• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 714 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...

Whispering Meadows

The beautiful sound of bird song was one of the first things to bless her ears, her eyes slowly fluttering open as the unicorn greeted the sun’s warmth. She yawned, stretching out like a cat, before falling limp against the mattress once more. Rarity couldn’t think of a more luxurious place to sleep in such a gorgeous palace. A home befitting a princess, even if it didn’t quite meet the awe-inspiring beauty of the Crystal Empire’s castle.

For a moment, Rarity wondered what could have woken her up so early, and she almost fell asleep again within a moment.


“Eeep!” Jumping from her bed, Rarity swung her head around to face the door, rubbing her eyes. “One moment, dear, let me put my face on, and I will join you!”

Had her alarm not gone off? Checking the clock, her eyebrows raised past her hairline. It was nearly the crack of dawn; who would dare wake her up at such a time?

She sighed. No, no, she knew who. Applejack was accustomed to waking up early; she supposed she couldn’t be surprised she’d expect the others to have the same schedule. Heaving a dramatic sigh, the unicorn took her sweet time preparing for the day.

It took forty minutes and several more reminders that patience was a virtue before Rarity finally opened the door, looking just as pristine as she always did. Giving Applejack an indulgent smile, she flipped her mane.

“Good morning darling, I hope I didn’t leave you waiting!” Stepping towards one of the more oversized mirrors in their suite, she took to admiring her reflection. “But who could blame me for taking my time? Heheh, oh, excuse me. What is on our schedule today, if you could kindly remind me?”

Applejack had been sitting across the hall on a small bench, appearing bored, idly looking around at the many paintings and art pieces in the palace’s luxurious hallways. The mare huffed in reply, climbing up to her hooves as she gestured for her friend to move on.

“I’m on a pretty tight schedule, actually, being that I’m the only earth pony of the group that knows how to farm. But as for you, yer’ supposed to make clothes for the local townsponies and plan some sort of new… fashion line?”

A joyful laugh echoed through the hall as the Doge appeared from around the corner, looking as pleased as ever. He approached the two mare’s.

“No, no, no, fashion line implies it’s open to the public. I commissioned Rarity to create blueprints and designs for my experienced seamstresses to copy and then gift to the many merchants and their mistresses occupying the Parliament.”

The diamond dog stopped in front of the two ponies as he took a deep bow, “Thank you both so much for partaking in this errand for me. You both are doing a great thing for the local community first and foremost. But of course, I personally appreciate the gesture as well!” laughed his excellency.

Applejack cocked a brow at the quack president. In her eyes, this was no different than doing the dirty work for some Canterlot elite back in Equestria. Bugh, the thought of politics made her hide curl. Why couldn’t folks just see reason and do what was right without being bribed?

She shook her head, sighing to herself, “Yeah, it ain’t a problem; where are we going again?”

“Ah yes, there are a few villages not too far from here that share a large cotton mill and farm. The farm is owned by an associate named Whispering Meadow; she’s a pegasus and the plantation owner; she’ll get you two settled.” explained the Doge.

“Now, luckily for you, madam Rarity, I had already arranged your luggage and riding accommodations last night. But please, try your best to be timely…” fretted the dog.

“Ah, thank you ever so much, your excellency; I promise you that the designs I will prepare will dazzle the Parliament and any other creature who wears them!” Rarity grinned, giving the Doge a small curtsy, “Oh, and that is fantastic! I usually have Spikey-Wikey collect my luggage.”

Somewhere Gallus is smiling smugly to himself.

Trotting ahead, the unicorn flicked her tail and glanced back, “Well, come now! We can’t take all morning, now can we? Doge, your majesty, do you perhaps have any wise words for us before we leave? I like to know the creatures I will be working with before I do so. I hope you understand; I’ve had some… unpleasant experiences that I’d rather avoid repeating.”

