• Published 6th Apr 2022
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When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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Love Moves In! (LyraDrops)

Carousel Boutique, Ponyville, Wishing Star’s P.O.V.

God, why do I feel miserable? I don’t feel sick, and I had a blast from last night at Twilight’s birthday party… so why do I feel miserable? Was it because of the couple back in Canterlot? Was it because of the pressure of getting the gifts done on time? Was it because of my nervousness around Shining Armor? Well, it wouldn’t be the third one, we seem to be on good terms despite our first meeting.

I was working on a new suit that a stallion ordered a few days back, specifically special for his daughter’s graduation of Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. I should feel overjoyed by the fact I’m working for this special occasion, but I don’t feel happy right now. I looked over at the window where Rarity working at, the whirring of the sewing machine was the only thing breaking the silence. I suddenly heard a rip in the fabric of the suit, looking at the giant hole, I groaned and placing my front hoof on the side of my temple.

“Are you alright dear?” Rarity asks me, she could see that I wasn’t myself. Usually when we work, I’d talk to Rarity about some fashion designs, both customer and our friends, and other times, I tried to come up with some new styles to be like Rarity’s or something cultural. She could see the big gapping hole in the suit, she could see I struggling, studying it for a few seconds and told me, “This might take some time to repair this hole. Why don’t you take a break? You could do some free time drawing or-“ I didn’t even let her finish as I lazily walked over to Rarity’s fainting couch and plopped onto it face first. “Or that…”

I just moaned into the pillow. As I did, I heard hoofsteps coming towards me. “Are you alright?” Rarity asked me concerningly, “You've barely spoken a word since you were working. And you sound so… depressed. Would you like a cup of tea?”

“No thanks…” I muffled.

“No?” She asked me “Goodness, this sounds serious. Could you scootch over dear?” Swinging my hind legs off the couch, I allowed her to take a seat, making me sit up straight. “Now… what's troubling you? I can practically feel the aura of negativity radiating off of you.”

I sighed sadly, and confided in her, “Nothing ever gets pass by you, does it? It’s just… I don’t know Rarity, I feel conflicted.”

“Conflicted by what?” She asked me.

“That what I’m for is the right choice. I made a wish to find happiness and be the hero of my own story, and then boom, I’m all of suddenly here, getting a good paying job, making friends, and help save the world for a former lord of chaos… okay, in hindsight, solving the riddles and getting prepared to stop him was all you girls- point is that he’s redeemed and he’s on our side now. But ever since came into Ponyville, I’ve been treated like an outsider looking in by other ponies, especially since two days ago, since I gave Twilight her gifts, I’ve felt like I’m in a downward spiral of trying to win her heart only to get friend-zoned.”

Rarity listened with a nod, then she said, “Wish, you’re not an outsider, you’re hailed as a hero of Equestria just like me and the girls are, even Fancy Pants considered you as such.”

“Yeah, but I felt like I want to do more than just waiting for things to happen M’lady, I want to find my talent and earn my cutie mark. I want to find somepony who would be by my side everyday.” I told her anxiously.

She giggles as she shook her head, “So much like Sweetie Belle.” She looked at the clock, then said to me, “Why don’t you take an early leave for today? I’ll fix the hole in the suit.”

I looked at her in shock. “Are you sure?” I asked her.

“Absolutely. You look like you need a good break.” She told me as she gave me a hug.

With that said, we said our goodbyes and I left the Boutique. And so, I began to take a stroll through Ponyville, looking at the business that are currently bustling, some markets were crowded, and restaurants are filled with a lot of hungry ponies.

Suddenly, one mare’s voice was trying to get my attention, “Hey!” I looked over at the cafe, and who do I see, but Lyra Heartstrings, waving at me. I walked over to the table she’s currently seated at. “You seemed like something’s been on your mind. Mind telling me what’s up?”

“Sorry Lyra,” I said sincerely to her, “I’m just not having a good day today. I almost messed up a birthday party, almost killed a high class pony in Canterlot, figuratively and literally, and nearly got throw in jail.”

Lyra looked at me in shock from my highlights. “Gosh, I-I’m sorry.”

I sighed again, but then regained my composure, “But, you seemed to be chipper than the last time I saw you. What’s gotten you pepping up your step?”

Lyra then explains, “Oh, well, Bonbon thinks that I would move in with her, so I’m getting my stuff to the new apartment where she’s staying in, and I could use some help.”

