• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 708 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

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Enter The Dragon's Den

Spike thought today was going to be easy. His status within the Dragon community was respected. He was the hero of The Crystal Empire, initially the Dragon Lord, before giving the title to Ember. In Ember’s presence, any who disrespected Spike would result in a punishment akin to insulting the Dragon Lord. While Spike was respected, that didn’t exactly mean he was liked.

Spike, for many Dragons, was seen as an enigma, conqueror of the trials but Dragon only in name in the eyes of many. Spike went against his nature. He was friends and family with species outside his of own kind. He didn’t even know much about how to be a Dragon due to being raised by ponies, and while some refer to Spike as “Spike the Contended,” others mockingly refer to him as “Spike the Pony.”

Unfortunately for Spike, he was ignorant of the reality of how Dragons truly felt about him outside of the presence of the Dragon Lord. As the young Dragon was carried by Gallus to the Hollow of the tree, he had an optimistic outlook… aside from the fear of falling down.

Gallus groaned, “Don’t think this will become a common thing, dude.”

“Trust me, I’m having as much fun as you are…” grumbled Spike.

The two landed on a small platform overlooking the base of the tree where the roots sprawled out for miles. They could even see some of the Earth Ponies going about their day on the ground. However, as they looked inside the Hollow, they saw hundreds of Dragons going about their usual Dragon business, wrestling, hoarding, and sleeping.

However, there were some peculiarities. There were businesses and stands selling ‘steamed gems,’ hot coals, and ‘deep fried diamonds.’ Spike was already salivating at the sight of those delicious-looking battered fried jewels.

Gallus nudged Spike, quickly snapping him out of his daze, “Strongclaw? Or whatever?”

Spike nervously laughed, “Oh… uh… right….” he made a note to try those gems later...

As the two walked inside the massive Hollow, they saw that it was bigger than they initially thought. There were levels and layers to the inside that could go as low as the ground level of the tree all the way to the top. Dozens of dragons soared above and dove down to the lower levels. As they progressed further, they saw a few bands of dragons flying into the tree with mounds of gold and jewels.

Spike pointed his claw at the Dragons, “Maybe we should follow them?”

Gallus sighed, “Alright–”


The pair would turn around to face a dragon, covered in similar armor Ember had worn during the trial for the throne of the Dragon Lord. It was definitely a female dragon, not quite as old as Ember, and the armor she wore definitely was battle-worn.

There were deep grooves and gashes and even breaks in the armor that had to be soldered together to repair it. A helmet covered her head that hid her features, but her scales were bright orange, and what fringe was exposed was a tart shade of purple.

Her colors reminded Spike of somepony familiar; the only difference was her deep teal eyes hidden behind the helmet itself.

“What exactly do you think you’re doing? You think you can just waltz in here and…” Her eyes went past Gallus, turning to Spike. “Oh… are you babysitting him or something? Whose kid are you dropping off?”

Gallus snorted and started laughing, “Bahahaha– Oh– oh! What did you say? ‘I’m friends with the Dragon Lord; this will be cake?’ Haha!”

Spike crossed his arms and snorted a puff of smoke, “It’s been a while, okay! Maybe they don’t recognize me….” he’d shove Gallus out of the way, “I’m not anybody’s kid, I’m Spike The Dragon, and I’m here to speak to Strongfang on diplomatic business.” he said in the most Twilight-Esque way possible.

Gallus looked over at the Dragoness, “I’m just here because he can’t fly.”

Spike grumbled to himself as he did his best to appear friendly and cordial to the guardscreature.

She snorted, steam escaping her nostrils as she scrutinized the baby dragon closely. “Hmmm… I’ve heard of ‘Spike’ before. I just didn’t realize you’d be so… little. I figured you’d be taller.”

“Eh, whatever. I’m not really paid to care that much, so if you’re lying, it’s your head, not mine.” She shrugged, shaking her head. Pulling off her helmet, she revealed her face. She had a slim snout and a round face, and her fringe looked closer to hair than spines, strangely enough.

“I’m Smolder; I help guard part-time. Mostly cus’ I get bored, and the pay is better than nothing. Kicking butt is pretty fun too.” She studied her claws for a moment before looking up at the pair, “So… I guess you want to go meet Leader Strongfang? No other reason why you’d hang around this dump if you could be anywhere else.”

