is it because of the incident from earlier?”

“They were making a mockery of your student, no, your prized star!” I angrily tell her, getting up to pace, “Who the fuck are they to me that’s a nopony, especially behind your back? She’s the smartest, talented, and the best pony that ever lived! She could kick their ass to Equestrian Kingdom come!”


“Oh, and another thing,” I cut her off, “She isn’t fat! I’d like to see them wearing a dress that I designed, and then get judged! I swear to fuck, if any of those sons of bitches ever, ever make fun of Twilight again, I will-“

“You’ll what?” A male voice sent a chill down my spine and immediately went into oh, shit! mode. Celestia and I quickly looked at the white unicorn stallion with a blue mane. This is not just any other stallion, this is the captain of the guard, this Twilight’s older brother and BBBFF, this… is Shining Armor. He walked towards me and asked me again with curiosity, “You’ll what?”

I began to stutter in fright, thankfully Celestia’s spoke up, “Some of the nobles were speaking negatively about Twilight and the dress that this young stallion had drawn out for her.”

Shining looked at me with an eyebrow raised, staring at me like as if he was my gym coach teacher. I was laughing nervously when I wanted to breakdown crying in front of this guy. “May I see the drawing?” He asked me, I looked at the Princess of the Sun, who’s just smiling and motioned her head, encouraging me to show it to Shining, so with no other options, I grabbed out my sketchbook.

He began to inspect my drawing, I could see his eyes darting at some of the details on the dress, especially to down to the line details of Twilight herself. Looking at me, which I was chuckling nervously again. Then back at the picture, giving out a chuckle of his own and says, “This is good.”

I was shocked by what he said as he continues on, “Yeah, this is definitely what my Twily would wear. Nothing too fancy, simple, but beautiful.” I know he’s acting too calm and impressed by this. “And the necklace. Beauty and the Beast, I’d take a guess?” He gave me a nod and continues on more, “And the mane style, very much like her, almost Princess-like.”

“O-oh! Well, um, s-she may not be a Princess,” I explained to the captain, trying my best to not faint, “B-b-but sh-she’s a Princess on her b-birthday, j-just a special f-for her, heheheheh.”

He then gave me the stink eye as he then asks me, “I have to know something, Princess Celestia said that Twilight was writing to her, something about teaching a ‘special pony.’ Is that ‘special pony,’ you?” Uh-oh, does he thinks that Twilight and I are a thing?! I thought to myself in a panic.

“W-whoa, whoa, hold on!” I defended myself, “Just because Twilight were snuggling with each other, that doesn’t mean we’re a couple!”

“WHAT?!” He shouted, “You slept with my sister?!”

Oh God, now I’ve done it… “Y-no! Wait a minute-“

“You barely even knew her, why were you sleeping with my sister?!”

“I had the Below Zero illness!” I shouted back at him, the pressure got to me and I snapped at Twilight’s older brother. He stared at me blankly for a few moments, and I was scared to the brim as to how he’s going to react. He leaned in closely, his blue eyes piercing through my starry yellow ones, as if he was looking through a deep galaxy of stars.

“The Below Zero illness?” He asked me, to which I nodded quickly in fright, he then looked at Celestia who also gave him a nod, as if he was going to ask her the same question, but then he looks back at me again and then asks, “You didn’t do it, did you?”

“No! Absolutely not sir!” I rose my front hooves in front of me defensively, I knew what he was asking about, and to do that to his own sister? It’s questionable. I was getting chills down my spine again as he raised a brow at me. “If you want to confirm that, ask Twilight. She’ll tell you what happened.”

“Hmm…” he starts, placing his hoof on his chin, then with a smirk, he says, “You know, maybe I’ll do just that. After all, it has been a couple of months since I messaged Twily. If you’ll excuse me your highness.” He bows to the Princess and then left the room.

I was almost about to pass out, but then Celestia reassures me saying, “Don’t worry about Shining Armor, Carson. Since you said that you’ve already seen this before, then you already know that he’s just being overprotective of his sister.” Then why do I get the feeling that he’s going to do something that would derail this episode fast? I asked myself in thought. “Oh, and before I forget, Shining partially told you this, but Twilight also asked me to make you her understudy.”