I gave it some thought, and knowing that the next episode ‘Family Appreciation Day,’ will be coming up tomorrow, thanks to the schedule back in Apple’s residence, I said, “Eh, what the heck? It’s not like I have anything else to do.”

Lyra and Bonbon’s apartment

As the three of us were carrying in Lyra’s stuff in Bonbon apartment, the light yellow mare said to me, “Thanks for helping us getting Lyra settled in, Wish.”

I chuckled, “Hey, I could do more if there were anything else to do, not that I don’t.”

“Still, I’m sorry that you’re not having a good day,” Bonbon sympathetically tell me, “Hey, I got an idea! How about after we finish helping Lyra getting settled in, we should head to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate!”

“Yeah, I like the sound of that!” Lyra cheers.

I shrugged and said, “Sounds good to me.” As I went out of Bonbon’s apartment, I accidentally bumped into a young light brown stallion and I quickly apologized, “Oh shoot! I’m so sorry!”

“Oh, it’s alright,” the young stallion reassured me, he has an interesting design, light brown eye on his left, a dark brown on his right eye, white and milk chocolate short mane, with a white tie and carried a clipboard in his front right hoof, “I got distracted and didn’t see where I was going.”

“Heh, you and me both pal.” I said.

He then looked at me in surprise, “Say, aren’t you the Neighotiator?”

“Seems like I’m famous nowadays.” I said to myself, but then to the new stallion, “Yes, I’m him.”

The stallion’s excitement got to him, “W-wow! I-I’m honored sir! Milk N. Cookie, at your service! Y-You can just call me Cookie.” We shook hooves and continued, “I-I didn’t know that I would meet the pony that put a stop to the former Lord of Chaos and him on the same week!”

I was in shock when he said that, “Wait… you met Discord?”

“Yeah! Just two days ago!” He explained to me, “From what I’ve heard, he’s been hiding in Ponyville alleyways, seemingly undercover.”

This isn’t like Discord to just hide in Ponyville for no reason… I thought to myself, Something’s up. “Where is he now?”

“For what I know, he could be in the western alley where it connects to the Golden Oaks and the plaza. He wanted me to report any info regarding you as it turns out.” He told me.

He’s spying on me? I asked myself, Why the secrecy? I told Lyra and Bonbon that I will return shortly, needing an errand to run. They understood and they gotten acquainted with Cookie, who as it turns out lives next door to them. As I left the apartment complex, kept wondering what was Discord doing back in Ponyville and why does have the need to spy on me.

As I was about to make my way to the alleyway, I noticed at I saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash off all ponies were on a… jog? Today just keeps getting stranger and stranger by the minute. I walked up to them and greeted them, “Hey Twi, Rainbow. What’s going on here?”

Twilight and Rainbow caught sight of me, Twilight was the first to respond, but was panting really hard, “Oh! Hey-Hey Wishing, I was just… g-give me a second… phew… when… when you that this wasn’t going to be just a normal day jog, you weren’t kidding.” She took normal breaths and calm herself, then she began again, “I was just getting some exercises in, so I asked Rainbow Dash to be my coach for today.”

Now I was really confused, but I was also hurt as well. “Are you just doing because of the couple back in Canterlot?”

She giggled at my question and reassured me, “Oh Wish, I couldn’t care less of what they think of me. Actually… there’s a different reason why. You see, before I came to Ponyville, Applejack had me at their family reunion and made me try some of their food and…” she trailed off as she pointed at her belly. “Rainbow had gotten the idea that I would go on these jogs and do these exercises from seven A.M. to two P.M.”

“Well, that seems like good exercise plans,” I remarked to her, then I pointed something else about her appearance, “Hey, I see that you’re wearing the glasses and necklace. They look good.”

“Good, try awesome!” Dash exclaims to me, which causes Twilight to smile with a blush.

“Thank you.” she says to me, she look at Rainbow Dash and says, “And thanks again for the exercise for today Rainbow, I’ll have to make a schedule and do these again.”

The daredevil smirked and tells her, “Not a problem. Just remember what I taught you.”

“No junk food, no sweets, twenty push ups, twenty minute planking, twenty sit-ups, and a seven hour jog,” the librarian listed off with a nod, “Got it. Well, I’m going to go refreshen up and get back to my studies, and get everything ready for you Wish, I got some exciting assignments for you to work on. See you two later!”

We both said our goodbyes and I just sighed. Rainbow just caught notice of my sighing, “Okay, I know what that sigh means, so what’s up?”

