• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 708 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

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Diplomacy, War, And Friendship

Author's Note:

This Chapter Directly Follows Feudalism at it's Finest

The damage had been throughly accessed, the locals questioned, and the obsidian statue of the Unicornican attack was taken away. Leaving only Quill and Yellowtail inside the temple to maintain and repair any severe damage left from the initial chaos the forenoon earlier.

Quill and Yellow had just finished boarding the floors that Dancing Water had crushed beneath the weight of his obsidian hooves. The two scholars took a seat in one of the benches that lined up inside the temple before Yellowtail fetched a pipe from within his robe and quickly patted himself down, looking for a match.

His unicorn mentors squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as his horn burned bright magic. Before Yellowtail’s pipe suddenly had a small burst of flame spark to life inside the pipe before the earth pony puffed on the tobacco.

Quill sighed, “You know you really should cut back on that stuff…”

Yellowtail exhaled a cloud of smoke from his maul as he sighed, “After today, I needed this… I hope Twilight’s alright.”

Quill reached into his robes, grabbing a washcloth with his magic before he dabbed his face with the cloth, “Yes, as do I… I’m sure she’ll be back soon.”

The door slowly creaked open, its rusted and battered hinges squeaking loudly. As Twilight poked her head inside before carefully stepping into the temple. Trotting to the pair and gracing them with a friendly smile.

“Quill, Yellowtail, I’m so glad to see you’re alright! And you did excellent work with the repairs.” Looking above the group, she relit her horn and managed to reverse some of the burns and cracks in the wood around them. “You may want to look into some flame-resistance charms or sigils in case there’s another… issue.”

Her head popped up, “Oop, I’m so sorry, I almost forgot to introduce, er, well… you probably have seen him before… the Doge!” She gave the ponies a nervous smile, “Doge, this is Yellowtail and Quill. They’ve offered to help us boost morale for the grounded.” she said as she presented the Doge as he stepped through the door.

The Diamond Dog sniffed, inhaling all the different scents of creatures, smoke, and ancient literature that lined the small bookshelves. The Doge was clad in a cloth dress shirt and dark slacks. Wearing a leather tricorn hat that was cocked upward. Resting perfectly on top of his fat, pudgy face, he stepped inside the temple, minding the decor. He wasn’t much of a fan of Equestrian religion or any religion for that matter. For no god of any origin seemed to do him any favors.

“Gentleponies, I have heard many good things about you.” smiled Doge.

The two stallions got up from their seats and quickly greeted his Excellency, giving him a bow.

“Oh, your Excellency, it’s an honor to meet you in the flesh! I’m sure you’re very busy with the politics in the branches, but it means everything that you’re here.” greeted Quill.

The Doge chortled nervously, “Yes, well, about that… we’re actually seeking your input on our… little spat over how we should proceed with the near future regarding Unicornica and our refugee problem...” he’d said, removing his hat and holding it between his paws.

The stallions cocked up, looking between each other before their eyes met the Doges.

“Our input? But we’re only two monks in a vast community of diverse creatures. We hardly count as an authority figure.” replied Yellowtail.

Doge tsk’d, wagging his claw, “On the contrary, given such a response to your community organization. I’d say you hold a lot of power, and that makes our enemies afraid. Shall we discuss this more over some tea?”

Twilight seemed hesitant at the conversation, uncomfortable with the ideas the Doge had offered earlier that morning. She was a scholar, first and foremost, and while she knew some defensive and a few offensive spells, she was nowhere near the level of Shining Armor when it came to combat.

The thought of waging war with Unicornica sent chills down her spine.

“That sounds lovely, Doge. I can prepare it if you three want to begin the discussion.” Anything to get her out of the conversation for a few minutes, if just to think of what she would say.

Yellowtail quickly stepped up, “I’ll take care of the tea. I won’t be much of use in a political debate, that’s for sure.” he’d chuckle as he and the group walked into the back room.

