• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 714 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

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Sweet Home Griffinstone

As dusk approached, the wagon train had been climbing up a steep set of hills leading to a rugged mountain. Applejack and Pinkie Pie had been pulling the wagons as the griffin knights pushed behind them and steered them out of danger.

Before the sun had finally set, the party could see Griffinstone in all its glory. The city had been practically rebuilt from the ground up since the last time Pinkie and Rainbow Dash saw. It could’ve been a whole new city entirely with homes made of fine wood-carved pillars, brick, and stone roofs. The streets were paved with stone and tiled roads. With lantern lampposts illiuminating the city.

A rebirth, or renaissance as the Griffins called it, had occurred since Boreas’s idol was found and recovered. The heiress was proclaimed, and a newfound sense of Griffin pride. The massive tree was alive and well full of bright green leaves and its branches reaching out toward the heavens. The city streets bustling with happy griffins working and making money. The scent of fresh bread and scones filled the air.

Wealth was everywhere, and thanks to good business and partial greed. Griffinstone was indeed a sight to behold. In the center of the city, standing boldly and with such elegance, is the old statue of King Grover. He was refurbished and cleaned with a new polish to it. As if the old king stood proudly over his newly reborn kingdom, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Dozens of businesses lined the streets as the bazaars spilled onto the busy roads, selling many goods locally produced and foreign goods collected from Equestria and Swallowtail. The library had been rebuilt, and several new monoliths of griffin pride stood boldly above the humble city.

A stone castle with a tapestry hanging above the gate with three strange symbols. Several temples, even more homes, businesses, and communal spaces were undergoing construction.

Griffins would mine stone from the mountain, serving two purposes, to get resources to make bricks for homes and make living spaces. It was as if this metaphorical phoenix was only just spreading its wings to take flight.

György took a deep breath before he sighed, “To think only a few years ago, this place was all just one big construction site.”

“To think we were just a place where bums used to live.” Mused Gael.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow couldn’t help but trot ahead, the party pony pulling the cart faster than one pony could possibly pull.

“Wowza!” Pinkie gasped, marveling at just how much had changed. Taking a deep inhale of the air, she sighed and smiled, “Now those smell like some good scones!”

“Nevermind the scones, this place looks–” Rainbow whipped her head around, utterly shocked by how much they had done in such a short time, “Incredible! One little idol can make all of this happen?”

“It looks lovely.” Fluttershy nodded, a soft smile on her lips as she spotted a clutch of hatchlings taking flight.

"Certainly better than Rainbow Dash and Pinkie described, though it could use a few touch ups." chuckled Rarity.

“It’s incredible!!” Twilight couldn’t help but trot in place, excited to explore. “I hope we have time to visit the library… oh, who am I kidding? We’ll make time!” Rummaging into her bags, the alicorn pulled out a familiar journal and began writing down all she could see.

“Looks like that old charmer is still here…” Pinkie sighed and fluttered her lashes as they grew closer, spotting the statue of King Grover, “I’m glad this place got all fixed up!”

Starlight couldn’t help but marvel at the city’s liveliness. Compared to the sleepier Griffinhafen, Griffinstone was a cultural center, an absolute marvel. For a moment, her mind wandered, thinking of her father’s insistence on the preservation of culture. How he would be ecstatic and proud that her little Starlight made it this far. The moment filled her with a warmth that quickly turned cold as the unicorn quickly focused on unpacking the wagons.

“I guess I’m just happy it’s not a pigsty.” Trixie huffed, unimpressed. How could you compare, especially to the Crystal City or Canterlot?

Applejack marveled, “That heiress must be really organized and motivated to do all this quickly. It couldn’t have been but a few years since you visited, right?”

“You motivate a griffin with enough pride and bits for a lifetime; you can get anything done.” chuckled Gilda, approaching the group with a small band of servants and guards.

Gael and György quickly knelt down at Gilda, the griffin quickly waving them off.

“Eh, still not used to the royal treatment… ehhh… welcome to Griffinstone. Thanks for letting us know you’d be coming a month or two ago. Gave us plenty of time to clean up.”

