• Published 6th Apr 2022
  • 5,026 Views, 236 Comments

When You Wish Upon a Star - Kibat Grenbuku

After an unexpected free fall into Everfree Forest and crashed into Twilight Sparkle, Carson, now Wishing Star, must adapt to this new world and help the soon-to-be-Princess-of-Friendship, and earn his own Cutie Mark.

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Parties, Royals, and Secrets, oh my!

Wishing Star could barely keep get any sleep, yesterday was a huge step forward that he took, talking down Discord and reforming him, learning that there’s a possible new threat and could reveal who he really is but to his surprise, that hasn’t happened… yet. But now he’s going to have to face whatever plans that the Mane 6 have in store for him.

Okay Cars, let’s not panic yet. he thought to himself, There some plans that you can expect like Pinkie Pie’s parties, you just need to learn how to expect them. Problem is that she can become unpredictable and it depends how and where she’s taking them place.

Okay, so that’s the wild card of the ponies, who else… Oh yes, Rarity. She would have me model for her if she has the opportunity to ask me. She’s generous, obviously, but she’s also kindhearted and a great fashion designer. Though there are some cons about her like how overdramatic she can be and over the top she is.

Next is Fluttershy. Other than the obvious note than her being shy, she’s great with animals. I would’ve asked her to use ‘The Stare,’ on Discord earlier, but that would’ve complicate things because one: she barely even knows me and nopony had ever mentioned it to me, and two: she doesn’t like being forced to do things against her will, so I need to think of some ways to get her motivated without being forced, and if not, there are other alternatives.

Rainbow Dash is next. Both of us did have difficulty with seeing eye to eye with each other, but given as how she saw me with the Crusaders yesterday, I’d say we’re both on good terms with each other. Other than her being egotistical and hotheaded, I can’t deny her loyalty and great lengths she would do she would do to achieve her goals and for her friends, that I can admire.

Next pony is the only closest thing I ever have to a sister, Applejack. I really appreciated the thought of her opening up her home to me, but it’s really weird for me. Being a part of the family means that I have to do my part of helping them out and I can’t let them down. I know how honest she can be as well… maybe a little too honest, so I’ll definitely have to keep her and myself in mind about her honesty, if she starts to get way too brutal about something in her opinion, I need someway to automatically get her attention and change the subject entirely.

Then there’s Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. First, Spike… okay, where to begin with this guy? Other than being Twilight’s number one assistant, which he takes pride of, he can get easily jealous if I recall in that particular episode where Owlwi… Owlo… D’oh, however you pronounce Twilight’s owl’s name, he’s only doing his part to help, so I got to convince him that he only being part of the team. Then there’s also his identity crisis, so there’s got to be something I can do to help him there and if he says he needs to do this alone, I’ll have to let him be and let the episode play out… something that has to be avoided at all costs.

Then there’s the Crusaders. I’m a sucker to those kids and cussed the dickens out when we were at the Fount Well… so that’s one other thing I need to be careful of. Oh, and there’s the new fact that they are probably going to find other fillies and colt that don’t have Cutie Marks and have them join their cause, that means I’m gonna have to be the guiding hand… or hoof in this case, to help the Crusaders. They’re also notorious for getting into trouble, so I need to find some others ways so they cause too much of a ruckus. Plus, if this Devine Light haven’t freed Discord, then things would’ve gotten much smoother.

Finally, Twilight Sparkle… Good God, where to start with her? Firstly, Lesson Zero, since she’s always uptight about sending a friendship letter to Princess Celestia every single day, it’s like it’s the norm to her! Not that I don’t mind, but I have to do something that would have make her slow her role of letter writing and sending. Then there’s the fact that she’ll become an Alicorn herself… yep, the good ol’ controversy in the community. But, should I let her be an Alicorn? I mean, if I do then there’s gonna be a lot of weight on her shoulders and take on way too many responsibilities at once!

Yes, the same division of Twilight becoming an Alicorn was something that he too had conflicted over. At the time when she was the Princess of Friendship, he noticed that that she had so much to know about being a Princess and had to learn how to rule it. Political and social societies and rules haven’t been Carson’s favorite topic to discuss, but he always admire the system and how they work. Since his father had worked for the military and later became one of his boss’s secretaries, he always wanted to run as one of the head of congress.

Poor Twilight… he thought to himself, taking pity of his favorite character, I know she always looked up to the Princesses, but I’m beginning to think that being an alicorn is not what she wanted… so what did she even want? I’ll have to ask her when I get the chance.

Now, to shift my focus on the villains. Trixie by this point, she’s already gotten herself humiliated by Twilight after the Ursaminor incident, but if she happens to be in town, I might need to humble her someway and convince her to stay away from looking for power, i.e. the Alicorn Amulet. Then there’s Queen Chrysalis, she ponynapped Princess Cadence and impersonated her so she could take over Equestria… I’ve convinced Discord to stray away from that path, so I can probably do it again.

There’s also Sunset Shimmer, Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Starlight Glimmer, but I’ll cross that bridge once I can figure out how to deal with the first two.

He then shuts his eyes and reentered in the world of sleep.

It was close to ten o’clock in the morning, Applejack and Pinkie Pie had already prepared breakfast for everypony, scrambled eggs, hay-con strips, Applejack’s apple cinnamon rolls, and Pinkie Pie’s special make pancakes. Around Ponyville, both Applejack and Pinkie Pie are very well known for their banquets of food, and they were considered the best in all of Equestria.

The Mane 6, and Cutie Mark Crusaders were wide awake and enjoying their breakfast, but they eventually noticed that one pony isn’t present at the table.

“Does anypony know where Wishing Star is?” Asked Twilight looking around kitchen.

“Poor fella must’ve still be fallin’ asleep,” Applejack chuckles, “Applebloom, mind if ya’ll go wake him up an’ let him know breakfast is ready?”

“Sure thing sis!” AB says cheerfully as she excuses herself from the table, went upstairs and entered the guest bedroom. There he is, still under the covers and sleeping peacefully. “Wishin’?” She says to him and she shook him gently at first, the only response was a very tired groan from him. “Wishin’?” She tries again, shaking him a little harder. Again, he groans.

Then Applebloom came up with an idea, so she went in to her room, grabbed her trumpet, she always keep it in case she needs it to wake up her sister or her fellow Crusaders. She went back in the guest bedroom, have the trumpet next to Wishing Star right at his midsection. She then inhales and blows through the mouth piece, playing a high note so loud, it caused the turquoise stallion yelp in surprise, landing on the floor with a thud on his rump.

“Great! Yer awake!” She says with pleased look on her face, “Big sis and Pinkie Pie’s made breakfast! See you at the table!”

As she leaves, Wishing Star just Gladys there on the floor, wondering how would he fall for the classic ‘Wake Up Call by the Trumpet,’ gag? He groggily gets up off the floor and went downstairs, seeing the happy faces as they all say in unison, “Wishing Star!” He just groans tiredly in response.

“Got yer Black Bean Juice right here sugarcube.” Applejack offers to him. He sat next to her and gave her a glare, she knows that look all too well as she chuckles, “Ya’ll got some sleep?”

Just seeing her that smug really wanted to grab her own rope and lasso her, tie her down to a bed and see how she likes it when a loud trumpet comes blaring through to her ears. After a sip of his coffee, he sighs and says, “Not really.” The cowpony’s amused look disappears and is replaced with concern, “Ever since you girls mentioned that you have plans for me, I haven’t gotten time to get some proper sleep.”

“Aww… somepony can’t keep the sleep out of his eyes,” Pinkie Pie says giving him a pat on the back, earning him a tired smile.

“You know, I too happened to go through the same thing Wishing Star,” Twilight begins, “You know, before I moved to Ponyville, I had to stay up all night to work on a spell that was supposed to impress Princess Celestia, but the hours of work I had to do that spell, ugh, nothing but preparations and safety procedures! I didn’t get any sleep until around three in the morning! The next morning I felt like a tuba was blaring over and over again and-“

“Uh, sugarcube?” Applejack interrupts her as she points to a once again sleeping Wishing Star.

The lilac unicorn blushes that she had no idea that she was talking to a sleeping stallion, but then again she couldn’t help but giggle how peaceful he sleeps. As much she wants to continue watching him like this, he really needs to get up and drink his coffee.

“Wishing?” She asks as she pokes his side.

He suddenly jolts awake and shouts, “I’M PANCAKE! I-I’M MEAN I’M AWAKE!” He could see that everypony was giggling, confused as to why, he looked at Twilight, seeing she’s pointing at his chin. Touching his chin, he realized that he got whipped cream on him. Grabbing a napkin and wiping off the whipped cream from his chin, he sighs once again, “Sorry girls… Like I said, not enough sleep.” He then took a sip of his coffee.