“I-It’s nothing Rainbow.” I tried to reassure.

“Nuh-uh, I’m not buying it. What’s going on?” I looked at her as she crossed her front legs. I then told her the same thing that I told Rarity. Then she says, “Jeez bud, you need to get out more than just working on dresses and drawing.”

I raised my brow and asked, “What do you suggest I do then?”

She shrugged and says, “I’m sure you’ll figure something out. Well, I gotta get to cloud patrol, they said we’re going to have some rain today in the next hour. See ya later!” She then took off with the rainbow trail following her as I waved goodbye and continued my journey to the alleyway.

Strolling on through, I had funny feeling like I was being watched. I looked above the buildings, seeing nobody at the op of the roofs. Suddenly, I heard a meow, making me quickly look behind me and cat cat jumped out of a garbage can. “Okay,” I said to myself, “If Discord’s plan was to make me be on edge, he succeeded.” I quickly turned to look straight and and my eyes match to a pair red eyes, making me scream of fright and falling back on my flanks.

A mischievous and familiar laughter came through as the former Lord of Chaos made his appearance, on his side with uncontrollable laughter. “Hohohoho, you should’ve seen the look on your face!”

“Yeah, hahaha,” I rolled my eyes, realizing he was just messing with me, but I will say he did got me smiling too. “It’s good to see you Discord.”

“Ah, it’s good to see you as well my little pony friend,” he chuckles with smirk.

We decided to stroll down through the alleyways, making me start up a conversation, “So, what brought you back to Ponyville? I thought you wanted to go to exile to the mountains where your kind lived.”

“Ah, that,” he says he glided next to me, “Well, as much as I wanted to, I had a little meeting with you-know-who.”

“Devine Light? What does he want from you?”

“Nothing really.” He explained to me, “I basically told him whatever offer he’s going to give me, he can send it to the moon for all I care, I didn’t want to get involved in his business… which only for him to tell me that all of the other draconequusai are gone. I’m last the last one of my kind as far as I know.” My heart sank when he told me that, I had feeling that Devine would have tried to get Discord on his good side, instead, he he had to get rid of every single draconequus that lived there.

“But what brought you back to Ponyville, and why the need to spy on me?” I asked him.

He sighed and said, “Well, I came back here because… well, for the first time, you were an honest and truest friend I’ve ever made when you had me redeemed, and I wanted to find a way to repay you.”

“By spying on me?”

“No no,” he reassured me, “Spying on you wasn’t my agenda, I assure you. No tricks, no evil diabolical plans, that was the old me. The new me is what you’re seeing now, and I’ve come here to make a proposition for you.”

I raised a brow and asked, “That being what?”

“Well, I’ve currently have a stallion who’s living in an apartment complex and has asked me to be his bunk buddy. So, I propose that we should beee… roommates!” He then pops out some confetti poppers and some whirligigs, along with a big sign that says, ‘Carson and Discord: Roommates for Life.’ I was in shock, speechless in fact. “Of course, I know what you’re thinking, ‘Discord, wanting me to be his roommate? That’s quite absurd! There is no way I’m taking such deal!’ But, here’s the deal, this Cookie stallion is a good kid, but I felt like I needed somepony who truly understands me, that’s why I wanted you to come see me.”

I let some of the info sink in and nodded, it does make somewhat form of sense and from what he tells me about Devine Light, he could really need a shoulder to lean on.

“Soooo…” he trailed, “What do you say?”

“Well… I don’t know Discord…” I hesitantly say, shuffling my left front hoof in the ground, looking at the draconequus, he did said that he wanted somepony that understood him by his side, and on the plus side, if pushed in the right direction, he could be a big help for Princess Twilight Sparkle when Tirek comes in. “You know, I was thinking about where to move out, and I haven’t even considered a roommate…” then I shrugged and gave him an answer, “Eh, sure, why not.”

Discord, with a very pleased smile cheers, “Very wonderful!” He gives me an envelope that just appeared out of thin air and explains, “Everything as to where and which apartment complex is will be perfectly detailed in the letter. I must go prepare everything for your settlement, and I promise you, I know that you’re going to love it! Ta-ta!”

Looking at where the former Lord of Chaos was, I stood there thinking, I wonder what kind of complex will be like when I get there? Eh, probably something human related… nothing too big probably. I placed the envelope in my pocket and went back to Lyra and Bonbon’s apartment to continue on with Lyra’s settlement.

