• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 713 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

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Homeward Bound

Author's Note:

Minor edits on 1/5/23

It had been a month since their departure from Yakyakistan, and after much uproar and shock from across Equestria and The Crystal Empire about the fate of its former enemies Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, and Drone Thorax. Twilight Sparkles expedition had become something of an enigma to ponies.

It was a beacon of pride and a rallying point for the pursuit of friendship. Still, all at once, it had left a sour taste in everypony’s mouth to think about Celestia’s and Cadance’s pardons for these newfound associates of her majesty.

One a petty thief, charlatan, and former terror on Ponyville, a former cult leader, terrorist, and assassin, and a former invader now part of Equestria’s finest team of representatives in the pursuit of friendship.

But in truth, it mattered not what the ponies of Equestria or The Empire thought; now, it was time for the expedition to depart once again.

This month of political and legal maneuvering, pleading, and promises had finally allowed them to press forward.

Everything was so tense for Starlight since that last conversation she had with Twilight on that mountain.
Not that she any conflict since then, but she had grown distant from everyone, including her friends. Remaining friendly and cordial to anyone who approached but never instigating a conversation or social interaction.

She had become a recluse of sorts, hiding away in whatever room or area was given to her and only appearing whenever she was summoned.

Thorax, however, was determined to pull his friend out of her attempted solitude time and time again. He would converse with her, whether it be tea with him and Trixie or organizing an apology performance.

The little changeling would not allow her to isolate much to Twilight’s pleasure. Who took pride in the little bug’s passion and adoration for his friend. It was not hard for Thorax to incorporate himself into pony society or friendship.

He was naive but clever where it counted. Out of the three, he was looked upon more favorably by even the most hesitant of ponies. He had even made a few friendly acquaintances during his time in Crystal City. Despite Twilight and Cadance’s initial hesitation to allow the changeling to roam freely. Not out of the safety of the public but for his personal well-being.

Trixie had her isolationist tendencies much akin to Starlight; however, this was more out of personal disdain and initial feelings toward the greater group rather than a desire to wither away into nothing. But despite her pride and disposition toward just about everypony, she still got on from time to time with the others. Thanks to Thorax’s persistence and Twilight’s guiding hoof.

But Yona, however, was a bit different; she was a fish out of water. Completely enthralled with pony technology, culture, food, and custom. Excited to learn as much as she possibly could during her historical Förkörsrätt across Equestria and Griffonia. With Starlight and Twilight as mentors. With Starlight taking more precedence compared to the latter.
Twilight thought Starlight could use the company and responsibility; after all, she did need a way to fill out those community service hours…

Starlight quietly sat in her living quarters in one of the private train cars on its way to Manehattan, watching The Crystal Empire fade further and further into the horizon.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door before the door cracked open. A pair of curious eyes went from left to right before settling on Starlight herself. Yona opened the door and smiled at the unicorn before stepping inside and closing it behind her. It was a miracle at all she managed to fit through those doors.

“Teacher pony!” Yona greeted, giving her a large smile. “Yona is excited to see big pony city! What is city like?” She cocked her head, awaiting a response.

“Oh, Yona….Uhm….well, we’re going to Manehattan, I believe, or at least it’s our last stop…. I’ve never been personally, but I heard it’s a city that never sleeps.” fumbled Starlight.

Another pair of eyes peered through the gap in the door, excitedly giggling before a rhythmic knocking occurred. “Hellloooooo? Can I come in?” You could practically hear the bouncing as if she were a rubber ball. “I’m respecting your privacy by knocking but also asserting my joy by coming in anyway~!” Pinkie practically sang.

The pink party mare plonked inside, gazing at the private cart as she ooh’d. “Wow, Starlight, nice digs! But don’tcha wanna come out and get some snacks with us?”

The unicorn raised a brow as she quickly pressed herself against the window, terrified at the possibility that Pinkie might hit her with a party cannon to the face, “Oh!....” she was outnumbered by two eager faces, “....Sure.”

She was practically whisked away by two eager creatures and taken to the private dining car just in front of the caboose, Twilight and her friends sitting at one table with Thorax and Trixie sitting across the walkway to the left of them.

Starlight decided to sit herself across from Thorax and Trixie, “Hey.” she said quietly.

Thorax sipped on a martini as he smacked his lips happily, “Hey there! Gosh, can you believe it? We’re stopping by Manehattan! I can’t wait to see it!”

“I tried to stop him from getting one, but he keeps slipping them by me.” Trixie pointed at the drink in Thorax’s hoof before giving Starlight a nod as a greeting. “Done moping around in your private room?”

“Aw, c’mon, Trixie, don’t be a meanie!” Pinkie Pie plonked up, taking a seat beside Thorax. “Starlight just needed some alone time, and Thorax likes a little warmth in his tummy. No harm in that!”

