• Published 7th Oct 2022
  • 714 Views, 317 Comments

The Equestria Chronicles: The Gallop Through Griffonia - Slippin_Sweetie

Twilight Sparkle's expedition must continue to the distant lands of Griffonia on their quest to solve the continent's friendship problem. Meeting old and new friends along the way, all as the group works toward establishing peace through Griffonia.

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One Night In Griffinstone

Another day had thus been concluded. As dusk crept over the heart of Griffinstone, the party returned to Castle Griffinstone after a long day. Gallus had sold his pitch on joining the expedition to Twilight with some hesitance from Spike, but nonetheless agreed to accept Gallus’ request and would offered to take him when Twilight and Gilda arranged their meeting.

Tonight’s meal was strangely quiet for both Gilda and Twilight. The two were now isolated and alone in a private dining chamber. Sitting across from each other at a small table, eating potato soup.

This soup was no ordinary soup; it was… extremely bland. Made of only ordinary potatoes, milk, and salt. Which was strange because all the food prepared for them by the royal kitchen thus far had been excellent. All of their meals were excellent. Why was this meal the exception?

Gilda took a long sip of her broth before sighing, “Thanks for agreeing to help me, Twilight. I know we really don’t know each other that well. But, we both seem to have uh… a lot in common, I guess.”

Twilight politely took a sip of broth before responding. She didn't hate the meal, but she wouldn’t mind never eating it again either.

“You could say that. We were both normal citizens in our respective kingdoms before being thrust into power. Plus, we’re both friends with Rainbow Dash.” She gave the Griffin a soft smile, “And really, it’s no trouble at all. I love spending time with friends, even friends of friends.”

“And it’s been really fascinating to explore your culture. I can’t thank you enough for allowing me and my friends the privilege.” She bowed her head subtly, showing her respect.

Gilda waved her off, “Don’t mention it. I can only imagine the headache you guys are going through. Sorry if you don’t like tonight’s dinner, it’s hóvége. Since you like facts, here’s an interesting one… hóvége in Griffish means struggle.”

She’d present the unimpressive-looking dish to Twilight, “Traditionally, it would be eaten by normal Griffins and well… y’know… peasants.” She seemed to dislike the term, her expression souring after she uttered the word, “But all the rich Grifs, the King? They’d eat this stuff whenever they had talks with the nobility or clergy or some super-rich trading Griff.”

Gilda stirred her spoon idly as she stared into the cloudy white broth that looked like watered-down paint, “Apparently it’s a show of modesty, and… it also helps those rich and powerful types check for poison. Because hóvége is… flavorless…”

She’d perk her head up as her eyes met with Twilight’s, “There’s a metaphor in there somewhere, right, or is it irony?”

Twilight listened to Gilda’s story with great interest, committing the information to memory to stow away later. “I’ve never heard of that. Thank you for telling me. It’s fascinating.”

“I suppose it’s a bit ironic for those in power to eat such bland food, especially when greeting guests. But the logic makes sense. Most poisons are bitter in taste, although there wouldn’t be much time to do anything after consumption….” She shook off that dark thought.

The alicorn paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts as she swirled her spoon through the broth. She looked up at Gilda and gave her a soft look.

“Gilda I know you asked me for advice, but honestly, I still don’t know what for. Could you tell me what’s going on? Most of your subjects seem to respect you, and while Grandpa Gruff is… well, rude, I don’t see him being a major issue….”

Gilda tapped her spoon against her glass bowl, clinking the metal against the glass rhythmically, “Ehh… it’s mostly… uh… me, I guess that’s standing in my way.”

She slowly dropped the spoon into the bowl, letting it sink to the bottom, “I just don’t think I should be Queen, like yeah, I found the Idol, but I grew up in Equestria when I was a hatchling and then I grew up poor as an adult. All this luxury, responsibility, and support is alien. It’s like I stumbled into a literal well of power.”

Twilight nodded, “I think I know what you mean. All of it is just so… overwhelming. You feel like you don’t know what you’re doing.” Twilight sighed, knowing those exact growing pains that she was going through. “You feel like you don’t deserve to be where you are. It’s called Imposter Syndrome.”

“Gilda, I can’t say what is ahead, but your citizens look up to you and trust that you have the good sense to lead your people. I know it’s frightening, but you’re not alone. That’s why you have the clergy, the knights, and Grandpa Gruff to guide you. If you’re worried, go to one of them for help. Or one of us, of course.” She gave the Griffin a soft, encouraging smile.