“Well, maybe a good walk around Ponyville might help.” Twilight suggests, Wishing Star looked at her with a smile, this is exactly what he was waiting for! “We can get to know each other better, and help you with your predicament!”

“I think that’s a swell idea Twi,” he says “It would be a change of pace and scenery. I mean, I do know some things about you, but I think it would be nice to know you from your-“

"I'm sorry, but did you just call me 'Twi?'" Twilight interrupted. He groaned out a ‘D’oh!’ and facehoofed, only for her to giggle in response. "It’s okay Wishing. I was beginning to wondering when you were going to start calling me that, because all of my friends do."

“W-well, if you’re so sure.” He stutters as he blushes, earning another giggle from Twilight.

After breakfast, Twilight and Wishing Star headed outside and walked to the path of Ponyville. As they were walking, he can’t help but looking at the lilac mare and getting lost in thought. Twilight has been a great friend to me so far, he thought, I hope I get the chance to show her just how much I appreciate all that she has done someday. She is perfect friend material: smart, funny, kind, generous, cute... Whoa whoa whoa, slow down Carson. You don’t wanna rush things.

“You okay Wishing?” She asked him in confusion.


“You seem to get lost in thought, are you sure everything’s alright?”

They both stopped, in Carson’s mind even though that he hasn’t any issues with having conversations with the Mane 6 and Cutie Mark Crusaders, including Spike, Big Mac, and Granny Smith. However, he couldn’t shake the thought of making other friends in Ponyville. Perhaps talking to Twilight about it might get that issue off of his chest. With all that in his mind, he begins to sigh. “Twi? I think I should’ve been more open when I told you girls about why I ran away.”

“Oh?” She asks slightly tilting her head, as they both sat down, “What do you mean?”

“Well, remember when I said that I had an argument with my dad and I left?” She nods recalling that detail, he continues on, “Well, before I left, I was having trouble with some of my classmates in school… they say that I was excelling so well, getting good grades and whatnot.”

“Why is that an issue?” She asked him.

He shook his head, “I don’t know… I can only guess they were jealous and they wanted the same thing too. They then began to tease me, calling me names like ‘Teacher’s pet,’ ‘Daddy’s colt,’ or far worse. One day, they constantly tease me a lot, then one student decide to take all of my work and just sent them to a shredder.”

She gasped at this, “That’s awful! Who in their right mind would think that is okay?!”

“Ponies who think it’s funny to mess up important work that’s who,” he says to her, being careful about to not unveil his true identity, but at the same time, mixing in his school life in the human world. “Anyways, they then began bully me for not having a Cutie Mark. I begged them to stop, but they just don’t care. I stormed out and I told my dad about it. When I told him, he just only saw it as an excuse to get dropped out of school. That was when I had enough, so that’s why I left home and never came back.”

Twilight was in shock to hear this, coming from a stallion who surprisingly to her is similar to his situation as he continues.

“After I left and hid myself away in Canterlot, I tried to look for jobs or at least join the guard… but everywhere I turn to, they always say the same thing, ‘It will never happen.’ I got scared, and told them that I will prove them wrong… but all I became is a pathetic, afraid, failing colt.”

“And nopony came to help you at.” She finished his sentence.

He nods and sighs in frustration and distress as he ran his right front hoof through his dark orange and bright yellow mane. “I kept waiting for somepony, anypony to come and help me, but for years I had every single one of them just stare at me and just continued on,” He then raised his voice as he became very angry, “FOR YEARS TWI! I WAITED FOR YEARS TO HAVE SOMEPONY AT LEAST HELP ME! AND WHAT CAME FROM THEM?! NOTHING! THEY LOOK AT ME LIKE I’M NOTHING!”

Twilight started to have tears forming in her eyes, just to hear that much anger and fear coming from him was just heartbreaking.

“I just for once in my life want somepony who actually cares and show me what it’s like to be on the side of their view! To give me a chance!” He says, “So that’s when I went to the Canterlot archives for answers, and that’s when found out about you and your friends. When I got out and I kept hoping and praying that I would meet you and give me a chance… but that hope kept dying out when I kept thinking that you might be like everypony else… that you wouldn’t care.”

“What?!” She asked in shock by what she just heard him say, “Of course we would care! And that we simply would, but we do care!”

“Y-you do?”

“Absolutely! You’re an amazing pony, from the first day when you came here, you’re kind, gentle, you’re willing to help even if others won’t. Heck, you kept the Crusaders safe from any danger including Discord! Not only that, but if you haven’t found the Elements of Harmony and have Spike write a letter to Princess Celestia in time, chaos would’ve continued to spread through Equestria! I’m grateful that you are here. I’m equally grateful that we met you, because if we didn’t, none of this would’ve been possible.”

He smiles and then gave her a nod, wiping away his own tears. “I’m glad too.” He says, “I just… I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything Wish,” she says, “Come here…” she then pulls him in for a hug, catching the turquoise earth pony off guard, but it wasn’t an unwelcoming one, in fact it felt very nice to him. In doing so, he returns the embrace.

Damn, why is Twilight’s fur coat so soft?! he thought to himself, at this point he felt like he was hugging a plushie or a cloud. “Did anypony ever told you that you got the softest hugs Twi?” He asked her.

She giggles at the question and didn’t say anything for what felt like five to seven minutes, but it took at least fifteen second to have them let go of each other. “So, how about that tour, yeah?”

“Yeah, let’s go.” He says as they resumed their walk. “And Twilight?”

“Yeah?” She asks as looked back at him.

“Thanks. For giving me hope again. I haven’t told anypony about this. You’re the first to give a full out explanation.”

“No need to thank me,” she says to him, “I’m just happy to know there is somepony that is a lot like me.”

“You and me both Twi… you and me both.”

As they entered Ponyville, it was once again bustling with life, but not as lively as yesterday. His guess was probably that when Discord was released, he wanted to cause his chaos on the most populated and closest area at the time, and there are some ponies that are recovering from the attack, or might’ve been injured of Discord’s waxed floors or something that was caused in the chaos.

During their walk, Wishing Star noticed how close Twilight got, the sides of their front legs nearly touch… oh if he could hold her hoof, but then again, he needs to take things slow with her. Just because they share the same background, being studious, and goal ambitious, he wanted to have the time to know more about her.

As he then looked around the lively town, staring in awe of how peaceful it is even after a crisis has been averted. The lilac mare giggled at the turquoise stallion’s face of surprise, “Amazing how magic is able to get everything repaired, isn’t it?”

He nodded as he kept looking around, then notices Twilight as she kept giggling at his sight seeing, making himself blush and chuckling himself. He then he remembered something else he wanted to ask her before they came in the town. “Hey Twi? Do I stand that much for the crowd? Y-you know, considering what’s on my flank?”

“Huh? What do you-“ she pauses and looked at his thigh… right… no Cutie Mark, “Oh… W-well, I don’t think that you have to worry about it too much, Ponyville is one of the highly positive places where anypony is welcome, even without a Cutie Mark.” She gave him a playful nudge on his shoulder, “And keep your head up, just because you don’t have one now, doesn’t mean it affects the pony you want to be in life. Right now, I like you just they way you are.”

“A nopony?” He hollowly jokes.

“An Earth Pony with a heart of gold.” she corrects him positively.

Her words melted right into Wishing’s heart. It’s something that he really wanted to hear and that’s coming from the smart one of the Mane 6. Twilight, he thought to himself as if he wanted to say it in front of her, You truly are the best thing a friend could ask for.

“Oh! And look!” She pointed out as another mare was walking up to them, “There’s someponies to greet us now! Good morning Lyra! Good morning Bon Bon!”

The mare, who is walking up to them is Lyra Heartstrings, a magic mint unicorn mare with a cyan and white streak mane and tail, sunglow yellow eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a lyre. Next to her is Sweetie Drop, also known a Bon Bon in her secret organization called S.M.I.L.E., a beige earth pony, pigment blue mane with a rose pink streak, cerulean eyes, and a Cutie Mark of three blue wrapped candies with a yellow strip on each one of them.

As Carson would recall, these two are known to be in the background and became a couple down the line. But then upon close inspection of Lyra Heartstrings, she seems… depressed?

“Hey Twilight…” the mint green mare greets sadly.

