• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 714 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...

Sea Shanty

Hours passed, or that's what Twilight assumed. Rubbing her eyes, the alicorn wiped away a line of drool that had stuck to her chin. She had no idea where she was, but she hoped it was the wagon.

Rolling onto her belly, Twilight got to her hooves, her head pounding. Exactly how much did she have to drink last night? "Never again… never ever again…." Her mouth tasted like the desert sand; she needed water and NOW.

Scanning her surroundings, she was in the middle of the deck with the afternoon sun shining on her coat as empty bottles rolled around her. Fortunately, the ship's schedule and duties were being fulfilled adequately by the crew. Most of them didn't even do as much as bat an eye in her general direction.

It seemed like normal behavior to them…

Twilight's head ached as the offending sun's glare hit her eyes, as the desire for water drove her toward the chow hall once more. The darkness was comforting as she got a large mug of cool water to choke down.

She'd noticed a lilac leg kicked up behind some tables into the air as a drunken growl echoed throughout the room.

Wobbling her way toward the unicorn, Twilight took her mug of water with her over to the table.

"Shtarlight?" Twilight slurred for a moment before shaking her head, "S-Starlight, are you alright?" The alicorn choked down another gulp of cool water; her mouth was still so dry no matter how much she drank.

"T-Twilight," murmured the mare as she forced herself off the ground, "...My head is killing me; what happened last night?"

"Ye drank a tenth of me stock and had yerselves a party in the chow hall," announced Salty as he trotted down from above the deck.

"You're not mad, are you?" whimpered Twilight.

Salty erupted in a cackle, "Mad!? I'm happier than a harpy during siesta time! You two gave everycreature here a show for the ages!"

"A show??" Twilight cocked a brow, a little scared of what that term might mean… The alicorn glanced around quickly, trying to make sure no creature was staring at her, "What exactly do you mean by that?"

The old sea captain slapped his knee, "Let's just say you got the moves Princess Twilight, and Ms. Glimmer, you fancy yourself a fiddle player one of these days." he hooted.

"Yes sir, that was quite a party, and to think only you two were drunk to make it fun, usually everyone has to be out of it to see those levels of sheer idiocy." grinned Salty.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank goodness…." She whispered under her breath. Although, her dancing wasn't exactly flattering either.

"Frankly, I don't remember any of that…." Twilight chuckled, a blush on her cheeks, "I hope we weren't in too much trouble."

Salty waved her off, "Not to fear, your highness, your company, was much appreciated."

A Griffin would quickly shout from above deck, "CAPTAIN! PIRATES!"

Salty gasped, "GET TO THE GUNS, TIED DOWN THE CARGO, AND EVERYCREATURE PROTECT THE PASSENGERS!" he quickly turned to Twilight, "You two stay here; I'll get your friends!"

"Pirates?!" Twilight shouted, her wings splaying out, "But– how… is there anything I can do to help? We've faced worse before… even if I'm a little hungover. Which direction are they coming from?"

Salty would stamp up on the upper deck, "They're coming North-East bound!" the sound of a distant cannon roared as the ship suddenly rocked, sending Salty into the air and out of sight as Twilight and Starlight were thrust into nearby cargo.

"Augh…Come on, Twilight, let's get everyone and help the crew!" groaned Starlight as she climbed out from a pile of boxes.

Scampering to the upper deck, a giant warship loomed in the distance as the small crew quickly took up arms, grabbing arquebuses, muskets, sabers, and cannon shots. Hurriedly loading massive cannonballs into their guns as the captain barked orders.

"All Pegasi bring down the clouds to make fog; I want harpies to load the muskets; I want griffins to patch the haul! Everyone else protects the passengers!" Shouted Salty.

The expedition practically erupted from their wagons at the thundering sound of cannon fire and the captain's roar of orders.

"What's going on!?" shouted Applejack.

"Are we under attack!?" screamed Rarity.

"Are the sailors drinking again?" shrugged Spike.

"Pirates!!" Pinkie jumped up and down, pointing in the direction of the ship heading their way. "I hope they're the jaunty ones and not the ones that make you walk the plank!"

"Pinkie, they're going to take the ship and everything worth bits on it, like TWILIGHT." Rainbow pointed in the alicorn's direction. "C'mon, Fluttershy, we need to help with the fog!"

The blue pegasus disappeared as she flew up into the sky, Fluttershy following behind. "O-Oh my…"

Thorax would gawk at the large vessel slowly inching toward them as its guns were lined at their ship.

"We can help too!" Twilight shouted, grabbing Starlight, "We can create a shield. Do you know how to allow objects to pass through a barrier on one side?"

"Yes, now let's hurry!" She'd begin focusing her magic on conjuring a shield with Twilight before a cannonball crashed next to the mare's, derailing their train of thought to say the least, as they dived for cover.

