• Published 6th Apr 2022
  • 5,042 Views, 236 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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A Family Friendly Lesson

Sweet Apple Acres

It was a calm autumn morning, birds were a chirping, the sun was arising, and- “The timberwolves are a-howlin'! The timberwolves are a-howlin'!” Called Granny Smith as she clanged and banged her pots and pans… so much for a calm morning.

“The zap apples are comin'! The zap apples are comin'!” Applebloom cheers as she rushes out of bed and into Wishing Star’s bedroom, then she began shaking him roughly.

“Hrmmph, AB… What’s going on?” He groggily turned to his side to look at the excited filly.

The bouncing country filly explains to me, “Today’s the day Zap Apples are growin’! Come on Wishin’!”

“Okay, okay, let me get some black bean juice, then I’ll come help.” He chuckled as she got off of the bed with a “Yippee!!” and rushed downstairs to joint her siblings, in truth though, he knew what is going on… ‘Family Appreciation Day.’ In this episode, Applebloom is trying desperately to make sure Granny Smith doesn’t speak at the school. Carson got up and headed downstairs, in his mind he was looking at the options that he could do in this episode alone. When nothing came up, he realized that there isn’t really much that can do to change anything… maybe except-

CLANG CLANG CLANG!!! The sounds of the pot and pan banging right in front of him surprised, he looked to the source to see an apologetic Granny Smith. “Oh, Ah’m terribly sorry yungin’.” She says to him.

He blinked for a second, who was now wide awake and says to her, “Heheh, it’s quite alright Granny, that was a much better wake up call for me.” He then looks at the calendar, then his eyes went wider in shock and then exclaims, “OH NO!! I’m going to be late!”

Applejack came downstairs, but before she even got the chance, are teal blur sped past her and she was surprised as she looked back to see Wishing Star quickly grab his friendship journal and his notepad, and hurries to the stairs. “Whoa, slow down pardner,” the cowpony says as she stops him, “What’s gotten you hurried like a jack rabbit all of a sudden?”

“Twilight’s suppose to teach my first friendship lesson! I don’t want to be late and-“ he stops himself as he realizes, “Oh gosh, AJ, I’m so sorry, b-but-“

Applejack chuckled and says, “It’s alright Wish. Go on, git.”

Carson thanks her and he went out of the house to hurry on his way to Ponyville. Applebloom looked at the speeding pony, then at her sister, then asked, “Where’s Ca, I mean, Wishing Star goin’?” Her sister said the same thing he told her, which she was saddened that he isn’t participating, but she made a promise to herself that she’ll save some zap apple jam for him when he gets back.

Meanwhile, at Golden Oaks

“Okay, blackboard’s ready and written down, study topic chosen, now all I needed to do is just let this play out.” Twilight says confidently, placing a quill and a jar of ink on a desk. “Are you sure this is going to work Rarity? Don’t stallions usually ask the mare to go out with him? This is kind of out of the unorthodox.”

“Trust me, dear,” Rarity reassures her, “This should get his attention, unlike his first couple of attempts.”

Twilight sighs nervously, “Oh, I hope you’re right on this.” She then places a two paged test on the desk, looking especially at the last question. “Do you think he’ll say yes Rarity?”

“Well, I-“

“Hello?! Twilight, are you there?!” They heard Wish’s voice cutting Rarity off, sounding rushed. Twilight gasped quietly and teleported Rarity to her bathroom, failing to realize that Spike is taking a bubble bath in there. She’ll have to deal with the consequences later, she has a class to teach and a question that needed answering. She regained her composure and opened the door, looking at a messy maned Wishing Star. “Hey! Sorry for running late Twilight!”

Twilight giggled and reassures him, “It’s fine Wish. You should really fix your mane though.”