I was caught off guard. What could I say to that?! What can I say? “P-princess, I… I don’t know what to say.” I speechlessly tell her, “I-I’d be more than happy to be Twilight’s understudy.”

She titters a little with a smile, “I’m glad. I will send her a message that you’ve happily agreed to be Twilight’s student. In the meantime, I suggest that you should have a look around Canterlot.”

I nodded to the advice Celestia gave me, and left me to my own devices. Looking at my drawing of Twilight in her dress on my sketchbook, I couldn’t help but be worried about Twilight’s reaction. I know I shouldn’t but this isn’t just Rarity’s design, but this is mine as well. What is she going to say when she sees the necklace and the dress? And something else, Shining Armor is going to send a message to his little sister. Is he going to invite her over to Canterlot? Oh, the mere thought of seeing the blue daggers of Captain Shiny, as if he’s ready to kill me once Twilight tells him.

Whoa, hold on a sec Carson, I thought to myself, trying to remain calm, This is just Shining Armor being protective of his little sister, of course he’s going to act like that! I mean, if you could face on an ancient being of chaos, then surely you could put on a brave face to the Captain of the Guard.

Looking around the room one more time before I head out, I noticed a couple of things on Twilight’s nightstand. One of them being a picture of a young Twilight and Shining Armor, baby Spike, and their parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet. Awww… look at little Twily! And baby Spike! I thoughtfully gush, They look so happy in that photo!

But as soon as I put the photo back, I noticed another item of interest. A dark gray, rectangular case. “That’s funny,” I said outloud, “What could be in this case here?” I opened it and it made me immediately go in a state of shock and confusion, for inside was a pair of black framed glasses. “Huh? Since when did Twilight had glasses? The only Twilight I know who had glasses is Sci-Twi from Equestria Girls.” This only lead to me on with more questions than answers. “Did… did Twilight use to wear glasses before the pilot episode?”

Taking the glasses with me, I set out to go meet Rarity to Steel Crafts. I just only hope I don’t strangle another noble on the way there.

Golden Oaks Library, Spike’s P.O.V.

I can’t believe that today’s Twilight’s birthday! And it’s good thing that we don’t have to reorganize anything today, it’s her day and she didn’t have to learn any friendship lessons.

As I was just reading my comic book, Twilight seems ever so giddy. “Ooh, this is going to be the best birthday Spike!” She says gleefully, “I’ve gotten a pretty good idea as to what I want to do this year.” I chuckled as she gotten out her long list, rolling out that touched the door. Knowing her, she always has a plan for her birthday. Last year before we came to Ponyville, she had us to… well actually, I don’t think she did anything for her last birthday, probably because she’s usually secluded herself in the library.

“Well, I’m sure your birthday’s going to be great Twilight.” I tell her, looking at her list, it surprisingly isn’t a birthday wish list, “Wow, that’s some plan you got. You sure you don’t want anything for your birthday?”

She giggles as she places her hoof on my shoulder, “Trust me Spike, having friends and spending time with them is a better gift than anything else.”

I gave her a smile in return, but then I felt like my stomach was squeezed from the inside, and belched out a scroll. I looked it and in joy I exclaimed, “Twilight! It’s from Princess Celestia! She must’ve gotten your letter!”

“Oh, finally!” She cheers, “Well, what did she say?”

I cleared my throat and it reads as follows: “My Faithful Student, I sincerely apologize for not responding to your friendship lesson letter. I figured to get that answer was from Wishing Star himself, of which surprisingly, he has agreed to. I can’t think anypony better than you to be his teacher, therefore, I hereby declaring you as Wish’s teacher for friendship.

She squeals in delight and gave me a tight hug whilst shouting, “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOOOOOOU!!!!!!!”

“H-hold on Twilight!” I say to her with a chuckle, “I wasn’t done reading!” She realizes it and quickly let me go, blushing a tad embarrassed, but still smiled. I once more cleared my throat and continue, “Also, in regards to you sending in friendship lesson letters, I wouldn’t mind you sending me friendship letters at whatever time you’d like, but I also recommend and encourage your friends to do the same, especially Wishing Star. As you mentioned, there is something about this stallion, and if anypony can figure it out, it’s you. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.” As I finished reading, I then said jokingly, “Okay, continue.”

