• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 714 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...

Enter Eyr

As the party walked through the dense wilderness, a strange feeling hung around the air. A powerful magic that coursed around them with an unmistakable aura. But this power felt… welcoming instead of intimidating or overwhelming. It reminded Twilight of Celestia and Luna in a way, powerful but comforting.

Paprika stopped the wagons before freeing herself from the hitch and sniffing the area. Pressing her muzzle against a smooth stone on the ground, the maiden quickly gave the stone a small tap, watching it sink into the ground.

The earth began to thunder as the ground in front of them tore itself open and spat out large stones surrounded in a beautiful blue aura. The magic, or whatever mysterious unseen force, seemed to arrange these massive stones and boulders into a cave with a large entrance encompassing the structure.

By all physical and scientific measures, the massive cave that stood before them would go nowhere. Just a few hundred feet in, and they’d hit a wall. But Paprika seemed undeterred, “Alright, just follow me!”

The Griffish knights rushed forward, “Are you mad!? This is clearly a real structure made by the Gods themselves; you’ll die if you enter!” warned György.

“Why didn’t you say anything before now!?” snapped Starlight.

“You guys thought it was real?” questioned Gael, “I thought we were just following this homeless person as a joke.”

György smacked the back of the young cub’s head, “Fool! The Gods are real!”

Gael groaned, rubbing the back of his head, “Ow!”

Paprika blew a raspberry, “You silly billy, the legend says those of pure of heart may enter. Anybody can enter as long as they’re pure about their intentions. Besides, you can’t turn back now!”

“That’s true; we already came aaaaaaaaallllll this way out here.” Pinkie offered, gesturing with her hoof just how long they had traveled, “We might as well try!”

“That’s true, and I’d rather not have wasted a whole day’s supplies for nothing,” Twilight sighed and gestured to the others. “Alright, let’s just be ready for anything. Gael, György, if you’re uncomfortable with following us further, I understand.”

György shook his head, “We’ll follow you for YOUR sake, not ours! We have the blessing of Boreas and Eyr; our faith will protect thee!”

Gael rolled his eyes, “Besides, if we go back, Gilda will have our necks if she finds out we ditched you guys and Rainbow Dash.”

Paprika snorted before laughing to herself, “Well, you guys want to help creatures and make friends. Just be honest with yourselves, and you’ll be fine! Just remember why you’re here!”

Starlight took a deep breath before casting several shield spells on the way. Her horn crackled and popped with intense power as she used her magic, “This place is really, really strong with magic, Twilight; I think we’ll be okay if we encounter any trouble.”

Spike nervously stroked his head scales, “But if you guys are empowered here, what about a… monster?” gulped Spike.

Applejack rolled her eyes as she did her best not to think about that possibility, “Can we not think about that now we’re about to enter a deep dark magical cave?”

“Yeah, really,” scoffed Gallus, eyeing up the massive structure, “Why are we even listening to this stranger in the first place!?”

“Well, she’s a friend!” interjected Thorax peering from under a wagon as the changeling cowered in fear.

“We just met her like a few hours ago!” retorted Gallus.

“Wamp wamp,” giggled Paprika, “However you feel about it, we’re too far to quit now, now come on!” she’d quickly strapped herself in before pulling the wagons forward, “Next stop, Swallowtail!”

As they entered the cavern, the knights would bow their heads, praying to their Goddess of life for protection.

Twilight exchanged a look with her friends before letting out a long sigh and a shrug. Paprika was right. What choice did they have?

“Strange, we must be on a magical layline….” Twilight scrutinized the interior of the cave, but she could definitely feel the spike of magic. It was like flying or being at a high altitude; she could feel the pressure in her ears before they popped as they stepped further inside.

“Well, whatever’s going on, I trust her! She’s nice, and her wool is super soft!!” Pinkie giggled as they trotted along– or the others trotted, and she bounced. It was a wonder nothing in that wagon strapped to her was broken.

“I-I’m not sure, but… we’ve gone this far.” Fluttershy, reflexively, kept glancing back at the entrance, terrified it would close and swallow them whole. Rainbow Dash grabbed her, directing her eyes forward. Fluttershy looked down at her friend, noticing her determined expression. “Rainbow?”

“Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it….” The spectral mare was mumbling under her breath.