Twilight’s head lowered, and she let out a soft sigh. So much for that idea. “Thank you, Yellowtail…”

The three sat down around the table, the Doge rubbing his temple as he rested his arm on the table.

“Such a mess, such a mess…I obviously never wanted to keep my fellow wingless down here. But the refugees and the clashes near the border have only intensified, and with this latest attack… how can we naturally respond to such tyranny and evil?”

The diamond dog slowly looked up as his muzzle hitched, revealing his teeth, “I say we prove ourselves and carve out a victory that will be remembered for generations.”

Quill tilted his head as he processed the Doge’s words and position before looking at Twilight, “I see, what do you think, Twilight?”

The alicorn blanched, wishing the tea was already done so she could hide herself behind a steaming cup. Rubbing her hooves in a circular motion, Twilight let out a nervous chuckle, fidgeting in her seat.

“Uhm, well, I…” She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. “I don’t want this to spin out of control. If we can avoid a war, we should do everything in our power to do so. I’m a princess, but I’m no… warrior.”

Quill nodded, “I agree with Twilight. It’d be an absolute bloodbath. The mountains alone provide a natural barrier, and on top of that, the Royal Guard has excellent magical defense capabilities. Even with your numbers, you’d need a coalition to win.”

The Doge quickly retorted, “And we will have a coalition, we have the dragons, we’ll have Griffinstone, we’ll have the creatures captured and enslaved waiting for us to come in and break down these monsters.” he said, mashing his index claw to the table.

Quill cleared his throat as he nervously smiled. Chuckling anxiously as he looked the Doge in the eyes, “Well, I can see that parliament experience… I agree that what they’re doing is evil, but why spill blood when Twilight can change the hearts and minds of everypony by just going to Unicornica?”

Doge rubbed his chin as he looked at the mare, “Well, I mean, she’s an intelligent and smart Princess. Plus, her Highness is also a fair lady; I no doubt believe she could sway some, but every unicorn?”

Quill nodded, “Yes, every single one. She can disprove their indoctrinated belief system by speaking the truth. Straight from the horse’s mouth, literally!”

Twilight let out a soft sigh; at the very least, the Doge was now considering a less violent direction. It was good that they had Quill. Otherwise, they would have no clue what they were going up against.

“Yes, in fact, Celestia has a plan that may work. I’ll say that I’m not… overjoyed, but it will get me through the door and where I can do the most good. Her nephew Blueblood is already in Unicornica as we speak.” The alicorn nodded, trying to relax into her seat. “I’m going to… ‘marry’ him. Him, being a direct descendant of the Two Sisters, and I, being an alicorn, will make it impossible to deny us.”

Yellowtail, who had been preparing their tea and biscuits, trotted over with the tray on his head before setting the table for the debating diplomats and elder. He’d clear his throat and take a seat.

“Tea time.”

Doge quickly clapped his paws, “Excellent! I am actually a little peckish. I’ll take cream and three sugars with a biscuit, please.”

Yellowtail quickly made Quill's plate and poured his tea, knowing he preferred two sugars from their long-established friendship and time inside the temple.

“Twilight?” offered Yellowtail.

“Ah yes, please.” Twilight coughed softly, having been imagining what it would be like if she somehow got stuck there, pretending to be Blueblood’s wife. Now that was a fate she wouldn’t wish on anycreature. “Um, one sugar and cream please. And a biscuit would be lovely.”

“I just hope that Celestia’s plan works. I just… frankly, I do not like Blueblood. He wasn’t very… princely to one of my friends. I just can’t see him being very helpful.” She sighed, “But I trust Celestia, and her logic is sound.”

Quill sipped his tea, stirring his spoon with magic as he nodded, “It is quite clever, but what about your well-being, Twilight? You’ll have to reform an entire society from the ground up with a lot of resistance. The nobles will do everything in their power to keep you away from the throne… they may retaliate.”

Doge scoffed as he crunched and chewed on his crisp vanilla biscuit before gingerly sipping his tea, “Hrm, seems like we have the rats cornered… but you’ll need muscle to enforce your claim.”