“Huh?” He then patted his own head and felt his mane, “Oh! I’ll just go wash up real quick and-“

“NO!” She shrieked all of a sudden, Wish looked at her confused. Twilight, blushing a bright red on her cheeks, tries to recomposes herself and tries to tease him, “Uh, h-haven’t you heard? Messy manes are the new style this week, hehehe…”

Carson gave her an awkward look and laughed, “Ahaha… s-sure.” He then clears his throat, giving each other an awkward silence. After what felt like fifteen seconds, the teal stallion spoke up with a little humor, “So, what’s the lesson today professor?”

She giggled and says to him, “Just Twilight, and this happened to be my very first important lesson on friendship. Please, have a seat.” This piqued Wish’s interest, he knew of Twilight’s first adventure, how she met her friends for the first time, and becoming the Element of Magic. He sat at his desk, quill in hoof, and waited for Twilight to begin. She then starts, “Ahem, today’s lesson is the importance of friendship and the elements that make up said friendship. Let’s start at the beginning and with a question, is making friends ever easy?”

Wish responds with, “Sometimes. It just depends on who and how you’re going to make friends with them.” Though, knowing his life when he was human, he never made any friends at his school, in his neighborhood, etc.

Twilight nods, “I sometimes wished that I could’ve learned that lesson earlier when I first came to Ponyville, but as you’ve already know, I didn’t start off that way. That was due to the fact that the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon, was returning after her one thousand years of exile. But my mission from Princess Celestia was to make some friends, which I bemoaned that fact that this was even a task for me to do. So, I tried to make my first friend, which was Pinkie Pie, but of course she took off like a pebble on a slingshot went off to set up a party for me as a welcoming party to Ponyville.”

“How does she even move so quickly anyways?” Carson asked her.

She shook her head with a sigh, “It’s best if we don’t answer that. Believe me, I tried to figure that out myself, but to no luck. But, we’re getting off topic. Applejack was the next friend I met, she represents…” she trails off, leaving for Wish to figure it out.


“Correct.” Twilight says to him, “Honesty is a healthy way to form a better relationship with somepony that you’re getting to know, and it’s nice that in every relationship that you should always be truthful and honest with that pony.” He nods in agreement, though deep in thoughts, he felt nervous about how he was going to tell his identity to the rest of the girls and, moreover, if they would ever accept and forgive him even if he is a different species. Twilight meanwhile was secretly shocked by the fact that he hasn’t caught sight of what’s going on. When is he going to start to notice? she thought to herself.

The lesson continued on normally, but every time that she makes a dating reference, Wish didn’t caught sight of it. What is she doing wrong here? As the lesson comes to a close, she then looks over at the two paged test. This is her only shot at getting his attention. “Alright Wish,” Twilight says confidently, “You’re doing great. Here’s your test for today.” She uses her magic to levitate the papers to him. She then added, “There’s also some extra credit questions if you want to answer them.”

He nods and began to take his test. Twilight could only just watch him from the other side of the room as she scribbled down some notes for today’s lesson, getting more and more anxious by the minute. A few minutes had passed and Twilight looked back at Wish as she’s subconsciously scribbles on her notes, biting her lower lip. It’s okay Twilight, she thought to herself, Wish is gonna see the extra credit question, he’ll say yes, and we’ll be on our first date! Just have hope!

She could then see it now, he’s on his last set of questions on the second page. Beads of sweat were dripping from her forehead and brow. He’s now half way through the page, just a few more questions. Seven questions left… six questions… five… four… three… two…


They turned their heads to look at Applebloom who bursts in and wore a worried expression on her face. “AB?” Wished asked curiously, “What are you’d doing here?”

“We have trouble back in the field! We need all hooves on deck! That means you too!” Applebloom pulls Wishing’s foreleg, urging to come with her.

“Whoa whoa, okay,” Carson chuckles, then looks at Twilight, who was now wearing a panicked look on her face and was about to say something, but she was cut off by Wish, “Oh! Right! Here’s the test Twi, I hope this is to you satisfaction.”