“Oh, Rainbow, are you claustrophobic?” Fluttershy asked, suddenly concerned.

“Wha–” Dash blinked, snapping out of her trance, “No! I just don’t like not being able to fly… cus’ it’s too tight in here….”

Twilight turned her head to give the pegasus a cocked brow. Rainbow stuck her tongue out in response.

As soon as every creature was inside the cave, the entrance collapsed, blocking their way back. There was a loud shriek as everything went dark, but a moment later, sets of crystals began to glow a deep blue, illuminating the path.

“S-Sorry…” Fluttershy mumbled.

Paprika giggled, “Just follow the path, and we’ll be out of this cave by supper time!” Fluttershy sniffled with fear but slowly followed.

“This place is a sanctuary…” whispered Gael, “I thought they were just legends….”

György nodded, “We must keep this place a secret so that it remains as such. Many enemies of the Kingdom would use this to endanger our people.”

György perked his head as he came to a realization, “Wait, how did you know where to find the Szentély!?”

Paprika blew a raspberry at the knight before giggling to herself. Much to the knights displeasure.

A large eagle soared above the party, seeming to give each and every individual a judgmental glare. The Knights quickly tensed up.

“Is that Eyr…?” whispered Gael.

The eagle dived at the group before racing into the darkness ahead of them and cutting around a corner.

György studied the eagle, showing mindfulness and respect as he bowed his head at the creature, “This is most definitely a home of the Goddess… her presence is strong here….”

Gallus rolled his eyes, “I think one flew in here while we were talking. I mean, Pinkie Pie’s tail does kinda look like a squirrel.” The young Griffin was not nearly as spiritual or religious as his armored counterparts. Much to their insult.

“Does it really?!” Pinkie attempted to turn around but was blocked by her wagon.

Thorax seemed to exercise caution when he studied his surroundings, “Is there anything that lives here? Anything that might want to… eat us?”

Paprika laughed, “No…! Maybe… it depends on if that Eagle thinks we’re worthy.”

Gael bowed his head as he let out a deep sigh, “I think I just killed us all.”

György laughed, “Not to worry, my squire, your shaky faith won’t be the demise of us! If anything, it’ll be… the… unfaithful… and… non-believers around us….” the knight seemed to pause as he let out a small defeated, ‘oh.’

“I’m sure, even if we don’t believe in your faith, that Eyr might find us worthy. Our intentions are pure, and we don’t intend to harm or insult the gods in any way.” Twilight said, attempting to comfort the knights and herself.

Ever since she was a filly, she was more logical than a superstitious pony. She was fascinated by learning how things work, but the more she did that, the less magical magic seemed to really be.

“M-Maybe I could talk to it and ask it to guide us?” Fluttershy offered, gently taking flight. She was far more comfortable flying in tight spaces than her old schoolmate.

The cave quietly rumbled as the path in front of them caved in, blocking the way. Suddenly, a passage would open beside them with part of the firm stone wall shattered like glass into fine gravel.

“I don’t think we’ll be able to talk to that bird now!” shrieked Spike, squeezing his eyes shut.

The group peered inside the newly formed passage, seeing a massive room where the previously mentioned eagle sat on a stone throne surrounded by those strange glowing crystals.

Gallus slowly looked over to Fluttershy, “Well, there’s your opportunity to talk to the bird.” he'd nudge the mare jokingly.

Fluttershy’s ears were pinned to her skull, trembling as she looked around at the others.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy, you don’t have to go in there by yourself,” Twilight stepped forward, gently setting a hoof on her shoulder.

“I-It’s okay, I-I can do this,” The meek pegasus whimpered, gathering her courage before she slowly stepped through the passage and into the room.

“H-Hello.. my name is F-Fluttershy, and these are my friends,” Fluttershy approached hesitantly, trying not to tremble too much. But there was, one thing she was confident in was her ability to speak to animals, “Um… I was wondering if it’s not too much of a bother if you could help us get to Swallowtail?”

The eagle scowled at Fluttershy as a voice escaped the beak of the beast; the eagle’s voice was distinctively female, with a deep and authoritative tone, “You dare ask for my assistance ye of little faith? Does thou not see there’s contradictory and a selfish preconceived notion!?”

“The Goddess!” shouted the Griffin party members, quickly taking a knee at the sight of her. The eagle rolled her eyes before a blue and green magic hue surrounded the Goddess. Revealing her true form to the expedition. The closest thing comparable was if an eagle and a Harpy had crossed over.