“Well, we can’t use your army; it’ll spark a full-scale war.” retorted Quill.

Doge tapped his claw to his chin, “... What if we had somecreature go into the peasant communities and rally support for Twilight, y’know, get them riled up. If things get bad, I’m sure I can get one of my loyal Captain’s to assist them with providing… a defense strategy.”

Quill bit his lip, “That’s… risky. A rebellion has been brewing, and the Underground would be more than willing to go on the offensive if given the opportunity. But… what about the future of the creatures living there?”

Twilight raised a hoof, drawing everyone’s attention.

“We will do everything in our power to prevent a war from breaking out. I will not allow any more unneeded suffering or pain.” Despite her earlier hesitation, Twilight felt surprisingly more confident the more they discussed it. Maybe knowing she wasn’t the only creature who wasn’t exactly sure what to do helped.

“I am Twilight Sparkle, Goddess of Magic, and heiress to Celestia right? How can they ignore what I say when I say it to their faces?” She offered a small, incredulous smile. “There’s no way they can translate that into something else, and I won’t allow them to twist my words. I am a pony of the people and will have a way to speak to the public. I know my friends would love to help.”

Doge crossed his arms as he gave Twilight a stern expression, “I’m not entirely convinced. What if someone tries to assassinate you? Or threaten you and your friends, or worse, imprison you with house arrest and keep you contained within the walls of Castle Platinum.”

He’d chuckle bitterly, “I suppose the first foreigner to enter the Castle ever gets to naturally, stay within its walls for all eternity.”

Quill spoke up, “Now hold on, I believe Twilight has a point. I believe overwhelmingly we should do this peacefully, but maybe having resistance contacts arm slave rebellions in the rural regions away from the capital, Platinum, could help. If anypony is going to resist the most, it’ll be the slavers.”

Twilight sighed softly, “I might not be a warrior, Doge, but I know how to defend myself. Don’t worry; I’ll handle all of those possibilities. If Spike were here, he’d be vouching on my checklist and my checklist for my checklists.” Taking a sip of tea, she smacked her lips. “Mm, this is very good! Thank you, Yellowtail.”

Yellowtail beamed brightly at Twilight’s compliment, “Thank you, ma’am. I must say the dedication to pacifism is much appreciated. We don’t need more war.” he said as he sipped his own cup of tea.

She continued, “As for the slavers, I hope to have my friends with me, at least a few of them, to help with that. Rarity is quite good at conversation, and Applejack is very strong. But I don’t want to bring them into that situation if it’s too dangerous…” Twilight bit her lip, running the calculations in her head.

Doge shook his head, “I doubt the cultists would want to let you loose like that, or even see their horrible ways. I guarantee they’ll keep you away from the slavers until you formally have power.”

Quill nodded, “Yes, as much as I hate to say it, I think we need to help the enslaved creatures and ponies free themselves. If we can show the Capital ponies the horrors of Unicornica, they’ll sober up to the horrible reality. I think it’s the only way to fully convince everypony how truly horrible the Privy Council is.”

Twilight let out a soft sigh, but relented. “I suppose you’re right, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have multiple plans ongoing, so long as we keep each other notified. I still intend to speak to as many ponies as possible in Unicornica. If I can even change one mind, it’ll be worth it.”

“If you can gather as much evidence as possible, I could broadcast them across the kingdom!” Her eyes lit up, “I’ve been working on a new projection spell, and this would be perfect! I’ve been meaning to practice a bit more anyways, hehe.”

Doge scoffed, “We don’t have any more time! My creatures are suffering, and the burden worsens the more we wait. We need to act quickly. The peasants and enslaved ponies shall receive their arms from The Republic Guard, even if I have to bankroll the army myself!”

Quill quickly cut in, “We should give Twilight a chance! We don’t want things to spill over into full-blown anarchy!”