Gallus and Spike looked at one another with rather surprised expressions. Spike thought this would be harder, mainly because he knew how fussy Dragons could be. But he wasn’t complaining.

“Oh sure, can you take us to him?” asked Spike.

“Will there be more flying involved?” added Gallus.

Smolder gave Gallus a deadpan stare. “Where exactly do you think we are? Of course, we’ll be flying there, you featherbrain. C’mon, you’ll have to present yourself to the Guardsmaster before you see him, though. Security reasons.”

She gave them a wave, leading them further inside the Hollow. They went deeper and deeper down, past the ground, and even further down. At some point, they had to question how far down the roots went.

Eventually, they reached a section where heat seemed to grow. Steam released from pockets of stone around them, making the air thick and soupy. Dozens of dragons crowded around geysers that shot out steaming hot water, lying down as if it were a sauna.

Dragons lounged in deep pools of steaming water, hot springs having been adapted and redirected from water from the canals above for all to leisure in. Bioluminescent mushrooms grew from the dirt and roots themselves, living in synchronicity. This was a sacred ground meant only for their kind. Many noticed the newcomers and snarled, particularly at Gallus, making rather rude gestures as they passed.

Gallus replied with several rude gestures of his own; they weren’t the only ones with a middle claw. Spike rolled his eyes.

“Ignore them. They won’t do anything while I’m with you.” Smolder waved them off, giving a few the stink eye.

Soon they entered a large chamber where the roots seemed to cradle the stone and dirt above them, leaving a cavernous expanse that seemed to go on for miles. But something huge filled a massive portion of that space, its breathing reverberating through them.

Before they could step inside, a dozen dragons covered head to claw in armor blocked their way, a single one standing out, his armor nearly pristine.

“Halt! Present yourselves and state your business!” He barked, gripping an iron spear in his claw.

“Oh, shove it. You know who I am. These two want to see Strongfang.” Smolder rolled her eyes, turning to the others, “Introduce yourselves….”

Spike bowed respectfully to the Guards, “Spike The Dragon, I’m here to talk to Strongfang on official diplomatic business.”

Gallus lamely waved, “Yeah, uh, Gallus Gruff, I’m just here because I didn’t want to go to some namby-pamby Swallowtail school and because shorty here can’t fly.”

Spike gave a firm punch on the Griffin’s side. Gallus squawked, his feathers ruffling as he passed a glare at Spike.

A couple of the knights looked between each other and snickered, especially at the punch. Smolder rolled her eyes and gestured to the Guardsmaster. “So, can they come in or not?”

The Dragon’s eyes seemed to light up before pulling off his helmet, revealing himself. He was a rather striking-looking dragon with pink fringe, pure white scales, and bright red eyes with pink sclera. He had a big grin on his face, his wings flapping as he approached them.

“Spike! Do you remember, it’s me, Fizzle! Oh, dude, it’s been a while!” The teenager grinned, “Remember that one time you almost broke that phoenix egg?”

Spike turned a shade of red at the mention of the phoenix egg, quickly shaking it off as he faced Fizzle, “Fizzle? Woah, you live in Swallowtail? I thought you guys lived in the Dragon Isles. What are you doing here!?” Spike quickly ran up to his old acquaintance giving his fellow Dragon a crisp high five. Even the other Guards had to give props for that one. The sound was just divine.

Fizzle gave the young drake a warm smile, “It’s cool to see you, lil’ dude. Yeah, I kinda moved out here. Ember was chill, but there wasn’t much work down there, and some friends decided to ‘make it big’ here. You can see how that went, but it’s not all bad.”

“Wow, so he really is the Spike everyone’s talking about?” Smolder cocked a brow. “And here I thought he’d be burnt to a crisp.”

“Nope, he’s the real deal.” Fizzle nodded, “He’s good to go in, but good luck. I’m pretty sure he’s, uh, napping.”

“More like hibernating….” Smolder sighed and rolled her eyes. “C’mon, let’s go and wake him up….”