The Goddess was bipedal with emerald green silk robes and a large wooden scepter made from the limb of a massive tree that was visibly enchanted with powerful magic. She pointed her rod at the Griffins, “Cease your groveling! I do not need the adoration of mere mortals to know if they are worthy of my sanctuary!”

“Who art thou!?” thundered the creature, “Who is the organizer of this caravan? I demand you to reveal yourself!”

Fluttershy let out a small, muffled squeak, quickly walking backward before inevitably tripping on her own tail and rolling back to the group.

“Oh brother, we should have invited Luna along. At least they’d be able to understand each other...” Rainbow muttered sarcastically, helping Fluttershy to her hooves.

Twilight took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before she stepped forward, a determined look on her face. She still wasn’t sure that this creature was truly a god. What she had seen so far was impressive but not out of the question for an experienced sorcerer… or a changeling.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle; I hail from Equestria. My friends and I are traveling to Swallowtail to spread friendship and hopefully turn right the wrongs that have been done to your people. We do not seek to insult you or your home; we were told those pure of heart may seek passage.” The alicorn did her best to seem respectable and determined as if she knew what she was doing. “I do not intend to judge myself or my friends; that is not our place. But please, if you do not find us worthy, then please spare my friends.”

The Goddess sneered, peering down at the alicorn, “Equestria? Thou have traveled very far and taken quite a detour from their homeland, yes?” The mighty creature paused as she stroked the white feathers on her head.

“Thou is willing to die for thine kin?” Eyr mused as she took a moment to study Twilight, “... Truth be told, I have left my sanctuaries abandoned for a long time. Only the faithful and wise may find these caverns. But thou is neither faithful nor are you educated enough to know the land.”

The Goddess quickly pointed her scepter at the alicorn, “CONFESS! WHO AMONG YOU KNOWS THE SACRED KNOWLEDGE OF THE TEMPLE!”

Paprika bounced in place, “Me! Me me me me me!” shouted the Alpaca.

Eyr’s expression shifted to something akin to a disappointed parent, “... Oh… you… thoust has made companionship with a fool?” she looked down at Twilight, “That one went mad and wandered the forest for weeks! Thou only found my domain by sheer… luck!”

Paprika giggled and snorted.

The ancient Goddess rubbed her temple as she let out an exhausted sigh, “Oh my me… Boreas, you choose the strangest of champions….” The Goddess quickly raised several stone chairs and tables for the expedition to sit down at, “Rest! I require knowledge of your exploits before I can let you cross my sanctuary!”

Twilight exchanged looks with her friends before nodding and taking a seat at the table.

“Where do you want us to start? Oooh, I think I have the Elements of Harmony somewhere in the wagon!” Pinkie offered, waving a hoof as she bounced up and down in her seat.

“I don’t know if we have to go that far, Pinkie….” Twilight chuckled, gesturing for the other, more nervous travelers to sit down.

“Perhaps we should start at the map?” Rarity offered, flipping her mane as she sat down.

The alicorn nodded, “That’s probably a good place to start.”

Twilight began regaling the supposed Goddess of their adventure, starting in the Crystal Empire, Yakyakistan, and beyond. After a while, she needed to rest her throat, her friends chipping in to recount the story.

“Oooh, the pirates were my favorite part!” Pinkie grinned, “Except for the Harpies getting hurt, of course, but everything else was fun!”

Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes, “But, yes… we’ve been on quite a journey.”

Eyr seemed content with the long-winded explanation, slowly rising to her talon, “It seems you speak the truth, and your intentions are clear. So thou have passed my initial impressions….”

The Goddess would spread her wings, “However! This does not account for a lifetime of misdeeds or evil! Thou must be weighed for their past actions, there are scales that must be balanced, and to ensure that I know thou will not share this sacred knowledge of my temple, you will all be placed on the scale!”

The Goddess smashed her scepter into the ground, the piece of enchanted wood seeming to take root as it grew into a large tree resembling a scale. Before, Eyr plucked a large feather from atop her head and placed it on the scale.

“If thou weigh more than my feather, then you cannot be trusted to leave. Your soul is filled with hatred and evil. With that in mind, I will send you to Maar, where you will be trapped in the Underworld for the rest of time!” warned Eyr.