Doge took a deep breath and leaned back in his seat, “I’m sorry… I’m very passionate about the safety of my creatures… I myself was nearly enslaved, so I can’t imagine the horrors the creatures in Unicornica face… but I believe we should have two creatures be sent to help organize a defensive resistance. I’m willing to compromise. I’ll send one of my captains. You can send some pony capable of keeping the peace.”

Twilight’s feathers ruffled at the sudden outburst, sinking into her seat as the unicorn and diamond dog spoke amongst each other. Now, this is another thing she wanted to avoid: infighting. She couldn’t bear to fight amongst her friends, even something petty. But a possible war? She could feel the weight on her back, nearly crippling.

“I… I suppose that’s possible. But ponies, I think unicorns would be the least suspicious. I’m unsure how they would react to me bringing an entourage of creatures.” She desperately wished one of her friends were here to comfort her right now. Having Spike by her side would have greatly soothed her nerves.

“I understand your fears and motivation to strike while the iron is hot, Doge, but this must be performed very delicately. I do truly believe that we can avoid more bloodshed and a war altogether if you give me a chance to work my magic.” Her brow wrinkled, looking up at the diamond dog hopefully. “At least a few days.”

Doge tilted his head, “A few days? My dear, that’s idealist thinking a few days will get you through the initial ballrooms and state dinners. There’s no possible way you can coup d’etat the Privy Council.” he’d crossed his arms, “That’s simply idealist thinking, in that time we could arm the peasants and move them to Platinum and have them seize the capital and have your claim be enforced before the fourth day.”

Quill looked over to Twilight, “I’m curious to hear you out before I make a judgment…”

“I realize that sounds like a bit of an underestimate, but you would be surprised how quickly my friends and I can work together to solve a problem.” Twilight offered, a confident smile rising to her lips. “When I say it, it’s true: there’s nothing friendship can’t fix. I know if we have enough time, we can work everything out.”

“I’m not saying we wouldn’t be prepared for a fight. We’ve been in battles before. But you would be surprised how many times Equestria was saved by just believing in each other, having hope, and loving your friends no matter what. It’s very… cheesy, but it’s real. If Rainbow Dash were here, she’d be going on about how many times we’ve saved the day…”

Quill smiled at Twilight and turned to Doge for his input.

The dog sighed as a soft whine escaped him, “....I want to believe you, so I’ll compromise. We’ll arm the peasants and hold the rural territories for three days time. After that, we march on Platinum. We will take Platinum, or we will be crushed in battle trying to free the continent…”

Quill sighed, as he rubbed his temple, “Well, I suppose we should move on to actually supplying the wingless and getting local support for wingless rights, voting, and funding… what an easier topic to cover, am I right?” joked the unicorn.

Doge clasped his paws together as his tail clanged against his chair, “Actually, we’re working on that right now, but let me help you. What can I do to help? I can speak to Parliament, and I have a lot of money. Plus, I do have loyal Captains within the Guard who can assist us.”

Quill beamed brightly, “Good sir, we could use everything you could give or grant for us. We’re in dire straits; we need food, medicine, clothing, we need to build schools, houses, and provide work.”

The Doge smiled, “Well, fortunately, I can buy food and medicine. I’ll gather the documentation for legislation for creature rights and new building grants. Twilight’s friends have actually been gathering support from around the territory and in the branches.”

Twilight felt herself relax, letting out a breath of air she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Slumping against her chair, she took a long drink of her tea before setting it down and then nibbled her biscuit. “Three days isn’t much time, but I’ve worked with smaller windows.”

“As for rights, well… I was wondering if maybe… my presence might have some sway over the creatures of the branches? I could encourage them to sympathize with the flightless and help with donations.” She offered, unsure of exactly how to navigate such an issue.

The table nodded in agreement with Twilight, another issue resolved quickly.

“Oh, have you heard anything from my friends yet?” questioned Twilight.

Doge shook his head, “I haven’t heard anything since they all departed, I’m sure they’re in good claws and I trust they’re doing a good job for everycreature’s sake....”

