• Published 6th Apr 2022
  • 5,026 Views, 236 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

  • ...

...And It Will Come True!

Ten minutes earlier

Everfree Forest has known to have an “unnatural” reputation, plants and greenery that grown with any source of water in sight, animals known to take care and fend for themselves like the stalking Timberwolves and the vicious Cragadiles, and lives a shaman zebra who speaks in rhymes and calls the forest her home.

“Remind me again as to exactly why we’re here?” The light blue mare Pegasus asked impatiently, looking at the dark trees, raising a brow.

“Ugh,” the lilac Unicorn sighs in annoyance as she continues to shine her magical light to clear away the darkness, “I told you before Rainbow, Zecora wanted us to find the clearing of the Saltatio Imaginis.”

“The Saltita whatnow?” The prismatic maned Pegasus asked in confusion.

“The Dancing Spectra,” The white Unicorn clarifies to her speedy friend, “They’re known to grow here in Everfree Forest and is said to be cures for some who has illness and depression. Not to mention the smell! Sweet Celestia, they say that they smell absolutely divine! Oh, Twilight, just think of the possibilities they could provide for my boutique!”

As she was discussing this however, Rarity was trying her best not to step in the many puddles of mud and leaves which dot the track, but the orange farmer Earth Pony, Applejack was behind Rarity, stepping in anything and everything that got in her way — much to the seamstress’s unamusement.

Rarity sighs in annoyance, turning to face her, "Applejack, darling, could you please stop stomping in the mud like that? You'll get my coat dirty!" She pleaded, putting on her biggest puppy-dog eyes.

“Well shoot Rars,” The farm pony replies with a chuckle, “Ah would, but there's plenty more mud ahead of us, so it's gonna be a might bit hard for y'all to stay clean." Rarity sighs yet again, earning another chuckle from Applejack. “Oh, and Rarity?”

“Yes darling?” The white Unicorn asked, turning to her again.

“Ya’ll got something in yer mane.”

The seamstress purple eyes shrank as she shrieks in fright and distress, “WHERE?! OH, I’VE SPENT HOURS KEEPING IT CLEAN!” she looked and scoured through her beloved purple with her hooves, which were covered in mud. She stops in realization and looked at her hooves, then back at her mane, then at the chuckling Applejack, giving her a glare, she then said in a deadpan expression, “Tartarus is filled... with ponies like you.”

“Oh relax,” The light blue Pegasus said, rolling her eyes, “Going through mud isn’t that bad. I mean you’ve used mud masks before so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal.” She leans back against what she thought was a tree trunk, but then fell backwards into a bush, with a audible oof! the only sign of Rainbow Dash were her hind legs. “Oh! Hey Twilight! I think I found it!” She calls out.

The light purple Unicorn gasps in excitement and follows the source of her winged friend and behind the bushes that Rainbow Dash accidentally stumbled into were patches and patches of six petaled, rainbow colored flowers. “This is great!” Twilight exclaims in joy, “We just need to collect just the right amount of the Dancing Spectras and deliver them to Zecora!”

Twilight grabs out a hoofheld shovel from her saddlebag and delicately digs under the soil as to not tear the roots on accident. As she does so, the sweet euphoria of the flower hits the mares nostrils, the smell itself is something that could be use to make sweet perfumes or house refresher sprays.

“Mmm... such a lovely scent!” Rarity remarks in bliss.

“Ah’ll say,” Applejack agrees, “Shame that these are the only patches of these kinds of flowers that can only be grown and found here.”

“Well, it doesn’t have to be the case,” Twilight explains as she carries one of the flowers out from the ground and then places it in a clay pot, “The Dancing Spectras use to grow everywhere in Equestria, but I can only guess that after the Castle of the Two Sisters were laid in ruin and the Everfree Forest was created, some of these flowers had wilted away while others were reserved here.”

Rarity placed her hoof on her chin, caught in her train of thought, “Well, this may come as a suggestion, but if there are enough of them, would it be possible to a couple to Princess Celestia? I mean, she could plant some in her garden! Possibly for the next Grand Galloping Gala no less!”

Curiosity struck the prismatic maned mare as she got a good whiff of the plant... perhaps a sniff too many as the scent tickled her nose, threatening her to sneeze. Nopony caught of sight of her as they were too busy in their own discussion.


“I’m not too sure if Princess Celestia would be too keen on having such flowers like these in her garden,” Twilight says to the seamstress Unicorn, “Besides, it might’ve triggered some memories during Luna’s exile to the moon.”


“The Princess had already forgiven her already,” Rarity reminds her, “Surely, such flowers like that wouldn’t be that traumatic.”


Rainbow’s sneeze was cut off by a sudden explosion of light in the sky, right above the group... all expect for Twilight, who was too busy examining the next flower using her magnifying glass.

“What in tarnation was that?!” Applejack cried out looking above.

“I didn’t do it!” Rainbow Dash says defensively, making Appljack and Rarity look at her in confusion, then back at the sky as the light then fades away followed by panicked male’s voice shouting.


Applejack took the message and then shouts, “Hit the deck everypony!” The three of the four friends got out of the way in time, but Twilight was too distracted by her examination, she didn’t even know what was even going on.