“Oh, this is absolutely great!!!” She cheers in delight, “Spike, change of plans! I know exactly what we’re going to do for my birthday! Get the girls and pack your things. We’re going to Canterlot!”

“You got it-“ I was about to say excitedly, but then the same squeezing feeling in my stomach happened again, and with a loud belch, through my fire another letter came through. Looking at it, I then say in surprise, “Hey, it’s from Shining Armor!”

“Shiny sent a letter?” She asked me as I opened the scroll.

Dear Twily,” I began reading, “I wanted to quickly write you a letter to wish you a happy twenty-second birthday. I heard that there’s a new guy in Canterlot and says that he knows you. Have to admit, he seems like a nice guy, a little jittery and nervous when I met him, but he seems nice. I just have a couple of questions about this ‘Wishing Star,’ character. If you’re visiting over to Canterlot, let’s meet up at Donut Joe’s. Aside from that, we have a lot of catching up to do. I have many other things I want to tell you. Your BBBFF, Shining Armor.” After reading the letter, I then joked, “Well, I hope he hasn’t rattled him that much.”

Twilight nodded in agreement and then asks, “But what’s does he needed to tell me? If I remember correctly from the last last letter he sent, he was out with somepony, but he didn’t say who.”

“Well, maybe we’ll get to meet her when we get there,” I suggested to her with my shoulders shrugged, “He has been a little secretive about who that pony is.” Once again she nods as she then grabs an empty Journal. “What’s that for?” I asked her.

“Oh, this?” She lifts the journeys for me to see as she then goes to answer, “Well, if my friends are gonna write a friendship lesson, I might as well start with Wish. In the meantime, we should probably get the girls and head to Canterlot.” I nodded in agreement and I went to quickly go pack I needed for Canterlot.

At the Train to Canterlot

“Remind me again why we’re heading to Canterlot?” Rainbow asked Twilight.

Twilight rolled her eyes and explained to her, “We’re going to Canterlot to give Wishing Star this journal and give him the news for him to be my understudy.”

“Oh my, an understudy?” Fluttershy asked her with glee.

“He’s going to be super-duper-shmuper excited when he hears this!” Pinkie exclaims bouncing on the the seat.

Rainbow though raised her brow, “Well, good for him, but I’m getting the feeling that isn’t the only reason.”

Twilight nodded in agreement with Rainbow’s assumption and answers, “Well, there’s somepony I want you to meet. You know the place, Donut Joe’s right? The donut shop we went to after the Galloping Gala?” The girls nodded, we all remembered it too well, especially Fluttershy, who was blushing at the memory of her outburst at the animals. “Well, that wasn’t the first time I’ve gone there. My family and I usually go there when I was younger.”

“So, who is it we’re gonna meet?” Applejack asked her.

Twilight then answers, “He’s my BBBFF and Captain of the Guard for Princess Celestia, Shining Armor.”

“BBB-What?” Rainbow asked, understandably confused.

“It’s a nickname they gave each other, BBBFF is Best Big Brother Friend Forever, and Twilight is his BLSFF, or Best Little Sister Friend Forever if you will.” I explained to them, a collective “Ohhh,” in unison from the girls was heard.

“Well shoot Twi,” Applejack remarks to her, “Sounds like this Shinin’ guy seems important to ya.”

“He means a lot to me.” Twilight said to her, looking out the window, the view of Canterlot and its castle came into view. “I just hope he’s okay, he’s been acting… secretive in his letters.”

We sat in silence after she said that. A few moments passed and we went to Donut Joe’s, when we got inside, we see a lone hire unicorn stallion with a blue mane. It’s Shining Armor!

“Shining!” Twilight greets as she ran to him.

He noticed us, got up from his chair, and greeted, “Twiliy!” They embraced for a few seconds. “How’ve you been? Was the train ride, okay?”

“Train ride was fine,” she explains to him, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

“Yeah,” he says with a nod as he shows her a chair, “I’m sorry for worrying you.” He then notices me and greets to me, “Hey Spike! Good to see little buddy.”

“Good to see you too.” I say to him as I embraced him, then I noticed as I asked jokingly, “Say, we’re you a little bulkier than the last time we saw each other?”

“Ha ha, Spike,” he sarcastically says me, then notices our friends and then says, “You must be Twilight’s friends.”

