• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,902 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

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An Awkward Situation

Twilight awoke to muffled voices. Realizing that she was still in the old barn, she strained her ears to pick up what was being said. "Yes, Dusk. I told ya that I have seen Twilight, but she wanted to be left alone for awhile."

"Applejack, it's been hours since anypony besides you saw Twilight! And from what you said, it sounds like you haven't seen her for awhile either. What if she's in trouble or something?"

"She'll be fine, Dusk. She pretty much told me where she was going."

"Then where is she?"

"Dusk, ah told her that I wouldn't have anypony disturbing her until she was done getting her thoughts together. Ah'm not telling an of y'all where she went, ya hear?"

"But Applejack," Twilight heard Elusive say, "How can you know that she'll be okay?"

"That's fer me to know, and y'all not to unless she feels like telling ya later." Twilight was touched that Applejack was looking out for her like that. She had not expected the colt to be so protective of her, especially since the others had pretty good reasons for wanting to know where she was. She stood and snuck over to the doorway, peering out a tiny crack between the two huge doors. She could see six ponies.

The mare had to bite her hoof to keep from laughing when she spotted Elusive. He was decked out in the most fashionable winter gear, but, as fashion goes, it wasn't very practical, and he shivered constantly. It had gotten colder since that morning, and from inside the barn, Twilight felt herself start to tremble with shivers. Other than Elusive and Twilght, the ponies had all gotten on their warmest gear, though I suppose that the clothing that the fashion colt wore could've been his warmest, and even though they were bundled up tight, Twilight could see the shades of pinks on their cheeks that suggested that they were getting a bit chilled. Well, except maybe Bubble Berry, since he was always pink.

She watched them argue for another couple minutes before she decided to make her presence known. However, she knew that the guys were all a little skittish around her, except Elusive and Dusk, and she wasn't sure if she wanted them to know she'd been eavesdropping. She trotted carefully back to her straw pile and laid down, preferring the soft warmth to the bone chilling cold outside. How it had managed to get so cold so quickly was beyond her. She laid her head down in the straw and listened for a moment before a ticklish sensation started up in her nose. It was just some straw, so she brushed it away.

Suddenly, she had an idea. The best way for her to be discovered and make it seem like she had no idea what had gone on outside. Twilight stuck her snout into the straw, and had to cover her mouth so she wouldn't inhale any. The itch started up again, and a second later, a loud sneeze ripped out of her, launching her into the air and scattering her straw pile. She heard galloping and the door was slid open.

"Twilight? What are you doing in here?" Dusk asked, "And why aren't you wearing any warm clothes? You're going to get sick that way, you know." She blushed.

"I came here to think, and Applejack promised not to tell anypony where I was. I guess I fell asleep," she said sheepishly. She stood that way for a moment before Elusive walked up to her and levitated a scarf around her neck.

"I know it's no much, but it'll be better than nothing," he stated plainly, "We should get you back to the library." They walked outside, and Twilight felt herself shivering violently. A hat was shoved onto her head, and she looked up to see that Rainbow Blitz, who was the lightest dressed since he was used to high altitude flying, had given her his. A jacket was handed to her and some warm boots. The colts formed a tight circle around her, and she smiled at their kindness.

"Thanks-s," she mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

"No problem," was the unanimous reply. She magically tightened the scarf on her neck and pulled her hat down further. It really was cold out. Almost freakishly cold. She could even see her breath.

"How did it get so cold?" she asked.

"North winds," Dusk replied, "They're blowing into Ponyville. I wrote Solaris, and he said that there was a cold snap up in the north, and the cold air is being blown down here. It normally doesn't happen." Twilight nodded to Dusk's explanation and the rest of the walk to the library was silent. They let Twilight go in, and Dusk follow her, before they dispersed and went back to their own houses.

Dusk closed the door and turned around to face his gender switched self with a sigh. Twilight took a step back. "What?" she demanded, "Why are you looking me like that?"

"Twilight," he started, his voice stern, yet soft, "If there is something bothering you, you should come talk to me or something. I don't want you running off on your own anymore, especially since it's going to be freezing temperatures all week. You can't just go hide somewhere anymore, or you might freeze to death."

Twilight just stood there, her eyes looking anywhere than him. Dusk knew that Twilight didn't want to talk about what she was going through, but he wanted to know. He needed to know. He didn't want her suffering alone in the dark, even if she wanted to. Dusk was well aware of how she, or him for that matter, would turn out if she kept holding everything inside her.

"Dusk..." she started, "I don't want to talk--"

"I know, Twilight," he sighed, "but we both know what will happen of you keep this bottled up inside you." Twilight stared a him for a moment. An excruciatingly long moment. "Please, Twilight..."

And then, something broke. There was a crack in Twilight's veil of strength and security. A chink in the armor, so to say. Twilight knew it. Dusk knew it. And a second later, Twilight's amor broke completely. "Dusk..." she whimpered, collapsing onto the floor. The purple mare began to sob, and Dusk used his magic to lift her and set her on the couch. "I just can't take this anymore."

"I know, Twilight, and I can't even begin to understand what you're going through, but you should always know that I'm here for you. Do you want to write to Solaris or visit Rarity?"

"Yes, I think I'll talk to Rarity for awhile. It's been a few days since I have." Twilight lit her horn and performed her spell. To Dusk, it looked like she had fallen asleep.

"I hope Rarity can help you, Twilight," Dusk whispered, even though there was really no need, "I really do."