Massive iron gates opened before the cavern, groaning in protest before slamming against the rock walls. Floating above an enormous horde of gold and gems that practically overflowed was a massive, long, wingless dragon resting on a group of clouds. He had two thin white whiskers at the ends of his muzzle, a smooth scaly body that was as blue as the ocean, with white scales going down his back.

The Dragon was wholly unique to Spike, and that was saying something. He met Dragons that were short, tall, fat, and skinny, but Strongfang was long and narrow, looking very regal and, dare he say, elegant for a Dragon.

The Dragon opened his eyes, eyeing the group with his deep crimson orbs. The clouds quickly shifted as the Dragon slowly and carefully sat up. The clouds around his body seemed to follow his movements to a tee.

“Who dares disturb my slumber…” grumbled Strongfang, stroking his whiskers with his claws. He reminded Spike of Discord upon further consideration…

“We have visitors, Spike the… Brave and Glorious, savior of the Crystal Empire, friend to Dragon Lord Ember, and his… steed.” Smolder gestured, flying up slightly so the massive Dragon could hear her without needing to shout. “They wish to speak with you.”

Strongfang peered down at Spike, squinting to see him, “You’re Spike the Brave And Glorious, Former Dragon Lord and friend of Ember The Dragon Lord? YOU, a pathetic-looking Drake, with no wings, you who live among Ponies?” the Loong laughed, “Oh how dreadfully sad….”

Spike quickly brushed off the insults as he maintained his composure. It wasn’t the first time he was belittled by a prideful Dragon, “Strongfang, I am here representing Twilight Sparkle and his Excellency The Doge.”

The Loong waved off Spike, “You have no right to speak to me, child! You have yet to prove yourself as the creature you say you are! Do you know who I am!? I am Kaar Strongfang, the Honored Father, father of the Longma and Kirin! I am the father of countless generations of Dragonkin! I am the last of the Loong, a survivor of Celestia and Luna’s terror on Monsterkind!”

The Loong roared as he snorted fire and smoke, “You have no right to come into my domain and see yourself as equal to me!”

Smolder rolled her eyes, “Geez, you’re really going all doom and gloom on them, huh?”

Flying up to reach his height, she stared him directly in the eyes, “Did he say he was equal to you? Calm down; it’s not like he was asking to take over or anything.”

Strongfang growled as he peered at Smolder, leaning close to her, “My beautiful daughter, as strong and as intelligent as you are. You need to show respect to your elders!” the Dragon let out a horse cough, smoke dredging up from his throat and nose.

“Augh…” he’d slowly lay back down on his clouds, breathing heavily, “You have gotten me all tired now…” he’d cough into his claw and sigh, “My time draws near, and here standing before me is some Drake and Griffin who think themselves the next clan leader….”

Spike and Gallus were mostly bewildered if anything. Spike quietly thought the old Dragon was a relic and a bit of a coot, and if Gallus could hear his acquaintance’s thoughts, he would’ve agreed. For he, too, thought the Clan Leader was a bit senile.

“Strongfang, I didn’t mean to make you so… upset. I just wanted to get a better understanding of your… relationship between you and Swallowtail.” explained Spike.

The Loong grumbled, “The Republic does not respect Dragonkind, my children, or Clan members. Their tribute grows smaller, less and less each year. My Dragons grow restless, tired of the disrespect and disregard for their efforts to protect this tree… My children and my heir deserve a secure future!”

“So tell your master and tell The Doge that my Dragons, my Clan, and myself deserve the respect we earned!” snapped the Loong.

“I’m sorry to hear that, sir, but I heard there are rumors about leaving the tree? Is this true?” asked Spike.

The elder Dragon nodded, “Yes, my son, my heir, and his clique have been talking of leaving this place for greener pastures after my death….”

“Why don’t you leave now?” chimed Gallus, “You seemed pretty discontent already.”

Strongfang let out an offended gasp, “Who gave YOU permission to speak to me, Griffin!? Honestly, the sheer nerve…” he’d sighed, “I am very, very old… my bones ache, my endurance is not what it used to be, my golden chalice is low of the drink of life….”

“Moving now would be too… tiresome, and my children and Clan have decided to honor me by allowing me to spend the rest of my days here with my family….” The Loong gently patted Smolder’s head with the tip of his claw.