“Hmm... this one has a little bit of turquoise on every tip of it’s petals,” She mumbles to herself looking at it closely, “This is very strange... Now why would it-“

“Twilight! Move out of the way!” Rainbow calls out to the light purple Unicorn.

“Huh?” Twilight looked up and sees her friends behind the trees, looking very confused, “Why are you guys hiding?” She then began to hear the warning shouts from above her. She looks up to see something, or rather somepony coming at her. “Oh no.” She says to herself as she couldn’t get out of the way in time as her horn got slammed into falling pony, causing to form an imprint of herself and the pony that crashed into her, yelling in pain.

“Twilight!!!” The three friends shouted in panicked unison as they rushed to their friend’s aid.

“Darling! Are you alright?!” Rarity asked her friend as she and Applejack carefully moved the turquoise earth pony off of her.

Twilight groans in pain as she held her horn, which thankfully didn’t broke off from the the falling pony’s impact, nor didn’t puncture him into swiss cheese.

Applejack looked at the falling stallion in question, his pelt all turquoise in color along with reddish-brown, short, curly and unkempt mane with golden yellow streaks, a short tail with the same colors, and the most surprising of all, he lacked a Cutie Mark. “Ah’ve heard of fallin’ stars before,” she says as she looked at the sky where he fell from, “But never a fallin’ Earth Pony!”

“Are you okay Twi?!” Rainbow Dash asked in worry helping Twilight back onto her feet, still holding her horn.

“Ugh... I think he landed on my horn on impact...” she groans.

“Let me see,” Rarity chimes in, upon close exam on her friend’s horn, there were no cracks, splints, chipped off pieces or any signs forced trauma.

“How bad is it?” Twilight asked her in worry.

Rarity shook her head, “Well, you didn’t have it broken off, if that’s your concern.” Twilight sighs in relief, but she could still feel the pain from the impact to her horn.

“Who even is that?” Rainbow asked turning everypony’s attention to the unconscious stallion.

“I don’t know.” Twilight shook her head as she got closer to get a better at look at him. She waved are hoof in front of his face. “Hello? Are you okay?” She asked him, trying to get him awake, poking his forehead once, causing him to groan in pain.

“Look! He’s coming around!” Applejack exclaims. The stallion’s light yellow eyes began to open, trying to dilate his vision at first. Once his vision came back, he was suddenly star struck and gasps softly at the sight of her.

Present Day

Carson couldn’t believe what, or in this case who, he is seeing as his eyes were locked onto Twilight’s. This... This can’t be real! he thought to himself as he kept his eyes on her’s, Holy shit, this seriously can’t be real! Twilight is real! His heart beating five times faster than rabbit after it lost sight from it’s predator.

“Oh thank goodness!” Twilight sigh in relief, “You’re awake! Are you hurt?”

Carson’s first reaction would’ve been, “Yeah, I’m okay.” But instead he screamed at the top of his lungs and tries to get up, only to accidentally ram the top of his head into Twilight’s horn once again, causing the both of them to shout in pain. They got away from each other, Twilight stumbling backwards as she held her horn again, while Carson backed himself up to a tree.

Rarity and Applejack saw the event unfold before them and immediately rushed to Twilight aid’s, while Rainbow Dash went to the turquoise stallion and began to scold him, “Hey! What was that for you jerk?! She was trying to help you and you ended up smack her horn?! What is wrong with you!?”

He noticed the angry pegasus, then back at Twilight, who is being comforted by her friends and checking her horn. He gasps, got up as quickly as he could in a panic, and apologized in a frenzy, “Gah! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!” He stumbled himself a couple of times, but he got to her and checked on the light purple Unicorn. “I’m sorry about this! I didn’t mean to do that! It was an accident! I swear!”

She could see the instant the panic and the immediate fear Carson showed on his face, seemingly apologetic. She calms him down and reassures him, “I-It’s okay it’s okay!” She places her hooves and his shoulders, she could see he was hyperventilating, so she instructs him, “Take a deep breath.” She breathes in deeply, Carson follows suit and they both breathed out together.

“Better?” Twilight asked with a very gentle smile.

“Yeah, thanks Twilight,” Carson nods, but then began to worry a little, “You’re sure you’re not hurt?”

She giggled a little and reassured him again, “Trust me, I’ve been through worse than that.”

I guess that’s true, he thought as he smiles at her, I mean she could take a beating from falling objects that were dropped by MailPonies and walk away from it no problem... considering the fact that she was strapped in a wheelchair. Oof.

Rainbow was shock in an instant as something just clicked inside her head. “Whoa, hold on,” she says suspiciously, “How did you know her name?”

Uh-oh! Carson thought in a panic, I shouldn’t have let that slip out! “Oh, w-well-“ he started, but then was cut off by Rainbow Dash again.

“You sure you’re not a spy?”

Come on man, you can bullshit your way out of this! Think! his mind yelled at him, then that’s when he came up with an idea. “Well, I’m actually a...” he started, but Rainbow’s suspicious stare made him feel uneasy, “I-I’m a...”

The Pegasus was getting impatient and shouts, “Spit it out already!”

“Rainbow, darling! Have a care!” Rarity snaps at her, then turns her attention to Carson sincerely, “I’m terribly sorry about that dear, she can be impatient sometimes. Just take your time.”