The Doge cocked a brow at the unicorn’s question, finding the inquiry somewhat…perplexing, having lived among many creatures in his time. His excellency barely questioned the diverse ecosystem that had been cultivated in his domain.

He scratched his muzzle and awkwardly chuckled, “Er, mostly earth pony refugees, a few harpy and griffin guards, Mrs. Meadow’s family, of course… ah… there is a bit of a bandit problem… A field report mentioned some diamond dogs rustling milk from a nearby cattle corral. But I don’t think that will be a problem; my kind prefers to live in the caverns beneath the mountains north of the border.”

Rarity sniffed, suddenly stopping before glancing back at the Doge with a strangely intimidating smirk.

“Ohoho, don’t worry, I have plenty of experience dealing with unruly Diamond Dogs and other ruffians. Perhaps while we are there, if we can spare the time, I’d be happy to help with that little issue.” She chuckled before continuing her stride, “But that sounds perfectly agreeable; I cannot wait to meet Mrs. Meadow. Thank you, your excellency; I believe that is all I need to know for now.”

Applejack passed a look to the worried Doge as he adjusted his crown nervously, “Er… right. What she said…” mused Applejack.

Doge nodded, smiling sweetly at the two, “Alright then, I’ll send a chariot to pick you two up in a week or so. Farewell, and happy travels!” waved the Doge.

Applejack smirked, “See yah later.”

Stepping outside the main entrance of the palace, a Harpy chariot driver flaps over to the two before landing in front of them. Brushing any dust or excess feathers off his blue waistcoat and dress shirt, he turned to the pair, “Hola, are you two ready to leave for Whisper Meadow’s?”

“Yes sir.” nodded Applejack, trotting ahead to hold the carriage door for Rarity, “C’mon sugar cube, daylights burning.”

“Oh, now, now, I’m right behind you, darling.” Rarity tsked, climbing into the carriage after her. Getting herself comfortable, the unicorn stretched herself out, squinting out the window.

“Hopefully, this won’t take as long as the Doge expects; I’d rather not be gone for any longer than a week. What do you think, Applejack?” She didn’t wait too long for her to reply, tapping at the small window to speak to the driver.

Applejack said nothing, not like it mattered; Rarity had little interest in her reply. Content with pondering to herself.

“Excuse me, sir, how long will we expect to be traveling?” She asked with the utmost politeness, fluttering her lashes as a soft addition.

The driver looked down at the mare's, “Oh, you’ll be there by lunchtime; sit tight.” chuckled the Harpy.

The stallion earth ponies quickly hauled the carriage to a large wooden platform with chains and ropes holding the platform up by a pulley system. Applejack froze in terror as she watched the platform subsequently dangle them over the Great Tree’s massive limbs, the markets and slums visible at the root of the tree. Not to mention the dozens of living creatures below.

The stallions huffed and trembled against the straps and reins that bound them to the wagon as the platform and carriage were slowly dangled and placed on the ground, slowly rolling off and heading down the main road out Swallowtail.

Applejack sighed, “I’m sure glad to be back on the ground. Frankly, I’m pretty darn sick of living like a bird.”

Rarity sat back, relaxed as much as she could, and gave Applejack a soft smile, “Applejack dear, try to lighten up. And think of it like this, you’re experiencing life like harpies and pegasi do.” She gestured with a hoof, “I doubt many others get that opportunity. There’s a saying for that, isn’t there? ‘Trotting a mile in another’s horseshoes?’”

She continued, “Besides, I think it will give me more than enough inspiration for this new line. Perhaps I can bring it back to Equestria as well! Oh dear, I hope Sassy is taking care of things while I’m gone….”

“Well, some of us aren’t exactly keen on being out on an entirely different continent so far from home… this place is so strange; nothin’ makes no sense out here!” complained Applejack in a unusually agitated and frustrated tone.