By the time I got back, it was getting a little late, I was hoping that Lyra hasn’t left yet so we could discuss out a plan for how she and Bonbon could get together for their first date, however when I got back to Bonbon and Lyra’s apartment door, I could hear someone crying.

I knocked on the door, no response for a few seconds, only for the crying to stop, followed by rushed hoofsteps, and then then door swung open along with Bonbon shouting, “Lyra, I can expla-!” only for her to realize, while blushing a hot red, that it was only me, she then greeted me in a saddened tone, “O-oh, h-hey Wishing Star.”

I looked at her to see she was a sad mess, there were tear stain lines from her eyes to her cheeks and they were still damp, and her mane was a little frizzled. I asked her what was wrong, she then said to me almost broken, “Oh, Wish, I-“ she looked around in the hallway, then she dragged me in to the apartment, locked the door and then the windows, then she turned to me with a warned look on her face, “I need you to promise me something, that whatever I tell in this room, stays in this room.”

I know what she was going to tell me, but I put on the dumb act and asked her, “O-Okay, what’s this about?”

She breathed deeply and said to me, “I… I work for a secret agency called S.M.I.L.E., A Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria. I basically work undercover to keep from monsters threatening Equestria.”

I stood there in the most awkward silence I’ve ever been in for about twenty seconds and said to her, “Does Celestia know?”

“Of course she knows!” She yelled at me, “Some of the ponies that work in the agency know! Well… when I mean some, I mean a good hooffull of ponies know!”

“But I take it Lyra doesn’t know?”

“Yes!” She shouted at me, getting very agitated, I backed up and raised my hooves up in defense. She sighed, “I’m sorry… it’s hard to stay undercover when your friend is moving in.”

Bonbon, you wouldn’t know the half of it. I thought to myself. She was getting very scared and was about on the verge of crying again. I placed my hoof on her shoulder and told her, “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me, unless when the time is right, of course.”

She looked at me in shock. “Y-you Pinkie Promise?”

Oh boy, here we go… “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

She hugged me and gave me her thanks, “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that!” I chuckled nervously and returned the hug. “Oh! Before I forget!” She then let go of the embrace and looked at me as if I was her teacher, “I don’t know if you’d noticed, but… I have a crush on Lyra.”

I chuckled, “No surprise there.”

She blushed when I said that, but she continues on, “A-anyway, c-could you help me get Lyra to go out with me?” How could I say no to that?! I completely agreed to help her out with no hesitation and I knew this was going to be great!

As I was walking with Lyra, I told her about Bonbon getting very excited about her moving in, though, making sure to leave out key points about Bonbon being an agent of monster hunting. Lyra was quite ecstatic as well. But then she had to drop this bombshell of info.

“H-hey Wish?” She says to me, being careful to not reveal my real name, “C-could I tell you something?”

“Sure, what’s up Lyra?”

“Well… I, um… I have a crush on Bonbon… but I don’t know what to even tell her, or how to say it!” She then grabbed me by the collar of my hoodie and begged, “You gotta help me! I’m gonna loose my mind if I don’t tell her!”

“I find that if you’d put some tape around your head, it won’t get out as often, in fact that what I did when I was still in school. Sure everypony laughed, but helps quite-“

“Stop that, this is serious!” She interrupted my matter of a fact jestering.

“Alright, alright,” I chuckled, then I suggested thoughtfully, “Well, how about you make her a pie or a cake with a message on it?”

“I… don’t know.” She says giving it some thought.

Then I suggested, “How about this, once we get everything settled in for your permanent stay with Bonbon, we could get Pinkie Pie to help set up a private party for you and her. Call it a secret date.”

She went wide eyed for a moment and repeated what I said with a squeak in her voice, “A-a secret date? Y-yes, I… I guess that could work. But what about-?”

“No worries, this secret is just between us and Pinkie.” She sighed with a relieved smile. I looked at the time and said, “Oh! I better get over to my friend’s apartment! Don’t want him to think I forgot about him, see you soon Lyra!”

As I was walking to Discord’s new apartment, I then noticed about up until now I’ve started to keep secrets on both sides of the two mares, one needed to keep her identity all hush hush, and the other is keeping my real self and existence in the dark, and now both of them are counting on me to help them to get one or the other to asked for a date! Oh shit… what have I got myself into now?!