“It will take time to settle into things… after I grew these wings, everything changed. Even going to sleep at night was hard because I didn’t know how to control these dang things!” She wiggled them for example, chuckling. “So I not only had to cope with my new responsibilities as a princess, I had to learn to control two new limbs!”

“Sorry,” She seemed to suddenly realize she was talking about herself too much, “I don’t mean to imply you’ve got it easier… I’m just saying what you’re going through is natural. But you’ll acclimate.”

Gilda gave Twilight a reassuring smile as she gently reached around the table to place her claw on the mare’s shoulder, “It’s been a long couple of years, and I’m still not quite used to it. It’s all like one big dream. I half expected to wake up back in my old shack on a bed of straw when I go to bed.”

“I guess I just need more time, huh?” Sighed Gilda.

Suddenly, Gilda slowly leaned in close toward Twilight’s ear and whispered gently, “Any uh… tips or hacks to get out of a meeting?”

Twilight would snicker, hiding her smile behind a hoof, “Well, you can always say that you have ‘other matters to tend to,’ Celestia liked using that a lot. It also tends to help two-quarters of the populace can’t fly or know teleportation… but for your situation, I don’t think that will work.”

Twilight's smile melted away into something softer, “Gilda, I can’t tell you what to do, nor can anyone else. If you believe you’re not fit for this, then no one can stop you from abdicating the throne to some other griffin. You’re not trapped here.”

Gilda slowly looked down at the table, masking her touched expression with something more firm and familiar, “Heh, thanks for the comforting words. It’s a bit different here, though. I will have to either…’ make’ an heir or adopt one into the line of succession. But what Griff could contend as a good king or queen if I don’t leave an example for them?”

“Besides, I’m pretty sure if I abdicate without an heir, the clergy and nobles will just take their money away, and we’ll be right back at square one.” nervously chuckled Gilda.

Twilight’s brow wrinkled as she considered Gilda’s options. “Well, I suppose you could hold an election of sorts, perhaps find an apprentice you think would be a good fit, and help train them once you think you’ve learned enough to guide them.”

“That or just… run away. But that’s not such a great idea.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Gilda laughed, “Election? Everygriffin here would vote for themselves and be at a deadlock. Nah… I’m tough, I can do it. Just needed a pick-me-up y’know?”

Twilight couldn’t help but remember the straightforward advice that Grandpa Gruff, the clergy, and the nobles gave her. Which had become a very common lesson in her and other creatures’ lives. A simple mantra of believing in oneself tended to be a sort of cure-all for a lot of creature's problems.

Twilight sighed, but she was glad Gilda was feeling better.

“But what about you? Are you nervous about your journey?” offered Gilda, “You have a pretty big group. Is there anyone, in particular, that’s… not pulling their weight if you catch my drift?”

Twilight sat up straight in her seat attentively and she shook her head.

“Everyone’s doing their best, taking shifts pulling the cart, cooking, cleaning, etcetera.” Twilight replied, “Of course, you know, Rainbow. She likes to shirk her chores off to others when she can.”

“That’s Rainbow…” smirked Gilda.

Gilda suddenly stiffened up as her expression hardened, ”... Twilight… I don’t mean to alarm you, but the knights told me something.” She’d slowly look toward the door and around the room as if somecreature was possibly watching them.

“But my knights have heard some things from the locals around GriffinHafen and did some… snooping… and I think one of your ponies is actually a Changeling,” whispered Gilda.

Twilight tried to keep her face straight but was having a difficult time. She was never good at keeping secrets, at least not ones so funny. She couldn’t help but snort and start laughing, holding her stomach.

Wiping away a tear and straightening herself, she looked Gilda in the eyes. “Oh, I know. His name is Thorax. He’s actually quite sweet. He only disguised himself to not cause any alarm or frighten any griffs.”

“Oh, is that so? Geez, you’re making friends with Changelings? What’s next? Are you gonna tell me Fluttershy can make friends with cockroaches?” mused Gilda.

“Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she could,” Twilight chuckled before sighing.

Gilda shook her head before replying, "Well, now that’s out of the way, I don’t really have much else to say, heh. Anything on your end?”

“Gilda, all I want to say is that we’re here for you, not just us, but your people too. Every single Griffin I’ve spoken to has confidence in you… well, aside from Gruff, I think he just wants you to take the role a little more seriously….”

“I know this sounds corny, but trust in yourself. You’re strong, brave, and intelligent. How else did you get the Idol out of that canyon?” she gave the Griffin a confident smile, resting a hoof on her shoulder. “How else did you help organize everything you built here? C’mon, I thought you were friends with Rainbow. Where’s that confidence?” Twilight gave her a playful grin.