“I-I am, but-“ she was once again cut off by Wish.

“Sorry Twilight, I gotta go, but I’ll come back later, I promise! See you soon!” He then follows the little earth pony foal out.

“B-but, I-,” It was already too late for the stuttering lilac mare, he’s left the treehouse, “I-you need to-you’re suppose to-oh for Celestia sake!” She never swore using her mentor’s name like this, this was quite frustrating for her. She lays on the floor, staring at a blank answer with a question that says ‘Will you go out with me?’ She suddenly heard a door slam from the top of the staircase with a disapproving Rarity walking down the stairs and Spike, with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“What was Rarity doing in the bathroom?” He asked her big sister. Twilight’s already blushing with embarrassment and just plants her face in to her hooves, letting out a muffled groan.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres

As they hurried back to the Apple’s residence, they could see Applejack and Big Mac were nowhere to be found. “Huh? Where are AJ and Big Mac?” He asked the little filly.

“U-uh, we’ll, that’s the thing-“

“This wasn’t a big of an emergency, is it?” He asked, now knowing that this was a huge lie and him being pulled away from his lesson with Twilight. The filly nods ashamed and sorry. “AB, what is this really about? If it’s not fieldwork, then what is it?”

She shuffled her left forehoof on the ground and explained, “W-well… since Family Appreciation Day is comin’ up, A-Ah was wonderin’ if you could be there? Big sis and Big Mac won’t be able to since they’ll be focused on the Zap Apples.”

Carson sighed, not only the fact that she’s asking him to participate in the school’s activity, but this made him nervous. Should he chose to agree to this, this would mean that Granny Smith wouldn’t get her shining moment in this episode. “I… I don’t know AB.”

“Please?” She gave him the begging face once again… oh the things he’d do for the foals.

He sighed again, then begins, “Applebloom…” he cuts himself off, he and the Crusaders had been keeping his identity a secret from the girls and their families, and here he is, just being an absolute hypocrite to this kind and generous family, hiding this from them. “AB… I think I need to be straight with them, about who I really am.”

“What!? No!” She shrieks, holding onto Carson’s foreleg, “Applejack will kick ya out if ya tell her!”

“Tell me what?” They both heard Applejack’s voice, they looked behind them and saw the orange mare staring at them confused.

He looked at the yellow filly, who shook her head no, practically begging him. Carson sighs and says, “AJ, can you get Granny Smith and Big Mac to the family room? Please?” Applejack could sense a serious tone in his voice and beckons him inside the house. As the Apples sat at the couch, except for Granny Smith as she in her wheelchair, right in front of Wishing Star.

“You’re probably wondering why I called you here.” He started, this is a huge gamble he’s taking, if they don’t accept him ever again, at least he’s got Discord to fall back on, but then again, if they reveal his identity to the public, he could be in big trouble, “Well, Applebloom had asked me to join her on Family Appreciation Day.”

“Well, Ah’m say that’s a swell idea!” Applejack encourages.

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac agreed.

Carson shook his head and said, “No AJ, it’s really not,” the Apples, except Applebloom looked at him confused, “If I do go, they’d have a huge liar in their school as a guest… just like you have a liar in this household… meaning me.”

“What are ya talkin’ about sonny?” Granny Smith asked him concerned.

He took a deep breath and said the following words he never thought he would ever say to a kind and accepting family, “I lied to you. I should’ve been truthful with all of you… the truth is my name is Carson Andrews, and I’m a human being from another word that is quite different from yours.” Silence… just utter silence, that’s all the response was made. This made Carson continue on, “I wanted to be honest with you from the beginning, but I got scared. If you knew that I was from another world, would you have accepted me all the same?”

Applejack was going to respond, but Granny Smith exclaims, “Well, darn tootin’, course we would!”

Carson was surprised, “Y-you would?”