She sighed, flicking her ponytail to her shoulder, “Sorry…I don’t mean ta’ rain on your fashion parade Rarity, it’s just… I don’t like it here. Ponies aren’t… pony-like.” stumbled Applejack, “Do you get what I mean?”

Rarity paused to consider what her friend said, glancing out the window. Indeed, the pegasi they had been acquainted with weren’t the ponies she had grown up surrounded by, but she had accepted that every society had its own culture. Even understanding that, she couldn’t fault Applejack for being concerned.

“I understand completely, dear, but understand that this isn’t Equestria. This is an entirely different culture, with its own rules and way of doing things. It doesn’t necessarily make it wrong.” The unicorn smiled at Applejack, “But remember, we’re all cut from the same cloth. Perhaps you just need to look a little closer to see that.”

Applejack cocked her brow at Rarity as she attempted to take in the scenery of this strange land. Shaking her head at the sight of the poor peasant ponies that dwelled below the tree’s roots, she let out a frustrated sigh, “I just don’t understand why no ponies are helping each other! I get the birds want their tree to themselves, but they ain’t helpin’ no one, not to mention the unicorns who are hurtin’ ponies and twisting the truth to bully and push honest folk around just make my hide crawl.”

“And you know that honesty is a make or break for me, and knowing that hundreds, maybe even thousands, or tens of thousands of ponies are being duped into believing a bunch of hogwash makes me think this place ain’t worth its luster and fancy scenery. It’s all show and fancy talk with no substance.” Applejack harrumphed, even more discontent now that she had divulged in her bubbling distaste and disdain for Griffonia, Swallowtail, the Unicorns, and their quest.

Rarity took her eyes off of the window and back to Applejack, heaving a sigh. For the most part, she had been doing her best to ignore the negatives about Swallowtail, although now it seemed to be rearing its ugly head more and more often. Why couldn’t this have been one of their more straightforward friendship missions? But then again nothing as of late had been so simple...

“Applejack dear, you know me. I live for luxury and beauty, so I must apologize if it seems like I’ve been… gleefully ignoring the problems around us.” She paused for a brief moment, carefully selecting her words. “I just know that, very soon, things will become more complicated, and I’m hoping to enjoy the simpler issues at hoof than think about the ones looming ahead.”

“The politics here are everything dear; you know Equestria’s elite, now imagine a bunch of greedy griffins and harpies– and I don’t mean greedy due to their nature–” Rarity gave the farmer a look, “Are in power. There’s no Celestia pr Luna here to bring them under one unified front; the Doge certainly isn’t up to that task….”

“Let’s just try to focus on the things that we can change, okay darling? One baby step at a time.” She gave Applejack a charming grin, patting her on the hoof.

Applejack let out a disgruntled groan in response to the word ’politics,’ like a filly being told to wake up for school on a Monday morning, “Ugh, politics… now I know this place is terrible, I’m getting political! What’s next? Am I gonna run for Mayor once I get back to Ponyville? … now wait a minute that ain't a– dang it, there I go!”

Applejack sighed, “This place is cursed, Rarity; the sooner we can get a boat back to Equestria, the better….”

It didn’t take long before the carriage was dragged away from the city in the clouds. As the massive tree fell further and further away in the distance until disappearing behind the horizon once the carriage entered deep inside a thick dark forest. The sunlight just barely slipped through the branches of the many trees inside the woods as the sound of hooves meeting gravel echoed throughout the wilderness.

The Harpy driver hummed to himself as he began singing a lonely trail song to himself, strumming a quiet guitar as he sang. The gentle spring breeze paired with the soft melody of the instrument created a lovely ambiance, the Harpy singing a song of a little place called the ‘Cotton Gin.’

Though Rarity and Applejack wouldn’t be able to fully understand their coach’s song, given he sang in Griffish tongue. But from what they picked up, this ‘Cotton Gin’ was… something, and before they could ponder further or ask their driver what the song meant, a gentle rocking rattled the carriage to a soft stop.

