• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 714 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

  • ...

Long May She Reign Over Us

It was early in the morning when everycreature was sprung out of bed to join and observe the coronation ceremony. Most of the expedition was a little groggy with a few exceptions, but the most remarkable exception out of them all was Rainbow Dash. Who was up on her hooves as soon as she was told why they needed to wake up early at four-thirty in the morning.

It was still dark outside; the sun hadn't yet crept over the horizon. But the city was lively as ever, the throne room filled to the brim with noble and clergy Grifs lining a beautiful purple carpet that was rolled out. At the throne stood Elder Grover Elijah with his Arch-Bishop by his side, holding a crimson pillow with King Grover's crown resting atop it.

Whispers echoed throughout the throne room before the large doors began to creak open. Gilda, clad in beautiful garbs of silk, walked down the aisle. To Rainbow Dash and the Equestrian expedition, it looked like she was getting married. In the eyes of the Griffish Clergy, she, in a sense, was. Gilda was to be in a union with Boreas, their God of Gods and ideally a servant of him, enacting his will in exchange the soon-to-be Queen would be given the ultimate authority.

Her unquestionable divine right to rule Griffinstone in whatever way she saw fit.

Gilda would give Rainbow Dash a quick glance, flashing 'devil horns' at her with her left claw, gesturing to her. The pegasus grinned, softly pumping her hoof in the air.

Once at the throne, Elder Grover would begin speaking, "Today, we are here to crown our heiress, Gilda Griff, daughter of Boreas and adoptive daughter of Gaylen Gruff, better known as 'Grandpa Gruff.' Today we are here to celebrate the union between our Lord of Lords, Boreas, the creator of everything, King of Kings, and the supreme God of the Gods, and our new Queen, servant of Boreas and the people."

The elder would put out a large decorated platinum saber with golden decals on the handle and special runes engraved on the blade. The blade shimmered in the little sunlight that was creeping through the windows.

Gilda would kneel, bowing her head to the elder before he placed the blade on each of her shoulders and finally pointing the tip of the blade near her neck. Symbolizing the threat of death if Gilda did not serve Boreas or her people.

"By the will of Boreas and by my authority. May Eyr, Goddess of fertility and life, bless you with an heir, and may you reign long, and may Boreas protect you… rise… Queen Gilda Guto of Griffinstone!"

Gilda would slowly rise to her paws as the Archbishop stepped forward, placing Grover's crown atop her head.

"The old King is dead! Long live the Queen!" shouted the elder.

The nobles and clergy would echo in unison, "The old King is dead! Long live the Queen!"

The throne room would erupt in applause, and with it, the formal coronation ceremony was concluded with the sun rising above the horizon.

Rainbow took the first moment she could to approach her old friend. Her cocky grin was more proud than ever. Not only was one of her friends a princess, but one of them was a Queen! She couldn't imagine a cooler ruler.

Although now, she couldn't help but worry that it might put a strain on their already previously bruised relationship. She missed her old friend; sometimes, the ponies in Ponyville were just a bit too soft.

Approaching the newly crowned monarch, Dash bowed her head deeply, flashing her eyes up at the Griffin with a sarcastic smile. "So, how do you feel, your Highness?"

"C'mon Dash, don't start already." Twilight approached, nearly startling the pegasus. How'd she sneak up on her?

Twilight smiled, giving the Queen a bow, "Looks like you outrank me now, hehe. How are you holding up?"

Gilda smirked, giving a firm punch on Twilight's shoulder, "I feel like you're a dork. Enough with the formalities!" the Griffin shouted, drawing the attention of everyone in the throne room.

"If anybody deserves some praise, it's this gal!" the Queen would point at Rainbow Dash, "Without her and Pinkie Pie, this place would still be a dump, and I'd still be in the dumps."

The Griffin stiffened her posture, pointing her claw at the Griffins in the room, "So I order you to party THREE times harder than you normally would to honor my friends, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie!"