Discord’s New Apartment

Now completely shocked and angry with myself for not seeing this situation come sooner or later, I stopped at apartment number 1714. I sighed as I opened the door and called out, “Discord! I’m heeeEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I didn’t see were I was stepping and the next thing I knew, I was free falling to what looked like an endless night sky with so many stars… which I would love to count how many there were if I wasn’t spinning around like a top! “DISCOOOOOOOOORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed and I then landed on top of some puffy, pillow-like clouds. I was feeling quite dizzy, my vision was like the whole sky was spinning.

“Carson!” Discord’s voice greet me as there was two of him, then four, then eight, “I’m so glad that you could- oh dear… I should’ve brought the cloud up closer to the door.”

I giggled like a loon then greeted back, “H-hey Discord… I don’t… I don’t know why there’s so many of you, but I’m grateful that you’re settled in, heheheheh….” Took me a little while to get my vision back as I sat down on a cloud couch that Discord gratefully made for me to sit down. I looked around the midnight sky and remarked, “I gotta hand it to you Discord, I didn’t think you’d be the kind of draconequus to be into sceneries.”

He chuckled and tells me, “Well, when you become reformed, you could get many different hobbies and tastes.” I chuckled and was about to say something, until there was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it, it must be my other bunk mate!” He zooms by the door, which leaves me really confused. I thought I was going to be the only bunk mate.

He opened the door and greets, “Ah! Cookie, I see you’ve been using the box I sent you!”

I looked in shock to see the young stallion that I’ve met just a few moments ago, I felt like my jaw was gonna detach from my skull. “Yep!” Cookie says cheerfully, as he drags in the moving box, “These are much easier to use than the regular ones! These are gonna be great for moving supplies in the future!” He then notices me and exclaimed, “Whoa! The Neighotiator is gonna stay with you too?!”

The Lord of Chaos chuckles, “Yessir, and he’s grateful to be a part of this little community!”

I was speechless, “B-b-but-“

“Ah, quite speechless I see.” He complimented to me, then he looked at the outfit that Cookie was wearing, it kinda looks like Goku’s outfit from DragonBall. Discord then asks him, “What’s with the martial arts cosplay?”

“Oh, I was trying it on… I didn’t even realize that I still had it on.” The brown stallion blushed as explained. How in the hell did you not notice it until now?! I wanted to ask him, but I felt that I would kinda scare him so I didn’t say anything as I was too dumbfounded by this situation.

But, despite me being literally confused as hell, Discord gave us the grand tour of Chaosville, his personal realm if you will. He showed us around from the Dr. Seuss styled buildings and clouds, to some of the strange plant life like a glass willow tree, and a- wait… is that an actual candy flower?

As we continued on, he showed us my new bedroom and I was surprised. The walls and ceiling were a bright teal color, yellow stars decorated on each wall, although there was no bed as I have yet to be completely moved out from Sweet Apple Acres. I had no idea what to even say and I looked around the room, my mouth agape.

“Say Wishing Star?” Cookie asked me, making me snap out of my thoughts and turn my head to look at him, “Once I get everything settled, would you mind if you help me?”

I raised my brow and asked him, “With what exactly?”

“W-well… you know those two mares that you’ve helped out recently?”


I realized a second too late when he then said this, “Well… I think I have a crush on the both of them, but I don’t know which one to go for. I-I figured that you would be known for these kinds of situations, I-I thought I would turn to you for help.” My right eye was beginning to twitch when I heard that, and that first sentence he said kept replaying in my mind, over and over again like a record player. Who does this guy think I am, Dr. Love?! I mentally screamed at myself. “Uhh, is he okay?” He asked Discord.

“Oh, he’s perfectly fine,” The draconequus reassured him, then suggests, “Why don’t you head on over to your room and get your things unpacked while Wish and I have a private chat?” Cookie gives him a little confused nod and then left the room, closing the door behind him. He looks at me as I if was I going to ask him something, but Discord being Discord already knew and with a snap of his eagle claw talons, a yellow star shaped pillow appears in front of me.

I gave him my thanks kindly at first and then asked him, “Are the walls sound proof?” He gave me a nod yes which I inhaled deeply and then continued, “Now, if you’ll excuse me…” I then proceeded to shoved the pillow onto my face and screamed as loudly as I could.

He gave me a pat on the and comforted me, “Ah, the pressure of moving in for the first time with a new roommate. I know the feeling.” Well… at least he tried to.

I groaned and told him, “No, Discord, you don’t understand!”