“There will be harm in it when his liver starts to fail.” Trixie snorted and rolled her eyes, taking a sip of coffee. At the other side of the cabin, Twilight waved from her table, giving her a kind smile.

“What’s a liver?” Thorax asked to the amused chuckle of his companions.

“...No, seriously, what is that?”

Starlight rolled her eyes at Trixie, giving Twilight a slight nod as the serverpony trotted over to the mare’s table.

“Anything to your liking?” he’d ask, showing her the menu.

Starlight waved him off as Thorax quickly peered over from his seat, “Another drink, my good sir!” chimed Thorax.

The serverpony nodded as he trotted over to Twilight’s table, “Anything to your liking?”

“What of the wine?” asked Rarity.

The serverpony handed the white unicorn a wine menu from his apron as he looked across the table, “We have a special today, corn chowder and pecan pie.”

“Oooh oooh, two slices of pecan pie, please!!! No, no, wait, THREE slices! Topped with whipped cream!” Pinkie would hop in her chair, already excited for the delicious treat. “Oh, and do you have any expressos? Mama’s a Lil low on energy.” As if that were possible.

“I’ll take a bowl of chowder and a slice of pie, and hmm… some of that Blackberry wine, if you please.” Trixie looked over her own menu, waving a hoof at the waiter as she scanned the list.

“Oh, and cut him off after his next drink; I don’t need him stumbling around like a drunkard.” The showpony sighed.

“I’ll take a slice of pie, too, and some cider!” Rainbow had her hindlegs kicked up on another seat, lounging back. Twilight gave her a dirty look before turning to the server.

“Could I get a small glass of wine, your choice, and ah… a simple sandwich, please?” The princess asked with a friendly smile.

“Make it two glasses of blackberry wine.” Chimed Rarity sweetly; she leaned in close toward the stallion, gently whispering in his ear, “Make those espresso’s decaf… for our sanity.”

“I’ll take the apple’s foster.” chimed Applejack.

The serverpony nodded, scribbling everyone’s order before looking back at Twilight, “Does a daisy sandwich on rye with our white wine work best for you?”

He’d look over to the heifer sitting in a booth behind Twilight’s, “Anything for you, Ms?”

“Oooh, that sounds delicious; that would be perfect!” Twilight nodded with a soft grin. “I am starving.”

Yona looked up, having been distracted by looking out the windows at the land. She sat up and looked down at the menu, suddenly becoming unsure. “Uhhh….”

“Ooh, just get a slice of pie and a sandwich if you’re not sure; it’s okay, you’re not used to pony food!” Pinkie grinned, trotting over to pat the heifer on the back.

“Sure, what pink pony said,” Yona replied, nodding at the server.

The serverpony nodded as he quickly trotted off into the next galley car. Moments later, another serverpony came out with a cart full of food. He placed each dish on the tables and set out the drinks and glasses for the wine, topping off Rarity, Trixie, and Twilight before leaving the wines on the cart and quickly trotting back into the kitchen.

Thorax quickly sipped his martini and smacked his lips happily, “This stuff is better than the barrels of rum, mead, and cider back at Yakyakistan. I feel so…distinguished drinking from this tiny little glass.”

Rarity let out a breathy laugh as she swirled her wine, “That’s nothing; if you want to feel distinguished and part of high-class society, we ought to go to Canterlot again!”

“I thought Manehattan was kind of high society. Didn’t you go to Manehattan when you were a filly Applejack?” Pinkie piped up, taking a large bite out of her first pie slice.

Trixie rolled her eyes, “Please, Manehattan isn’t much, and Canterlot isn’t that great either. Just a bunch of high horses with their snouts stuck in their plots.”

Twilight chuckled awkwardly, doing her best not to be suspicious of Trixie. Even if she wasn’t planning something, something about the mare always got on Twilight’s nerves. “Well, I grew up in Canterlot; it was very nice.”

Rainbow shrugged, “Does it really matter? Both have big buildings and stuff.”

“Yeah, and I can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but I agree with Trixie. Canterlot and Manehattan ain’t much but ritzy stuck-up mules pretendin’ to be the next Prince Blueblood.” huffed Applejack.

Rarity scoffed, “Well, I can see that you two can’t appreciate the finer things in Equestrian society.” she said in the poshest high Canterlot voice she could muster.

Thorax tilted his head curiously at the rabble of his pony companions, turning to Yona, “I guess we’ll just have to see it for ourselves, right, Yona?”

“Yeah!” Yona smiled cheerfully.

Trixie got up from her seat, “Excuse me?! Trixie only treats herself to the most luxurious of amenities! So what if Canterlot is the epicenter of the rich and wealthy? They’re incredibly stingy! And uptight! Oooh, if I have to hear any more of that dumb accent….”