The Griffins mused, applauding the two mares.

Twilight held a hoof to her head, knowing exactly what this would do to the pegasus' already massively oversized ego. There was no stopping that now, and then there was Pinkie. Oh boy, did Gilda truly know what she was possibly starting?

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, turning to stare across the large room of creatures clapping for her. To be frank, she didn't really think she deserved that much credit. Although, if they had never arrived at Griffinstone, then none of this would ever have happened… she could have never reconnected with Gilda.

Now that she was really lucky for.

Pinkie Pie, however, was drinking it in, "You heard the Queen! She wants you to par-tay, so are you gonna PAR-TAY?!"

Twilight didn't even try to question the party cannon Pinkie pulled out of thin air, simply ducking out of the way as the party pony ripped the cord, sending confetti and sprinkles flying through the air.

"Oh boy, I hope you know what you started." Twilight chuckled, only slightly nervous.

Gilda grinned, "Gotta set an example to my people, don't I, Twilight? Besides, if you party all morning long, by the time you have to go, you'll be so tired and hungover; by the time you wake up, you'll already be in Swallowtail!" She laughed.

Twilight visibly relaxed. Gilda was in charge here; if Pinkie Pie was allowed her antics, then she was sure it would be fine. She chuckled, "If you insist."

"To the banquet hall!" called the Queen.

While most of the clergy politely left the party, The Knights of Kerekasztala did not hesitate to erupt in a rowdy celebration. Not caring at all if it was uncouth or respectable. Drinking and dancing in the large banquet hall as dozens of servants and chefs served the guests platters of fresh food and barrels of booze.

György was happily dancing with Pinkie Pie, the uptight knight now cutting loose and breaking it while down clad in heavy armor, "I call this one, entering the dragon's lair!" he'd carefully creep on his tippy paws, slowly swaying around in a funky dance.

Pinkie grinned from ear to ear, glad to see the merry mood that was flourishing. It was hard to imagine that this was the same Griffinstone they had visited not so long ago.

"Oooooh, nice one!" the party pony giggled before standing up on her hind legs, "I call this…." She began to slowly move her hooves, almost in a hypnotic fashion, "... the dance… of the rattlesnake!"

She began to make strange hissing noises, her hooves moving as if they were two serpents ready to strike. "Whaddya think?" She gave the griff a cheery smile.

György pounded his claw into his breastplate before letting out a proud laugh from his belly, "Ha ha! Pinkie, my dear, it seems your talent matches your beauty!"

The party pony's cheeks grew bright red before waving a hoof, giving him a bashful smile, "Oh György, you charmer!"

Rainbow Dash flew beside Gilda, only setting down once they were inside the banquet hall. She instantly snapped up the first thing that looked like cider and began to chug it down. Twilight sighed, pressing a hoof to her forehead. 'Here we go….'

Gilda raised her kuska to Rainbow Dash, quickly glugging down a pint of mead, "Hey Gael! Can you dance like György!?"

Gael lifted the visor from his helmet, "Please, unlike him I don't move like a legless chicken!"

György scowled, jabbing his claw at the squire, "Then put your money where your mouth is then!"

Gael grinned, drawing his saber as he stabbed it in between the floorboards, quickly flying upward as he perched on the sword's claw guard. His feet rested on the hand guards before the Griffin danced atop the claw guard, kicking his feet as he crossed his front legs.

The armored knights gathered around Gael, clapping their claws together as the sound of clapping and armor clinking and rattling began to create a melody.

Rainbow Dash would slam down her cup and grab another, beginning to bob along to the rhythm as it traveled across the hall. Even Twilight began to tap her hoof, her expression growing softer.

"That's pretty good!" Pinkie approached the younger Griffin, impressed with his ability. "Hmmm, how about… this?!"

The mare jumped up, and just as she was about to hit the ground, froze in mid-air and began doing a jig. Even Rainbow had to rub her eyes and do a double-take.