“Gilda!” Rainbow and Pinkie both jumped up, trotting and flying over to meet the griffin. Rainbow didn’t hesitate to wrap a hoof around the griffin and pull her tightly into a hug. Pinkie Pie did the same, practically dogpiling on top.

“It’s nice to meet you again, Gilda,” Twilight nodded before noticing the others bowing and the so-called ‘royal treatment.’ “Wait… you’re the leader of Griffinstone?”

Pinkie gasped, pulling her head back, “You’re a PRINCESS?!”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but fall back and start snorting, “Pffft ha ha ha! Princess Gilda!”

Fluttershy remained quiet, hiding behind their supplies. Gilda yelling at her and making her cry had happened long ago, and Fluttershy was stronger now, but she still didn’t particularly want to approach the surly griffin.

Thorax gently nudged Fluttershy giving the pegasus a gentle reassuring smile.

Gilda groaned as she embraced Rainbow Dash and Pinkie, slowly climbing out from underneath the dog pile, “I’m not a princess, I’m the heiress of Griffinstone, and in a few days, I’M going to be the Queen.”

Gilda beamed proudly before smirking, “I’m glad these dorks didn’t ruin the surprise. I was worried some griff would just blab about me being the next in line for the throne.”

Gilda looked at her claws before casually recanting her tale, “Yeah, so after you guys left, I went back for the Idol of Boreas.”

Rainbow Dash cocked a brow, “Like… how? Didn’t it tumble down that gorge and into the abyss? None of us could fly down there!”

Pinkie Pie bounced in place, nearly sending Dash flying as she inserted herself between the two. “Oooh ooh, did you use a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally long rope?”

Gilda mused, stiffling a snicker, “Well, at first I tied stones to my ankles and tried to glide down…that nearly broke my wings, then I did try a really long rope, but I couldn’t support my weight at a certain point, and I was nearly stuck on the side of a cliff for a day.”

She’d continue, “Then I went to the old library and read some books that gave me a few ideas, I wanted to use rocks and a parachute at first, but then I just made a really long pulley system with ropes and a bucket. I lowered myself to the bottom of the pit and got the idol.”

“Then a bunch of griffins came out of the woodwork and said I was their new queen or whatever. Grandpa Gruff and my privy council handle all of that junk. I just tell them my awesome ideas, like rebuilding this city, making a bunch of schools and junk.”

“You telling them to make schools?” Rainbow snickered before lazily lounging a hoof on the griff’s shoulder. “What happened to you? Hehe… now you know what I’m gonna ask next.”

Pinkie Pie and the others waited silently before Rainbow poked Gilda in the side and rose into the air.

“C’mon… it’s tradition.” She winked at Gilda, “You know the words by heart.”

Gilda sighed, “Right in front of my future subjects….” she’d cleared her throat before rather dully singing. Rainbow Dash grinned and chanted along with Gilda with visibly more excitement, zipping around in the air with the lyrics before landing back on the ground.

“Junior Speedsters are our lives.
Sky-bound soars and daring dives.
Junior Speedsters it’s our quest.
To someday be the very best.”

The servants would blankly stare, appearing to not understand the words of the chant or why Gilda and Rainbow Dash were dancing, quickly being ordered by Gael in Griffish to unpack the wagons.

“Hey, it’s tradition. Besides, you can just tell them to never speak of it.” Rainbow shrugged.

Gilda rolled her eyes lamely, "That's not how it works."

“I thought it was great!” Pinkie grinned, “Yeah, make ’em do a Pinkie Promise! Ooh, do we all have to promise?”

“I… don’t think that’ll be an issue Pinkie,” Twilight chuckled before turning to Gilda, “Thank you so much for allowing us to stay in Griffinstone, and I must say you’ve been doing great work here. Please let us know if there’s anything we can help with while we’re here.”

“Yeah, no problem, I actually could, like….use your advice?” Gilda said bashfully, “Look, I’m going to be a queen, and Grandpa Gruff’s advice is….”

“My advice is sacred!” squawked the old griff, as he perched himself above the group on a nearby lamppost, “It has been passed down for generations! It is key information that every king has learned since King Grover!”