The orange drake looked up at her father, and for a brief moment, Spike could recognize the nearly broken-hearted expression on her face. Dragons did live for centuries. Some were even older than Celestia and Luna themselves, perhaps even Strongfang himself. But they weren’t immortal or ageless like the Goddesses, and nature did eventually take them. He probably still had a few good years left, but the pain was there.

Smolder’s expression quickly changed into a respectful nod and a dutiful, if smug, smile. “Also, don’t call me a princess unless you want a black eye and your head stuck in a geyser.”

“But uh, how is this little guy going to exactly… convince The Doge and Parliament to do that?” She gave the pair an unconvinced look. “That Doge, by the way?” She began making a twirling gesture beside her head, “Definitely something loose in there.”

Strongfang mused, “He won’t, that’s the thing. The Republic’s cup is one with no bottom! The Doge is weak, he has no authority, not even his peers respect him… though I must say he is one of the few that truly appreciates our sacrifice…” the elderly Loong stroked his whiskers as he seemed to slowly relax.

The Dragon exhaled steam from his nostrils as he seemed to look at Smolder fondly for a moment, “All Dragonkind can do is maintain and honor the agreement between Sir Benito and I… for he was an honorable, respectable, and a just creature from a time far gone….”

“But sir,” chimed Spike, “The Doge is working toward winning over the public. My friends have traveled all the way from Equestria to fix whatever problems you have!”

The elder Dragon raised his brow at Spike, “Hm… you said you represented Twilight Sparkle…?” the Dragon stroked his whiskers, “The Immortal Heiress… next in line for the indomitable power of the sun… not even I could defeat such power in my prime….”

The Loong pondered quietly for a moment, running his fingers through several gold coins, “... If you were present during the Gauntlet of Fire, then my son should recognize you…” the Loong smashed his fist against the ground as he roared loudly, “GARBLE!!!!!”

Spike’s eyes shrank to the size of dimes, “Garble…?”

Smolder’s eyebrow went up at Spike’s reaction, “You know my brother? Figures, if you know Fizzle, then you would definitely have run into him.”

There was a long pause before a familiar voice boomed out from the other side of the cavern, the tone highly annoyed and grating, “WHAT?!!! WHAT’S SO IMPORTANT YOU GOTTA WAKE ME UP?” While Smolder was franker with their father, Garble gave no attempt at reverence to his father, whining like a typical teenager.

Stomping inside, smoke billowed out of his nostrils as he came into view. He was without armor and had clearly been somewhere within the hot springs from the water dripping down his scales. His attention wavered for a moment, his eyes landing on Spike.

A flurry of emotions passed through his face; confusion, wrath, suspicion, and finally, a conniving grin. Garble’s large, uneven teeth were bared as he spoke, shifting his eyes from the young drake to his griffin companion.

“Well, well, well, looks like the puny pony lover showed up just so I could get a laugh. What are you doing here, twerp?” He looked about ready to stomp Spike, glaring down at him. It was very obvious he hadn’t forgotten what he had ordered Garble to do all that time ago.

Spike quickly shot up, glaring up at Garble, a trail of smoke spewing from his nostrils, and maul, “Great, you’re here too?” Spike grumbled, “I thought this was going to be easy….”

Gallus snorted, “Serves you right for being so cocky.”


Garble managed to look at least a little guilty at his father’s reprimand, putting his head down, but Spike caught him rolling his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever….”

“I see you two were the best of friends,” Smolder smirked, sarcasm laced through her voice. “I don’t suppose you were the guy who made my brother hug everyone he saw during the Gauntlet?”

Spike stifled a laugh, doing his best to appear as respectful as possible in front of Strongfang, “Uhm… yeah, that was uh… terms of a prior agreement we made….”

Gallus snorted, covering his mouth, “Wow, you lost to this guy? You outta be embarrassed!”

Garble gritted and bared his teeth, instantly becoming enraged again. “It wasn’t an agreement; you ORDERED me to hug every Dragon I saw, and I couldn’t explain why! All just because you were holding that stupid scepter! You’re lucky you were holding that thing. Otherwise, I would’ve–”

“Ahem,” Smolder cleared her throat, gesturing with her eyes at their father. The threat died in Garble’s throat as he let out a sigh.