Gracious with Rarity’s generosity, the stallion obliges, “Th-thanks... ahem... Well, for starters, and this is kinda embarrassing... I’m actually a runaway.” The girls gasped at him as he nods and continues, “I know, but I honestly didn’t have a choice. My mother died after I was born, and my dad did everything he could to raise me before I...”

The look on the girls faces were a mixed bag, Twilight and Rarity looked like they were going to cry, Applejack’s face showed sadden, but he’s getting the feeling that she may not buy into that lie, knowing her as the Element of Honesty, and Rainbow’s suspicion stare returned once again.

There was an awkward silence from the five ponies, but Rainbow Dash broke through the silence and asked, “Is that why you don’t have a Cutie Mark?” She pointed at his empty flank. He looks behind him, she was right. He has no Cutie Mark, but this gives a pretty good poppycock excuse for having a lack of one.

“Y-yeah...” He says, pretending to be embarrassed and blushes, “After I got so angry with him for not helping me finding my special talent, I ran away from home... I’ve been alone ever since, looking for somepony to help me out with my Cutie Mark problem.”

“Did yer dad ever try to find ya?” Applejack asked him, which made him shook his head, “You two sure sounded like ya’ll didn’t had a good relationship with each other.”

He nods and in his head he knew that he was making a bad name for his father in his world. Sorry dad.

“That still doesn’t explain as to how you know my name.” Twilight corrects him.

He raised up his hooves in defense and says, “Don’t worry, I’m getting there.” The girls payed close attention, especially Rainbow Dash, but Carson, knowing the aerodynamic Pegasus, wants to keep it interesting, but too far out there to stretch out the truth too much, so he continues on, “After I left, I went to go to Canterlot to see if anypony was willing to help me, but some of them were high ranked ponies, so when I asked them, they just stared or laugh at me and say somethings like, ‘Oh, a pony who wishes to find a Cutie Mark? Absurd!’ or, ‘I don’t think you would qualify for getting such a Cutie Mark like mine, peasant! You’re not fit for my assistance, begone!’ So, for as long as I could remember, I’ve been living in the alleyways. For years, I kept hoping somepony would just for once look and me and think, ‘You know, this guy might need help,’ but apparently they don’t have time for a grown stallion for getting a Cutie Mark.”

Twilight could see the resentment and hurt on Carson’s face, falling for the story that she and the girls were told. In Carson’s case, he was at least hoping that it worked, to his surprise it did as Rarity became enraged.

“What?!” The seamstress cried out, “They absolutely should have the time! Ugh, the nerve of some ponies! I may not know what it’s like living such dark places, but to not turn to them and offer a helping hoof? It’s so... so-“

“Uncouth?” Carson butts in.

“Exactly!” She nods, “Such high class ponies like them have no education in offering friendship!” He couldn’t help but smile as the fashion pony’s rant and did make some good points. Carson then decided to continue on his explanation.

“Anyway, back to my story, seeing as waiting for a pony to show up wasn’t working, I decide to go to the Canterlot library, seeing if there was any to help me with my case. While there, I heard two little foals talking about how the Elements of Harmony was able to defeat this dark entity called Nightmare... something,” he was obviously faking to remember the name, but the girls knew exactly who he’s referring to, “So to hear the name ‘Elements of Harmony,’ I knew I had to find out who those ponies were, and that’s how I found out about you Twilight.”

The lilac pony’s brows raised, so she decided to test him. “So, you’ve done your homework, huh?” She asked him with a smirk, to which he nods, “Okay, if you know so much about me, name three of my accomplishments.”

“I shall indeed,” he bows his head as he obliges to do just that, “I know that you’re one of the Elements of Harmony, which in this case, yours is Magic. I also know that you’ve earned your Cutie Mark by hatching a dragon and an explosive burst of a rainbow, showing your special talent for magic.”

Twilight was smiling and beginning to blush on the second fact, which made her turn her head away, “Okay, and what’s the last accomplishment?”

He then decides to bring in the big guns, or in this case in their world, crossbows, “I also know you’re Celestia’s top student...” He could see Twilight’s prideful smile and raised her head high, that’s when he jokingly turns it on its head, “Or is it bottom?” The look on Twilight’s face, including Applejack and Rarity, were absolutely priceless, he then fell down and exploded into laughter.

Even Rainbow Dash got the joke and snickered, Rarity and Applejack looked at her with disapproval. “What?” She asked them as the stallion’s laughter continues on, “It was a good joke.” Carson’s laughter died down and calmed himself, and then it was Rainbow Dash’s turn to quiz him, “Okay wise guy, if you know so much about her, do you know everything about me?”

“Darling, honestly...” Rarity shook her head.

He chuckles at the aerobic Pegasus’s question, “Well, duh! Of course I know who you are! You’re the Rainbow Dash! The most incredible Pegasus who’s one of the best flyers of all time! Not to mention the only one who has ever been able to pull off the legendary Sonic Rainboom! There’s probably nopony here on Equestria that hasn’t heard about you and all of your amazing accomplishments!”