Starlight had something of an…interesting experience with the Republic Guard. Having met the General and several Captains throughout the early morning and crack of dawn. Starlight lectured over how creatures without magic could defend against a magical attack and how to brew potions that can provide minor healing and aid in battle. But educating a literal army over the course of the morning couldn’t hold a candle to the group of rowdy teens and Spike simply co-existing in the same space.

She examined the cafe table they occupied quietly, watching them gab and talk about the peculiarities and oddities of their situation, not caring for their conversation as the mare’s mind began to wander. Thinking of her heart’s sore, tender pain, it was one thing to be away from home. It was another issue entirely being some pony without a place to call home, being in some far-off and foreign lands.

But Starlight found… familiarity and comfort within her surroundings. Sure, the food and creatures were pleasant, as is any fancy urban center. But something else that caught Starlight’s mindseye was… the politics. It was… political here. Different. The way creatures spoke about the world, about each other. It was nothing like Equestria. Creatures were more.. methodical and moved and acted with purpose.

However, it wasn’t as if they weren’t perfect. In fact, the locals of Swallowtail were just as susceptible, if not more so, to comfort and luxury than pragmatic and practical policy or decision-making. Instead of a pony waving off any serious thought about their current state of living, surrendering their own personal choice and convictions to Celestia and Luna or Twilight and her friends in some cases. It was the Parliament, the Merchants that served in place of the alicorns, and the Privy Council back home.

It fascinated Starlight; the culture of Griffonia reflected a world that Starlight could see just in the corner of her mind’s eye. A free Equestria, a new Equestria, a better Equestria. Something that could be revolutionary and prosperous, unlike anypony as ever seen. A place where harmony existed, and creatures of all shapes and sizes could live in.

“Uh, earth to Starlight?” Spike said, clearing his throat, “You’re spacing out. We need you here, please.”

“Sorry,” chuckled Starlight, “I had something on my mind. What are we talking about?”

Gallus sipped his coffee as he browsed the cafe menu, his eyes peering over the menu as he skimmed the list of pastries and coffee before tossing the menu aside, “No scones? What a dump, say! What are we actually doing?”

Spike sighed, “We’re having breakfast and going into a class that you guys want.”

Gallus cocked a brow, “Why would we do that now with Starlight?”

Starlight quickly turned, looking between the two, “Hang on, you were supposed to be in class? Well… I guess I could put you to work then. I think Rainbow Dash is supposed to be talking to the Pegasus Flight School. Those Flight Captains really took an interest in her… but… hang on…” the mare would flip through her satchel and pull out a book.

Spike leaned over, reviewing Starlight’s copy of the schedule, “Hm… we better remind her to check on the local community to persuade them into letting the wingless in.”

Starlight glanced up at the rest of the group, “Can you all behave yourselves long enough in the Academy?”

“Uh yeah,” snarked Gallus, “Smolder here is a guard.”

Smolder was in the middle of eating an enormous ruby when her name was mentioned, lazily turning her head towards the group. “Hey, I’m a guard for dragons, I could care less what you guys do. But yeah, I won’t let them cause any trouble, I guess. I doubt this squirt can even light a fire.” She noogied Spike’s head, giving him a playful grin.

“Yona will be good!” The yak nodded eagerly, “Yona like griffin food, taste… good! Different.”

“We’ll be fine. Just… go do what you have to. And… don’t tell the Doge?” Smolder snickered.

Spike groaned as he squirmed against Smolder, “Hey, I am not completely helpless. I took out a pirate with my fire breath! I wouldn’t be here if I was the nabby-pamby baby dragons like Garble thinks I am.”

“Well said Spike, and I can verify that he did indeed light at least one pirate,” Starlight smirked, “And don’t worry, kids, I, of all ponies, am no snitch.”

“That’s not even half of it…” muttered Spike.

Starlight passed an expression that was a mix of an anxious glance and an annoyed, pointed look before settling with a muddled grunt.

“Well, since we’re in the school district, we’re not too far from the Academy. We’ll just have to take a gondola and head up the northeast mouth.” Starlight recounted the instructions Doge gave her.