Gallus erupted into a fit of laughter, “You didn’t let him tell him why!? Oh, I thought you were just a goodie-two-shoes!” the Griffin howled in laughter, “Oh my Boreas, what I would give to see this guy just hugging a bunch of Dragons!”

Even Strongfang was struggling not to chuckle, “Y-you–” he’d swallow, regaining his composure, “That is… perhaps I misjudged you, Spike, it seems even in your time among Ponies… you still have that Draconic grit….”

“However! Even if you personally have won my favor, I will measure you and my son’s words, what entails a future under your guises lead for The Clan….” The Loong looked down at Garble, “Garble… my son, you are my Heir to the Clan, Heir to Heaven, and the Flaming Pearl… what is your vision of our people?”

Garble crossed his arms and smirked, rising into the air as he pumped his wings, “I’ll see to it that Dragonkind is given what we rightfully deserve. The gold, jewels, and riches they have stolen from us, the respect for our strength, and access to the branches above. We’ve got wings; there’s no reason they shouldn’t let us up there!” He sneered, tapping a claw against his arm.

“I say we TAKE what we want if they don’t give it to us. And if it comes down to it, we’ll tell them we’ll BURN down the tree if they don’t do exactly what we say. We’ve protected it for ages. If they don’t want to honor our agreement, it’s only right we take back what we’ve given them!”

Smolder sighed, “Here we go again….”

Strongfang quietly nodded, considering his son’s words, “Spike, what entails if we Dragons continue to maintain a relationship with the Republic?”

Spike rolled his eyes at Garble, “The Doge and Twilight Sparkle are talking about gaining the support of the normal creatures who live in the branches and below ground so that The Doge can enact reforms.”

He’d continue, “The Doge and Twilight want everycreature from Dragon to Earth pony to be seen as friends and equals! The Doge even said Dragons are essential to the Republic’s protection! I don’t know everything, but I believe there is a greater threat that demands everycreature’s attention, the Unicorns.”

Strongfang nodded, “Yes… the Unicorns… but if we leave, who is to say they will be much of a threat to us?”

“But who is to say they won’t go beyond the tree? Beyond Swallowtail? What if they come after you?” retorted Spike.

The Loong was silent, considering and weighing the two Drake’s words, “... If our tribute is raised… and an effort is made by the Republic to treat us as equals… I am swayed… but in truth… it matters not if I am convinced.” he’d slowly point at Garble, “Garble will soon take my place, my son, what do you think of Spike’s words. Remove your disdain for him, and weigh what his offer truly means to you.”

Garble’s face twisted into one of disdain, appalled that he actually had to consider Spike’s words rather than outright objecting. He grumbled softly to himself before spitting out, “Do you REALLY think that the Republic cares anymore? I think they’ve forgotten how important we are and how dangerous we can be when we’re upset. The pitiful amounts they’ve been giving us and their excuses are proof enough that they’re not going to respect us, so why should we do the same? Do you really think that your dumb pony friends are going to magically get the Parliament to start caring? Fat chance!”

He'd scoff, “And the unicorns– please! We’ve defended against worse. I’m not going to be beaten by some stupid horse with a horn. We’ll raid them first, take what we want, and burn the rest.” He let out a snort and grinned, satisfied with himself.

Spike did his best not to snap at Garble, this assignment was of the utmost importance, and Twilight was counting on him to win the favor of his fellow Dragons. The Doge needed all claws on deck right now. He remembered Chaircreature Francesco, and his disdain for The Doge was much akin to Garble’s disdain for him.

Spike took a deep breath and calmly tried to speak to his fellow Dragon in a respectful and humble tone, “Garble, I have seen the effects the Unicorns had on innocent creatures. I met an Alpaca named Paprika that was driven mad by their magic! What if the lowered tribute wasn’t out of disrespect or malice but because of the dozens and dozens of soldiers that protect you and the tree from the Unicorn’s attacks?”

Gallus nodded, “This is true, I’ve heard of their exploits, and I’m from Griffinstone. The Unicorns are known for enslaving every and any creature that isn’t a pony, and if you ask me, I think we’re all better off now being hobbled off in chains. I mean, do you guys KNOW what they do to creatures like us?”