From all of that praise he’s giving to her, Rainbow Dash smiles widely as she holds her chest and head up high with pride for all of her feats he has acknowledged. In spite of it, Rarity just sighs and Applejack shook her head, knowing full well that some of that praises would get into her friend’s head.

Then Carson turned his attention to the white Unicorn, “And how can I forget about Equestria’s well known fashionista, M’lady Rarity?” He took a bow, taking her hoof and kissed it, speaking French, “Bonjour Mademoiselle, comment allez-vous?”

She became taken aback by his sudden politeness by the stallion, thankfully for him, taking French speaking classes became one of his many saving graces. “Oh! Hehe, such a gentleman.” She remarks and spoke in kind, “Je vais bien, merci.”

“Well, stranger, since you know our names,” Applejack cuts in before they exchange more “crazy fancy speak” as she would call it, “How’s ‘bout you tell us yours.”

“Oh! Right, my name is...” He immediately stopped himself, he can’t tell them his human name, it would be unheard of to have a human name in Equestria and can’t get caught! And on a much lower note, he isn’t good at making up names, even an Equestrian one for that matter!

The girls were waiting patiently, kind smiles were expressed on them. Come on Carson! His mind encourages him, If you’ve bullshited your way out of one situation, then surely you bullshit your way out this one! Just think of a name a good name!

“Wishing Star.” He answers them, “My name is Wishing Star.” Their smiles instantly went away within a second of his response. In his mind, he once again began to panic Oh shit, I screwed myself over, didn’t I?

“Wishing... Star?” Twilight repeated to herself, placing her hoof on her chin and tilting her head to the side.

Yep! You’re fucked! Face it! Twilight’s probably figured you out already and can see that’s a lie! Even Applejack probably knows it! There’s no way they’re gonna fall for a bullshit name like-

"It's nice to make your acquaintance Wishing Star." Twilight replies to him lending out her hoof.

He's shocked that not only that they believed his story and name, but they trust him completely! Holy shit, I can't believe that worked! “O-oh, it’s nice to make yours as well.” He says to her humbly.

“So, how did you even get here?” Rainbow Dash asked, “And what was the light show all about?”

“I honestly don’t know,” Carson, or this case, Wishing Star explains, “I’m kind of lost actually. You see, I was resting in an alleyway, I saw a star and wished for finding happiness, then a strange, magical light teleported me, and somehow I ended up here.”

Twilight looked at Wishing, placing her hoof on her chin again. “You wishing to finding happiness and ending up here in Everfree Forest? Not exactly what I call finding happiness here.”

Applejack chimes in, “Not to mention free falling from that high. Yer very lucky ya’ll weren’t too banged like an apple cart after rolling down a hill!”

“Heh, I’ve been through worse.” He reassures them.

“Still,” Rainbow sympathizes, “That kind of sucks to know what you’ve been through and no luck on getting a Cutie Mark, especially nopony helping you.”

Wishing just sighs, true that he doesn’t have a Cutie Mark of his own, made up story or not, knowing on how he has to earn his is still unclear to him. There were a couple of talents he is good at like writing and chess playing thanks to his grandfather, but he has yet to extend out on those horizons, due to him not having any friends of his own. But now that he’s here in Equestria, he could start his friendship circle with Twilight, Spike, and the rest of Mane Six.

“Well...” He starts hesitantly, “M-maybe you girls can be my first friends?”

Twilight gasps in excitement and begins to bear hug the stallion, “Yes! Yes! You can def-“ Realizing that she was hugging him too tight and trying to breathe, she loosens her hug, clears her throat, starting from the top,”You’re more than welcome to be your first friends Wishing Star.”

The turquoise Earth Pony starts to notice a blush on Twilight’s cheeks, he’s getting a sneaky suspicion that she probably might want him more as a friend. Does she have a crush on me already? he asked himself in his thoughts, No, she couldn’t be! I mean we just met and it isn’t even been like an hour!

It was then Rarity’s turn to gasp, “Oh, sweet Celestia! We’ve nearly forgotten about Zecora’s potion! You think we’ve gotten more than enough of the Dancing Spectras?”

Twilight looked at the packed saddlebags that were filled with the multicolored petaled flowers, including the turquoise tipped Dancing Spectra. “O-oh! Yes, I do think this would be enough. We should head to Zecora’s before we lose daylight.”

“Um, what are you girls talking about?” Wishing Star asked with half confusion and half fake curiosity as to he knows whom they were speaking about, “And who is this Zecora? That’s isn’t a pony name that I’m familiar with.”

“Oh, that’s because she isn’t a pony,” Twilight explains, “She’s actually a Zebra. She’s known for living here in Everfree Forest and makes some potions and concoctions of spells. She’s tasked us on getting these, the Saltatio Imaginis.”

“Saltatio Imaginis.” He repeated back, “That translates to the Dancing Spectra, right?”

She nods in confirmation, “You see, she’s working on a potion that would give them eternal happiness and bring good luck to them.”

This caught him by surprise from the information. Eternal happiness? As in a way to cure depression? “That sound pretty cool!” He says excitedly.

“I know!” She says in the same tone as Wishing Star, “Just think about it! We could help cure sadness and bring so much more joy around Equestria!” He chuckles a little at his new friend’s excitement, but then he notices a red mark just below the base of Twilight’s horn. She could tell that he was zoned out and said, “Wishing? Are you okay?”