“We’re here!” called the driver as he hopped off the driver’s seat and quickly opened the door for the mare's, “Welcome to The Whispering Meadow plantation!” The Harpy bowed, giving the pair a soft smirk.

It was a large estate surrounded by dozens of acres of cotton and tobacco fields that littered the countryside. Dozens of earth ponies worked and tilled the land while a handful of pegasi above watered the crops with rain clouds. As a few republic guards patrolled the area near a small outpost just outside the property, a breeze swept through, ruffling their manes.

A large plantation house sat at the end of a long gravel road, towering over the pair. It was magnificent, the biggest home the two had ever seen. Even Applejack hadn’t witnessed anything like this during her stay with her Orange kin.

The two-story home was held up by marble pillars, a massive front deck that was a perfect white, with a giant porch swing sitting beside the home’s huge doors. The dozens of beautifully crafted windows lined the top and bottom of the house, and the stained and masterfully created glass depicted many art pieces from the local plant life, wildlife, and of course, cotton. Suddenly, the giant doors rattled as the iron locks loudly clack and clink before finally creaking open….

An older-looking mare peered from behind the door, her coat a soft white and her mane an old grey that had been pulled into a bun. Though she was older, she was still beautiful by pony standards, despite her age. She had bright cool blue eyes and a soft smile that melted Applejack and Rarity’s heart.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting Doggy to send me a pair of beautiful mare's for hard work!” The mare greeted her guests. Stepping forward, she revealed the dark brown patches on her coat alongside her bee cutie mark.

“You must be Applejack and Rarity; I’m Whispering Meadow.” bowed the pegasus.

Rarity gave their host a gracious smile, stepping forward before performing a small curtsy. “And the Doge did not tell us a beautiful mare would let us stay in her home. Splendid to meet you, Mrs. Meadow. I am Rarity, and this is my friend Applejack.” The unicorn introduced themselves, “I hope the Doge only told you good things; I’d hate to give a bad impression.”

“The Doge can hardly leave a good impression for himself, so I took everything he said with a grain of salt…for your sake of course.” chuckled Whispering.

Applejack seemed… puzzled as she looked around at the farmland as if it were all purple and neon pink, “... Where’re your crops?”

The older pegasus blinked, turning to the earth mare, “Er, whatever do you mean? This is a cotton mill and tobacco plantation hoho…” grinned Whispering Meadow, “And it’s mighty profitable! Keeps my workers and me sleeping easy without worrying about those bandits….”

Applejack huffed, “Bandits, huh? Diamond dogs?”

Whispering Meadow mused, “So I suppose he did bring you to speed, less he threw you to me without giving you a rundown of this place…come with me.” beckoned the mare.

Stepping inside the house, the large plantation home was rugged but sophisticated; unlike the Doge’s Palace, it was wood furnishing and a ‘homey’ choice of decor over the fine marble, and elaborate paintings and pottery that had littered the palace halls. Here it felt like entering grandma’s house when the pair were only fillies, the feeling of excitement and comfort washing over them as they were escorted to a large dining room.

“Make yourself comfortable; we’re having daisy salad for lunch,” smiled Whispering, “So what brings you Equestrian ponies so far from home?”

“Uh… magic map,” answered Applejack.

Rarity cleared her throat, giving her companion a teasing smirk and a raised brow. “What my lovely companion means to say is we were sent on a mission through a magical artifact. It directs us to areas that have issues with… interpersonal conflicts. I do hope the Doge told you we are traveling with Twilight Sparkle.”

“I do hope we aren’t imposing too much; your home is lovely! So homely, yet so chic! And might I add, clean…” The unicorn glanced at Applejack with a pointed gaze and goading grin.

Applejack rolled her eyes, “Just to let you know, we aren’t afraid of a little hard work or gettin’ dirty either.” The farmer grinned, tossing a competitive look to Rarity.