The ship would begin moving closer toward them, its black flag and bird skull becoming visible to everycreature on board.

"GET THE FOG, READY THE CANNONS!" Roared the captain, "READY, AIM, FIRE!" the ship would rattle as the cannons began to erupt.

"Ladies, can we get that shield spell before they blow me ship into the sea!?" screamed Salty.

"WE'RE WORKING ON IT!" snapped Starlight as she and Twilight began to focus on their magic again.

Twilight clenched her eyes shut and focused all of her will into her magic, a bright magenta shield burning to life as it enveloped the side of the ship the pirates were firing towards.

"Everyone get down!" Twilight shouted, bracing for the impact.

Pinkie dove for cover behind some barrels, covering her head.

As the shield was raised, the pegasi crew quickly masked their position with a thick layer of fog. So dense you could hardly see in front of you.

The sound of thunderous cackles echoed through the roaring waves crashing against the haul as the sound of dozens of wings flapping began to fill the air.

"PREPARE FOR BOARDING!" Roared the captain as he drew his saber, holding the blade's handle in his teeth as the crew readied their weapons.

Suddenly dozens of thuds bounced off the upper deck as dozens of harpy and griffin pirates lined the deck, gripping their weapons tightly.

Finally, a loud crow echoed through the fog as a young lamb came crashing onto the deck, "Well, well, look wha' we have here, a load of ritzy rich ponies from Equestria and a fat paycheck!" chuckled the lamb.

"They don' know that these waters be the territory of Shanty! Teh fearsome pirate of the seven seas!" chuckled the lamb.

A griffin crewmate huffed, "Least it isn't Captain Celaeno…."

"Aye may be no Captain Celaeno, but I'll keelhaul yah's all teh same! Now give me your treasure. I know you got pretty's for me and my crew!"

"Wait…how did you even get on board without wings?" prodded Applejack. Dazed at the sudden appearance of this scrappy creature.

"I launched meself with a catapult, now give up yah gold or face me and me crew's wrath!"

"YARGH!" thundered the pirates.

Twilight stepped forward, trying her best to ignore the seasickness she was experiencing at the moment. Being hungover did not help at all.

"Shanty, is it? My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm afraid we did not bring treasures with us, just a meager amount of bits to pay for our journey and supplies once we reached our destination. Your effort will be naught for much but pocket change for you and your crew."

"Yeah, you could buy a bunch and bunch and buuuuunch of cakes with it, but not much else." Pinkie shrugged, giving the pirate a cheery smile. "I like your handkerchief, by the way; really pirate-y!"

"No bits!? No gold!? We blast yah to Tartarus n' back just to hear ye tell us that there isn't anything to take!?" the fiery lamb would buck a nearby barrel into the sea, "BLIMEY!" she roared.

She'd snap a look at Pinkie Pie, "Don't cha mock meh wit cha bubbly exterior ya buck-toothed chickened face quak! Somecreatures gonna pay for me efforts!"

"Mock you? How was I mocking you? I really like it!" Pinkie looked disappointed, nearly heartbroken. "Pirates are… cool!"

"We'll take all ye to the slave markets of Zebrica! I hope yah like work in the blistering sun then!"

Twilight's eyes widened, "Slavery?! How could you possibly think of doing such a thing?"

"It ain't personal! We just like money!" chuckled Shanty

"Not on my watch!" Rainbow Dash shouted from above. The pegasus streaked down from the sky in a flash, barreling into Shanty at high speeds, pinning her to the floor. "You aren't laying a single cloven hoof on my friends!"

"Rainbow!!" Fluttershy squealed.

The lamb narrowed her eyes as her rectangular pupils locked with Rainbow's, "Oooohhh it's a brawl ye want? Them's fightin herds!" Shanty quickly bucked Rainbow off her as she shouted, "AVAST!"

The ship erupted into a scuffle as sabers clashed, muskets fired, and creatures smashed into one another.

Rainbow skidded to a halt on the poop deck and dragged a hoof against the ground, letting out a huff of air from her nostrils. "YOU'RE ON!"

Lifting into the air, Dash zipped towards the lamb, using her right hindleg to kick at her side, trying to knock her to the ground. "This'll be easy; I'm not called the Iron Pony Champion for nothing!"

"We both know that's not true!" Applejack shouted over the crack of musket fire.

"YER HIGHNESS, TAKE COVER!" Salty muffled as he dueled a griffin with his saber in his maul.

Twilight summoned a shield to surround herself and Starlight, turning to her. "We need to stop this fighting! Do you have anything in your repertoire to stop them?! Anything??"

Starlight would quickly scan the ship, "There's too many of them and too many ways that we'd hurt the crew! Just protect your friends and weather through the worst of this boarding!"