“Or at least, that’s what The Doge told me, is everybody ready to go?” Starlight said as she rose from the table and began fixing her mane.

Yona whimpered, her ears falling limp, “Y-Yona, go on flying thing again?”

Smolder rolled her eyes, “C’mon, you big hairy lump, it won’t be that bad. Besides, I might be able to…” She stopped herself before she could promise anything, “I’m sure Starlight would catch you.”

Yona sniffled, nodding hesitantly. “Yona guess so…”

“See? It won’t be so bad, just try to relax. Or, just... close your eyes.” Smolder grinned, “Wait, you guys were serious about the pirates? Now I gotta hear this story!”

Starlight quickly trotted over to Yona on instinct as she presented the heifer with her best and most tender smile, “Don’t worry, Yona, we don’t have to fly. We just have to take a boat, and besides, we’ll have enough time to tell that story if we take the gondola. Now c’mon!” chimed Starlight in a sweet sing-song pitch, “Let’s go to the academy!”

Spike and Yona, almost out of instinct, immediately followed, leaving Gallus and Smolder behind, puzzled. That was quick. Did she use magic or something? It felt… weird as if the group were living in two different realities simultaneously. But it was very much a present and active uncanny valley for a moment.

But before they could think much longer, the three were already climbing aboard the gondola.

Gallus blinked as he turned to Smolder, dazed. “W-wha?”

Smolder blinked before shaking her head with a sigh. “C’mon, featherbrain, before they leave without us.” Grabbing Gallus by the claw, she pulled him along with the rest of their party.

Yona let out a sigh of relief, “No flying! Good. Yona no good with… h-heights.”

“Don’t you guys live on a mountain or something?” Smolder snickered.

“Yes, but Yak, don’t fly!”

Gallus flapped before gliding into his seat next to Yona, leaning back. Yawning, he spoke, “So what’s the story?”

Starlight cleared her throat as he tapped her hooves, “Well, we were sailing across the Equus-Griffonian Sea when, during our voyage, we were attacked by a lamb, Captain Shanty, was it?...”

Spike nodded, “Yeah, she and Rainbow Dash start getting into it. It’s a real slug match! They were throwing and kicking each other while bullets and bombs flew around us! Meanwhile, Starlight and Twilight were shooting magical lasers and shields while everybody else fought desperately for their lives. It was pretty intense…! That’s was when I burnt a guy with my fire breath.” he said, beaming with smug pride.

Starlight blinked, “Yeah… Pinkie Pie and The pirate Captain had a drinking Contest for our freedom, and if we won, we’d get resupplied and freed. But if we lost, we’d be slaves. You can guess how that turned out.” smiled Starlight as she pulled Yona up hard with her magic.

Yona finally got into her seat comfortably, letting out a small ‘oof’ at the magic sensation around her. “Pirates were scary, but Yona was in the ship, so Yona didn’t see much…”

Smolder let out a low whistle, “Wow, that sounds awesome. Wish I could have been there to see it myself… wait. Captain Shanty? THE Captain Shanty? … Wow.”

Yona raised a brow, “What surprise dragon?”

“Shanty is one of the most prolific pirates there is! You have no idea how often trade has been intercepted by her crew. Might be partially why we don’t have as many supplies as we need for the wingless.” Smolder settled into her seat, crossing her arms. “And you said this ‘Pinkie’ managed to out-drink her? Now that is impressive!”

Starlight raised a magic hand, gesturing her retort, “I’ll have to give credit where credit is due. I didn’t even mention how hard our Captain, Captain Salty Sardine, and his crew fought. They fought like Tartarus and our friend Thorax? He turned into a Kraken and completely wiped out a wave of their goons.”

Spike quickly picked up on the mention of the pirates affecting the wingless, “It’s strange, isn’t it? When you look on a map, you wouldn’t think anything involving the ocean would affect a landlocked…what's Swallowtail called again?”

Gallus snickered, “I’ll tell you what it is, Spike, it’s blödsinn, complete crap.”