The Griffish Knights would erupt into roaring cheers, their armor rattling loudly as they began circling around the mare, cheering and applauding in their native tongue.

"Buli! Buli! Buli!" they'd clamor, with some even throwing roses and kisses at the mare.

"Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all night and a little bit in the morning!" Pinkie gave the crowd bows, still somehow hovering above the ground.

Gilda laughed, "I've never seen Griffins this into a party before!"

Grandpa Gruff groaned from a few seats down the massive table, "They act like hatchlings, some noble knights they are!"

The banquet door flew open as The Grand Master of the Knights stepped into the banquet hall. All of the knights became dead silent as they stopped their cheering. Quickly maintaining order and discipline as they stood in the position of attention.

Gascon looked up at Pinkie Pie just hovering in the air before he took his bucket helmet off, "......"

Twilight paled, cringing as she slowly shrunk into her seat, sipping quietly at a goblet of wine. Rainbow coughed, nervously glancing up at Gilda to gauge her reaction. Even the Queen felt tense at the stoic looking knight.

Pinkie blinked and adjusted herself, her front hooves hitting the floor before a second later, her hindlegs joined her. She gave the knight an awkward grin that transformed into a real one, trotting up to greet him.

"Hiya, are you here for the party?" She exuded excitement, eager to make him smile. "Want some dessert? Cake, pudding… pie?" She offered each option in her hoof before fluttering her eyelashes playfully.

"Pinkie!" Twilight couldn't help but groan from across the room.

The Grand Master smiled as he stroked his graying feathers and beard before he gestured to Twilight it was alright. Turning to offer his claw to the pink mare, he smiled. "May I have this dance?"

The Knights would applaud, and cheer, “Heil dem Großmeister!”

Gascon laughed, the old Griffin raising his claws, "Feiern, feiern!" hyping up his band of young lions.

Gilda grinned, "Oh ho, The Grand Master approves! Way to go, Grand Master!"

Pinkie giggled and graciously took his offered claw, "Why yes, yes you may!"

Twilight watched with a slack jaw. To be frank, she was surprised everything was going so… smoothly. She had expected at least one bump in the road.

Rainbow nudged Gilda with a smirk, whispering, "Ya think she's gonna take a griff to bed tonight?"

"Rainbow!" Twilight squeaked, having overheard. Rainbow was never that great at being quiet.

"Whaaat?! It was just a joke!" But the rainbow mare gave the Griffin Queen a subtle wink.

Gilda slowly took the mug of Cider from Rainbow Dash, "I think that's enough drinking for you, old friend." chuckled the Queen.

"Hey!" Rainbow pouted, sticking out her lower lip. She crossed her front legs, letting out a loud rush of air from her nostrils.

The Grand Master quickly took Pinkie by the front legs, gripping her hooves as he promptly stood on his hind legs, taking the mare and dancing with her. The old Griffin was full of a familiar youthful vigor that his younger lions had. Despite his age, he went as far as to twirl and dip the pony. He even picked up Pinkie by the waist and held her over his head, much to the thunderous cheering of the knights.

Gilda whistled, "I never seen an old guy dance like that, think you could pull something like that, Grandpa Gruff?" she'd leaned over to look at him.

Grandpa Gruff scoffed, "What, do you want me to have a broken hip? Get out of here."

Applejack hooted, "Yeeeehaw! Now, this is a hoedown! Get it, girl!" called Applejack.

Pinkie elegantly posed as she was held in the air, a large, unending grin on her lips. When she finally touched the ground, she turned back to join her friends, but not without brushing her long curly pink tail under the Grand Master's chin, tossing him a smile. Twilight was still unsure if Pinkie was just being friendly or if she was genuinely trying something…

The Grand Master took a bow, a large smile on his face as he watched Pinkie Pie trot over to his table. The old Griffin blew a kiss at the mare in reply. The old gentlegriff laughed and smiled like he was reliving days of yore.

