• Published 6th Apr 2022
  • 5,026 Views, 236 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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Bonus Chapter 2: What is love?

Author's Note:

This chapter takes place during the same night in, “Love Moves In!”

Golden Oaks Library, Twilight Sparkle’s P.O.V.

“Okay Spike,” I tells Spike confidently, “I’ve been doing exercises yesterday Rainbow Dash told me to do, now I’m just checking for my weight.” I placed my front hooves on the weight scale, last time I checked I was about three hundred and fifteen pounds, which wasn’t a good weight for a unicorn, we both looked and saw that I seemed to have lost twenty pounds. “Haha, look at that! Twenty pounds seems like a good start!”

“Heh, Shining would approve.” Spike joked with pride, “Heck, I think Wish would be too.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me, only to earn him a confused look on my face.

“I’m… sure Wishing Star would approve.” She said with some hesitation.

Then, the door could be heard open, then a familiar tom colt shouted, “What’s up jogging buddy?” Rarity giggles as she enters with her.

“Hey there Rainbow!” I greeted her, “I’ve lost twenty pounds!”

Rainbow crossed her fore legs and chuckles, “That’s a good start. No doubt Wish’s gonna be drooling by the time he sees ya.” Once again, I gave her a confused look to her. “In fact, that’s the only thing he’ll be looking at if you know what I mean, heheheheh?”

I had no idea what she was talking about. “Okay, what is it with you guys and Wishing Star?” I asked them, “I get it, he’s very observant and a good friend, but-“

“Darling, do you not even get that he’s trying to get your attention?” Rarity asked me.

“For what he needs my attention for?”

“Come on Twilight!” Spike obviously tells, practically lost his patience with this, “Wishing’s in love with you! He’s the secret admirer! He’s the one who gave you the Dancing Spectras! It should be obvious!”

I looked at him shocked at first, then I asked, “What should be obvious?”

They all groaned in frustration with me not knowing what they’re talking about, Rarity clarified for me, “Darling. Listen very carefully: Wishing. Is. In. Love. With. You.”

I raised my brow at Rarity, until I’ve gotten more context from Rainbow Dash, “You know, the warm fuzzy feeling you get when somepony’s attracted to you? Something that your romantic novels describe?”

“W-wait…” The look of confusion slowly morphs, finally, to a face of realization, “He… he’s the one that’s in love with me?!”

“About time she noticed.” Rainbow mutters.

“He-he’s in love with me?! Is this what being in love with somepony feels like?!” I asked nopony in particular, but I feel like that I’m addressing the question at everypony without giving them a chance to say anything. “Oh my goodness! I don’t… I don’t think I can handle this pressure! He’s in love with me?! But why me?!” I began to hyperventilate out of control, trying to cling on some oxygen that I could muster.

“T-Twilight dear?” Rarity asked me, I was beginning to feel faint, darks spots were taking over my vision and I fell to my side with a thud.

I then opened my eyes as I was now on my bed, and Spike, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and now Fluttershy and Applejack were here. “W-wuh? What happened?” I asked them, looking generally confused.

“You passed out from the mention of Wish being in love with you.” Rarity explained to me.

“Oh…” I sighed as I hung my head, only to raise it back up to look at the fashionista, “H-how long did he have… y-you know?”

Applejack chuckled, “Long enough for ‘im that he wouldn’t stop yappin’ ‘bout ya.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Wishing Star, out of all the ponies in Equestria loves me, he loves me! A part of me got really excited, but I stopped, my heart pounding very loudly, I placed my hoof to my chest. “Is… is this what it’s like to fall in love with somepony?” I asked as I looked at my friends, “My heart… it’s beating so loud, I can’t even think straight.”

“Oh boy…” Rainbow groans, rolling her eyes.

“Well, I can say from experience,” Rarity ignored the light blue Pegasus, “Yes, what you’re feeling is love. It just comes naturally dear, trust me.” I blushed when explained it to me. All this time… I never even knew he had feelings for me.

“Oh my goodness, wha-what should I do?!” I asked them, then looking at the books, I then proclaimed, “I-I gotta look this up!” I hopped out of bed and quickly rushed to the bookshelves, searching for anything love related.

“Whoa, slow down there sally,” Applejack told me, “It’s gettin’ late, ya’ll should probably get some shut eye.”

I looked over at the window and I was shocked and embarrassed to see that it was already getting dark. “Oh,” I sheepishly say, “I-eheheh, I didn’t realize how late it was.”

My friends said their farewells for tonight, leaving me and Spike to close up the library for tonight. As I lay down in my bed, I could only look up at the ceiling, my cheeks turned red, my heart was pounding heavily and loudly again, for the day that will come tomorrow. I quietly spoke to myself, "It’ll be the first day to teach him his first friendship lesson with me... but why do I get the feeling that he’s going to teach me?"