“H-huh?” He shook out of his mesmerized state and saw the worried expression on her face, “Oh, yeah, yeah I’m okay.” Far from it unfortunately, he felt terribly awful for falling onto his favorite heroine and really wanted to make it up to her in someway.

“Well then, we should probably head back to Zecora’s.” She placed her saddlebags on her back and heading back to the direction where the girls came, she looked back at the sitting Earth Pony. “You coming?”

Wishing Star looked down at his body, nervous as his ability to walk like how a normal pony would. He tries to get up at first, seeing his legs shaking violently for trying to keep his weight and balance up. He could hear Applejack warning him about something, though he was too distracted by trying to get himself up when all of a sudden he lost his balance near fell, if it wasn’t for Twilight’s magic holding him in place.

“Ah’ve guessing that fall must’ve taken a lot out of ya.” Applejack says with a chuckle, Wishing was going to say something in his defense, but then again, he knew that this could be a perfect excuse for being able to walk. She walks up to his side, wrapped his left for fore leg around the back of her neck and allow’s Twilight’s levitation spell to dissipate. “Ya’ll go on ahead to Zecora’s, I’ll take this rodeo rough rider back to Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Oh no no,” Wishing says to her, “You don’t have to do that! I don’t wanna be a burden to you.”

“Trust me sugarcube,” Applejack says to him with a kind smile, “Whenever there’s a pony in need, we ain’t gonna take ‘no,’ for an answer.”

The turquoise stallion smiles back at her, despite not being able to walk, nor not having the chance to see Zecora’s potion making in action, he knew that rest was the number one priority as of right now.

“Will I be seeing you again Twilight?” He asked the lilac mare.

Twilight nods, “Absolutely.”

This made Wishing Star smile as both he and Applejack made their way leaving the clearing and out the forest, while Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity make their path to Zecora’s hut. As they go their separate ways for now, Twilight was unknowingly blushing with a rosy red hue on her cheeks.

“I must say, that Wishing Star fellow is quite an interesting stallion,” Rarity expresses, “He seems very charming and understanding, though I wondered why he was teleported to Everfree?”

“He obviously not telling us something,” Rainbow Dash implies to the fashionista, “Color me odd, but am I the only one that he knows us in spite that it’s been about like, what, a week before Nightmare Moon’s defeat? Also, how the hay would he have heard two foals talking about and just so happened to be there at the exact same time?”

“Oh Rainbow, don’t be ridiculous,” the fashion pony says to her friend with her eyes rolled in annoyance, “He did said that he overheard the foals’ conversation.”

“Exactly!” She retorts, “He’s been eavesdropping! I’m starting to think he’s not who he’s saying he is.”

“Well, I for one don’t see him that way.” Rarity argues, “Besides, Wishing Star seems like a kind soul who’s in need of help.”

Rainbow Dash then rolled her eyes, still not even convinced, despite the joke he made earlier and his opened personality, she could tell that there’s more to this “Wishing Star,” that they’re lead to believe. “What do think of him Twi?” She asked the librarian pony.

Twilight wasn’t even paying attention to the conversation that was being discussed, she was so lost in thought about Wishing Star, how he knew about her, but other than his personal life he had told them, she too began to question as to who he really is. But why bother figuring him out? He seems like a nice stallion to be somepony to pull a fast one as a made up story, he was really sincere and kind to tell why he was here, even if he has no idea how he got here. The one thing that kept on nagging her was the explosion of light that transported him to Everfree Forest, why would it bring him here? But then a thought occurred to her.

What if he like he was trapped in his own guilt about leaving his father? she asked herself, What if he still felt awful even now after all that has happened? Maybe the forest represents where he is now currently?

“Twilight dear?” Rarity asked her friend snapping out of her own thoughts.

“Huh?” Twilight blinked looking at the white Unicorn

“You okay? You seemed like you were in a trance and you haven’t answered Rainbow’s question.” Rarity could she the visible blush on Twilight’s face, which was now a pinkish red. It didn’t take long as to what she was really thinking about. “Oh now, darling, I know he does seem rather attractive, but I do believe that you’re rushing thing here.”

“Wh-what?!” She shrieked, blushing harder than ever, trying to use her mane to hide her rosy cheeks, “I-it’s not like that!”

The aerodynamic pegasus just rolled her eyes and joked, “Oh, come on, if you just wanted to ask somepony on a date, just ask.”

“IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!” she shouted in annoyance to their constant dating nags, but she recomposes herself by taking a deep breath, “It’s just that, maybe he was brought here was probably that he might’ve still feel bad for leaving his father for trying to earn his Cutie Mark.”

“Don’t tell me you believe him.” Rainbow shook her head in disappointment.

“I do,” Twilight said, “And if he needs help getting a Cutie Mark, then I’m more than happy to lend out a hoof.”

The prismatic maned pegasus just continued to shake her head a bit as they continued on the path. As they do, Twilight was once again lost in thought with shy smile. I-I guess... I guess he does look attractive.

Carson couldn’t keep his head out of the clouds as he and Applejack walked out of the dark forest, he kept looking behind him, hoping no one else was following them or dangerous creature were hunting them.