“But… if thou weigh less than my feather, you are not loyal or trustworthy enough to leave! You lack the integrity to preserve my temples secrecy, and you must remain here until your scales are balanced!”

The knights and Gallus were extremely terrified. A new sense of faith plagued their thoughts as a sense of guilt washed over them.

Spike gulped as he raised his claw, “How much of the past is being judged here? Is there a cutoff?”

Eyr scowled at the dragon, “No! Thou will be judged for every infraction! Every lie! Every misdeed! Shall be weighed against you!”

Twilight looked over at her friends, a little nervous but confident that none of them would be going to ‘Maar,’ wherever that was. Just when she was about to open her mouth to ask a question of her own, Pinkie Pie jumped forward.

“Ooooh, that looks like fun!” She didn’t hesitate to scramble on top, the scales bouncing up and down as it tried to come to a balance.

The scale would hobble and sway up and down for a moment before settling, revealing that Pinkie weighed as much as Eyr’s feather. The Goddess peered down at the mare, “Thou is still plagued with the ignorance of youth. You have a lot to learn before thou is thy best self.”

Eyr picked up Pinkie Pie before giving her a firm shake, “You will live a long prosperous life.” she’d then place the party pony back in her seat, “Who will be weighed for their actions now!?” thundered the Goddess.

Pinkie giggled joyfully; she was happy, although Twilight was pretty sure she didn’t understand what had just happened.

“I’ll go next, why not.” Rainbow shrugged, pulling herself into the air before gently setting down on the scales. Despite her nonchalant attitude, she was preparing herself to flutter the tips of her wings just in case the odds weren’t in her favor.

The Goddess glared at the pegasus, sensing her deceptive intentions as the scale creaked beneath her hooves, before leveling out evenly, “Your pride and hubris will be your downfall time and time again….but you will rise above it despite your falls.”

Eyr grabbed Rainbow Dash before giving the mare a firm shake, stroking the pony's mane, “....Thou will die satisfied.” she’d placed Rainbow Dash down.

Rainbow Dash’s expression melted from insulted, confused, and then mildly frightened. “Er… thanks?”

“Who will rise up to the scales!” called Eyr.

Rainbow Dash would poke Fluttershy in the side, encouraging her to go up, “C’mon, it wasn’t so bad, besides you’ll be fine. If I passed, you definitely will.” She gave the meek pegasus a confident smile.

“O-Okay…” Fluttershy nodded, fluttering up before taking a seat on the scale, nervously wringing her hooves.

The scales nearly dipped too low before quickly snapping upward and evening out, “You being here is the greatest act of courage you will ever commit….” Eyr gently picked up Fluttershy before giving her a firm shake.

“Your best years are ahead of you.” she’d placed Fluttershy down, “Step forth!” Fluttershy looked rather dazed and relieved as she sat down as if the worst had come to pass.

Rarity whimpered before nervously stepping forward and climbing on top of the scale, squeezing her eyes shut before opening them once the scale quit moving.

“Jealousy and envy will be your undoing if you cannot find satisfaction with the company and life you keep,” Eyr warned, giving the unicorn a stern look before scooping the pony up and shaking her.

Rarity whined, “I think I’m going to be sick!”

“You will have all you desire once you overcome your need for luxury.” informed the Goddess.

Rarity grumbled, “Did you get that from a fortune cookie?”

Applejack slowly stepped forward, “Guess I’ll go next….” Climbing onto the scale she stared directly at it embracing whatever judgment she got.

Fortunately, the scale leveled out, “Upholding tradition has no value in itself unless the tradition is worth preserving. Embrace the future.” the deity grasped Applejack before shaking her.

“W-Woah!” squealed Applejack.

Eyr gave a firm nod to Applejack. “You will rest knowing that you did your best for your loved ones.” She scanned the group, “Who will step forward!”

Twilight sighed, “I suppose I should go–”

“YONA GO NEXT!” A loud, brash voice cut the princess off. The frightened and visibly nervous yak stepped forward, her heart beating wildly, but she attempted to mask it with bravado. “Weird griffin-harpy thing doesn’t scare Yak! Yak, take stupid test!”

The princess bit her lip and cringed, giving Eyr an apologetic look for the young one’s behavior. Yona climbed aboard the scale with some difficulty, her bulk and short legs didn’t help.