“What do you mean?”

“The mares, Lyra Heartstrings and Bonbon!” I explained to him tossing the pillow aside, “They’re supposed to be together! If Cookie gets involved with those two, then they’re going to get caught up in a love triangle they can’t get out of! Not only that, I’m suppose to help Lyra and Bonbon keeping their secrets safe and away from each other, and I have forcefully pry Cookie out of this before things get out of whack!”

“Oh, come now Carson,” he says to me, “You don’t have to get involved with every single event that’s happening in this timeline. You just have to let them work things out by themselves.”

“Tell that to Pinkie Pie when she stupidly scares Fluttershy about her stage fright!” I yelled, my muscles in my front legs and chest tightening. I started to go into a planning frenzy, “Okay, okay, I just gotta keep Cookie away, get Lyra and Bonbon together, everything’s gonna be fine!”

The draconequus shook his head in disapproval, “You’re only going to make things worse for yourself and to your friends. Isn’t that why you had me reformed? To learn the important values of friendship like you do?” The angst look on my face told him that I really need to do this now. He sighed with his front appendages on his on his hips, “Well, I won’t stop you, but don’t say I didn’t warned you.”

Not even bothered to respond to him, I left the room and went to go knock on Cookie’s room door. He answers it and began rather nervously, “Hey Cookie, about you deciding on which mare you should go for.”

“Yeah?” he asked me, a hint of excitement was noticeable.

“Well… I was thinking…” I trailed off and then my mouth shot out, “Maybe you could ask them both out on a date?”

His eyes went wide from the idea I stupidly presented to him, but then he cheerfully said, “Hey, that’s not a bad idea! In fact, I’m gonna go over there and ask them out now! Thanks Wishing Star!” He left his room and heads off to meet up with the mares.

Oh shit, I cursed myself thoughtfully, This is not good! This date supposed to be for Lyra and Bonbon! If Cookie says yes, this is going to be nuttier than a stampede through Ponyville! …okay, let’s not freak out about this. It’s an if scenario, if they say yes to join them, it’s going to shit; if they say no, then it’s fine, I can salvage this from there!

A good walk is what I needed right now. Not a single thought about Lyra, Bonbon, and Cookie has came up once in this lazy afternoon dusk. There was some foals playing with a ball there, there was some bakers with their trays like always there, ah and of course from above, Rainbow Dash is once again showing off her flight maneuvers. I could only just shake my head. That mare can sometimes be full of herself. I thought myself

I then looked over at a group of ponies heading inside a fancy restaurant… who oddly looked like Lyra, Bonbon and… COOKIE?! I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn’t seeing things, but nope! There they are, in plain view, on a three way date! I screamed mentally as I rushed over to the group.

Before they got a chance they got inside, Lyra caught sight of me and says, “Hey Wish, how are you?”

I was dumbfounded and asked, “Lyra, I thought you-“

“Oh, well, I was about to,” she explains to me, “But Cookie here was kind enough to offered us to go on a date with him. He said that it was your idea to make it happen.” I screamed mentally again from this explanation.

“I didn’t think that you two were going to say yes, if I’m honest.” He admitted to them, making my mental scream go louder.

“Oh Cookie, we couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that!” Bonbon tells him, lovingly rubbing his left shoulder, “Besides, you’d look like the kind of stallion that could win a mare or two more hearts.” My mental scream went even louder, so loud I felt like I want to blow my fucking head off like a tactical nuke.

“Why don’t you two get a table?” Lyra suggested to them, “I need to tell Wish something real quick.” They agreed and went inside the restaurant, leaving just her and my dumbfounded self. “I really wanted to thank you Wish, this is going to be the best night for us.” I just stood there like a lemon and then she asked me that just want me to die instantly, “Oh! Before you go, could you pick up some flowers?”

Sure,” I gave out a very tiny squeak and walked away and to the flower shop. Oh fuck, oh god, oh no, oh shit, why did I tell that stallion to ask them out?! You dumb American fucking blockhead! You should’ve told them that they wanted a private date! Why didn’t you tell him that you- I went by the counter to stop my thoughts from screaming at me and asked mare in a deadpan tone, “Could I get bouquet of flowers please?” As I got and paid for them, my thoughts resumed to scream at me, absolutely jackass! A jackass, that’s what you’re looking like right now!

I went to the restaurant, but the waiter stopped me and said, “Sir, you need to make a reservation before you go inside.”