"I've never seen such an elegant display of tomfoolery before, the Grand Master is so… graceful, and Pinkie is so… goofy." grinned Rarity, taking a sip of wine before looking over to Twilight, "What do you think Twilight? Care for a dance with the Grand Master, or shall I have the honor?"

The alicorn turned to Rarity, ready to open her mouth to reply, when Rainbow Dash's wheezy laughter interrupted her before she could get a syllable out.

"Ppppfftt, her? DANCING?" Dash held her ribs as if it were the funniest thing she had ever heard, tears in her eyes. "You could get me drunk and tie my hooves together, and I STILL wouldn't be even half as bad a dancer as Twi over here!"

Twilight's cheeks colored, "That's not true! I'm… not that bad! And to answer your question… Uhm… Should I?"

Applejack did her best to stifle a laugh, letting it slip out as she giggled along with Rainbow, "I'm sorry, sugar cube, but she's right. You got as much rhythm as a stringless banjo."

Rarity hmpf'd wrapping her hoof around Twilight and pressing her cheek against Twilight's, "I think Twilight is perfectly capable of dancing with that gentleco– creature… with enough wine, that is."

Gilda laughed, "Wow, you must be really something. Now I HAVE to see. C'mon, Twilight, dance with the Grand Master!"

Twilight's ears flattened down to her mane; she was really that bad? She tried to catch Pinkie's eye to gauge her reaction, but it seemed she was either trying to avoid eye contact or was too busy making googly eyes at the Grand Master.

"If I'm that bad, I don't want to embarrass myself!" Twilight squeaked, cleared her throat, and then glanced around to ensure no one overheard her outburst. "If you want to Rarity, you can dance with him."

"Oh, I don't think you're that bad…" Fluttershy murmured. She had stayed reticent and nearly hidden the entire time. It was a miracle she hadn't tried to sneak off yet. Perhaps it was out of duty, or just being polite.

The Grand Master approached the table, bowing at the Princess and Queen, "Mi a felhajtás… what's all this ruckus about a dance?" The old Griffin plucked Twilight out of her chair before taking her to the dance floor. Adjusting the Princess into a bipedal posture, they quickly began to strut across the dance floor in a tight dance. Surprisingly Twilight was keeping up with the speedier elder Griffin.

Applejack whistled and cheered, "Way to go, Twilight!"

Rarity clapped her hooves together, "You look great, darling!"

The Grand Master would mimic something Twilight would recognize from her studies as Harpy salsa dancing. The way they strutted together, with their faces close to one another, the deep dips, and such. What was more surprising was the fact that the elder Griffin hadn't injured himself yet.

Twilight's heart was in her throat, and at the beginning of the dance, she was stiff as a board, unsure of what to do and terrified of accidentally stepping on one of his paws. She was also struck by the lack of personal space, trying to avoid staring him directly in the eyes. Slowly but surely, she began to relax, follow his movements more fluidly, and actually enjoy it. It was certainly not something she did every day.

"You're doing great Twilight!!" Pinkie hollered, cheering her on.

"Woohoo!" Fluttershy's voice was just distinct enough to be heard over the crowd. Rainbow Dash simply wolf-whistled, giving the alicorn a teasing, sarcastic look.

Gilda whistled loudly, "Go, Twilight! Go, Gascon!"

Applejack waved her hat in the air as she hooted loudly, "Get it, Twilight!"

Rarity felt a tinge of jealousy now that she realized what dance she just gave away, letting out an amused chuckle, "Very good, darling!"

Pinkie nudged Rarity with a sly smile, wiggling her eyebrows up and down suggestively before giggling, practically falling out of her seat. Rarity rolled her eyes in reply as she took a sip from her wine gobblet.

Gascon twirled Twilight as they dipped once again, the old gentlegrif beaming with joy, "Oh, I haven't danced like this in years, and you are doing so fantastisch!" he'd grin at the mare, "Do you want to know an old trick from when I was a young cadet in training?"