The scale sank, touching the floor for a moment bringing the heart of every creature to their stomach as they thought Yona was doomed to Maar. But fortunately, the scale shot back up and bounced high above the ground for a moment. Before finally settling.

“Your ignorance and pride will be a continual source of humiliation for thee. You feel isolated and alone on your quest for knowledge.” The Goddess grabbed Yona straining for a moment before giving her a long slow shake.

“Ngh, you will– hgh,” struggled Eyr before using both wings to shake the yak, “You will be the start of a new age for your tribe, and you will be at the forefront of it!” the Goddess gasped as she placed Yona back on the ground.

She huffed, “N-Next… just go on the scales…” Eyr wheezed, catching her breath.

Yona seemed exceptionally proud of herself, although a troubled look crossed her face when she finally began to process what the Goddess said. She sat down and looked at the stone table thoughtfully.

Twilight looked around before finally standing up, “I’ll go next. Honestly, I thought I would be first.”

“You snooze, you lose!” Pinkie blew a raspberry at the princess, who simply rolled her eyes.

Stepping onto the scales, Twilight steadied herself before sitting down, feeling a lump in her throat. She couldn’t be a bad pony, right? Although she had used Sombra’s magic… if only to do good! There was no other way around that!

The scales seemed to barely falter; Eyr raised a brow stroking her feathers, “You are afraid of a life without your friends. Dark times are lying and waiting for you further down the road.”

The Goddess scooped up Twilight and gave her a firm shake before placing her down, “A great award awaits in the near future.”

Twilight was surprised by the outcome. She had expected the scale to move at least a little bit more than that. She wasn’t sure if she should be flattered or skeptical.

The Goddess turned to Thorax before turning her beak up at him, “Your illusions do not fool me! Reveal yourself!” ordered Eyr.

Thorax quickly revealed his true form to everyone as he nervously rubbed his leg, gauging the Griffins and Paprika’s mixed reactions. He sighed before stepping up to the scale.

The scale bounced upward before snapping evenly, “You are at a crossroads. Big changes and choices are ahead of you and you question everything about yourself.” She’d give the changeling a shake.

“You don’t have to worry about your brother. Things will be better in due time….” The Goddess stared at Trixie, as she placed Thorax down, “You, come.”

Trixie jumped in place, her eyes darting around as if she were looking for a way to escape. It was clear to everyone that she was terrified of being judged. Even Twilight could feel pity for her. She just hoped that she wouldn’t be stuck here.

The showpony trembled as she stepped forward, weakly climbing onto the scales. She wished she was as strong as Twilight or Starlight at that moment, even more than she usually did. At least then she could teleport away or blast her way out. Clenching her eyes shut, Trixie awaited her judgment.

The scale sank and pressed against the floor for a moment, and then very, very slowly, the scale rose upward and evened out. Eyr approached Trixie, “Your jealousy and envy will be your undoing if you cannot find peace with yourself and those you have a perceived jealousy of.”

The Goddess then grabbed Trixie and shook her before placing her on the ground, “However, you have people in your life that will help you find peace.”

Trixie let out a shuddering sigh of relief before falling, and unable to catch herself, she simply fell limp to the ground. Fluttershy came over to gently pick her up, setting her down in a seat.

“I suppose… Spike, do you want to go next?” Twilight offered, “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”

Spike sighed as he looked at the massive scale practically looming over him, “Thanks a lot, Twilight.”

“Oh, don’t be such a drama queen.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

Grumbling, the young drake climbed onto the scale, sitting down in a huff.

It didn’t even move.

Eyr seemed unphased, “You still suffer from the ignorance of youth. How could you not? You have centuries to grow.”

She’d then shake the young dragon, “You’ll start wondering how everything changed so quickly for you.” smiled Eyr placing the dragon down.

Spike rubbed his tail, “That’s… reassuring?”

Starlight galloped up to the scale before hopping on; it seemed to slam into the ground like a heavy weight was suddenly thrust on it before it slowly squeaked upward.

Eyr shook her head, “You have a long road ahead of you…” she said mildly before grabbing the unicorn and shaking her.

Starlight laughed, “H-Hey, that tickles!”

“You will have more friends than you will ever know.” Eyr nodded before placing the pony down.