“Wow, that is pretty badass…” Smolder murmured, rubbing her chin. “Wait, your friend turned into a Kraken? Can ponies do that?” Turning to Yona, she raised an eyebrow in question.

Yona, for her part, simply shrugged. “Pony strong. Yona guess so.”

“But anyways, yeah.” Smolder continued, “I’m not really into politics, so I couldn’t really tell you how it all works. All I know is what I get from the rumor mill.”

“He’s a changeling.” corrected Starlight, “That’s their special ability among their species…fascinating. I think you would like him. He’s very approachable.”

Gallus sighed, “Well, given that I had a lot of time to reach ever since we got those printing presses, I’ve been dabbling in the news lately. I mean, with a flourishing and glorious rebuilding of our Kingdom, you’d think we’d have more work for a griff like me, but I guess not.”

Starlight chuckled, “You’re wasting your time. Trust me, I was once hot-headed and passionate about it, too. It’s just a lot of heartache and strain.”

Starlight didn’t believe that… she was just playing neutral for her standing with Twilight. In actuality, she believed it would be better to encourage talk like that around Swallowtail, but Starlight wasn’t sure if she was the pony to enact such a change, given her history and present standing among her peers.

Gallus stretched, “I probably sound like a bookish dweeb talking about stuff like that.”

For her part, Smolder completely blocked out the rest of the conversation. Her lips moved soundlessly for a moment before suddenly jumping to her feet, grabbing Starlight’s face with both hands.

“You brought a CHANGELING here?!” She hissed, “Are you STUPID!? Why not just bring the whole hive to Swallowtail? Why don’t you?! You do realize what changelings do, right??”

Yona raised a brow, “But changeling pony is good.”

Smolder whipped her head around, “Changeling, Yona! Changelings aren’t ponies; they’re EVIL! And if you have one here already, who’s to say the rest of the hive isn’t ready to invade? Did you not consider the consequences at all?! There’s a reason why they’re called the HIVEMIND.”

Yona huffed, “Changeling pony, GOOD!”

Spike quickly spoke up, “It’s alright, everyone, we don’t need to yell! Let’s just calm down and give us a chance to explain ourselves.” offered Spike, “We wouldn’t have brought anyone with us had they been any danger to you.”

Gallus looked over to Smolder nonchalantly, “I mean, if he’s cool in Twilight and Eyr’s book, then he’s cool with me, I guess. So far, he hasn’t attempted to brood or eat the harvest, so I think he’s in the clear.” chuckled the griffin.

Smolder let out a low growl, a look of distrust still clearly painted on her features. “You’re both idiots. Changelings are meant to slip in unseen. So what if it’s playing nice now? It’s probably planning on sending Swallowtail’s location to their Queen at any chance it can get.”

Yona huffed, “Dragon, stop being dumb. Dragon, stop complaining, or Yona throw overboard!”

The dragoness released a plume of smoke from her nostrils, “Try me. I bet you wouldn’t like smelling like burnt hair for the rest of the week.” That seemed to shut the yak up.

“Whatever. It’s not like it’s even my problem what happens to you pony folk or the big wigs up in the tree. Let’s just get out of here…” Smolder grumbled, crossing her arms as she sunk into her seat.

Starlight quickly cut in. “Alright, now settle down, if you must know. Thorax abandoned the hive because he was inspired by Twilight’s friendship with her friends. He left everything behind just to be here today and help you. I’m sure you’ll see the good in him if you give him the same chance we’re giving you. But there is no longer any point in arguing about this; we’re here!”

“Whatever, I bet he’d tell you anything just to get fed.” Smolder rolled her eyes. Clearly, that was the end of the conversation as she turned to look out at the scenery before them.

The Academy was in sight. Its beautifully crafted wooden and marble pillars held up a massive pantheon where dozens of Griffins and pegasi trotted and congregated around the area well dressed and well disciplined. Wearing a mixture of baby blue officers’ waistcoats and dark gray tunics. With an old, worn cloth flat cap adorning their heads as they moved in and out of the Academy.