Starlight quickly fired a magical beam at a harpy pirate, causing the creature to crash into the sea below.

Applejack snagged a griffin with her lasso as she swung the creature around, crashing him into nearby foes, "Twilight, make sure Spike and Yona are alright! We got this!"

Twilight bit her lip before nodding, lowering the shields before grabbing Spike, lifting him onto her back before dashing into the ship. Yona wasn't above, so she must be below, hopefully in the mess hall and unharmed.

Shanty tumbled across the deck as she hopped onto her hooves, cracking her neck as she lowered herself.

"So yer fast, ay? Why don't cha try hitting this!" she'd quickly bounced around the ship, bucking off the mast as she darted toward Rainbow, kicking her in the face as she flew past her.

Rainbow Dash hissed, rubbing her jaw before spitting. "I hope you're ready to look like a splat on the deck!"

Flying up into the air, Rainbow went into a freefall, directly towards the lamb, before changing her trajectory. Kicking Shanty in the side before zipping around, kicking her repeatedly as she whipped around the pirate.

Shanty chuckled as she peeled off the ground, "Oh, now ye done it…."

She'd bounce around Rainbow Dash as she clocked her in the face with her front right hoof, then quickly slid under the mare before kicking her into the air, bouncing after her before slamming her two front hooves into chest vaulting her into the deck.

"Oof!" The pegasus called out before rolling over quickly, holding her ribs, "That was a good one, I'll give you that. Let's try this on for size!"

Flying into the air, Rainbow decked the lamb across the face with all of her strength, grinning as she did so. Shanty groaned as she was forced to the ground again.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike galloped toward the lower deck in the search for Yona.

"Boy, this is certainly more eventful than the last adventure!" chimed Spike as he narrowly avoided a musket ball from striking him, "Look out!"

The dragon quickly blew a puff of fire into a griffin pirate's face as he attempted to strike Twilight.

Focusing on her magic, Twilight raised a bubble covering everything but her hooves, running towards the doors below deck. "Be careful, Spike!"

Bouncing up and down, Pinkie Pie used her momentum to slam herself into a few of the pirates, knocking them overboard with ease.


A group of pirates would surround Pinkie Pie, pointing their weapons at the mare. Many of them priming their guns to quickly finish her off.

"Aw shucks, guys, if you wanted to play, all you had to do was ask! You know, I always wanted to be a pirate! Check it out–" Pinkie pulled her party cannon from out of nowhere, aiming it at a chunk of the harpies.


The force of the confetti and air knocked the pirates on their behinds, giving Pinkie enough space and time to bounce into the air and on top of the pirates, bouncing off of their heads like they were trampolines.

Applejack and Rarity charged into the fray, screaming. As the rough n tough farmer quickly bucked a few pirates away while the unicorn 'slapped' and bucked alongside her friend.

"Y'all get back yah hear!"

"Don't you lay a claw on her, you ruffians!"

The ship would rumble as a giant sea monster would erupt from the depths showing its massive tendrils as it let out an enormous bellowing roar. As it waved, its tentacles around, batting a few pirates off the deck.

Shanty turned over as her jaw dropped, "That be a Kraken! FIRE THE FLARES; ALERT THE SHIP TO OPEN FIRE!"

A harpy would quickly fire off a flare as a volley of cannon fire would cut through the fog and strike the ship, crew, pirates, and any creature unlucky to be in its range. The Kraken, however, would remain unharmed, ducking back into the sea.

"What the hay was that?!" Rainbow cried out, completely shocked by the sight of such a creature, her face going pale.

Shanty would take the opportunity to sock the distracted Rainbow in the face, "I already said what it was, yah blockhead!"

The Kraken rose from the sea before it smashed its massive tendrils into a group of pirates before leaping into the air, its body quickly shifting and changing to reveal it was Thorax, who quickly transformed into a massive bear.

"Blimey! Tat be some sort of black shape shiftin' devil!" gawked Shanty, "Every creature prepare for battle!"

There was silence, and the lamb awkwardly blinked, "....Prepare for battle!....lads?" she'd look around to see her injured men scattered across the ship.

"....bollocks." huffed Shanty.

"Looks like you're outnumbered." Rainbow sneered, crossing her front legs, her cheek and ribs already bruised from the brawl.

"Great job, Thorax!" Pinkie trotted over, "I had no idea you could turn into a Kraken!"

"Me neither." Trixie poked her head out of a barrel, having jumped inside of it as soon as she saw the pirates heading in their direction.

"Is everycreature okay out here?" Twilight poked her head out the door, "There was some shaking… but I found Yona." The alicorn looked around, "Er, what happened out here?"

Yona shook, apparently terrified of how the boat vibrated and rocked side to side, looking green and ready to vomit, "Eugh… Yona no like boats, Yona want to go on land…."