Gilda paused for a long moment, her expression blank and unfeeling. Before the Griffin heiress erupted in a fit of laughter, “Wow… that really is cheesy, but, yeah, you’re right… oh!”

She’d quickly sat up, inching her seat closer to Twilight’s, “I know you have to go to Swallowtail soon but are you guys staying for the coronation ceremony tomorrow? The clergy and nobles are going to officially crown me, Queen. It hasn’t been done since King Guto for obvious reasons.”

Twilight smiled. It always warmed her heart when she saw others lifted up. It made everything about her work (for lack of a better term) all the more rewarding.

“Well, of course! We’re not going to just leave before such a big ceremony! I don’t think Rainbow Dash or Pinkie would forgive me if we did. And you know Pinkie with her parties… expect some cake.” She giggled softly.

“Just tell her to prepare a party in the dining hall,” chuckled Gilda, “Those stuffy old bats would lose their mind if they saw as much as one stray balloon in the throne room during the ceremony.”

Gilda let out a soft sigh, “Welp, I don’t have anything else to do or think about. I’m probably gonna go remind Rainbow Dash of the fact that I have claws and she doesn’t, ha! “

The Griffin quickly climbed out of her chair and collected the dirty dishes from the table before marching toward the door. Swinging it open, to both of their shock, Gallus tumbled inside.

Gilda raised a brow, “Gallus? Why aren’t you with Grandpa Gruff? You know he’ll have us both by our necks if he finds you flaking!”

Gallus nervously chuckled, slowly eyeing Twilight as the Griffin gestured his tail to Gilda and then himself, “I was just taking a break, y’know?”

“Leaning against the door like that? What, were you spying on me? Did Grandpa Gruff get you to do this!?” Snapped Gilda, “That nosey bag of bones….”

“No, no, actually….” Twilight got up from her chair, approaching the two. “I had meant to mention something before we were finished….”

“I was… hoping to bring Gallus along with my friends and me during our excursion. He’s eager to come along, and we don’t mind having an extra pair of claws around.” She gave him a soft smile, “And, well… he’s just not very interested in his current line of work. I’m sure you can understand.”

Gilda looked over to Gallus, who was smiling nervously and putting on his best impression of a monk for Gilda. The older Griffin gave the boy an unimpressed look before sighing.

“Gallus is a troublemaker; he’s playing you for a chump.”

“WHAT!?” snapped Gallus, “Am not!”

“You just want to come along because you think they’ll roll over if you don’t do what they ask and to skimp out on your work here.” scolded Gilda, the scene would’ve made Grandpa Gruff proud.

“Look, Twilight, Gallus is smart, too smart. He’ll swindle you of anything you can give him and pass it off to the next creature or wait til the last minute. He does it with his scribe work all the time.”

Gallus quickly shot back up, “Only because I’ve done it since I could talk! Twilight you have to believe me when I say, I really, really want to come with you.” Pleaded Gallus.

Gilda mused, “Oh, I bet you do.”

Twilight blinked, trading looks between the two. She wasn’t exactly sure what had prompted this, but she was intrigued to hear more.

“Now, I know teenagers can be a handful, but maybe allowing him a little freedom instead of piling more and more work on top of him might be good for him. Plus, traveling with us, he can learn about other cultures and the world at large.”

Twilight gave them a grin, “Besides, it’s kind of my job to deal with troublemakers. I’m sure if anything happens, I can handle it.”

Twilight ended her speech with a look towards Gallus, raising a brow at him in curiosity. What had he done in the past to warrant such judgment?

Gilda sighed, “Fine, but I’m not going to be the one to tell Grandpa Gruff, and neither are you, Twilight. He’s gotta do it himself.”

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” groaned Gallus, rolling his eyes, “Can’t you just, I dunno, pardon me?”

Gilda hmpf before walking out the door, “I’m not Queen yet. Good night Twilight, and good luck with that one.” she eyed Gallus one more time before slamming the door shut, leaving the two alone.

Gallus let out a long sigh, “Well, the cat’s out of the bag.”

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck, wincing at the loud noise before turning to Gallus.

“Do you want me to come with you? Like she said, technically, she’s not the Queen yet. So I technically… outrank her?” She shrugged, “Either way I don’t think she’ll be too mad. Now Grandpa Gruff on the other hoof… I’ll just be there to mediate in case things get ugly.”

Gallus smirked, gently brushing himself and Twilight off, “I don’t think even you can stop what’s coming, so we might as well embrace it now while everyone is still tired and will 'sleep on it,’ great strategy for asking for things by the way.”

Twilight shrugged, “If you’re ready for it, sure. Let’s go and see what his reaction is.” She was intrigued to see how things went, and to be frank, she was just going to make sure nothing terrible happened.