“You okay there, sugarcube?” Applejack asked out of concern, “You’ve been twitchy than Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie Sense goin’ off.”

The turquoise stallion looked back at the orange mare and asks, “You think they’re gonna be okay in there by themselves Applejack? I’ve heard some scary stories about that place.”

She looked back at the entrance to the forest, then back at Wishing Star, who seems to have a little better balance for him to walk. She gave him a reassuring smile and pats him on the back. “Ah wouldn’t worry too much there sugarcube,” she said to him, “Twilight is one of Princess Celestia’s star pupil, she can handle anythin’ that’s been thrown at her.”

“You think so?” He asked in concern.

“Ah know so,” Applejack replies, “Ah’ve even seen how talented she is with her magic. One time an Ursa Minor came through Ponyville and nearly wrecked the town, and had Twilight conjured up that pacifier and bottle for that frighten fella, it would’ve caused damage not just to the town, but to itself.”

“Wow,” he whistles, “It’s a good thing that she did.” Though Carson knows how well the lilac unicorn’s magic abilities are and how strong they’ve become down the road as an Alicorn, he still can’t help but admire the way how her friends are able to tell it in their own unique and positive way. That reminded him that he just met four of the six of the Elements of Harmony, if he knew them, Fluttershy would likely be at her cottage and Pinkie Pie doing... well, whatever Pinkie Pie does best.

“Umm… forgive me if I ask you this.” He inquires sheepishly, “But where exactly is Sweet Apple Acres?”

She chuckles at his silly question, “Keep up and ya’ll find out!” She then started to trot and pick up speed in a full run.

He could see where she was going with this and playfully whines, “Hey! You gave yourself a head start!” He starts to charge and tries to keep up with the country mare. He could feel like he’s more energized with the wild and carefree spirit as his hooves planted on the ground as he gallops.

🎵Is this what it feels like to run free?
Is this what it feels like to be me?🎶

🎶I felt like I found the key to unlocking this cage
The freedom that I feel is exciting to engage
Going on forward, no, I’m never gonna stop!
Breaking free from the shell, feeling off of my shoulders they drop!
Like a arrow piercing through the wind
I’m thanking my lucky star that they were kind🎵

To me!

🎵I’m living my little dream world that I call my own
Gonna show them what I got, let it be known!
I’m living my little dream world of fate’s design
Don’t know how long I’m gonna stay, but it’s fine!🎵

🎶I can’t believe that this is all real
Everywhere I look around it catches my eyes appeal
Gonna live my life in a way I can!
It’s a destiny I make, by my command!
I was brought with a purpose, but why?
Will I someday touch the sky🎶

And be free!

🎶I’m living my little dream world that I call my own
Gonna show them what I got, let it be known!
I’m living my little dream world of fate’s design
Don’t know how long I’m gonna stay, but it’s fine!🎵

Oh, am I thinking out loud?
I just feel so endowed
It’s everywhere I look and feel
This should be a dream, but it turned on it’s heel
What are the odds that a wishing star would’ve brought me here?
So if someone wants to slap me to wake up, come and try if you dare!
I’m a dreamer and I’m living a world can be fulfilled by good deeds
The wish that I made may not be the beginning that I want, but probably what I need!
I’m gonna make all of the walls of doubt and worry seem passable
And if they to make their own wish come true, I’ll make it possible

🎵Give me hope...
Give me faith...
Give me a reason to make my heart sing🎶

🎵I’m living my little dream world that I call my own
Gonna show them what I got, let it be known!
I’m living my little dream world of fate’s design
Don’t know how long I’m gonna stay, but it’s fine!🎶

🎶Don’t know how long I’m gonna stay, but I don’t care
Their kindness will be made for, I swear!
I’m living my little dream world...🎶

As the two made their way up the dirt trail, they were both out of breath, sweat were dripping down from their foreheads and brows. This was the longest run that Wishing Star had ever done and that wasn’t even compared to the lap runs he did back in school, it was like an actual triathlon! The stallion’s legs were shaking from that sprinting workout, showing a lot of effort to stay up.

“Looks like your body ain’t the only thing that was in rough shape.” Applejack chuckles, pointing at his shaking legs.

“I’ll... say...” he gasps until he collapsed to the ground and panting very hard. She helps him up and earned each other a laugh. “Thanks AJ, I seriously needed that.”

She kept that smile on her face by his compliment. “Well shoot, no need to thank me Wish,” she replies, “If you want to, you should join in the Iron Pony Competition.”

He chuckles, he knows exactly as to what she was referring to. “I’ll definitely think about it.” He said, then suddenly, they heard his stomach growling loudly, this made Wishing Star blush, “Hehe, speaking of thinking, I’m thinking as to what I should eat right now.”

“Well let’s get on in then!” She exclaims opening the gate to her home. Wishing Star couldn’t help but have his eyes wonder around the outside of the big red and white barn, he was breathless at the sight of the orchard, probably bigger than a football field!

“Come on Wishing Star!” Applejack calls out to him, snapping out of his sight seeing and back into reality. Entering the home, it was exactly like it was in show, a country rustic and home comfort feeling washes over him entirely. He and Applejack then walked into the dining room, and there were five ponies at the table three fillies, a stallion, and an elderly mare.