He was very confused as to why she’s acting this way. I never seen Lyra so sad before, he thought to himself, The only time she’s was seen that sad was- he then realized that a couple of episodes ago, Fluttershy had taken in a Parasprite, a creature that can multiply itself by eating that it sees and in specific shot, a couple of Parasprites gobbled up Bon Bon and her pies. Whatever the case may be if it’s for them to try because of an event said pies were made by the manufacturers, or if Lyra made them herself for both her and her special somepony, all the hard work, wasted.

“Is she okay Twi?” He asked the lilac mare.

“She’s…” she trails off at first, “Hasn’t fully recovered since the Parasprite incident.”

“Lyra, why don’t you sit down?” Bon Bon suggested to her friend, they watch as she slinks off sadly to the table they were sitting at earlier, “I’m sorry, she’s not up to chatting today. Ever since the incident, she’s been like this.”

“How often?” He asked her.

The beige mare sighs, “For a month and three weeks. She kept saying that she’s fine, but I know her well enough. That pie she made on that day was a celebration for our anniversary of the day we became friends.”

“A month and three weeks?” He repeated, to which she nods, “That’s shocking… has she been given, you know… any signs?”

“Oh no no, nothing like that, she’s just very upset that our anniversary was ruined and she still hasn’t gotten over it.”

Twilight places her hoof on her chin in thought, then she got an idea. “Maybe we can recreate your first day when you two became friends for the first time.” She quietly suggested.

“I’ve already tried that,” the beige mare says quietly, “but she says she didn’t want to, as she put it, ‘Revisit old times.’”

Both Twilight and Wishing were very confused. “Old times?” He asked.

She sighs and began to explain, “Before we met, she was been ridiculed by other students in the school we go to together. It’s due to the fact that her parents couldn’t afford any supplies, so she had to resort to borrowing the supplies from the school. A couple of days past and that’s when I came in. I was a couple of days behind but my parents found the same school Lyra goes to… I can remember it like as if it was yesterday…”

Thirteen years ago

I came in a little late because my stupid alarm clock wasn’t working properly. I dashed into the school as fast as I could, then with paying any attention, I accidentally bumped into her, knocking out the binders and journals out of her magical aura.

I apologized to her as I helped gather her belongings, but then she snagged a folder out of my hoof, giving me a cold stare. Without saying a word she just continued on her way to the classroom, which shockingly enough to the both of us, we were in the same set of classes together!

After we came in the room, the teacher asked me to introduce myself. I then took a desk that is right behind hers, and after a couple of classes, that was then I wrote down a note that asks her, ‘Do you want to be friends with me?’ When I passed on the message, she looked absolutely stunned when she faced me, of which I waved at her shyly.

Our friendship sparked after school ended. As I was walking outside, I saw that she was being bullied by other fillies, telling her that she wouldn’t be able to make it through without having any friends, mocking her. I couldn’t take the sight of the scene that played in front of me, so I decided to step in and tell them enough is enough. Just because that she’s different, it doesn’t give them the right to ridiculed.

She expressed her gratitude and since then… we became friends.

Present Day
Both Twilight and Wishing were touched by her story, but it also shocked Wishing Star the most, it was never established in the show as to how or why they became friends, but thanks to the beige mare, he now knows how important they are to each other.

“You two sounded like you’ve been through a lot.” He says to her.

She nods, “Ups, downs, everything in between. We’ve been best friends for a long time, but… u-um…” she looked around to see if anypony was in hearing range, then she urges them to come closer, and so they did to hear what secret she’s been holding… even though Wishing knew what she was going to say. “I-I’ve… I’ve kind of been having feelings for her.”

Twilight was shocked and gasped softly, covering her mouth, while Wishing raised a brow. “How long have you known?” She asked the beige mare.

“S-since last week.” Sweetie Drop answers with her head hung.

This gives Wishing Star an idea and an opportunity. “Sweetie Drop, mind if I try talking to Lyra?”

Sweetie Drop gave him a very confused look. “W-well, like I said, she’s not very interested in talking to anypony but me for the moment,” she reminds them, “But I guess you’re more than welcome to try.”

“Thank you.” He says as he leaves the mares to chat, while he has a chat of his own with the depressed mare. She isn’t paying any attention to the stallion walking up to her, looking at a couple enjoying themselves at a diner. “I can imagine how hard you worked on the plan you had for your anniversary,” he says to Lyra as sat next to her, she’s not even saying a word back to him, so he continues on, “She told me that you made that pie for the both of you. Is that true?”

Lyra didn’t say anything back. She would not look at him, not even a quick glance, nor paying him any mind. He then looked at the couple, laughing and talking from behind the window. He could tell that something what she wanted and could already tell that she already loves Sweetie more than as a friend as well. “You know,” he begins again as he clears his throat, “I might help you with the predicament that you’re in.”

That’s when he notices a quick glance from the mint green pony’s gamboge eyes, darting away from the window to him, then to the table top. C’mon Lyra… there’s gotta be something to get you to talking. Think Cars, what’s the one thing that can make her tick? Then it got him thinking, she’s has an infatuation and intrigue of humans, that would be a good starting point! Careful Cars, one slip and she might figure you out by the time you can help her!

“You know, I was also told that you’ve been interested in… uh, what are they called again? He… He-Mans?”

This literally made Lyra jump and covers his mouth, surprising the turquoise stallion by this unexpected and swift motion. She looks around and then whispers to him, “You mean the Hue-Mans?” He nods yes, she then slowly let goes of his mouth and allows him to speak.

“What got you so intrigued by them?” He asked her. This then began to be full conversation between the two, the talk about the human kind and what makes them interesting to talk about. This took quite a pleasing turn for Wishing Star, considering the fact that he’s a human being trapped in a body of a pony, but then again, having to be in a pony’s body while listening to another pony talking bout humans is a very rare thing to behold.

Just seeing her happy is a good sign to see, but now he needs to press onto other matters.

“Say Lyra? Mind if we get a little off topic?” He asked.

“Um, sure?” She says in a questioning voice, “About what?” She took a sip of her water, but she was not prepared for the question at hand.

“Well, I’m not judging you and you don’t have to answer this, but do you love Sweetie Drop?”

She spat out the water like a geyser and coughed afterwards. She looks at him in shock with a blush. “M-me with Sweetie?!” She asked him, he nods confirming the question, “U-uh… well we live together and we help each other all of the time. A-and I kinda get a little warm feeling whenever I’m around her.”

“So you do love her?” He repeated the question.

“I-I mean…” she stutters, her blush getting redder, he knows she getting evasive, “Sh-she is a good friend to be around… and really cute.” She brushes the mane out of her eye view and sighs again. “I mean I really want to tell her, but I’m just… nervous.”

“Because you’re scared that she’ll judge you?” He asked.

“No no, I’m just scared that she… that she won’t love me back.”

That made his eyes went wide, he’s always heard this millions of times in movies and in real life, but to hear it from a character who is attracted to mares, how can anypony not love Lyra?! “Well, I’ll tel you this, if you’re not ready to tell her about how you feel for her, then just keep waiting until you’re ready. And if it helps, I can provide some assistance to help you win your fair mare’s heart.”

Now it’s her turn to have her eyes to go wide by his offer. “Y-you can help me?!” She asked.

“Absolutely.” He nods, “I know what it’s like to a fair share of crushes, believe me. Just set up a day, time, and place, we’ll se where we can go from there.”

“Done!” Lyra declares as she hugs him tightly.

“Uhn!! L-Lyra!!! Can’t breathe!!”

“Oh! Sorry!” She quickly let go of him.

Okay, I appreciate hugs here, but they seriously need to learn how tightly they’re hugging me! he thought to himself as he manages to normalize his breathing. He sighs in relief for his lungs, then he says, “Well, I gotta get going, Twilight’s giving me a tour here in Ponyville. Hope I see you again soon Lyra.”

“Okay, I’ll send you a letter when I need help.” She says.

In Carson’s mind as he and Twilight parted ways from the future couple, he couldn’t help but once again trap himself in thought, helping Lyra and Bon Bon get together is going to provide a huge challenge. True he did had a fair share of crushes… but not having a chance to interact with them, so giving Lyra on some advice as to how she’ll approach her future lover is going to be tough.

“Wishing? Is something on your mind?” Twilight asked him.

Snapping out his thoughts again, he turns to face her. “Sorry about that Twi,” he says sincerely, “I’ve offered to help Lyra to get hooked up with Sweetie Drop on a date. But I don’t know the first thing about dating!”

“Well, lucky for you,” she says reassuringly, “I just so happen to have every book that might be in need in the Golden Oaks Library. But, that’s the last stop for our tour. For now, our first stop will be right over here.” She then points at a very strange building, to earth’s standards it would be the most out of place buildings archetype. It looks like a gingerbread house with a brown chocolate roof with frosted on it, the tower being a layer cake in design with real candles on top, candy canes and more.