“Yessiree!” Pinkie exclaims as she introduces herself and the others, “I’m Pinkie Pie, and these are Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash!”

“What about the other unicorn?” He asked her.

She was going to tell us that she’s with Wishing Star at the moment, but then, she got distracted and said, “Oh look! There’s Rarity now! I’ll go get her!” Before anypony could say anything, Pinkie darted out to greet Rarity and Wishing Star.

Shining chuckles and asked us, “How does she even do that?”

“For the time I’ve known her? I haven’t gotten a clue.” Twilight says to him with a chuckle of her own.

“Like I suggested to you Twilight, it’s just a Pinkie Pie thing.” I reminded her with a shrug, and as if on cue, the bell above the door rang.

Wishing Star’s P.O.V.

As Rarity and I were walking along the path to Donut Joe’s, because it was getting around to late lunch time and I always wanted to give that place a try, I was carrying a paper bag that contains to items of importance, the silver rose necklace, and Twi’s glasses. Earlier, we were discussing about the necklace and what I’ve found in Twilight’s room. Rarity found it quite intriguing that Twilight use to wear glasses and gave the idea to give the glasses a little makeover by adding Twi’s Cutie Mark on each side of the glasses, of which I thought it was a great idea.

So, we’ve gotten the necklace and the glasses all prepared thanks to the ponies working at Steel Crafts, which, I gotta say, how their process is quite interesting to see and how it works there… despite being incredibly expensive in bits. Almost cost us 1,500 bits for both the glasses and the necklace! But thankfully, I told them what the occasion is for, and for that it dropped to 800 bits, still expensive, but hey it’s much better than the original price.

“So,” I started recapping to Rarity, “With the dress near to it’s completion, and the necklace and glasses ready, we should be completely done… man, is this what’s like being a fashionista?”

Rarity titters and reassures me, “Something’s are easier than others, but this is something simple for a friend. I know Twilight’s going to love it.”

I nodded in agreement as we made our way to Donut Joe’s, Pinkie Pie suddenly came out from said donut shop and immediately came at us like a freaking submarine torpedo. “Hi Wish and Rarity! Enjoying Canterlot so far?” She asked us as she bounces around us.

“Oh Pinkie dear!” Rarity says in surprise, “What are you doing here?”

“Twilight’s got something for Wishing Star,” Pinkie explained to us, “So she brought us with to Canterlot!”

As Pinkie was talking, I could swear that Twilight is with somepony. “Uh, Pinkie, could you-?” I began to ask, but she already has a pair of binoculars on hoof, so I obliged, took them and peered where Twilight is… and not only is she with her friends, but Captain Jaller is with them (That’s for all of you Bionicle fans out there.).

“Um, darling,” Rarity says to me, reasonably confused, “I don’t think Canterlot would be a good place for birdwatching.”

I looked at both Pinkie and Rarity, the binoculars still in use. “Pinkie… would you mind telling me why The Captain of the Guard, is with you in Donut Joe’s?”

“Ooh, you know him?”

“K-Know him?!” I freaked out, “The guy scared a zebra stripe in my underwear!” My attention returns to Twilight and Shining, at least the two of them seemingly have a conversation, considering it’s been what felt like a few years since the two talked. I suddenly felt a tug on back of my black short, making a high pitched yelp and turning around to see Pinkie Pie right behind me. “Pinkie, don’t do that!”

“Why?” She looked at me confused, “You said that Shining scared a zebra stripe in your-“

“I think he’s saying it as a figure of expression dear.” Rarity helps Pinkie, following a “Ohhhh,” by the party pony. Giving back the binoculars to Pinkie.

I took a sigh, and asked Rarity, “So, we’ve already got everything ready?” She nods to me, making me nod back, “Then let’s get this party started.” I began to march to the door to the donut shop… Jesus Christ, if there is one here in this universe, please don’t let me fuck this up.

Author's Note:

So, I was originally thinking about doing this in two parts, but after giving it more thought, I’d decided to go for three instead, so don’t worry guys, the Silver Rose trilogy is coming to it’s conclusion.

Shout outs to

SunFlare Knight
And Mark Foxanard.

And don’t worry guys, chapter 5 of Glamrock takes Equestria is still in production, and IT’S NOT DEAD! Anywho, please be patient and thank you for your support for these stories. See you guys soon!