Twilight let out a small breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, looking up at Gascon with curiosity and hesitation. "I-I'm glad you're having fun! Sure, I'd love to."

The Griffin picked Twilight up by the hips before taking to the air, quickly holding her up and guiding their movement. It looked as if they were dancing on a floor despite not actually standing on anything.

Twilight tried not to show her surprise before chuckling, "Oh, it should have been obvious… creatures always seem more graceful when they're flying. Hehe, thanks for the tip."

Spike watched Twilight and the Grand Master dance with Yona and Gallus at the far end of the banquet table. He'd glanced over at Yona and Gallus, "This is the longest time I ever watched her dance. Usually, I can only see so much before my eyes hurt."

Gallus snorted, "Makes you wonder if those goofy knights ever danced with each other to get that good."

Yona snorted, drinking a large mug of mead while everyone was distracted. Licking her lips, she took another large gulp before replying, "Yak dance better, Yak STOMP and make rock fall down from mountain! Puny Griffin and pony don't even make mug jump from table."

Spike slowly raised his claw to retort, "What about that avalanche you guys caused when we stopped by." he'd tease.

Gallus laughed, "I guess the Yaks are the best at self-sabotage!"

Yona's face colored, and she narrowed her eyes at the young drake. "Yak can handle snow, unlike dragon! And that not Yak fault, cannon ball was too loud, pony princess say so." She sniffed and stamped her hoof on the table, making the plates nearby jump by a foot.

Gallus scramed as he prevented a few dishes from falling on the floor, "Hey watch it!"

"Come now, Y-Yona, no need to get excited." Fluttershy squeaked, nearly halfway under the table.

Spike chuckled, patting Yona's side, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." he'd quickly peer at Fluttershy under the table, "Woah Fluttershy? Are you okay?"

Gallus snorted, crouching to the mare's eye level, "Sheesh, not much of a creature person, are yah?"

Fluttershy winced slightly before pulling herself out from beneath the table, giving the three a nervous smile. "Oh, I was just a bit startled, is all. You know how I am with crowds…." She gestured to Spike with a tilt of her head.

Yona looked a little apologetic, "Yona, not mean to scare Shy pony. Yona, sorry."

"No, no, it's okay; I know you didn't mean it!" The pegasus held up a hoof, "Please, don't hold back for my sake, it is a celebration after all."

The Grand Master concluded his dance with one final twirl as he and Twilight carefully dropped to the ground. Like two autumn leaves falling from a tree. The Grand Master let go of the Princess, bowing to her one last time before the banquet hall erupted into thunderous cheers.

Gallus smirked, "Guess the dance is over. Who would've thought an old guy had that much kick in him?"

"Yeah, I was worried he'd break something." winced Spike.

The torches and candles that lit the banquet hall went out as a bright light quickly beamed in the banquet hall.

"Ladies and gentlecreatures!" called Starlight, directing a subtly placed miniature spotlight with her magic to herself. The unicorn was wearing a tux and wore a top hat.

She was beginning to regret agreeing to help Trixie and Thorax with their improvised stage show. But Trixie seemed insistent upon spreading the word of her exploits across the continent. Claiming it was the perfect opertunity to do so during a time when they wouldn't make much money from their community service.

"In honor of her royal highness, the Great, and Powerful Trixie has decided to perform a death-defying stunt, the legendary, the famous Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive!"

Twilight did her best not to roll her eyes at the display; of course, Trixie would pull something like this. Giving the Grand Master a bow and a wave, the Princess returned to her seat, awaiting the spectacle about to unfold.

Which was a bit of a half-truth. The stunt itself was going to be heavily staged with the help of Starlight's magic and Thorax's shape-shifting. A pretty clever plan for fantastical magic on such short notice. Better than parlor tricks, that was for sure.