Strongfang slowly nodded, “Yes… the severing and clipping of wings….”

“Yeah, and how is that our problem?” Garble sneered, crossing his arms. “There’s hardly ever any dragons being taken– we would have noticed. The last time they had taken one of us was months ago, and it was a hatchling. They’re too scared to try and take one of us on. You better be ready, ‘Spike the Twerp and Puny,’ because you’d be their prime target.”

“Dude…” Smolder didn’t look impressed, staring at her brother with subtle disgust.

Gallus stared slack-jawed, his eyes bulging with disgust, “Bro… that’s not cool.”

“What?! You know I’m right, those stupid ponies and birds would have been overrun long ago without us, and they want to give us this garbage in exchange? Why shouldn’t we turn a blind eye? It’s not like they get up in arms when a dragon goes missing or gets hurt!” Garble hissed, gritting his teeth.

Spike wanted to say something, anything to get under Garble’s skin, his throat burning with fire and smoke, but he quietly exhaled, the smoke billowing out.

Strongfang snapped his claw, “Garble! May I remind you that in the face of danger, YOU are responsible for protecting the Hatchlings, that being the Clan leader means you are responsible for protecting your brothers and sisters AND their hatchlings!” The elder Dragon pointed to Spike, “You are responsible for his safety so long as he remains here!”

The Loong snorted fire as he slowly rested once more, “But… in your arrogance, you speak some truth….”

Garble looked a little cowed at that, looking away. He only looked up again when his father relented.

Spike refuted the drake, “Garble, I heard there are soldiers a few miles down the way protecting everycreature. In fact, my friend Pinkie Pie should be over by the border right now. What you said isn’t the truth. They’re quite literally up in arms about this!”

The teenager crossed his arms and huffed, “Yeah, right, like they aren’t just angry about their own being taken. Not that they shouldn’t be angry about that, but– whatever! So what? I don’t care about the earth ponies and the unicorns that aren’t from Unicornica. I care about those dumb birds up in Parliament making it impossible for us to do our job!”

“We can’t send any parties out; they’re afraid we’ll ‘instigate another attack’ with Unicornica when they know that it’s them sending the raiding parties. Do you expect me to just, what, walk up there and act like… you?! Like one of your prissy ponies and play nice?!” He threw his claws up in the air, looking ready to break something.

Spike had to carefully consider his options. In hindsight, the Doge was a little optimistic about the whole thing. He would’ve brought Twilight if he knew he had to argue against stubborn ole Garble, “Didn’t you guys already fight a war? I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but if you think you alone can defeat the Unicorns, then why didn’t you do it during the first Unicorn-Swallow war?”

Strongfang let out a deep sigh, “Their magic and mountains provide a strong defense. I remember the war all those years ago when the Former Doge called us to arms…” the Loong seemed to grow quiet, having a ghostly expression on his face.

“... I saw many strong Dragons and noble warriors perish… Their numbers and magic nearly killed me when I attempted to break through their mountainous strongholds and magical shields….” Strongfang stroked his whiskers, “Both of you have strong, compelling arguments, but you are each other’s opposites.”

“Garble, you are Spike’s Yang to his Yin. You speak with fire and fury, while Spike maintains level-headedness and wisdom….” The Loong looked at the two, “... Perhaps we should seek the wisdom of the Flaming Pearl and see what the sacred fire whispers through its crackling flame….”

Garble looked rather insulted that he was being compared to Spike of all dragons, a disgusted look crossing his face. Uncrossing his arms, he slumped over and sighed. “... Fine, but it’s just gonna tell you what I already said!”

“Garble, I love you, brother, but sometimes, I don’t know….” Smolder couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head.

The Loong strained as he slowly rose up, his old bones cracking and snapping as he struggled to fly on his magic clouds, “We must go to the bottom of the tree where the Flaming Pearl is kept.” The Loong cleared his throat as he let out a thundering roar that shook the group, letting every member of the clan know that Strongfang was seeking council with the ancient Flaming Pearl.

“What exactly IS the Flaming Pearl…?” Spike asked curiously.