“Oh Wishy!” I a sing songy voice called to me… a chill suddenly went up my spine, turning around and who do I see? Pinkie Pie wear blue and yellow eyeshadow respectively on either eye, a bright pink gown, and a balloon hair clip. “I was beginning to think you’d be late! But golly, you sure show in some places at the right time!” She pronked her way to me excitedly and then asked me, “Ready for our dinner date?”

In my mind I could only ask myself this: WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS EVEN HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?! I got Cookie going on a fucking three way date with Lyra and Bonbon, and now Pinkie Pie has assigned a date with me?! Oh god, what’s next, Twilight wearing a clown costume?!

“U-uh…” I stumbled on myself, hell, I could I even say to any of this?! “S-sure, Pinks, let’s uh… let’s go inside, heheheh.” I took her right front leg, gentlestallion like and walked right in, as we did so, I asked her through my teeth quietly, “Pinkie, what are you doing?! I didn’t agree to do a date with you!”

“Oh silly, Carsy,” she spoke on my volume, making sure nopony in the dining room heard us, “I knew what you were up to, so I just wanted to making the evening a little more interesting!” I was absolutely flabbergasted and frustrated, but I suddenly realized that she might be only doing this to help me see this entire date go through… maybe things were in my favor after all.

“Okay, but I’ll be right back,” I explained to her showing the flowers, “I gotta go drop the flowers off to Lyra and Sweetie Drops and… ugh, Cookie.” I broke off from her, went to the three way couple’s table and presented the flowers to them, “Flowers for the lovely ladies… and stallion, heheheh.”

“Oh! Wish, these are lovely!” Bonbon gasps as I gave her the flowers, she took a sniff and said, “Thank you very much Wishing Star.”

“By the way, how did you get in?” Cookie asked me, “Did you make a reservation here too?”

“Erm… no, that would be Pinkie Pie that made the reservation.” I pointed to the her across two rows down, who of which waved at us, we waved back, me being the nervous fuck that I currently am.

“Hold on,” Lyra said to me with a confused look on her face, “I thought you said that you have your eyes on Twilight?”

I began to fluster again and then said, “Uh, well, it’s complicated, b-but I’m working on it. A-anyway, I better not keep Pinkie waiting, h-have fun!” I walked to the table where the party pony is sitting at and gave out a frustrated sigh, “Oh God, they’re going on a three way date, and I had to began this entire clusterfuck storm.”

“It’s okay, Wish,” Pinkie reassured me, patting my right shoulder, “Sometimes, things needs to be handled on their own. Just look at them, they’re having fun so far.” I looked at Lyra and Bonbon’s table, and indeed, the three ponies were looking like they were having a lot of fun, but I still have an uncomfortable feeling that something’s going to go wrong real fast.

Fifteen minutes later, and I was getting serious anxious, watching the group laughing and talking, about what I don’t know neither did I care. I got to step in and tell him now! I got up and walked over to the table, Pinkie was asking me where I was going, but I didn’t bothered answering her. “Cookie, you can’t be with these two.” I told him plainly.

The three of them looked at me in shock, and he asked me, “W-what are you talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about. I should’ve told you this earlier, but these two were supposed to go a date, alone.”

Lyra then just laughs and said to me, “Aw, lighten up Wishing Star! Besides, this is best date I’ve ever been to!”

“Oh for fuck sake Lyra!” I nearly yelled, “You were supposed to be on a date with Sweetie Drops here, this is not how it’s supposed to go and-“

“Sweetie Drops?” Lyra asked me confused, “Who the heck is that?” Oh, shit… I just gave out Sweetie’s agent name, she even gave me a shocked glare when I proclaimed. I was now sweating bullets, everypony was now looking at me with such confusion. “Wish, what’s going on?”

“Oh, sorry about this,” Pinkie said to her from behind me, “He’s just having rough day today. Oh, Wish! You’re sweating! You’re not getting sick again are you?”

“I… I-I, uh…”

“Let’s go to the washroom and get that taken care of.” She suggested and guided me to the restroom.

As we headed to a hallway, we suddenly stopped in front of a door. “Uh… Pinkie? This doesn’t look like the restroom- HEY!!” She swung the door open to reveal a janitor’s closet, shoves me from behind, and closed it, locking it up from the outside. I pounded the door and called her out, “PINKIE! THIS ISN’T FUNNY! OPEN THE DOOR!!”