“Sure shootin’ youngin’! In fact, it reminded me of the time a young stallion like yerself had the same issue. His name was Hay Barrel, he was a troubled pony and had live his life on the run, but when he met Applesugar, his entire life turned around for him. When the time came to tell her the truth, she still accepted him all the same, the kind and bravest pony she’s ever met.”

Applejack chuckled and said, “Point is, sugarcube, you’re always welcome to the family, no matter who or what you are. Ah am curious and disappointed as to why ya’d hide such a secret?”

Carson, feeling a huge weight lifting off his shoulders then confessed, “Like I said, I was scared. I know this is a huge favor, but please promise me, promise that you won’t tell anyone else about my real identity. Please?”

Applejack sighs heavily, “Ya know we’re not the type of ponies to be keepin’ secrets. However, fer yer sake, we’ll try to make it as an exception.”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac agreed.

Carson sighed in relief, but then AJ asks him, “Who else knows about ya?” He then started to list off the ponies that knew about him, when he told that the Crusaders knew and had practically forced them to, they were shock, almost making Applejaack to scold her little sister, but when brought up the princesses knowing who he is, their jaws almost dropped off of their heads.

After a few minutes of processing this information, AJ then said, “Well sugarcube, Ah’ll tell ya this, like Ah said, Ah’m willing to let this slide, but because ya got Applebloom involved, you’re gonna have to do double duty on the orchard, no excuses.”

He sighs understandingly and said, “I know, and I’m sorry and I’ll take whatever consequences you have for me.”

“Right, startin’ the day after Family Appreciation Day, Ah need ya to be on wood choppin’ duty with Big Mac, understood?”

“Heard loud and clear sheriff.” Carson saluted to the country pony, suddenly, there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it.” He went to the front door, and opens it to see a very flustered Twilight Sparkle. “Twi? What are you doing here? I said I would come back to the library and-“

“Will you please go out on a date with me?”

Carson was in shock for a second, did he hear this right? “U-uh, could you ask me that again?”

She sighs very frustrated and then asks herself, “Why is it this hard to ask a stallion this? Okay, Wish, I’m going to be blunt with you: I like you, a lot, ever since you first came here to Ponyville, I just thought of you as a friend… but as time went on, I… I’m beginning to have feelings for you… s-so, will you please go out on a date with me?”

Carson thought that his heart was beating faster in unison with hers. He couldn’t believe it, this mare, his hero, his teacher, is asking him if he would go on a date with her, this is his chance! “A-absolutely! I love to!” He proclaims.



Twilight’s eyes went wide… he said yes! “Wonderful! Great, s-so, um, meet me tomorrow at Whitetail Wood, two o’clock. Don’t be late.”

“I won’t!” He promises, they said their goodbyes for now, and immediately Carson cheers in excitement.

That wore down a bit when Applejack and Applebloom came to the front, Applebloom asks, “What’s goin’ on here?”

“I got date AB!” He dances happily and hugging the confused yellow filly, “Twilight just asked me on a date! Can you believe it?!”

The orange mare chuckles, “Well Ah’ll be. Where at?”

“Whitetail Wood, tomorrow at 2! Oooh, I just can’t wait!” He exclaims, as he then let go of Applebloom, whom of which was trying to get some air after her struggle to be released from his grip. Suddenly, there was another knock on the door. “I’ll get it!” Carson says and then opens the door. It was Wisp. Now this is strange, he thought to himself, What’s this little guy doing here? “Oh, hey Wisp.” He greets, “Ya’ll-I mean-you need something?”

He shuffled his left forehoof and said, “Y-yeah, is Applebloom here?”

They heard a little “Eep,” from behind Carson, they looked at the filly, hiding behind Applejack. Now this was really strange, first Sweetie Belle and now Applebloom? Who even is this kid? Some kind of ladies stallion? And why are they so shy around him whenever they see him? Carson thought to himself again.

“U-uh, h-howdy Wisp.” The yellow filly sheepishly greets.