Starlight quickly shined the light on Trixie and Thorax disguised as a terrifying Manticore. Trixie grinned as she stepped on stage, a sly grin as she debuted her new look. The crowd couldn't help but let out soft 'ooos' as they recognized the feather-lined cloak she now wore. It had plumage similar to a griffin's, giving the impression she had a downy, feathery mane.

"As you can see, I, the Great and Powerful Trrrrrrrixie, have captured a wicked Manticore from beyond Griffinstone. It is a wild beast, but nothing that the Magnificent Trixie could not handle. Manticores are known for swallowing their prey whole, but luckily…." She paused for dramatic effect, "Trixie is an experienced, Powerful magician."

Throwing her changeling friend a wink, Trixie trotted over to the canon Pinkie had already prepared for her. As insane as the mare was, she had good supplies and didn't dare question where the party mare got them from.

"Please, if any creature is faint of heart, you may want to avert your eyes, for the SHOCK and Awe you will experience may cause you to fall unconscious or COLLAPSE out of fear!" The unicorn warned before taking off her hat and cloak (she didn't want to singe such nice new clothing), trading it for a helmet and a slightly less flashy cape.

However, in her mind, Trixie was quite terrified. She knew that Starlight was very talented, and it had been her own idea, but she really, really hoped that she knew what she was doing here. Because, frankly, Trixie was just winging it. Never a good thing for anyone who didn't have feathers.

Climbing inside the large and appropriately decorated cannon, Trixie held her breath, bracing herself. She didn't like rollercoasters, so this, of all things, wasn't exactly an upgrade. It didn't help that she didn't know when they'd light the fuse.
Starlight quickly cast several illusion spells on her and Thorax before lighting the cannon's fuse with a fire spell. Thorax slowly opened his jaw as he readied himself quietly, pleading with Starlight to teleport Trixie into the box behind him.

The cannon would erupt, rocketing Trixie out as she barreled toward Thorax's mouth, the changeling quickly slamming his jaw shut just as Trixie flew inside his maul. Trixie could have sworn she hit the back of his throat but the next thing she knew she was inside the wooden box just like Starlight said she would.

Starlight trotted on stage, tapping Thorax on the shoulder as the 'manticore' opened his mouth showing the audience nothing was inside. Starlight then walked over to the small wooden box, opening the door to reveal Trixie inside.

"Tah-dah!" sang Starlight.

The Griffin knights would whistle loudly as they clapped. Even Gilda was struggling to pick up her jaw that was on the floor, "Wow! She's amazing! That was some crazy magic!" gawked Gilda.

Starlight wiped several beads of sweat from her brow as she allowed Trixie to speak.

“T-T-Ta-daah?” The magician managed to mumble out, stumbling onto the stage before catching herself. She rapidly shook her head, clearing her throat.

"Of course, as you can see, nothing is too Great or Powerful for the Magificent Trixie!" She threw a hoof up in the air, several small lights bursting to life, spelling her name. "Thank you, thank you." She took a bow, taking the opportunity to bask in the attention. Sliding a glance toward Thorax, she gave him a small wink and an exhausted smile.

Twilight was still rolling her eyes, biting her tongue as she attempted not to sarcastically explain how easy the trick they had just performed was. Trixie had been less of a pain as of recent, but she still didn't appreciate her general attitude.

"Psh, please; I'll tell you about her later." Rainbow snorted, leaning back in her seat.

Starlight focused her will on quickly lighting all the torches and candles with her magic before quickly cleaning up the props, carrying them with her magic before trotting off to put all the clutter away. Thorax slowly slinked away behind Trixie and transformed back into his pony disguise again, doing it, so it looked like a magic trick in itself.

Applejack chuckled, "Well, looks like they've been working on their charlatan showponyship."

Rarity snorted, "I thought it was rather impressive, actually. Which is rare for her since everything she does is tacky and fake."

Gilda's brow shifted at Rarity and Applejack, and she thought SHE could be a mean girl.