Just give Lyra and Bonbon a chance! Let them work it out!” She says from the other side of the door, “I’ll keep your food warm for you~!” Hoofsteps sounded like it was getting further and further away from the door.

“Pinkie?! …PINKIE!” I was getting very scared now, I’m locked in a small room with no way out, and there was no source of light, I couldn’t even find a light switch… well fuck. I was getting very scared. I never told anyone this, but I’m incredibly scared of small confined spaces. Every time I look at the walls around me, it’s like they move ever so slowly to cave me in, smushing me until I’m a strawberry pancake.

Bonbon, please just tell me what’s going on!” I heard Lyra asked from the other side of the door followed by hoofsteps. I leaned in to hear the conversation, and from the sound of it, things are escalating rather quickly.

It’s not any of your business Lyra Heartstrings!” Bonbon scolds her friend, “I have to keep this secret away from you, and I don’t want you involved in this!

Involved in what?

I can’t tell you!

“Why not?!”

“Because I just can’t! Just drop it, okay?!”

“No! I’m not going to if you tell me what’s going on!”

“OKAY, FINE!!!” The two suddenly got quiet after Bonbon’s outburst, she then spoke again, “Okay… I-I’ll tell you, but you promise not to laugh or tell anypony about this, got it?” No response from Lyra, but I can only assume that she might’ve said yes by nodding.

Bonbon took a deep breath and explained to her, “I’m called Agent Sweetie Drops of S.M.I.L.E, an organization that is called to stop numerous monster threats in Equestria in secret. I’ve been doing this kind of work for about five years, and since then, stopping monsters has been my priority. If word got out that I worked for agency for stopping monsters, I’m gonna lose my job! And now that I’ve told you this, I’m probably going to lose it anyway…”

“Why not recruit me?”


“I said, why not recruit me?” Lyra repeated her question, “It actually sounds like a pretty cool job now that I think about it.”

“But I don’t want you involved, Lyra!” Bonbon cries, “If I do that, we go back to the normal lives we have now!”

Lyra just chuckles and said to her, “Who said that I wanted a normal life? I found out my best friend and crush is working with a top secret group that kick monster butt and save the world in the process, and now I love you mo- oops!”

There was an awkward silence and then Bonbon asked as her voice began to quiver, “Y-you love me?”

Lyra, now no lingering care of keeping it a secret exclaims, “Of course I do! And to live a normal life? Are you kidding?! That sounds boring! Fighting monsters on the other hoof? Now that sounds like an adventure… I want be a part of that with you. I want to support you and defend you even when our lives are on the line… I love you Agent Bonbon.”

Bonbon has said word, until a few seconds later she started crying, almost happy sounding… I think. I then heard muffled moaning from the two mares. Are… are they kissing?! They’re kissing and I missed the actual scene! Then I fell forwards as the door open and they screamed bloody murder. Eventually they realize that it was only me.

Embarrassed with a red blush I then fibbed, “Uh… I got lost?” Lyra then began laughing her head off, eventually falling onto the floor, while Bonbon just shook her head with a smile that said to me, “Busted!”

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned another important two-in-one friendship lesson. My day wasn’t the brightest, and it was a lesson that I had to learn the hard way. My friends, now fillyfriends for life, Lyra Heartstring and Bonbon, had a lot of secrets that they want me to keep, including a stallion name Cookie, who’s now my roommate along with Discord. The mares had crushes on each other, and poor Cookie had a crush on the both of them… and well, let’s just say that keeping those secrets was not something in my forte, including of trying to force the mares to be together instead of letting them doing it their own way, but they confessed to each other and kissed… I seriously curse Pinkie Pie for making me miss it had she not put me in a janitor’s closet.

But, points being are these: 1. Don’t take on the tasks yourself, otherwise you’d be breaking yourself apart or much worse; 2. There are some things are better off being done naturally instead of being forced, and there are times that ponies don’t want me to step in and let them handle it, they could surprise you.

I hope you found this letter entertaining for you.

The Neighotiator, Wishing Star

Author's Note:

Ah, my first pairing chapter, done!

I gotta say, this was a lot of fun to work on and I had a couple of laughs while working on this chapter.

Oh! And before I get to shoutouts, I carefully placed an Easter egg in this chapter! Can you guess what it is? Let me know in the comments if you spot it!

Shoutouts to:
SunFlare Knight
and Ziper Ace!

Well, that’s all for now! See you guys in the next chapter!