“Oh, looks good enough to to eat!” Wishing says excitedly, his gaze on the house locked on it appetizingly.

“Now now Wishing,” she warns with a giggle, “It’s not for eating.”

“Drat.” He jokingly curses, “So who lives there?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake, they’re practically the owners of that place. They are very well known for their cakes, cupcakes, pastries, just to name a few. Pinkie Pie also lives and works there, right in the loft area. The tower with the layer cake design is her room. So if you ever want to get some goodies, this place is best place to get them!"

“Certainly does look like a place to even have something good there.” He remarks, “So good, I think I might have whatever they have in stock!”

“Don’t worry, we got plenty of time for that, but for now, let’s move on,” she then guides him to the next building, “Next up, the Carousel Boutique.” She points at the purple and pink building. The top of the building had a merry-go-round theme with the two purple pony silhouettes and continued down to the next floor except without the pony figures instead with the purple bars where they would be, and in front was a door and a few windows.

“Whoa…” he says, he knew what the place is like in the show, but in person, or in this case, pony, to see it up close is quite incredible, “I can see why Rarity is keen on doing business. She must be very proud of her work.”

“Oh, believe, you should never take her work for granted,” she remarks to him, “She’s very talented with making dresses and suits. Someday, she might make a suit for the Gala.”

“Or maybe now?”

She looked confused when he said that. “What do you mean?”

“W-well… um… How can I say it without being too explicit? Some mares are staring at me… and not just at me…” he then motions his head back to his rear.

“Oh?” She starts, slowly and surely, the message he’s trying to tell her suddenly got to her, she blushes and exclaims, “O-Oh! O-Okay then, um… Let’s go and see if Rarity’s inside.”

He nods in agreement and the two made their way in. If it’s one thing Carson didn’t enjoy back in his world was being stared at, so when the mares looked at him, he felt like he’s being judged, however, the other reason is what part of him they’re staring at, and he’s not very comfortable, no Cutie Mark or not.

The bell over the door jingled as Twilight and Wishing Star entered, looking around at the sight of roll upon roll of fabric in a huge variety of colours. He happened to see a couple of mannequins shaped like ponies draped in outfits in various stages of completion. Man, it’s any wonder how she even does things around here alone. he thought to himself.

"Just a moment!" came a sing-song voice from the back of the store. Twilight and Wishing waited and waited. Soon Rarity came through to the front, her face lighting up as she saw us. "Wishing, Twilight!" she beamed. "It's so wonderful to see you both." She came over and gave me a hug. "Especially you, darling!"

“R-really?” He asked her after he was released from her embrace, “You some kind of mystic?”

“Beg your pardon?”

“W-well… it’s kind embarrassing, but uh…” he then motions her to come closer to him, then he whispers his situation.

She gasps in shock, “Oh goodness! I’m so sorry that has happened. Ugh, the nerve of some mares, is there no dignity of privacy of other ponies?”

“That’s why I came here, and I was hoping that you-“

“Oh say no more darling!” She declares, “As a matter of fact, I’ve been working on some suits for an upcoming fashion line for the gentlecolts, but it will be most helpful if I can get a stallion to model for me for a bit.” She looks at me with fluttering eyes.

“Well…” he looked back at Twilight, then back at fashionista pony, “I mean, I can be a good source of help.”

“You will?!” She asked excitedly. He nods, then she began to squeal in joy, “OOH! Wonderful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she then proceeded kisses him repeatedly for each ‘thank you’ she has said. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, seeing Rarity’s lipstick imprints on his forehead and cheeks. “I knew I could count on you, Wish! Now come! There’s so much work to do, and so little time!” She grabbed him and they zoomed across the floor to the modeling room.

“I’ll come back and check up on you soon Wishing!” Twilight calls and went out of the boutique.

Oh boy, let the tie tying lessons begin. he thought to himself as Rarity began to take his measurements.

In through so many suits that Wishing wore, the next suit absolutely screams regal. A suit that some celebrities would wear at high class parties or the Grammy Awards, a black suit with a white pop up collar, black tie and pants. “Oh darling!” She gasps as she witnessed her work-to-perfection on Wishing, “You look absolutely smashing! You’d look like you could take the floor at the Gala!”

He then had a thought and then says, “Au contraire, I think what’s missing is some sunglasses.”

“Sunglasses?” She asked.

He then looked at what’s similar to the Ray Ban sunglasses, so he grab a pair and began to quote, “You know what’s the difference between the other stallions and me?”

“N-no dear, what?”

He puts them on and finishes, “I make this suit look good.”

At first, the seamstress mare blankly stared at him, then she laughed hysterically. “Oh darling! Now now Agent Wishing, we mustn’t get too use to the suit. It just needs some finishing touches and then I believe that we’ll call it a day.”

Damn, he thought to himself, If only I had a neuralizer, memory wipe what she said a few seconds ago, and convince her that I would keep the suit, I would be ready to tackle alien scum that would harm Equestria! Ah, but what kind of pony I would be if I do so? “Why make any changes M’lady?” He then asks as he took the shades off, placing them back in the case, “If anything, I’d say the suit looks really good.”

“Yes, but if I recall, you did say that you’d wanted clothes of your because you had a feeling of everypony staring at you.” She says to him as she helps him out of his jacket.

“Ugh… please don’t remind me…” he groans, then a thought occurred to him. Did Twilight ever get a good look when I confronted Discord? Oh god, please tell me she didn’t…

Rarity giggles, but then clear her throat, helping him out of the pants, the godforsakened tie, and the shirt, she then moves Wishing Star over to a table, and places some paper and pencils next to him, "Besides, since you've seen my designs, I am curious to see your own outfit designs you want me to make for you, but if it's not too much trouble to ask. If you're not comfortable with drawing you can tell me and I'll draw the design and make them right away!"

“Miss Rarity, I would be honored.” He bows as began to start to draw his design, while Rarity watches as he begins his craft. From the first stroke of his pencil, he could already begin to see what kind of an outfit that would standout from the rest of the outfits he had seen, he sees himself wearing a jacket, a shirt, and pants, with some additional pockets of course. Rarity couldn’t help but be marveled and at awe of Wishing’s drawing ability, she never seen such clarity and intent of an artist like him.

Minutes had gone by, and by the time he finished with the color, he sighs and looked at his work. “O-Okay…” he says nervously, “Be honest, what do you think of it?” He then held up the drawing to her and she was stunned.

In the drawing, he made a white jacket with a light sea foam green stripe running from the shoulder down to the sleeve, rolled up with the same color of the stripe and a button on them, and included a golden yellow shirt. The pants is very unique, in a charcoal black color with two pockets on each of it’s sides, one at the side of it’s hip and another one below it, the pant sleeve had a triangular point at the front of figure’s hind laps.

“Oh my goodness…” she said breathlessly, taking in the drawing, "I have no idea you were such a talented artist! Your drawings are beautiful! I’m surprised that you haven’t got-“ she stopped herself from what she was going to say and she almost hurt the stallion’s feelings. “O-oh, forgive me darling, I didn’t mean about that last part.”

“It’s okay.” He said, trying to play it off, “Anyway, how much do I owe you once they’re finished?”

She giggles at the question as she then says, “Darling, you don’t have to owe me anything, these clothes are on me for free.”

“F-for free?!” He asked in shock, he knew that Rarity is the Element of Generosity, but to be this generous of giving him clothes for free? He wouldn’t do that! “M-M’lady, I-“ he was cut off by the white unicorn mare’s hoof in front of his mouth.

“Ah ah, not another word. They’ll be on me, and they’re for free. It’s the least I could do after what you did yesterday. Taking care of Sweetie Belle and her friends, braving against one of the most feared creatures of Equestria and having him a change of heart. And by looking at your drawing, I’ve decided on something and if it’s something that you don’t want, I completely understand.”

“W-what is it?”

“Well, you see dear,” she explains as she looked over at the other mannequins, “I haven’t had taken this thought to an account, but I think it would be nice to have some huge assistance in the boutique. So my offer is this: I want you to be my apprentice.”


He screamed so loud , the whole ground shook, even Princess Celestia herself would’ve heard him.

“Now darling, no need to be loud.” She reassured him, “But yes, I want you to be my apprentice.”

He couldn’t believe it… he didn’t want to believe it… he didn’t just got asked to be working under somepony’s wing and work for her, did he? This had to be some sort of dream. “R-Rarity I… I don’t…”

“Like I said, if you don’t accept it, that is completely fine,” she reassured him with a kind smile, placing her hoof on his shoulder, “If you think I’m putting on too much weight on your shoulders, you can just say so.”