Strongfang huffed and puffed, snorting steam and coughing up smoke, “It is part of the sun that fell to Equestria in a ball of fire and where I came from. The Flaming Pearl birthed me, and to keep its eternal flame burning, I dedicated my life to protecting it and having as many children as possible. So long as my Clan remains, the pearl’s eternal flame shall never die.”

“Now come, we must seek the pearl’s wisdom!” he’d quickly fly out of the room and dive below, deeper under the tree. Gallus sighed and promptly scooped up Spike in his claws as hundreds and hundreds of Dragons quickly followed after them.

At the base of the tree, surrounded by darkness, lay only one thing; a flaming orb of blue fire resting above a pedestal of gold. No Dragon dared reach to touch the sacred flame beside Strongfang.

Strongfang placed Spike and Garble beside him, “My Clan! My children! Our future lay in the flames of the pearl, may Heaven bless us and the Flaming Pearl be our salvation….” The Loong carefully held the Pearl in his clutches.

The flame burned brightly, burning different shades of blue, white, orange, and red before snapping out of the Loong’s claws and swirling around Spike with blue fire. Spike could feel the flames’ intense heat, but it didn’t burn or harm him. It was rather pleasant, actually, like a warm hug.

“Oh… I see…” whispered Strongfang as the pearl quickly darted over to Garble, the flame soon burning red as its heat and flame engulfed Garble. The heat of the flame was unbearable, even for Garble, before finally, the Pearl raced over to Smolder, who was standing among the crowds next to Gallus.

The flame turned white, as it hovered in front of the Dragoness, and the young drake heard a quiet faint whisper for her to touch the sacred fire…

“What…?” Garble whispered under his breath, not understanding what was happening.

“Uh, dad, why is it coming near me? I wasn’t even involved in this argument!” She raised her hands up, stepping away from the pearl out of instinct. The pearl only seemed to follow her, curiously awaiting her touch.

Strongfang quickly roared, “Back away from Smolder!” The crowd soon dissipated and moved away from her. The pearl remained, expectantly waiting for her to grasp it.

Strongfang held his claws together as he anxiously rubbed them, “Smolder, listen to the crackling and whispers in the flame….”

The flame crackled and popped, and as Smolder carefully listened, she could clearly hear the whispers, ”Take me into your claws… hold me….” The voice was sweet like honey and soft like a dove’s coo.

“It… it’s telling me to hold it….” Smolder hesitated, not daring to get near it, but the temptation was growing too much to bear. Finally, she closed her eyes and reached out, the palms of her claws making contact with the pearl.

The Pearl felt pleasant; it was warm, familiar, like family. As her claws touched the flame, she could hear the Pearl whisper,” Daughter of Heaven, Daughter of Strongfang… you are next in line for the throne. The Heavens will sing your name, and among your brothers and sisters, you will be revered….”

The pearl returned to Strongfang as the flame burned black, he frowned, “My time grows nearer….” he’d slowly look at Garble, “My son… was the Pearls fire too much for you?”

A pained look came across Garble’s face, and it was clear to all who were present that he was deeply ashamed and embarrassed. He couldn’t speak. He simply nodded in affirmation.

Smolder seemed utterly taken away, shocked, and terrified all at once. “I-I… I can’t do it! I haven’t even… I just do guard work! I can’t lead… There has to be a mistake… that can happen, right?!”

“Quiet!” roared Strongfang as he exhaled smoke, “... the Flaming Pearl has spoken… Garble, my son…it appears you have fallen out of Heaven’s favor. The universe has deemed you unworthy of taking my place….” Strongfang seemed as disheartened as his son, but he looked toward the pearl, “But the flame whispers tales of your greatness, my son… but you will learn humility and pain will be your teacher….”

The Loong listened to the crackling of flames as his expression lightened, “The universe and Heaven demand you go on a pilgrimage to the lands of the Longma!”

“The who?” Gallus and Spike cocked an eyebrow.

“It’s a… subspecies of ours.” Smolder explained quickly, “Father, I… I’m not sure if I’m ready for such a thing… I haven’t even considered it! Shouldn’t I… prepare or something?”

Garble stood silently, eyes on the floor, dejected. Spike couldn’t think of a time the drake had ever been so disheartened.