Whispering Meadow studied the two carefully as she poured the three a glass of water, chuckling softly to herself, “I’m sure you all have a lot of history… but we’re grateful for your help regardless if you’re with Twilight Sparkle or the peanut gallery.”

The dining room doors suddenly flew open as a loud bang echoed through the home, “Those damn diamond dogs went too far!” shouted a new voice, shrill and high in pitch, as a set of talons and paws pattered across the floor.

A white pigeon griffin with a black beak and bright green eyes stamped in, wearing a tricorn hat, brown tunic, and slacks with a large musket and satchel hanging over his side and back, “Mrs. Meadow, those fleabags robbed our supply carriage!”

The mare slammed her hooves on the table in frustration, “What’s the point of stationing the Guard here if they can’t do a fu–...” Whispering’s eye slowly turned to the two mares, “... excuse my Prench… it seems our meeting has been cut short. That carriage has my bits, grain, and seed. If we don’t get it back, then I won’t be able to pay my workers or prepare the next harvest.”

The griffin muttered to himself in an unfamiliar tongue, grumbling, “Don’t worry ’bout a ‘ting Mrs. Meadows; I’m sure my Barny Boys and I can fetch your cart back no problem!” laughed the griff, looking absolutely panicked and terrified, “That’s a guarantee!”

The pegasus quietly rested her head on the table and sighed, “... Applejack, Rarity, I know you’re here to use your talents to help the Republic… but can you two please make sure that wagon is returned to me?”

Applejack quickly shot up from the table, “Now this is something I can comprehend, roundin’ up some no good bushwackin’ rustlers, yee-haw!”

“Ooohh hoo, that’s a feisty Eart-mare, that’s a real dandy!” chuckled the griff.

“Glendon, if you fail this, you aren’t getting paid either.” The pegasus gently reminded him.

“Awe… er… feck.” spat Glendon, peering fearfully at the floor.

Rarity shared a glance with Applejack before stepping forward, flipping her mane most elegantly, “Well, this shouldn’t be of any issue! I promise that we will have your cart back before dawn tomorrow. I have a bit of experience dealing with Diamond Dogs and common ruffians alike; this is nothing.”

Giving the griffin a smirk, she approached him and gently bumped him with her hip, “So darling, do you happen to recall which way these ne’er-do-wells went?”

Glendon grinned at the mare as he shifted his brows eagerly at her, “Oh, I like ya a lot, missy– alright wot happened… er… right, I was hitting the pub with me lads Greyson and Gwynn… then poof! The damn cart went missing right under our fecking beck's!”

“Now, I know what cha thinking lass, you’re thinking ‘Dia Maith! Toe’s birds were havin’ a bender and got their seat swiped!’ But no lass, they got the drop on us and ’ad their guns first. We were itchin’ for a fight, but the barkeep didn’t want lead and blood all o’er his bar!”

“So, would these ruffians perhaps still be there, or do you know where they might take this cart?” Rarity listened intently, giving the griffin an expecting look and an attentive smile. Regardless of species, Rarity knew when to use her looks to get what she wanted.

“How long ago was this as well? I do hope you didn’t exhaust yourself flying back here. Thank goodness you weren’t hurt– but how are your companions?”

Applejack cocked a brow as Rarity seamlessly understood this strange Griff’s thick accent and droning, incoherent way of speaking. It was like listening to Twilight divulge into some obscure magical topic or mage’s history; it made her head spin.

(“Er…you got all that?”) whispered Applejack.

“Wait, Rarity is right; where are Greyson and Gwynn?” shot Whispering as she perked up from her seat.

Glendon scratched his head as he ruffled his feathers, “Oh… er… I don’t know... ‘thing was, we had a bit of a scuffle outside (since he’s said nothin’ about fightin’ outside his pub!) of the bar, and I don’t know for sure, but ah think everyone scattered, and those mangy mutts managed to scurry away with the carriage.”