What could he say to such a deal like that? Should he accept it, this would be the biggest turnaround in his life! He could be well known! But then there’s a huge consequence if he does… that he would be recognized by his talents and Rarity being overshadowed by him. What if she’ll regret training him? He looked back at his drawing, yes it is a very good drawing at first draft, but it just seemed too perfect! How can it just simply catch somepony’s eye like the Element of Generosity herself?

He then took a deep sigh and then made up his choice.

“M’lady… I would be honored to be your apprentice.”

“R-really?!? She asked in excitement.

“Sure. Besides, you’d look like that you could use some help around here. Plus, it would be nice to have a creative team on board, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Oh absolutely darling!” She cheers as she hugged him.

Boy, at this rate, I’m going to the first human to get that many hugs in the first week that I’m here. he thought to himself as he happily returns the embrace, and as he did, he felt like he was going to cry.

She heard a sniffle from him, she stopped hugging him as she looked at him. “Darling? What’s wrong?”

“I-It’s just…” he started, as he wiped his eyes with his foreleg, “From the moment I left my home, I never had any big opportunities like this… and it’s thanks to you, I’ve got that chance. So… thank you.”


They remained silent for a little while, until they heard the bell above the door, the ponies that entered were a returning Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. This surprised Wishing Star altogether as both he and Rarity draw their attention onto them.

“Oh! Twilight!” The white mare greeted, “Welcome back! I’m surprised that you brought Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy with you. What can I do for you?”

“Well, I’m actually here to inform Wishing of huge important news.” Twilight explains, she turns to the turquoise stallion, “Wishing, how much do you know of Princess Celestia?”

He swore that he literally felt his soul left his body when he was asked that question… he knew it was only a matter of time, he didn’t expect it to be this soon. “W-well, she’s one of the co-rulers of Equestria, and the Princess of the Sun. Why do you ask.”

"Well, I've told Princess Celestia about you to since the day you got here, and what’ve accomplished from yesterday. As of from past events upon speaking with her, she mentioned she's really interested about you and wants to meet you, I regretfully told her that you couldn’t attend due to the fact they you were busy. But just a few minutes ago, she sent me a letter that says that she's coming by today right now as we speak!"

“How awesome is that?!” Rainbow chimes in, giving him a punch to his arm, “You’re gonna get a hero’s praise from the Princess herself!”

“It’s rare that the Princess would congratulate somepony like you Wishing Star,” Fluttershy added in, “I mean compared to us, it was a monumental risk that you’ve taken yesterday.”

"Oh! Princess Celestia is coming here? Why this is a great honor, Wishing Star, aren't you happy?" Rarity squealed with delight.

Wishing Star just stood there for several seconds before uttering a word, "So let me see if I got this right, Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville?"

"Yes," Twilight answered.

"Since you've told her about me and what I’ve done?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded getting a little nervous and confused.

"And she wishes to meet me and is on her way here soon?" He summed up with that same calm, but deadpanned tone in his voice.

"Um… Yeah, as well as check up on me and my friends," Twilight said now getting completely nervous, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity could feel the awkwardness in the air too by Wishing Star's strange behavior. His face goes pale and his eyes shrink with terror in them causing all of the girls in the room to look worried and scared for his sudden transaction of expression.

"Oh goodness. Wishing is something the matter?" Rarity was the first to ask as she reached her hoof out to him.

Now, if you were snapped out of such feared trance, the first thing that would come to mind would to reassure the group that you’re fine and just need some time to recuperate from the information that was given to you. That’s what you would do, right?

Well, for Carson’s care, it’s the complete opposite. Once again, his thoughts were realized that Celestia is indeed coming… he’s doomed. He made a sudden bolt out to the door like a roadrunner on the highway to nowhere as he could hear a familiar tune in his mind.

Fuck this shit I'm out (m-hm)
Fuck this shit I'm out (No, thanks)
Don't mind me
I'ma just grab my stuff and leave
Excuse me, please

“GOOD HEAVENS!” Rarity exclaims in shock as Fluttershy squeaked in fright by Wishing’s sudden bolt of exit.

The girls just stood there, flabbergasted by the door where Wish exited from. Rainbow was the first to get out of her daze and asked at nopony in particular as all of the girls were looking at each other, "Just what in hay was that all about?"

“I-I’m just as confused.” Fluttershy said to her, “Oh dear, he looked very frightened. I hope it something that we told him… Is it Twilight?”

"I have no idea why Wish did that," Twilight said as she bolts out of the store with the girls in tow, "But we have to find him and calm him down before Princess Celestia gets here or it will be a disaster!"

“A-A little to the right!” Applejack calls out at Pinkie as they raised the banner for Wishing’s Party, “A little more…” she trailed off and then, “Perfect!”

“Ooh! Wishing’s going be very surprised when he sees this!” The party pony says excitedly as she pronked off the ladder, “I better he’ll be so surprised, he won’t even realize that he’s won’t be able to tell the difference between the decorated barn and the undecorated barn!”

“Pinkie, I don’t think seeing a decorated barn filled with balloons and streamers in the middle of an orchard is gonna be that hard to tell.” The country pony says to her shaking her head with a chuckle, “Besides, we need to make sure that Wishin’ doesn’t find out about this.”

“Ooh look!” Pinkie says cheerfully, “Here he comes now!”

The orange earth pony looked at her confused at first, but then she looked behind her as she sees a familiar turquoise blur rushing towards the gate.

“What in tarnation?!” She asked as she realized that Wishing Star is coming towards them and just like that, zipped past them, nearly knocking away the country pony by a few centimeters, while the party planner was spinning like a top. The panicked stallion yanked the door open and rushed in, slamming the door closed as the tune in his mind continues.

Fuck this shit I'm out (Nope)
Fuck this shit I'm out (Alright then)
I don't know what the fuck just happened
But I don't really care
I'ma get the fuck up outta here
Fuck this shit I'm out!

Real trouble began to brew as the Crusaders noticed the sweaty and panic rushed stallion. “Wishin’?” Applebloom asked in confusion. He looked at them like a total madman as he sees them… making a cake?

That didn’t matter at the moment, so he quickly said, “OhheygirlsjustsoyoukmowImscrewedsoImgonnaheadintomybedroomnowtohideletmekmowifthecrisisisavertedokayokaybye!” He zips upstairs and the door slams shut. The Crusaders were very confused as to what just happened and why was their friend was acting very strange.

“Did… did anypony caught on by what he said?” Sweetie Belle asked her fellow Crusaders, they shook their head no, bewildered as she was.

Back outside, The country pony got back up on her hooves and immediately stopped Pinkie from spinning, her eyes were now spinning round and round like a hamster trapped on it’s accelerated wheel. They slowed down until they were normal and shook her head.

“Why did he come to his own party and didn’t say anything?” Pinkie Pie asked her friend, she then gasps, “Did our friends told him?”

“Ah take it that might be what’ve happened,” Applejack guessed, looking at the door, “But Ah’m gonna get to the bottom of it.” She went to the door and asked the Crusaders if they saw where Wishing went.

“He went upstairs after he spoke some weird gibberish to us.” Scootaloo informed her, “What happened?”

“That’s what Ah’m gonna find out.” She made her way upstairs and as she was about to knock on the door, she heard her friend ramble on in a same sentence.


She began to knock on the door.


“Wishin’? It’s me Applejack!” She calls out from the other side of the door, “Is everything okay?”


She opened the door and what she sees a really sad display. Right in front of her is a shaking bed, with the grown turquoise stallion under it like a two year old, rambling o in the same sentence, the same scared tone, shaking like a leaf. “Wishin’? What’s gotten ya’ll spooked?” She asked him. “Did Twilight told ya’ll what’s happenin’?”

“That’s the thing AJ!” He shouted still freaking out, "Twilight, along with Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash came to see me and Rarity, then told me that Princess Celestia is coming to see ME of all ponies!"

“Ooh! That’s exciting!” Pinkie cheerfully says as she entered the room.

“E-exciting?! Exciting?! It’s doom I tell you!”

The earth pony mares were very confused as they exchanged looks of bewilderment, usually somepony would be in joy that the Princess would be greeting them. “Oh come on Wishing Star,” the orange mare reassures him, patting his head, “Princess Celestia’s the kindest pony we know. Ah know you two are gonna get along swell.”

“But she’s a high class pony! What if this is just a ploy to have her mocking me?”