Starlight eased the gondola to a stop with her magic, pulling it next to the dock before tying down their vessel and climbing out. Stepping onto the wooden fixture as, she looked around the beautiful garden that surrounded the walkway and surrounding area around the Academy.

Large dark ebony trees hung over with bright, beautiful green leaves drapped over them, providing shade and a fresh, cool breeze. Dozens of shrubs and bushes full of roses and budding flowers lined up along the cobblestone street. As soon as they pulled into the harbor, they could hear the distant echo of band music and musket fire over the shouting of orders in Griffish tongue.

Yona hopped out immediately, grateful to be on the ground once again. Traveling by boat was only marginally better than flying for the poor yak. “Ground! Yona happy to see ground…”

Smolder rolled her eyes, “We’re not on the ground, stupid; we’re still in the tree.”

Yona huffed, stomping a hoof. “If dragon want to be mean all day, Yona will hurt bad!”

Smolder growled, “Whatever! Can we just get this over with already? Otherwise, I’ll just go back to see my dad.”

Starlight quickly snapped back and scrutinized the two girls, trotting over as they naturally realigned their posture and focused their attention on her, “Alright, you two, I can see you’re both very headstrong and prideful. Don’t you two realize you have more in common than you actually think?”

Starlight turned to Yona, “Yona, you’re a smart and brave warrior from your Kingdom. Why don’t you tell Smolder about the Förkörsrätt?”

That seemed to divert Yona’s attention away from their squabbling, her eyes lighting up with joy at the thought of sharing her culture with her new friends. “Ooh! Yes, yes, Yona is on Förkörsrätt. Prove to Yak that Yona is worthy of being Yak! Yona, bring back stuff to Yak so they become stronger!”

Smolder rolled her eyes, “Yeah, yeah, that’s cool, I guess…” Crossing her arms, she seemed she wasn’t very perceptive to listening, simply letting the yak babble about her traditions.

Starlight quickly pressed Smolder, forcing her into the conversation with a question for her, “Now, what are you here for? Surely, you can relate to leaving your home for the betterment of your people, right? Or you believe in helping others for the betterment of everyone, right?”

Smolder bared her teeth, her crossed arms clenching as her irritation grew. “I’m only here because my Dad said I had to be. That I had followed this little twerp,” She gestured to Spike, “Because the Pearl told me to. But that really isn’t any of your business, right?”

Yona had stopped talking to the others, cocking her head at Smolder. She didn’t quite understand her anger, but she could empathize with the frustration she felt at the moment. Stepping beside the dragons, she gently bumped her and offered a small, friendly smile.

Smolder looked down and raised an eyebrow but huffed, “Can we just stop all this kumbaya stuff and get going?”

Starlight quickly tutted, her expression and tone turning cold and firm like ice, “I’m not telling you to like each other. I’m telling you to understand and respect one another. You’re both on a mission. You’re both doing this for your families. So when you disrespect Yona or when you threaten Smolder, you’re only hurting the creatures you care about back home.”

“Now then, if I hear any more bickering, I’m going to send you to Twilight, and then you’ll hear kumbaya stuff.”

Gallus scoffed, “Yeah, guys, if you need a reminder of what’s at stake here, why don’t we consider my perspective. Your arguing annoys me!”

Spike rolled his eyes.

Smolder bared her teeth, “I don’t need this! Whatever, I’ll be in one of the classrooms. At least I’ll be away from you idiots…” Stretching out her wings, Smolder took to the air, already disappearing into the crowd of griffins and harpies.

Yona let out a sigh, “Yona was too mean… Yona, sorry.”

Starlight sighed, “If you change your mind, you know where to find us!” she called, “I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

Spike quickly snapped, “You just sent her away!”

“Spike, I may not be a dragon, but I do know that when I was her age, I had a rebellious streak. She’ll mull it over on her own terms…now c’mon, let’s go.”

Spike groaned as he turned one last time toward Smolder before sighing, “I hope she comes back...”