Rarity tutted, clicking her tongue as she walked around the griffin. Her horn was enveloped with a blue light as she adjusted and dusted off his clothing, shaking her head. Once she was satisfied, she stepped back.

“Let’s hope for the best and that your friends are alright and are simply trying to return the cart. As for now, we should return to the scene of the crime and try to track down these thieves.” The unicorn turned to Applejack, “Does that sound like a plan to you, darling?”

“Right then, Luv, ‘suppose I should get my Barn Owls so we can er…” he slowly slid his musket off his back, cocking the hammer back as he shot the two a grin, “solve the situation amicably, yea?” deviously cackled the griff.

Applejack bit her lower lip, “Er… let’s try to hold back on blastin’ folk unless we gotta, might not be worth gettin’ the whole band together, y’know?”

“I agree; I’d rather this matter not get any messier than it already has.” Rarity nodded in agreement.

Glendon clacked his beak together in response, cocking the hammer back to safety as he grumbled to himself, “Bleedin’ hearts….”

Whispering Meadows sighed, “Well now, that’s settled; you three must be going! Feel free to use the chariot you arrived in; I’m sure Jugo will be happy to help.”

“Bah! Not that hippy dippy happy; he’ll be too busy singing about the posies and pansies that he’ll lose the cart!” complained the snappy griffin.

“By all accounts, the cart is already lost, and so are your guys; now shove off Glendon, go on!” scolded Whispering, stamping her hoof on the table in frustration like an angry mother.

The griffin clicked his tongue as he kicked the dust before him, “Bollocks, fine, fine, I’ll go get ’em… see you girls outside…” grumbled Glendon as he marched out.

Rarity sighed, watching as the griffin left before turning to Whispering Meadows. “Well, I suppose this goes against my plans of a relaxing early morning brunch and discussions over a nice cup of tea, but duty calls. Perhaps you have any advice or wise words for us before we depart?”

The mare nodded, “Er, yes… Rarity, it would be wise if you hid your horn, dearest… Unicorns aren’t exactly seen as friendly, welcoming neighbors of the community, as you know, so watch your step…” warned the pegasus, “If you don’t return by nightfall I’ll send a party after you.”

Applejack nodded as she quickly got up from her seat and trotted out the door, “Got it; keep Rarity’s magic on the down low, and get the wagon. Let’s get it.”

Rarity sighed, turning to the pegasus mare with a soft smile. “In that case, do you suppose I could borrow a scarf?”

Several minutes later, the unicorn trotted out with a large blue scarf wrapped around her head, tucked just right in order to hide her horn yet still look fashionable. Stepping inside of the carriage, Rarity glanced toward Applejack and noticed her look.

“What? I’m not going to trot around in some garish robe or cloak! I may need to hide my horn, but I can still be glamorous doing so~.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, “We’re trying to get back a stolen wagon if you forgot; bringing unwanted attention to yourself might slow us down or, worse, get us into trouble. Don’t you remember that we’re going to a bar in the middle of the country? What if some stallion gets the wrong idea about you and then finds out you’re a unicorn?”

Glendon chortled, peering from the back of the carriage, “You’re implyin’ I won’t ‘ave Rarity’s heart by the end of this trip, right luv?” winked the griffin.

Rarity let out a charmed giggle; as Applejack quickly shot a look at the griffin, “Oh, you hush up!”

Jugo, their carriage driver from earlier, peered down from his seat as he smiled at Rarity, “Well, it seems we’ll be driving together, won’t we, amiga?”

“Hey, I’m tellin’ yah right now, if yah think you’re gonna be singin’ roadies all day instead of shotgunin’ you better think again!” shouted Glendon, “I won’t be having all that sissy, flowery, girly songs during my feckin’ road trip.”

Jugo shook his head, strumming his guitar in reply.

“Come now, you two; I don’t see why a little music can’t make our quest a bit more tolerable.” Rarity tutted, waving a hoof.