“Oh silly billy!” Pinkie helps the stallion out under the bed, “There’s nothing bad or scary about the Princess! She’s welcoming to all ponies in any class! You two are gonna be besties! I just know it!”

“I-I don’t know Pinkie…” he says nervously, “Do you think she’ll really like me? I mean, she’s not just here to congratulate me, she wants to know the real me!”

“Ya’ll kiddin’?” AJ asked him, “You brave on the greatest villain in of Equestrian history, and ya’ll are worried about a Princess? Ya’ll got a weird set of standards Wishin’, that I could tell ya’ll that much.”

“Well can you blame me?! I mean, I don’t even know her, or what she even looks like!” He freaked out, even though he’s just lying, he did know what she looked like, he just doesn’t know how to approach her.

“Well, just pretend that she’s like Rarity,” Applejack suggested, “You’ve been polite to her, so try doin’ that.”

He never thought of it that way, in hindsight, he did have a ‘I’m your servant,’ attitude whenever he’s around the seamstress, but with a Princess like Celestia or her sister Luna, they are a much different case. Even if Celestia does really want to meet me, what should I even say?! If I told her who I really am, she might have her sister send me to the moon, or worse… to Tartarus!

Suddenly, a knock on the door could be heard from downstairs.

“Oh! I wonder who that could be?” Pinkie asked.

“It probably might be the girls…” he says, lowering his head in shame, “I freaked and left them high and dry with explaining why I’m scared.” He sighs sadly, regretting for running off. “I’ll go and apologize…”

He went back down to the main level and then walked to the door. Grippingly onto the knob at first, taking a deep breath and opened the door. “Hey girls…” he began sadly, with his head hung and his eyes closed, “Sorry for running off… I should’ve been straight with you all and-“

“Oh Wishing, you have nothing to apologize for.”

“R-really?” He asked, opening his eyes at the ground for a moment, surprised that they forgave him that quickly, he sighed in relief, “Whew, hehe, well that’s good, I thought that you might think of me as a coward or a-“ he cuts himself off as he looked up to see not any of the Mane 6, in fact just a few seconds ago, it didn’t sounded like any of them… that’s when he realized that right in front of him was the Princess herself!

She was a tall and slender white Alicorn, her mane swept flowingly like a wisp in the wind, the colors of light cerulean, light turquoise, very light cobalt blue, and pale heliotrope with a pair of kind magenta eyes staring at him. A golden crown rests upon her head, signifying her as royalty.

This isn’t just some random pony. No. This is Princess Celestia.

“On the contrary,” the royal alicorn continues, “From what I’ve heard from my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, you’re becoming quite a hero for standing up to the Lord of Chaos. Who would’ve thought? A young stallion like yourself, to have Discord a change of heart and have him redeemed?”

In that moment, Wishing Star had wished he hadn’t ran away from the girls… He wished he would’ve just at least had the courage to tell them his fair share of royalties, but now, too little, too late.

“Y-you’re…” He stutters, he then immediately bows to the Princess of the Sun.

“Please, no need to be so formal with me.” Celestia giggles as she helps him back up. This caught Wishing Star by surprise, how is she so calm and gentle with him? “And yes, I am Princess Celestia. But, you just address me as just Celestia.”

Wow, he thought to himself, I never seen her like this to outsiders like me before. It probably might be of the fact I stopped Discord, but that honor should’ve gone to the girls, not me.

“U-Um… I’m honored Celestia,” he regained his composure and started to calm down, “But, why come see me? I mean, I was already informed by Twilight that you do want to see me, but why now?”

“That, I believe is a discussion that we need to speak about privately.” She informs him.

“Privately? Why?”

“Oh! Howdy there Princess!” Applejack greeted as she and Pinkie went to the turquoise stallion, “What brought ya’ll here?”

“Forgive me for the intrusion Applejack,” Celestia requests, “But do you mind if I borrow Wishing Star? It’s important that we need to discuss this in private, plus I don’t want you to be distracted for having plans for your guest of honor.” She then winks at her with her left eye, making sure that Wishing didn’t catch sight of it.

“Oh… Oh! Yeah, sure, I don’t mind.” The country pony obliges, “Well, go on Wishin’! Be sure to come back here whenever ya’ll are ready!”

“Fantastic.” The Princess replies, “Now Wishing Star, just hold still for a moment.” She closes her eyes gently as horn begins to glow brightly. And in a split second…


They suddenly reappear inside Celestia’s room, Wishing quickly looked around, completely flabbergasted as to what just happened.

“Ah, sister,” a voice he recognizes as he and Celestia looked behind them to see another alicorn. This is Princess Luna, much like her eldest sister, she’s an alicorn, not as tall as Celestia, but is taller than a regular pony, her eyes shined a beautiful cyan, her flowing sapphire and Persian blue mane illuminates like the night sky itself, her dark blue coat embrace the night theme as well. “So glad our guest arrived safely. Wishing Star, welcome to Canterlot.”

“P-Princess Luna!” He exclaims in shock as he once again bows to her.

“Rise. Please have a seat, we have much tot discuss.”

“A-as you say, your highness.” He nervously took a seat on one of the cushions. “Oh! I didn’t know how soft these were! I gotta say Princess Celestia, you sure have ways of having ponies getting a warm welcome. U-uh, no pun intended your majesty.”

She just laughs at the unintended pun, “Well, all ponies do have that feeling whenever it’s in this room, but you’re the first pony to admit it through voice.” She then levitates a tea set and placed them on the table. “Would you care for some tea Wishing?”

“Yes please.” He says politely.

Celestia could tell that he was nervous, so too could Luna. “Child, you seemed to be frightened. I hope our appearances haven’t disturbed you.”

“O-oh! No, not at all your highness!” He reassures them, the hot water was pour into his cup, “I-I mean… w-well, I’ve already told Twilight and the others this, but I don’t felt comfortable with other high class ponies.”

This caught the Night Pony’s attention, “Not comfortable around high class ponies?”

He then sighs, he knows that if upholds his false story, they’ll eventually figure out that he’s lying to them. It’s time to, for at least once, to be out of character. “Your highnesses… can you help me?”

The sisters were puzzled by his request. “We can,” Celestia answered, “If it’s due to the popularity of you defeating Discord, then we could-“

“No, it’s not that,” he cuts her off, he didn’t wanted to, but he wanted to get to the point and unveil the truth to them, if he’s going to get sent to the moon for pretending to be somepony he isn’t, he might as well. “Y-you see… my name isn’t Wishing Star, and I’m not an earth pony… I-In fact, I’m not a pony at all. My name is Carson Andrews, a human being, and I was sent here by a shooting star.”

“A human being?” Luna asked him, to which he nods.

“We’ve heard about such a kind through legends.” Celestia informs him, “There hasn’t been any record of humans walking among us for any amount of time, even through Luna and I’s time. If I recall correctly, you said that you were transported here by a shooting star?”

He nods again and chuckles, “Kinda ridiculous, huh?”

“Not necessarily.” The eldest princess says to him, “In fact, just hearing you telling us this has evidence that your story isn’t as far fetched as it seemed.”

“H-How so your highness?”

“The lack of a Cutie Mark for starters. There might have been some late bloomers for colts and fillies to earn their Cutie Marks, but everypony at your estimated age has already established their own Cutie Marks by that point. And from how you act around other ponies, you seem kind and caring to make up any kind of story like the one you just told us now.”

“S-so, does this mean you believe me?” He asked hopefully.

“We do Carson.” Luna confirms to him, “But, the one thing that has bothered me is this: How do you know where the Elements of Harmony were located and even confirming they are real?”

He sighed again and began to explain, “Because I saw it all before.”

“Saw what.”

“Everything. I know Princess’s Celestia’s plan to have Twilight to become the Princess of Friendship. How Sunset Shimmer left wanted revenge for power. Tirek attacking Ponyville. Hell, I even witnessed the Storm Corp destroying Canterlot.” The sisters gasped at the last one, he knew they were going to react to it, but we’re left confused, so he continues, “That’s part of the reason why I came here, to make sure Equestria is kept safe… I did wished to be a hero of my own story, I guess the Star had other plans for me.”

Part of the reason?” Luna repeated the last part of his sentence.

“Princess Celestia, I want to make two requests for the both of you and in regards to the test you have for Twilight.” He asked the white alicorn.

“Of course Carson, what would those be?” She asked him.

“For one, I want you two to never leave Twilight’s side if she does becomes a Princess.”

If?” Celestia repeated in confusion, “What do you mean if?”