Carson could instantly recognize the young light yellow filly, with her long red mane and pink bow, this is AJ’s little sister, Applebloom. She is the first to greet Applejack, “Howdy there big sis!” She went to give her a hug, “Dinner’s been made! Scrambled Eggs, Hay-con, and Apple Turnovers!”

“Aw, thank ya AB,” AJ says cooingly, rubbing the top of her head, she then turned her attention to her older brother, “Big Mac, did ya make sure that some of her chores were done?”

“Eeeyup.” Said Big Macintosh, the red stallion was taller and stronger than Wishing Star.

The other two fillies, a white unicorn with pink and light purple mane, and a orange pegasus with smaller wings and a magenta mane, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo respectively, caught sight of Wishing Star.

“Whoa, that’s a wicked mane!” Scootaloo remarks as she points at his head, Carson was confused at first, “The colors, they look awesome! I wish I had colors like that!”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and teases her, “Scoots, I think if you had colors like that, you would be referred as Carameloo.”

“Oh, ha ha.”

Wish chuckled a little at the play on words that the young unicorn made, then replies back to Scootaloo, “Well, thank for the compliment... I’m sorry, what are your names again?” He didn’t want to come off as suspicious to the fillies, including the Apple family, he knew that they weren’t the ones for liars, or to be around them for that matter.

“Scootaloo! This is Sweetie Belle,” she points at her fellow Crusader, then at AB, “And this is Applebloom.”



“Hello there to you as well,” He greets with a wave, he then caught a whiff of the food, “Wow, what smells so good in here? Was there a dinner convention and I wasn’t informed about it?”

“Nah, but it would be somethin’,” Applejack remarks with a chuckle, “It’s just some breakfast that we’re havin’ for dinner tonight.”

“Breakfast for dinner? That’s my kind of mealtime!” He exclaims.

“Now now youngin’,” Said the apple green elderly pony, “Ya can’t forget your table manners.”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac said.

He looked at everypony at the table and laughed sheepishly with a blush, “S-sorry, I guess I haven’t had food like that for so long, I guess I got caught up in the moment.”

Both Applejack and Applebloom giggled at Wishing Star’s sheepish composure, then replies to him, “It does look yummy huh? Granny Smith, Big Mac and Applejack are good at making food around here, especially with Pinkie Pie.”

“The Element of Laughter?” He asked with his head cocked to the side.

Applejack chuckled and nods, “Eeeyup, that’s her. She’s actually not just that, but she has a reputation for her parties and baking many goodies. She’s actually made a cake for a Cute-ceañera a few days ago, and Ah’ve not kiddin’ when I tell ya this, but it was so big, it could barely get in through the front door, so they had to have the cake outside!”

“Whoa,” he says with eyes going wide, “She sounds like she’s really dedicated to her work.”

“Oh you wouldn’t know the half of it sugarcube.” She chuckled again, shaking her head, she then passes a plate to the turquoise stallion, then to herself. Carson had grabbed two pieces of hay-con and a good small portion of eggs, despite some difficulty with holding the silverware and the hay-con themselves, but the flavors that danced in his mouth, oh, it was indescribable! How anyone back on his world never made eggs that good is beyond him.

He heard a little giggle from the fillies, he looked at them confused, then Sweetie Belle says, “You got a little bit of hay-con crumbs on your chest fur.” He looked down and there are tiny pieces of the strip and realized that he once again forgot his manners, so he quickly grabbed himself a napkin and wiped his mouth and chest off.

“I-I apologize again,” he embarrassedly said.

“Oh, no need for apologizin’ sugarcube.” She reassures him, giving him a pat on the back. He smiles, then took a much politer bite from the scrambled eggs, then he heard AJ ask, “Say Wish, since ya’ll don’t have anywhere else to go at the moment, why don’t ya stay here for a while?”

He looked in shock by the country pony’s offer, looking at her as if she told him that she ran somepony over with a buffalo stampede.

“Somethin’ wrong sugarcube?”

He looked confused for a moment, but then he remembered what she asked him earlier, so he says, “Me? Staying here?” He looked at the red stallion and the elderly mare, then he looked at Applebloom, then back at Applejack as he then continues on, “I don’t know AJ, I mean, I don’t really... stand out from you guys.”

“What are ya talking about?” The orange mare asked in concern.

“Well, for one, I don’t have a Cutie Mark.” He explains, pointing at his flank, “Plus, you wouldn’t want somepony like me in your home, I mean I’m just... I’m nopony special, I’m not strong like you, or a fast flier like Rainbow Dash, or a spell caster like Twilight.” He hung his head in shame and sadness. “I’m nopony special.”

“Aw, c’mon now,” AJ punches his shoulder, “Who says that ya’ll have to be special to stay with somepony is big fat liar. To me and mah friends, you’re already special.”

“Y-you think so?”

“Ah know so.” She confirms.

Well... I could stay here and help out with the Apple Family, Carson thought to himself, But what about the others? Surely they could use some help too... well, except for Rainbow Dash. I could take multiple jobs here, the farm here, Sugarcube Corner’s bakery and Rarity’s boutique shop are good places to start. Okay, Wishing, what’s it gonna be?