Jugo chuckled, puffing his collar in reply, “See, Glendon? Why can’t you be more like Rarity here?”

“You better keep that beck clamped down, or I’ll shove this beer bottle up your arse!” grumbled Glendon.

Rarity winced, “Er, now Glendon, was it? Tell me a bit more about what these ruffians looked like.”

He peered back around the cart to see Rarity, “Yeah, there was a pack of these shaggy-looking hounds, clad in these fancy blue waistcoats and leather caps. Tink’re real big shot gangsters and bootleggers.” laughed Glendon.

“You’ll know ’em once yah seem them,” replied Jugo.

Applejack peered around the wagon, noticing the supply, “Er… that’s a lot of whiskey– what’s that for?”

Glendon chuckled, “Let’s just say those poochie's are getting one hell of a fiery cocktail, hehe! I even got the cinnamon-spiced kind too, aha! I’m a poet!” cackled Glendon as he gleefully packed the bottles of spiced booze into the cart.

Jugo peered down at the mare as he strummed his guitar, “Don’t expect much out of this bandito.”

“Oy! I was a bandit, now I ain’t; just because I don’t rob rich creatures down the long way doesn’t mean I have to stop makin’ firebombs and lovin’ a good ol’ fashion shoot out.” hmpf’d Glendon.

Jugo’s eyes rested on the mares, “See? Need I say more?”

“There’s nothing wrong with a little action, so long as it’s kept to a minimum.” Rarity chuckled softly, “But I’d rather not start any fires or gunfights if we can avoid it. You said these hounds were wearing waistcoats? I’m surprised they would be so well dressed!”

“I suppose the term’ diamond dog’ might have two meanings… the vermin we encountered were not so… civilized.” The unicorn turned to Applejack hopefully, “Perhaps we may be able to reason with them?”

Glendon laughed as he loudly cut off Applejack, “Reason? It’s on sight! Blam! Blam!" shouted the griff, gesturing the firing of a musket with his claws, "That’s right; those fleabags can get all of the smoke and non of the water.” Glendon nodded to himself, crossing his front legs as he whistled, “‘Sides luv, they’ll see a pretty face like you and Applejack deere and think, ‘Oh, that’s a free trip to the pub’ and try to ransom you.”

Applejack huffed, “No offense, Glendon, but I think we should see this out ourselves before we go in hard like that. ‘Sides, maybe this was why we’re supposed to be here.”

Glendon snorted and scoffed, cackling bemusedly, “Well, look at yew, tinking yer some sort of disciple of Eyr missy? Just come out of temple mass? Wot make’s yah think you can reason with them?”

“We’ve been through worse, right sugar cube?” Applejack said, turning to Rarity with a smug smirk.

“Quite right, darling.” Rarity returned the farmer’s smile with a grin of her own. “It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve dealt with Diamond Dogs or any other type of ruffian. We may be beautiful, Glendon, but we aren’t afraid to ‘rough it,’ as my dear friend Applejack here would say.” She patted the earth pony on the arm.

“Neither would it be the first time I was kidnapped by dogs, but I quickly taught them a thing or two.” She tittered, recalling that adventure from so long ago. “So don’t you worry about us too much~”

Glendon crossed his claws and scrutinized the pair before finally sighing, “Alright, if yew thinks you can talk yer’ way out of a brawl, then be my guest. But don’t shy away from the brawl when it does happen, okay?”

Applejack chuckled, “Oh don’t you worry, we ain’t yellow.”

“Lest I be in the company of a couple of pant-pissers right then– let’s get on with it!” Glendon barked, stuffing the rest of the cargo in the back of the wagon before flying up and landing next to Jugo in the driver’s seat.

“Well, come on then, we don’t got all day!” called Glendon.

“The work never ends, heh….” AJ sighed as she slowly climbed into the back of the wagon.

Rarity smiled and gently closed the door behind her.

“For mares like us, darling? It never does.”