“Hey, you lost this back at the playground yesterday.” He says as he hands her what it seems to be a ribbon, the same color of Applebloom’s bow.

“Mah bow! I was lookin’ for that! Where was it?”

“It nearly got trampled by the other foals when you were playing tag,” He explains to her, “I think Diamond and Silver had something to do something with that.”

The filly gratefully took her bow and thank him as he took his leave. Carson was hugely suspicious of the colt. “I’ll be right back.” He says to the Apples and went outside to catch up with Wisper, “Hey kid! I need to talk to you.” The colt stops, shivering in a little fright, now Carson is really suspicious about this foal. He then starts by saying to him, “Now young stallion, I feel like you owe me an explanation.”

“U-uh, w-what are you talking about?” Wisp tries to fib.

“Don’t try and sneak your way out of this,” Wishing Star scolds, “You know exactly what I’m referring to. Lying about your parents’ permission to just ‘wander around,’ Ponyville? The fillies getting shy around you? Not to mention you ‘finding things,’ that belong to said fillies.”

“O-oh! W-well, um…” The colt begins to stutter, his eyes darting around trying to get himself out of this situation, but of course, he’s got nothing. He then curses whisperingly, “Ugh, okay fine… b-but you have to promise me to not tell anypony about this!”

“It’ll depend how secretive it is.”

Wisper sighs and then says, “I-I’m actually an orphan.” The teal stallion’s eyes went wide as he continues, “The thing is that I hate the orphanage, being stuck in there everyday waiting for a family to come and adopt me… and everyday, they picked somepony else just because of my ‘condition’! It isn’t fair!”

“Condition?” Carson asked him, “What condition?” Wisp’s ears went flat when the question was asked. He sighs and then… his entire body became transparent with a ghostly green glow, his ears, scruff, and tuft of mane became wavy in motion. Carson was shocked by this sudden transformation. “Whoa…” He gasps.

“See! It’s bad!”

Carson shushes the colt, “I’m sorry, my reaction was poorly placed. Besides, I don’t think your condition isn’t bad at all.”

“Bad?!” Wisper argues, “I’m a half pony, half ghost, how is this isn’t bad at all?!”

“Because there’s only one you in the world, a very special you.” Carson encourages the colt, “So what if you're a half-and-half? OWN it! Better to be you than being in the crowd. Besides, when was the last time in Equestria that anypony ever heard of a ghost pony in the modern day? That is… incredible!”

The colt was in awe by the praise he was getting from his hero. “Y-You mean that?”

“Yeah, I mean it!” The stallion exclaims as he kneels down to the colt’s height, “This is the greatest gift that you’ve ever gotten. In fact, if Princess Celestia gives you a chance, if there are any records of any half ghost ponies existed, she could help you out with getting a good understanding of your powers.”

“I…” Wisper says nervously, “I don’t know…”

Carson placed his hoof on the colt’s shoulder, “Come on, there’s somepony I think you’d like to meet.” He says to him as they walked down the path as the colt reverts back into his normal form.

“W-where are we going?” He asked his hero.

“You’ll see.”

Dear Princess Celestia, today I’ve learned a very important lesson about friendship.

You see, earlier this afternoon, I’ve made a hard decision of revealing my true identity to a family that accepts you no matter where you come from. I was scared that revealing my identity would offend or hurt them someway, but that didn’t happen… okay, well, Applejack was hurt by the fact that I had the Crusaders keep it under wraps, but she does forgave me for it. Afterwards, Wisper Crisper came to the farm to return Applebloom’s bow, but I knew something was up and to my surprise, he’s a half pony half ghost colt! It was incredible!

Anyways, his and my lesson is this: Sometimes keeping secrets can be seriously hard to keep, especially when it’s on a personal level, so much so that it would cause a lot of stress and anxiety, and keeping things from others would not only hurt them, but yourself as well… I just only hope that the others would understand when the timing is right.