Shanty stamped her hooves into the deck, "Yah think I'm done just because I ain't got no creature power? Yah, forgot the massive ship tailing, yah?!"

Shanty bounced over to one of her fallen pirates as she fished out a flare firing it into the air, "I hope ye like me reinforcements!"

Shanty crossed her legs, standing proud, sure of herself, "Now I heard one of yahs was royalty, come with us, and nobody else has to be taken to Zebrica and sold as a slave!"

"No way!" Rainbow hissed, getting up in the lamb's face. "How about we take YOU hostage, and we get all of your riches, and we don't throw you overboard! Unless you want me to FLY you out of here." The threat was thinly veiled.

Shanty huffed, stamping her hooves in place, "I'll take on all of you! Nobody makes a fool out of Shanty!"

"Oh dear, please, no more fighting!!" Fluttershy was trying to aid those who were injured, finding clean rags to wrap wounds. She did not discriminate, even helping the pirates who attacked them. Her hooves were stained with the blood that wasn't hers.

"There's no need for more violence!"

"But we can't give up–" Pinkie shouted before Trixie trotted up and stuffed a hoof in her mouth.

"Let's just say we don't make deals with pirates." Trixie sniffed, flicking her mane.

Twilight bit her lip, taking several steps back. She couldn't go with a bunch of pirates to get ransomed off, but she couldn't allow her friends to be enslaved! Twilight stepped forward, ready to speak up, when Yona stepped forward.

"Urgh… weird goat thing not take any creature! Yona won't let you." Yona lowered her head, showing her large horns, stomping her hooves like the warriors of her culture.

Shanty would narrow her eyes at Yona, "You remind me of some other bull-headed calf that is too big for her britches! Stand down. I just want me money, so whoever is the Princess, step up, or I'll make sure that NOBODY gets off this ship alive!" thundered the lamb.

Yona narrowed her eyes before lowering her head, digging her hooves into the deck, ready to charge at the lamb.

"STOP!!" Twilight shouted. Yona halted, looking up at Twilight with fear in her eyes, shaking her head no.

"Twilight, no, please, you can't!" Fluttershy hushedly protested.

"It doesn't matter. I'll be fine; I'll go with them." Twilight sighed. "I don't want anycreature else getting hurt…."

Rainbow shook her head, "We're not gonna let them take you away, Twi…."

"Twilight, don't worry about it; we can hold our own; we can fight!" shouted Applejack.

"Yes! As much as it's a shock, I can fight off these ragtag pirates!" pleaded Rarity.

"Oh, quit yer bellyaching, all of yah! It's just business. Hey, maybe if you get the bits, you can buy her back!" chuckled Shanty.

Starlight tilted her head at Twilight, "What? You can't just surrender now..."

Twilight turned to Starlight, sighing, "If it's true and she has reinforcements coming, all of these sailors aboard AND you will be enslaved. I don't want anycreature else getting hurt, and we already have so many injured. And it's not like I can defend us very well, being hung over."

"Hmm… that gives me an idea, actually. What about a drink off?" Rainbow offered.

"What, you mean like whoever drinks the most wins?" Pinkie Pie jumped up, "Ooooooh, I like that idea!"

Shanty shook her head, "I ain't stupid, an' the last time I did that, I was seasick for a week! Take yer contest an' shove it!"

Starlight sighed, "If you win, you can take Twilight and half the crew."

Shanty tapped her hoof to her chin, ".....and if you win?"

"You'll resupply us and get lost." Starlight said firmly.

"Oooouuu fair trade, I like that! Alright….which one of you thinks they can out-drink Shanty!?" chortled the lamb.

Rainbow pointed at herself, and Twilight vigorously shook her head, "No, Dash, we both know you're a lightweight."

"Aw, c'mon, I'm better than you! Don't tell me YOU'RE gonna do it!" Rainbow complained, throwing up her hooves. "You're already hungover; you already said so!"

"I'm not; there's only one pony here with an iron stomach," Twilight turned, gesturing to Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie, no pressure, but do you think you can do it?"

Pinkie Pie puffed out her chest, grinning brightly. "Why, of course, I can, your Aunty Pinkie, and drink anypony or anycreature under the table!"

"Yona good at drinking too!" Yona raised a hoof, causing the others to turn to stare at her, "What?! Yona sneaked some at home."

Shanty would seem to be the only conscious creature unphased by Yona's remark, "Aye! I would've sunk a bottle or two of tha' good stuff from me old captain when I was younger!"

Shanty narrowed her eyes at Pinkie Pie, "You think yah a lead belly mare? You're nothing but a plushy tubby foal wit a curly mane and fuzzy brain! Get ready because tonight yer gonna regret ever picking up a drink around Shanty!"

Pinkie grinned, giving the pirate a cheerful grin. "We'll see about that!"