"Let's just say our initial impression of Trixie wasn't exactly a great one." Twilight gave Gilda an uncomfortable, nervous laugh before shifting in her seat, watching as Trixie and Thorax walked off.

Trixie gave the changeling an exhausted smile, "You did great out there. How did it look from your end?"

Thorax leaned close to Trixie's face as he whispered, "It looked like I actually had you in my mouth! I could have sworn I tasted you!" chuckled Thorax.

Trixie's face turned from blue to red. Did he have any idea of the implications of what he just said?

The pair trotted over to the massive banquet table before taking a seat next to one another, "But you should really thank Starlight, she did a lot of the work. But I'm glad I could help Trixie. Maybe when we come back here after our community service hours have been fulfilled we can get paid!"

Starlight quickly trotted back into the banquet hall, adjusting her tuxedo and hat before taking a seat next to Trixie, giving the mare a smug smile, "Weeeellll?~"

Taking her seat, Trixie glanced over at her fellow unicorn, narrowing her eyes. What was that tone for? Was it the fact she needed help with her performance or was it… Thorax?

"... Thank you, Starlight. You truly are a Great and Powerful assistant." The magician gave her a nod of gratitude before shifting into a sideways stare. What was she getting at…?

Starlight mused, placing her top hat on top of Thorax's head, "That's what I thought. But next time, could you let me at least have a day's notice? I'm only one pony."

"Yeah yeah, fine…." Trixie rolled her eyes.

Thorax chuckled, "Well, I'm glad that's settled. I thought we were great. Now is anyone else thirsty?"

"Trixie will take a light wine." The magician held up a hoof.

Starlight smirked, getting up from her chair, "Please allow me." she'd give Trixie a knowing smile before walking off to the bar.

Trixie cracked open one eye, leaning back in her seat, drained from the anxiety of her performance. She returned the smile with an almost outraged look, her cheeks turning pink.

Thorax sighed, "So, we're going to Swallowtail after this. Are you excited?"

Turning to Thorax, her expression melted away, giving him a lazy smile instead, "I've heard good things about it, and I know for a fact that we can make plenty of bits there… if we can get there. I don't know much about the place, but I've heard rumors."

"So I guess… yeah, I'm excited. How about you? Not nervous, are you?" She gave him a slightly teasing grin.

Thorax rolled his eyes and gave Trixie a playful grin, "No, not at all; I just hope you aren't afraid of heights." He chuckled.

The changeling let out a sigh, and the party started to level out as more food had been prepared. The guests were now talking and eating instead of dancing, a natural break in the party. It was quiet to the point where you could use a normal voice to talk, and Thorax felt he ought to speak. Being honest about his intentions with his close friend and future business partner felt like the right thing to do.

Thorax took a deep breath, "Can we talk about something?"

Trixie was in the middle of taking a sip of water when he asked the question, choking for a brief moment before turning to him. She wasn't sure, but it felt like her heart skipped a beat.

"Uh yeah, sure; what is it?" She replied in a rather uncharacteristically meek tone, frightened and intrigued by what he might say.

Thorax smacked his lips as he opened his mouth to speak, the words struggling to come out. He'd clear his throat before quickly recovering himself, "Uhm… can I get you something to eat?" he'd say quietly, embarrassed of himself.

Trixie cocked a brow, confident that what he wanted to talk about wasn't getting her food. Leaning her head into her hoof, she stared him right in the eyes.

"Is that really what you wanted to talk about?"

Thorax fumbled for a moment, an overwhelming tidal wave of anxiety crashing against the fiber of his being. He felt like he was shriveling up inside.

"Yes!" he'd answer, his words sounding like a desperate plea, "Let me get you something to eat; you look famished!"

Trixie held back a disappointed stare, unsure of why she felt so let down. Offering her best smile to combat the growing restlessness within her, "Oh...um...some bread, I guess."

The two could have sworn they heard Starlight groan from across the hall.