Eyr took a deep breath as she looked over at the Griffins, “You were in Boreas’s light since you were hatchlings. Though your faith in the Gods varies, I’m starting to think whatever case of hubris or apathy is plaguing you. Is starting to seem rather burdensome, yes?” The Goddess grinned.

Gallus nodded,” Y-Yup, I’ll confess all my flaws right here if you want!” offered Gallus.

“Please don’t send us to the Underworld!” pleaded the knights.

Eyr sighed, “Calm down; nobody is going to the Underworld. You’re all pure of heart… even if you struggle with your imperfections and impurities.”

The Goddess quickly grabbed the scale and ripped it from the ground, its limbs retreating into the base of the staff of the scepter before Eyr quickly snapped the stone chairs, tables, and throne back into the stone floors an walls around them.

Paprika piped up, “What about me!?”

Eyr pressed her wing to her temple, “I already did you the first time, fool!”

Paprika snorted, “Oh yeah.”

“Well, I’m glad that’s settled….” Twilight let out a sigh of relief. She had been a little worried about Trixie and Starlight, but she was thankful everything had ended smoothly.

“So, can we go now?” Rainbow groaned, “We were kinda busy before you stopped us.”

“Rainbow, don’t be so rude! She just wanted to make sure that we were good!” Fluttershy admonished gently.

“I thought it was fun!” Pinkie grinned, bouncing up and down.

The Griffins stared at Rainbow Dash slack-jawed. Did she not realize this was a literal God? They wondered if she talked like that to Celestia or Luna...

Eyr rolled her eyes at Rainbow Dash, “You are all sworn to secrecy; never share the location of this place!” The stone wall behind her collapsed as the Goddess transformed into an eagle. Taking flight out of the cave.

Starlight sighed deeply, “Wow… that’s… huh… you know I see things differently now…”

“That was the most stressful and intense therapy session I ever had.” sniffled Rarity, dabbing her face with a washcloth.

As the group stepped outside, they stood atop a large hill overlooking a massive tree in the distance, standing proudly in a sea of much smaller trees. It glowed brightly like a giant lamppost in a sea of darkness. The sound of music faintly playing in the distance echoing throughout the forest.

Hundreds of creatures were visible in the air and at the bottom of the tree. Upon realization from looking at a nearby tree, it was discovered all these smaller trees were actually growing from one set of massive roots spanning above and below ground for miles.

After the group pulled out their wagons from out the cave, the cavern behind them would sink quietly into the ground. There was virtually no evidence of it ever having been there, aside from one small smooth stone lying on a patch of grass in the clearing.

Twilight barely noticed the cave closing behind them, her attention fully absorbed as she looked upon the giant tree. She couldn’t help it; her breath was taken away. Oddly, it almost reminded her of her old tree house… if it were a massive, sprawling city.

Frankly, it was beautiful.

“Finally, I can stretch my wings!” Rainbow zipped through the air, making several loops before slowing down, “Wait, where did that Eyr chick go?”

Pinkie Pie looked around curiously but was unable to find her, “Huh. Guess she went back into the cave!”

The Griffin members of the party collapsed on the ground, “That was the most existential thing I ever watched, and I didn’t even get judged!” shouted Gallus.

Applejack looked up at Rainbow Dash, narrowing her gaze. “Hey Rainbow Dash, can yah not egg on the IMMORTAL GODS next time! We’re lucky she wasn’t impatient!”

“Did she tell us our future or something at the end of our readings?” questioned Spike as he recollected the incident.

Paprika laughed, “It’s just some readings; it’s like tarot cards!”

“We could’ve died!” snapped Rarity.

“Aw c’mon, we don’t know for sure if that Eyr chick was a God! She coulda just been a really powerful sorcerer or whatever….” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and huffed, tossing her mane out of her face. “Right, Twilight?”

"Heresy!" shouted György, insulted by the mares lack of faith. Completely baffled that she denied their Goddess divinity despite being judged by her not even ten minutes ago.

Twilight hesitated, wincing before she turned to reply, “Well, we can’t be certain, but either way, I’d like to have some distance before I make any judgments myself. Let’s just be happy everyone is okay, and we still have our supplies.”

“Let’s just go; I wanna see the pretty lights and see the parties and games and and–” Pinkie Pie bounced into the air, giggling with glee. “I can’t wait!!”