“Yes I KNOW Grandpa Gruff, I just think we should get some advice from an experienced Princess!” snapped Gilda.

The older griffin huffed as he rolled his eyes, “You’ve been with ponies too long! Get these moochers a place to stay at the castle and the rest of you, LOS LOS!”

Gilda sighed, “It’s been a few long years now… a very very long few years.”

Gilda would gesture for the group to follow her, “We’ll get your stuff. Come with me to the castle. I need to talk to all of you, mostly you, Twilight.”

Twilight gave the older, nearly geriatric griffin a strange stare before turning to Gilda with a smile, “Of course, I’m happy to listen and give you some advice.”

“Since that’s all taken care of…” Spreading her wings, Rainbow gave the future Queen of Griffinstone a sneer. “Beat you to the castle!” She was gone before the words left her mouth, already speeding towards their destination.

“You can’t just beat the queen in her own city!” shouted Gilda as she quickly flapped her wings after Rainbow Dash, “Cheater!”

“Oooh oooh, me too!” Pinkie jumped up before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

“How does she do that without any smoke pellets?” Trixie murmured to herself before shaking her head and grabbing her bags.

Not long after, every creature was settled in the guest rooms with groups of three to four occupying a large room. Not nearly as lavish as the hotel in Griffinhafen, but it exuded a warm homey feel. With a fire place in everyroom, with rugs, and blankets made of fine animal pelts. Much to the dismay of Fluttershy, who was compensated with cloth.

Gilda sighed as she roamed the castle halls quietly tending to a journal of personal ongoings and chores. She had changed a lot since she’d last seen Dash, it was almost like a dream when they were together. But she felt a tinge of anxiety. She’d mellowed out, lost her touch, maybe, dare she even suggest losing her biting sarcasm?

Gilda quickly snapped out of her self-induced trance before stepping inside the banquet hall where her guests ate, “Hey everyone.” waved Gilda, “So let’s talk about your adventure or quest or whatever.”

She'd pull up a chair at the end of the table, “Why are you guys doing this? Is Griffinstone in danger? And what can we do to help?”

Twilight wiped her lips with a handkerchief before clearing her throat. “Well, a map of great importance is leading us all across Equus–”

“–The Cutie Map!” Pinkie butted in before going back to her large slice of cake, slamming face-first into the plate.

“... right,” Twilight sighed, “Frankly, we’re not sure what we’re going to face moving forward, but it tends to become obvious when we’ve reached our destination.”

Sitting on the other side of the table, Rainbow nodded before wiping her mouth with the back of her hoof. “Yeah, trouble pretty much finds us everywhere.”

“So, if there’s anything we can help with, well… anything, that’s what we’re here to do.” Twilight chuckled softly, “That means from political affairs to friendship issues… usually friendship issues.”

“We’re not really sure what we’re going to be facing, so some supplies would be nice.” The alicorn continued, nodding to herself before her eyes widened. “Oh… we were actually robbed on our journey here… we were also hoping to acquire some funds?”

Gilda scratched her face as she slowly nodded along to the pony’s explanation, “Wow, that’s a lot….” Gilda leaned back, rubbing her temple and dumping her claws against the table, “We can give you the bits, supplies, and help you venture through the continent.’

Starlight slowly pulled out her copy of the map and examined it cautiously, “We are supposed to be here but judging from your flourishing kingdom, I don’t think we have to worry about politics for now.”

Gilda sighed, “Good, I hate court politics. Being a queen is complicated!”

Starlight slowly examined Gilda’s worn expression as she tapped her hoof to her chin before looking over to Rainbow Dash, “I got a feeling this is more of a friendship problem.”

Rainbow glanced over and nodded before getting out of her seat, trotting over to one of her oldest friends, setting a hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey, anything you’re having trouble with, we’re all willing to help. Right guys?” The others nodded in affirmation, even Fluttershy.

“If it’s something you just need to talk about, we’re willing to listen too.” The mellow pegasus spoke up, her soft voice cutting through the low chatter. “Sometimes it’s nice to just have somecreature to listen to what’s on your mind.”