It didn’t take long for the pair to walk down the empty halls toward Grandpa Gruff’s chamber. But strangely, it felt as if the floor was stickier, the air heavier, and everything darkened around them.

Gallus’ confident aura seemed to diminish with each step he took. His stature and near-permanent smirk had shriveled up like a dried-out sponge in the Arabian sun. A newfound fear corked from within him as the blue Griffin seemed to falter.

However, before he could second guess or reconsider, the Griffin was already at the door to Grandpa Gruff’s chambers.

He took his claw and gently knocked on the door, “Grandpa Gruff?”

“What!?” snapped the greedy old buzzard from the other side of the door.

“Can I come in? I need to talk to you.” Gallus said firmly.

There was a long silence before Gallus and Twilight received an answer, “... Come in.”

Opening the door lay Grandpa Gruff’s chamber from earlier in the day. Stepping inside the pair would make their way to the elderly Griffin resting in his bed.

“What’s this all about, and why is the pony here?” grumbled the old Griffin.

“Well… I asked her if I could join the expedition to Swallowtail,” answered Gallus.

Grandpa Gruff paused, seeming to scan the younger Griffin’s face, peering bitterly at the youth he raised before his expression softened, nearly becoming unrecognizable to Twilight and Gallus.

His permanent scowl was gone, his eyes practically lunged to the back of his skull now, as he seemed to helplessly whisper, “You’re leaving…?”

“Yes?” Gallus seemed confused at Grandpa Gruff’s reaction.

Grandpa Gruff’s face seemed to harden like a stone in reply, “... Fine! Go! So that I can finally be rid of you for once and for all!”

Gallus tilted his head as the young Griffin’s expression changed from confusion to panic, “Wait, go as in right now? Like, that sounds like you don’t want me, like, at all!”

“I don’t want you, boy, get out of my sight! Now!” snapped Grandpa Gruff; he’d quickly thrown his pillows at Gallus as he sat up from the bed, “Get out, get out!”

Gallus quickly scampered out of the room as he narrowly avoided his grandpa’s onslaught.

Grandpa Gruff slowly let out a long sigh before sitting back down on his bed, “Your Highness, please… close the door. I will explain everything….”

Twilight had watched the entire scene in stunned silence, but she had picked up the cues that the geriatric Griffin was exuding. However, she didn’t want to speak for him fearing her intervention might make the situation worse. Turning, she would grant his request, slowly closing the doors before returning the pillows to Gruff’s bed.

Approaching the bedside, she would sit down in a nearby chair, giving him a silent nod to continue.

“I’m… sorry for my outburst,” Grandpa Gruff said uncharacteristically quiet. His voice was less shrill and active, now somber and gentle.

“I never thought he’d bring you along. I knew this day would come very, very soon. But not like this.” Grandpa Gruff rubbed his bald temple as he sighed.

“... I’m rambling…” he said finally, “... He needed that final push… to make sure he would never want to come back around here again.”

“Your highness, I don’t mean to bore you with the details, but I want you to know that I have been very, very hard on Gallus for a time. To teach him how to be a lion, and recently I was even harder on him because I wanted him to gather the grit and courage to finally say enough is enough and be the Griff he’s gotta be.”

“He can hate me for the rest of his life, and you can think I’m wrong or a fool for doing it this way. But…” he’d smile, “My methods seemed to work for the past seventy years.” he’d chuckle.

He’d slowly look up at Twilight, “Take care of the boy, he’s smart, real smart. But he’s prideful and lazy, don’t let him make you roll over.”

Twilight’s expression softened as the old bird revealed his true colors, and it took all Twilight’s willpower not to hug him. He had been rather rough on Gallus from what little she had seen and heard. But she could tell deep down he honestly did care for him, even if he hated or refused to show it.

She gave Gruff a nod and stood up, stepping over to his bed to lay a hoof over his claw.

“I swear, I will keep him safe.” She bowed her head, “And I promise I won’t let him bulldoze me. I’ve dealt with troublemakers before.” Pulling away, she slowly stepped towards the door, only turning back to say one more thing.

“Oh, and… maybe give him a real goodbye tomorrow.” She gave him a soft smile, “It couldn’t hurt.”

“If I FEEL like it.” scoffed Grandpa Gruff, waving off the alicorn before nuzzling up to his pillows and sheets, “Now go on– get out of here. Some of us have to attend a coronation tomorrow!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and bade the grumpy Griffin a good night, gently closing the door behind her. Little did he know, there would be a cold glass of water and two painkillers on his bed stand waiting for him the following day.