She shivered. “Honestly, you could stop faking that accent now; I’m sure Twilight and I can see through your act.”

Twilight winced; it was true. Rarity’s accent was definitely put on, but Twilight was too polite to say anything about it.

Rarity scoffed as she let out a haughty laugh, “Looks like you’re an Equalist now; I guess Starlight influenced you more than you thought she did!”

“Puh-lease, I just want to get paid.” The showpony rolled her eyes, sipping her glass.

Starlight rolled her eyes, “The prospect of equality isn’t as nonsensical as you make it, Rarity.” Starlight said firmly.

“Er, no politics at the table, y’all,” Applejack attempted to soothe the situation before it became out of control...

“This is so exciting to watch, though!” replied Thorax.

“How about we just change the subject…?” Fluttershy offered meakly.

Yona sat up, “Where pony going next?! Yona wants to see world!”

“Ah! Well, we’re going to Griffinstone first, and I was thinking then we could make it to Swallowtail.” Twilight nodded, relieved to talk about something else.

Applejack quickly turned to Twilight, both curious and trying to change the subject, “Er…what the heck is a Swallowtail?”

Twilight brightened up and took out a book, flipping to a page that showed an illustration of a massive tree with roots that went on for miles. In the branches of this enormous tree, twisted up and around each other, was a sprawling city with decorations, lights, and festivities.

“It’s an ancient city inside a tree, a mix of pegasi, harpies, griffins, and hippogriffs all living in one massive, sprawling tree! It’s known for its constant festivals, dance, and song! It’s a wonderful place; I’m sure Rainbow would like it there,” Twilight grinned.

Turning to face the others, she became a little uncomfortable. “But… I’m not entirely sure how they’ll react when we bring in earth ponies, unicorns, and a yak!”

“Why’s that? They got everything from ponies with wings to catbirds.” scoffed Applejack.

“Well… they prefer those who can fly in the city. Otherwise, you can trade near the roots at the ground. But, it’s said so long as you can get up on the branches, you’ll be accepted.” Twilight shrugged, tapping a hoof on her chin. “I think Starlight will pass, as will I. Pinkie... Well…”

She glanced over at the pink mare who was stuffing her face with pie.

“Yeah, I think Pinkie won’t have any trouble.” Twilight chuckled lightly.

“But why would they do that, only accept those who can fly?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“Probably, so nopony falls to the ground.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Applejack rolled her eyes at Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow, sometimes I wonder if you fell on your head as a foal.”

“Applejack, no need to be rude.” Fluttershy gently rebuffed.

“What?! It’s a good reason!” Rainbow threw up her hooves, “That’d be like putting an earth pony up on a mountain and expecting them to climb down on clouds!”

“Why don’t they just make an elevator er something?” chimed Thorax.

“Well, it’s a sort of right-of-passage, I believe. They prefer to have those who can fly, at least, as far as I am aware. But it’s a beautiful city and a great stop on our expedition, to begin with.” Twilight smiled optimistically.

“Sounds fun! Anywhere with a party is my kind of place!” Pinkie cheered.

“What about dragons?” pressed Spike.

“Or changelings?” chimed Thorax.

Starlight rolled her eyes. “She just said they prefer creatures with wings… Doesn’t Pinkie Pie have some sort of flying machine? Besides, Thorax can carry all of us.”

“I do, in fact, have a flying machine, but I only whip it out on special occasions.” Pinkie Pie wiggled her eyebrows. Rainbow cocked her head in confusion.

“Hopefully, they’ll accept all of us, not just some. That might be the issue we’re going to solve in the first place, but let’s be optimistic and hope that it’s not.” Twilight replied, sighing.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine; it sounds quite lovely, Twilight.” Fluttershy smiled, “Hopefully, we can make some friends there too.”

Thorax sighed as he slowly fetched the blackberry wine from the cart, pouring himself a large glass before greedily glugging down the beverage, “So… are we going straight to Manehattan?”

“In fact, yes. I’ve requested an ship to get us from Manehattan to Griffinstone; from there, we should be able to walk or get a ride from somecreature there.” Twilight nodded, “I hope you don’t get boat-sick.”

“So, how long are we going to be on the train? I’m getting a Lil claustrophobic…” grumbled Applejack.

“Same here; I need to stretch my wings.” Rainbow groaned, stretching the appendages behind her.

“Only for another fifteen minutes or so, and we should be there,” Twilight replied, looking over at the train schedule on the wall. “So we should get ready.”

“Sounds good to me. I’m gonna take a Lil nap….” Rainbow yawned, kicking back in her chair. Twilight sighed and shook her head, chuckling softly.