Gilda smirked, rolling her eyes as she grappled Rainbow before giving the pegasus a noogie, “I’m fine, I just need to relax a bit, and with Rainbow Dash here, I think I’ll be fine after we enjoy ourselves for a bit!”

Starlight clicked her teeth as she examined the map, “Maybe it’s some other griffin then. We should keep an eye out.”

Rainbow grunted and shoved Gilda’s claw away, pouting considerably. “Pfft, the one time I tried to care, and this is how I’m treated!”

“Oh, it’s okay, Dashie. She’s just one of those tsu-nder-es.” Pinkie chuckled, somehow teleporting from one side of the room to the other in the blink of an eye. She hugged the two before squealing, “Griffinstone Buddies!!”

"Tsunder-what?" questioned Gilda and Thorax aloud.

Twilight turned to Starlight and nodded, taking a sip of wine. “You’re more than likely right. From all of our experiences, I’m certain that the issue will show itself soon, but it’s not always the first creature you meet.”

“So what should we look out for?” Fluttershy asked, picking at her dandelion salad.

“Guys, c’mon, I’m the soon-to-be queen. I can just get every griffin in Griffinstone to do an interview or something with you.”

“Won’t that take forever?” asked Applejack.

Gilda raised a claw in protest before considering the realities of her suggestion, “... yeah… no, maybe not.”

Thorax tapped a hoof on the table, “What if there’s treachery afoot?”

Gilda waved off Thorax, “No way, everybody loves me….to the point it’s kinda weird.”

“Not an external threat against Gilda, or Gilda’s emotional state, so now we know it probably isn’t Gilda. Maybe it’s Grandpa Gruff?” suggested Starlight.

Gilda snorted, “Nobody can fix that grumpy griff.”

“You were complaining about that big gruffly-grumbly grumpy griffin!” Pinkie raised a hoof, “Maybe there is a friendship problem here!!”

“Pinkie might actually be on to something here…” Twilight raised a brow, genuinely impressed.

“Whaaat? It’s not like we do this all the time or anything….” the party pony giggled.

“So maybe we should go and talk to him. Make him wise up.” Rainbow snorted, crossing her arms.

“What exactly have you been arguing with him about?” Twilight cocked one ear to the side to listen to her better, taking a small sip of her glass.

Gilda laughed, “Nah, Grandpa Gruff is fine. He’s just a sour old bat. He means well. He’s just stubborn about all this change. But it’s not a problem.”

“Maybe you guys should talk to him, get some perspective about the more… uh… political…? … Institutional… governmental… stuff.” rambled Gilda, “He’s been the regent for the crown of Griffinstone for ages, he and his new apprentice know about Griffinstone’s deeper junk.”

Twilight nodded, listening intently. The more she could learn about Griffinstone and its Kingdom, the better. She just sorely wished she hadn’t left her journal in her room. She decided at once to commit everything to memory.

“That sounds perfect, thank you. If you could set aside a time in the day for us to meet with him, I’m sure we can find something to do.” The alicorn nodded, giving Gilda a comforting smile. “Plus, I’m fascinated to learn about your culture!”

“Oh boy… don’t go nerding out on her, egghead.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“I’m not an egghead! Besides, you read books too!” Twilight sniffed before giving the pegasus a devilish smile.

“I’m so glad Twilight taught you how to read Rainbow Dash.” sneered Gilda as she chuckled into her wine chalice, “But I’ll get Grandpa Gruff to divulge you tomorrow, get you all informed on our Griffish needs.”

“Hey!!” Rainbow pouted, color rising to her cheeks. “Just because I didn’t try in Ponish class doesn’t mean I couldn’t read!”

“Thank you.” Twilight smiled, ignoring Rainbow’s outburst. “Hopefully, we’ll get an idea of what we need to do.”

“Sounds like a plan!” Pinkie snickered, “Now, who wants cocoa?!” The party pony whipped out a serving platter with just the right amount of mugs, each filled with a delicious and warm chocolatey goodness. “It has marshmallows~!”

Gilda raised her mug, “Prost,” before glugging the mug of cocoa down, “Hey, that’s pretty good, (Where does she get it from?).”