“Well...” he starts as he thought it over, “If you’re so sure AJ, then I’m more than happy and thankful to stay here.”

A gasp from Applebloom could be heard and then asks, “Are you really?!”

“As long as he needs.” Applejack confirms.

“HOORAY!!” she cheers, then she turns to her fellow crusaders and whispers something to them, Wishing Star couldn’t make out as to what they’re saying, but he knows that he might be involved in this. He payed no mind to them and resumes eating, as he does though, the one nagging question kept bothering him, did that star really did brought him here? Or was it something else? If that’s being the case, who brought him here?

It was getting late, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were way too excited for something that Wishing Star can’t figure out what it is, he suspects that they might make him as a Crusader himself, but then again, their world is full of unexpected surprises, anything can happen.

Once again paying no mind, he tries to get some sleep, but then he was shaken awake by Applebloom. “Mph...” he groans awake, seeing three excited and hopeful faces, “Is something wrong Applebloom?”

“No, but we were talkin’ and thinkin’,” she explains, “That maybe that you could come along with us to a field trip to the Sculpture Gardens!”

His eyes went wide, he knows exactly what they were trying to do, but he also knows that this leads to the first episode of season two, “The Return of Harmony.” He never thought that he would have a role to play in this! Oh no, they’re asking me to go with them, but this would result to Discord being released from his statue form! Okay, remain calm Carson, remain calm, all you gotta do is to avoid the Crusaders having that fight and Discord won’t get out. If that doesn’t work, inform the girls, find the Elements of Harmony in the library, and use them on Discord.

“Are you okay?” Sweetie Belle asked him, making him snap out of his train of thought.

“Huh? Oh, I’m so sorry,” he said sincerely, “Well, was it okay with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity?” The three nodded, giving himself a second to think, then says, “Alright, I’m more than happy to go with you.”


“Only if Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash says that it’s okay.”


“And if I do go girls, I need you three to promise me one simple thing.” He warns them, “Don’t argue or cause any chaos around the statue of Discord.”

The Crusaders were confused by his request. “Why would we do that?” Scootaloo asked tilting her head in confusion.

“It’s been said that if any cause of chaos is presented in front of the statue, the Master of Chaos himself will be freed from his prison.” He says in a serious tone, “If he does get out, I don’t want you three to be held responsible for his return.” The three Crusaders gasped and got scared, he could tell that he frightened them. Okay, that was a little too rough there Carson, he thought to himself, They asked you to if you can go with them to a field trip, and you scared them... real smooth, dip shit.

“W-we won’t argue Wish, we promise!” Applebloom says, he could see the frighten look in the green, purple, and yellow eyes in each of the Crusaders.

He sighs in regret, he put such terror into them and he feels completely awful about. But then a thought came up, and in his mind it was crazy, but it has to work, it just has to! “You know what? How about I talk to your teacher and I ask her if you three can take a day off.” The three once again were confused, but interested as what he wants to do, “I heard once that there was an old wishing well that’s hidden somewhere in Equestria.”

All three sets of eyes went into curiosity, he then continues, “Legend has it that if you toss a coin into the well, a wish that you desired the most will come true. Nopony has been able to figure out where it is, and it’s been a foalhood dream of mine in finding it. Besides, what’s so fun at looking at pieces of history if we can go out and try to find said pieces of history?”

This gotten them hugely intrigued and excited by this sense of this adventure.

“Wouldn’t we have to talk to the adults first?” Sweetie Belle asked him.

He puts a hoof on his chin, giving it some thought. “Yeah, you might have a good point. I may have to and they may say no,” the pouts on their faces were too cute to even look away, but he continues, “But, I think I can try to pull a few strings on them, and if it goes well and if we’re lucky, we could be good to go.”

The bright looks on their faces was the nailing point that he needed after that moment of fright he accidentally gave them. “Well, I don’t know about you girls, but now I really want to find that wishing well!” Scootaloo proclaims, “Who knows? Maybe we can wish for our Cutie Marks to appear!”

“Girls, I don’t know if wishing for-“

Then the three Crusaders cheers in unison, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS WISHING WELL FINDERS!!! YAY!!!”

He forgotten how loud the three can be, but then again, he placed this idea into their heads, so it’s best to not spoil the moment for them. He looks outside and sees the clear night sky, chuckling to himself. “Well, we should probably get some sleep girls, we don’t want to have any tired adventurers here, do we?”

The three Crusaders said their goodnights and head off into Applebloom’s room, giving himself a sigh of relief, he felt at ease that this could potentially may be an avoidance of one of the most important episodes, but he’s at least that this crisis is averted.

But on that side of things, he’s still worried, what if this plan fails? What if this was for naught? Is Discord’s return really that inevitable? Only by tomorrow, time will only tell.

Author's Note:

I’m so sorry that this took so long! With lent finally being over and with a new set of classes for school on my plate, this is taking longer than expected.

And yes, I’ve decided to create another song of my own in this story, this one being called “Living my little dream world,” and I gotta say, coming up with the lyrics for this song was not easy!

I also want to give some shoutouts to enjoyed the first chapter:

And veteran supporter AstralFlare42!

You have no idea how much support this means to me! Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoy chapter two!