The Neighotiator, Wishing Star

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know, it’s a short one, but I’m happy with how this turned out. Who do you think is going to find out about Carson’s identity next? How are they going to react?

Also, as we speak, Life Isn’t With You chapter 4 is halfway done, so be on the lookout! Until then, see you real soon!

Comments ( 20 )

Wow, talk about a few twists.

First Wishing Star tells the truth, then Twilight asks Wishing on a date, and a half ghost pony. This is surely going to get more exciting from here on out.

and rushed downstairs to join her siblings, in truth though,

tries to recompose herself and tries to tease him,

“Oh! Right! Here’s the test Twi, I hope this is to your satisfaction.”

“Bad?!” Wisper argues, “I’m a half pony, half ghost, how is this isn’t bad at all?!”

Sounds like he’s a crystal pony.

I wonder will Carson reveal the truth to Twilight and the remaining Mane 6?

I do wonder if anypony else will discover his secret until all of Ponyville knows? LOL

Anyways great chapter, I loved the many twists you put into this chapter starting off with Wishing Star telling the truth to the Apple family then Twilight asking him out and finally the introduction of a half ghost pony which had me immediately thinking of Danny Phantom. :)

After a few minutes of processing this information, AJ then said, “Well sugarcube, Ah’ll tell ya this, like Ah said, Ah’m willing to let this slide, but because ya got Applebloom involved, you’re gonna have to do double duty on the orchard, no excuses.”

What the fuck! Where to start with this....? I just.... Ok..... Honest question. Has every one in this scene lost every brain cell in their head? First he admits who he is out of the blue because fuck if I know and not only do they immediately believe him because fuck if I know, but Applejack is baffled he kept it a secret as if it was a minor thing instead of the unbelievable thing it really is and even if it was he has every right to keep what ever secret from everyone and is entitled to privacy. Applejack or no one for that matter is entitled to know everything about anyone. Also he gets blamed for having Applebloom keep it when it was Pinkie who did. Which is also not anything wrong since again he is entitled to privacy and secrecy. Him getting punished is bull shit and he did nothing wrong. Yeah I am done reading. I just in good conscience can't continue reading because of this.

Ah good, now we get to see more romantic (funny) moments with Twilight and Wish. Great chapter!

Ooooh if he's half Pony and Ghose
That's definitely an interesting Race and I'm pretty sure he's gonna get along with Discord and Pony Bats & Changelings in the Future.

I thought Wish was Discord’s roommate now. How was he sleeping at SAA?

Glad he opened up to AJ. Next few chapters should be fun!

I created an account just to say that this is so fucking good

What happened to moving in with Discord? He's making commitments with Applejack's family as if he's going to be staying there? I'm a bit confused.

“What was Rarity doing in the bathroom?” He asked her big sister. Twilight’s already blushing with embarrassment and just plants her face in to her hooves, letting out a muffled groan.

Well that situation just took a huge ass 180 I mean seriously he was subtle as a break about his feelings for twilight since the beginning of the damn book and now the situation just complain seems to be totally reversed :rainbowlaugh:

Why don't you write the next chapter for the 3 stories simultaneously??

Like you will switch from one story to another if you finished writing a chapter from the former

I would, but sometimes I would forget to do that and I would get too focused on what I'm doing in the moment.

I hope you focus more on your first story, then this and the latest one.

When’s the next chapter?


Well, he hasn't completely moved in with Discord just yet, plus he's yet to have a bed within Discord's realm, so he still free to sleep in SAA.

Just read and enjoyed the story. Looking forward to the rewrite. :twilightsmile:

Huh, just realised that you decided to 'redo in Cosmo's voice' the story, I can't wait to see what you improve on/change in the shiny new version!

Oof the Fanfiction is Canceled???
Damb OK then, it was a good Fanfiction while it lasted.

It's being rewritten right now. Five chapters are already out if you wanna check it out.

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