“That leads me to the second request your highness: I want you to give Twilight a choice, if she wants to become a Princess or not.” He explains, “From what I saw, she is indeed powerful through her magic… but if I’m completely honest, she’s already powerful enough even without alicorn abilities.”

Celestia was shocked upon the request, but she was equally shocked when and how he knew about this test she had set up for her faithful student. “So you did saw it all. Then you do realize that even you do try to convince these villains to have a change of heart… including Sunset, you will realize that it paints you as a much bigger target.”

“I prefer negotiations rather than fighting Princess.” He says to her very seriously, “Violence is never the answer.”

She sighs and nods her head in a sad agreement, “It never really is. But in times of battles or wars, they seem necessary. But let me ask you something, Carson. Do you not have friends or family in your world? Do you ever miss them?”

“The only family I have is my father,” he says to her, “But we rarely even talked. I don’t even know how to get back anyways, and who knows how much time has passed back in my world? I doubt that mirror portal is gonna be any help either.”

“Fret not Sir Carson,” Luna declares, “My sister and I will find a way to return you home, a Princess Promise. There’s one last thing about your request on staying by Twilight’s side. Why do you wish us of it? We always keep close tabs on her through her letters.”

“Just on her letters alone aren’t good enough your highness. I saw what happened to the two of you. You just… suddenly announced that you two are retiring and leaving everything to Twilight… honestly, I was heartbroken for just seeing her under that kind of pressure… and I don’t want her to go through it again.”

The alicorns were surprised by this revelation. Them retiring? Twilight ruling Equestria alone? They would never even consider the possibility of any of that! It’s too crazy to even do such a thing to her… isn’t it? Celestia even realized that he isn’t just doing this for the sake of the future, he kept mentioning about Twilight.

“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” She asked him warmly.

He began to blush and sighs, “Y-yes your majesty… you’re correct.”

“There’s nothing to be ashamed with Carson, it’s perfectly normal to have somepony like yourself to fall in love with another.” She reassured him, “Especially if it’s one of my students. But, why her in particular? There’s has to be something more than just relieving the weight off of her shoulders.”

Carson blushes a bright red and sighs again, “Well, I like her personality and how smart she is. We’re also alike in many reasons, we didn’t started to make friends right away. We are goal achievers, study a lot, and we want to do something for our friends, and…” he began to sigh dreamily, “Her eyes… they’re like an endless galaxy you could get lost in it, and her voice… whenever she speaks it’s like an angel…” he then notices the Princesses giggling, so he got himself together and cleared his throat, “A-anyways your highnesses, i-if there is no way for me to return home, with your permission, I would like to stay here.”

Celestia smiles at the turquoise stallion warmly, “Carson Andrews, you don’t need our permission to stay here. You are more than welcome to stay in Equestria as long as you like.”


The white alicorn nods in approval.

“Thank you!” He lightly bow to her. “Thank you so very much!” In part of his heart, he’s very happy that’s he’ll be staying in Equestria, meaning he’ll get to spend more time with Twilight and the gang, but another part of his heart is saddened by the fact that he may never return home. He could only imagine the worry and grief his father might be going through to discover him missing. He really want to tell you that he’s perfectly fine if weren’t for the circumstances that’s blockaded his way of communicating with him.

“Well, in that case,” Princess Luna says as she got up from her sister’s cushion, “I must return to my duties. I will also look into this ‘Divine Light,’ that Twilight had told us in her report. If he’s a serious threat to Equestria, we need to take precautions and action in case he ever strikes again.” She then left her sister’s room with the use of her teleportation magic, leaving just Princess Celestia and Carson.

“Princess… I’m not going to cause that much trouble while I’m here, am I?” He asked her.

She shook her head and reassured him, “You being here is probably the best part of my student’s life as we speak. If you continue to help her with her friendship lessons, I’m sure she will be one of the best Princesses Equestria has ever had.”

“I’ll do my best in any way I can your highness.”

She nods in agreement, then she looks outside, it was still day. “Well, speaking of duties, I need to get back to mine as well. I’ll teleport you back too Sweet Apple Acres and rejoin your friends. I’m sure they’re ready to surprise you.”

“W-wait, surprise me?” He asked, “For wha-“ he was unfortunately cut off by the Princess’s teleportation spell, sending him back.

She sighs and chuckles a little, shaking her head. She then uses her magic to lower her sun, as she does so however, she can’t help but be reminded of the future events that will play out, including her former student’s return to Equestria. For what reason as to why she’s coming back, she does not know. All she knows that she’s coming back soon. Perhaps that he can help her have that change of heart she needs. In her mind, she couldn’t help but chuckling to herself with a name she came up for Wishing Star… The Neigh-gotiator.

Back at Sweeat Apple Acres, Twilight was pacing back and forth from the front door to the barn anxiously. Applejack and Spike, leaning against the barn wall, we’re just watching her pacing. She’s been doing this for the past twenty minutes nonstop.

“Ohh… the sun’s gone down,” the lilac mare said anxiously, “He has to come here soon or he’ll miss it!”

Applejack couldn’t help but smile at her nervously jittering friend. “Ah’m sure he’ll get be here Twi,” she reassured, “Ya’ll just need to exercise patience.”

“But the party we made is for him, and for him specially! This is meant to be a hero’s welcome and celebration for his victory over Discord!” Twilight then gasps in horror, “W-what if he doesn’t like the cake?! Or gifts that we got him?! O-or-!!”

“Twilight, I’m sure Wishing’s gonna love the party.” Spike cuts her off before she continues to freak out, “Besides, from what Applejack told me, you and him are alike in many ways. You care about your friends and are willing to do anything for them.” He then began to chuckle, “Plus, I can tell how much he’s interested in you.”

“I-Interested?” She asked nervously, it took too long to figure out what he meant and blushes madly, sheepishly turning away to hide her rosy cheeks.

“Aw c’mon sugarcube, it ain’t somethin’ to be embarrassed about. Besides, Ah can tell when mare is in love with somepony, and by the looks of things, the party ain’t the only thing on yer mind.”

Twilight was trying to come up with an excuse as to hide her feelings for the stallion, then all of a sudden, without the librarian mare knowingly, a puff of magic expelled and from that puff was Wishing Star himself.

“Oh hey Wishin’.”

“Gah!!” Twilight shrieked as she turns around and blushes red once again, “H-hey Wishing Star! Glad to see that you’re back from your meeting with Princess Celestia! How, uh… how did it go by the way?” Carson, now back into character as Wishing Star, got caught in Twilight’s gaze, they couldn’t look away from each other from their silent staring contest. He couldn’t help but get lost in her eyes. “W-Wishing? Are you okay?”

“Uh? What happened?” He asked as he snapped out of his gaze.

“I asked you how everything went with Princess Celestia and then you just stared at me. Did something happened?” She then began to gasp, “Oh my gosh! She’s sent you to exile didn’t she?! Even after you just saved Equestria! Spike! Spike, take note quick!”

“Whoa whoa, Twi,” he stops her before she said another word, “Everything went fine. In fact, she said that I’m more than welcome to stay here as long as I want.”

Twilight, upon hearing the news from the turquoise stallion, she began to squeal in delight, hug him tightly and exclaims in joy, “That’s a relief! I’m so glad!!!!” She then looked at her assistant and the country pony, further proving their point that she‘s interested in him. She recomposes herself and says calmly, “I’m very glad the Princesses decided to have you stay here.”

“Heh, yeah, me too.” He chuckles, avoiding eye contact this time.

“Oh! Wishing, you remember Spike?” She asked.

He looked at the purple baby dragon and says happily, “Yes, good to see you again Spike.”

“Likewise!” He greeted as they exchange a hoof/claw shake, “Man, the way how you handled yourself when you took on Discord! I wish I could’ve taken action like that!”

Wishing couldn’t help but chuckle, then this gave him an idea, if he wished for himself to be a hero of his own story, maybe he could help Spike be a hero too. He knows that he needs to help him to overcome his greed in the episode ‘Secret to my Excess,’ and his jealous of Owlowisious in ‘Owl’s Well that Ends Well.’

“Say Spike, this might be out of the blue, but have you ever gotten to the point of being, and forgive me for using that word in particular, greedy?”

The purple dragon went wide eyed for a movement, given to his reaction, it’s understandable that he would be shocked at that. He gave it some thought to Wishing’s question, then says, “No, not that I could remember, why?”

“Eh, just asking.” The stallion shrugs.

Spike raised a brow, but then something clicked, “Wait wait, are you asking me that just because I’m a dragon?”