“Smolder, Heaven and the universe have decided you are worthy of taking my place when I die…” the flames crackled and popped, “Yes… Heaven…. thank you. Smolder, Garble… it appears both of you will be leaving me… Smolder, you will go with Spike and learn the wisdom and knowledge from Equestria and beyond…!”

The flame burned a deep shade of blue and purple as it flickered and crackled, “... Spike, your wisdom and words ring true, and Heaven has ruled that you and your methods will be our people’s ticket to peace and prosperity, and the Heaven’s have allowed you to bask in the sacred flame. Spike, were the flames too much for you?”

The drake was sweating. All of this was getting intense. He really didn’t expect all of this during his diplomatic mission, “Uhm…” he’d swallow, “No…? It felt rather pleasant….”

“The Heavens have deemed you worthy, you are an honorary member of the Clan and my son!" declared Strongfang.

“WHAT!?” shrieked Spike.

Smolder chuckled, “Err… weren’t you listening? He’s the father of… well, I’d say at least fifty percent of the dragons here, if not all over the world. You probably are related to my dad, if very, very distantly.”

Strongfang chuckled, “Yes… either that or you are descended from Torch’s lot….” he’d huffed, “I miss that old fool….”

Garble snorted, flame flying past his lips, “And don’t think just because he said that means I’m going to start treating you like a brother, or anything other than the namby-pamby pony lover you are.”

Spike chuckled, “I uh… wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Garble….”

Strongfang sighed, “Well then… I suppose we need to prepare for your departure then, Garble, heed my words. In the far off lands of Neighpon lay the lands of the Kirin and Longma. Go to the island of Formaresa and follow the peaks of the hills and mountains of fire, and you will find the Empire of Huoshan, a city built over the gaping maw of an active volcano. When you arrive, tell the soldiers you are the son of The Honored Father and tell them The Flaming Pearl sent you. Travel light, the Longma do not believe in frivolous things like luxury as we Dragons do.”

The Loong looked over at Smolder, “Smolder, The Heavens have crowned you my heir and destined you to take my place. But I cannot reasonably teach you how to be Clan Leader in the time I have left. Heaven has deemed you must join Spike on his quest and learn from his Equestrian lot and from the lands beyond Swallowtail and Griffonia. Be mindful, my daughter, show respect to your Equestrian hosts, but be mindful of from whence you came.”

Smolder’s eyes widened, and she bowed deeply before returning to her claws, “I… thank you, father. I promise I’ll make you and our kind proud. I… guess I should get ready, huh?” She glanced over at her brother, feeling a deep sadness for him. She wished he was coming with her and Spike; it would have been a comfort knowing she had someone she trusted on her side.

The expression on Garble’s face was unreadable. Forlorn, angry… but not at her. Nor at Spike, really. He looked up at her, nodding.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine… and you’ll be a great leader, take it from me….” Garble spoke quietly, a surprise coming from him. It was then Spike could hear a note of… sadness?

Strongfang couldn’t help but feel disheartened, he knew of Smolder and Garble’s fondness for one another. But he, of all creatures, would not deny or usurp the Flaming Pearls' authority.

His expression softened to that of a contented smile, “My children, do not be saddened, in the infinite knowledge of the universe and the Heavens, it has been foretold that all of us will come out with prosperity and blessings that will last us generations!”

Strongfang raised the Flaming Pearl as it burned a golden flame, “I proclaim that this day is worthy of celebration! The Heavens have called upon these three Dragons and foretold that they all shall achieve greatness! Their names will be etched into the annals of history! They will carry on a legacy for generations to come!”

Smolder managed a smile, nodding. “Heh, might as well celebrate, right…?”

“While we can, at least….” Garble mumbled.

The crowd of dragons let out cheers and blasts of great flame, the temperature in the cavern rising rapidly. Smolder sighed and approached Spike and Gallus, giving them each a nervous smile.

“Well, I guess I’ll be traveling with you, squirt.” Smolder gave the younger drake a smile. “You better be as ‘brave and glorious’ as they say you are.”

Spike grinned, “Hey, you don’t destroy King Sombra if you aren’t at least one of those things.”

Gallus cleared his throat. The Griffin was soaked in sweat, “Yeah, great, another religious celebration, right of passage,blah-say-blah. Can we go somewhere else? Preferably where I’m not being cooked alive?”