“Erm… we’ll, it’s part of it.” Wishing Star explains, he wanted to tell Spike about the part the adult dragons would leave their eggs behind, but he could just see a picture of Spike’s broken-hearted look on his face if he were to tell him, but thankfully he didn’t had to, because he had the idea that if the Fount Well of Wishes he told was some BS excuse which became a real thing. I wonder what happens if I did it again? “You see, I was told of another story by my dad about one of the greatest dragons in the ancient times before the Princesses became rulers of Equestria.”

“Really?” He asked excitedly, of which the turquoise pony chuckles and nods, “Could you tell me it?”

“Well, I don’t know,” he says with a nervous chuckle, “I’m not that good of a story teller.”

“Well, ya’ll told us about yer past and ya had no problem tellin’ us it.” Applejack says to him.

Wishing Star gave it a little bit of thought, then he says, “I’ll tell you it later, right now I’m a little tired and I could get some sleep.”

The country pony chuckles, “That tired already?” He nods, “Well, don’t ya’ll worry ‘bout that, we’ve got somethin’ that’ll wake ya’ll up in no time!”

“Please say it’s coffee.” He says.

The mares giggled at his quip, then Twilight spoke, “You’re just gonna have to open the door to find out.”

Hearing her say that, he immediately now knew what was going to happen if he opens that door, he just only hopes he’s wrong. He’s never been to any party of any kind, proms or celebration, or any special event parties. His mind began to race with many thoughts, coming and going as he slowly walked to the door. What if I say something that might kill the mood in that party? he thought to himself, What’s going to happen if I be myself way too much? Will they pay any mind? And what about my blank flank? Are there going to be any naysayers in that party too? W-what if I-?

His hoof was beginning to be shaky as he gripped onto the knob. All of his thoughts were silenced. He has a few good ideas as to what’s behind that door, a party for one, but what if all of this really is a dream and it’s just that hard to wake up from? But he time he opens the door, he would just open his eyes and he would be back in his apartment complex.

He opens the door and instead of the second scenario that came into his mind, what he saw first is the lights coming on, then he heard a loud blast and whizz poppers being fired.


Wishing Star was greeted by a huge and loud announcement from the room filled with ponies, causing him to jump in the air yelping and step back. He was expecting it and yet he wasn’t prepared for what even happened in there. He then noticed that it seemed like the entire town of Ponyville was in here, somehow despite the large space of the house, spotting some of the ponies he encountered in town today. Among them he spotted Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Lyra Heartstrings, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle in the crowd as they all walk up to him.

“Girls?!” He asked in shock as he looked around the room full of ponies, “Wh-what’s going on here?!”

“Hehehe! Can’t you tell?” Pinkie Pie giggled at Wishing Star’s question, “It’s your welcome, slash thank you, slash victory party! All for you! I've also invited everypony in town, as I know everypony in town, to come to your party!"

Wishing completely forgot that it was the norm in their world to throw parties like this one. But that’s not what caught him off guard. No, what caught him off guard was the fact that this, all of this, is for him specifically!

“This… this is for me?” He asked.

“Dang tootin’ it is sugarcube!” Applejack calls out as she came in the house.

Twilight was next to speak, “I kinda came up with the idea of having this party to be really special for you Wishing, so I told Applejack and Pinkie Pie to help, which of course, they were very eager and happy to oblige. We want to show you our appreciation for what you did yesterday, and as I stated before, we wanted to make it very special for you.”

So the tour was not only an actual plan that he had so he could get to know Twilight more, but it was also a clever decoy to keep him distracted so they can set up the party in secret, but also get him learning about Ponyville so it didn't seem suspicious. Clever girl. he thought to himself as he sees her smile.

He looked back around the room, all colorful decorations that were hung on the walls and ceiling, confetti and streamers were already on the floor from the whizz poppers and Pinkie’s Party Cannon that were shot from earlier, there were snacks and buffet trays of food on the table, and… is that a disco ball in the middle of the ceiling? He had to double take to make sure he wasn’t seeing things, but sure enough, there it was, hung above the ceiling was a shiny silver disco ball! But the highlight of the decor is the banner, hung above everypony, it had ‘Welcome to Ponyville/Thank You/Hero of Ponyville, Wishing Star!’ on it, and right above those words is a five pointed yellow star.

This wasn't a simple welcome party… this was the ultimate huge welcome party for a celebrity or those night clubs, except it didn't have that night club vibe to it. Wishing could hardly believe it… this was his party. He never, ever, in his life has been to a party before let alone his own since his family couldn't afford parties as he recalls. Seeing everypony here for him, even if most of them didn't know him, made him feel completely warm and happy inside.

Then Fluttershy then clears her throat and she says, “I-I know it’s a little early for gifts, but Rainbow and I wanted to give this to you.”

Then Prismatic maned pony spoke as her friend gave Wishing Star a small turquoise box with a golden yellow ribbon wrapped around it. “Remember how I said that I wanted to make it up to you for being suspicious about you? Well, I’ve been doing some thinking, and Fluttershy came up with an idea of this. Go on! Open it!”

Raising a brow in confusion at first, he took the box and carefully unwrapped the ribbon as he didn’t want to tear it apart. What he sees made his heart leap in shock, inside the box is a beautiful turquoise gem in the shape of a seven pointed star, being held around by a dapped bar necklace chain. He nearly dropped his gift, but he took it out. Then upon closer inspection, he realized that the star shaped gem acts as a locket. He opens the locket and this made him softly gasp as in the inner golden part of the locket is a picture of the Mane 6, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Spike. As for the other side of the locket is a little quote that only had seven words:

”Never forget who your true friends are.”

Looking at his little locket necklace, he eyes were locked on to that quote in particular. Then he looked back at the girls, who had all friendly smiles. He doesn’t deserve this necklace, he doesn’t deserve this party, he doesn’t deserve being offered as an apprentice, he doesn’t deserve being a hero despite wishing for it, he doesn’t deserve having friends like them, yet here it all is. All he did was just popping into existence into their world and helped stopping the bad guy by negotiations. Seeing everypony here for him, even if most of them didn't know him, made him feel completely warm and happy inside. He clutches the locket close to his chest, as a single tear rolled down his cheek hardly believing this was all real.

Fluttershy and Rarity gasped from his sudden crying. “Wishing Darling? Are you alright?” The white mare asked.

Pinkie then looked at the turquoise stallion with concern. “Is it the gift?! Is the party?! Tell me, what’s-“ Pinkie was suddenly cut off by him hugging her tightly.

“You girls didn’t have to do any of this.” He chokes through his sobs, “The real and greatest gift I’ve ever gotten is you guys. If anything, I should be thanking you guys.”

Pinkie then returns the hug, as did the rest of the Mane 6 came and surrounded the turquoise pony into a group hug.

Everypony that witnessed this scene couldn’t help shed tears of happiness of their own… well, some most than others, from behind the crowd was a pinkish gray earth pony with a two shades of moderate magenta and dark heliotrope, her Cutie Mark is a gold ring with a big diamond on it. Wishing Star could feel like he was watched as he then sees the mare looking at him with strong opal colored eyes, he knew who it was behind the crowd, he just couldn’t believe that of all ponies, she had to be here.

It was none other than Spoiled Rich herself, the wife of Filthy Rich, the mother of Diamond Tiara, and the so claimed highest esteemed class of all ponies.

Wishing Star just ignored her stare and then released Pinkie Pie from his grip. “So, um… s-seeing that this is my first party I’ve ever gone to… what do we do?”

“What do we do?” Twilight repeat with a giggle, as she then took his hoof, “Let us show you. Hit it!”

The music came on by Vinyl Scratch and thus, the party had begun. Getting dragged onto the dance floor by Twilight, he could help but get a little nervous, as stated before, this is first party he had ever gone to, let alone from another world. Looking above them a d seeing the disco ball being lit up, this placed Wishing in awe. How come disco ball like our couldn’t be that shiny?! he thought to himself as he then looked at Twilight dancing, and she was looking right back at him, bumping at his side with her flank.

She was urging him to dance along, but noticing the nervous blush on his face, she was concerned. “You okay?” She asked.

“I-I um… I think I’m just grab a drink.” He says to her.

Twilight wasn’t fooled that easily and she knew what he was doing, and she wasn’t having any of it. “Oh no you don’t.” She encourages as she grabs his forehoof, “Just do what I do!”

He felt very nervous at first as he started to slowly start follow Twilight’s moves, eventually picking up the pace, his smile slowly began to fade back in. The music began to overtake him and the lovely sight of the lilac mare couldn’t erase the happiness that filled him.

Yep, it settles it, he thought to himself, This is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me! I’m hanging out with the future Princess of Equestria and I’m in a party that’s all for me! Best. Day. Ever!