• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,902 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

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Universe One

Twilight stumbled as she reappeared. She looked around. Had she done it wrong? She was still in the library. Everything looked the same except...where was Spike? "Spike?" she called, "SPIIIIIKE?" Spikes footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. He stopped when he saw Twilight.

"Twilight, what did you-" he froze as he took a good look at her, "W-what did you do to your mane?" Twilight cocked her head in confusion.

"What do you mean? This is how my mane always looks." Spike walked towards her slowly. He reached a hand up to her forehead. She flinched away.

"Are you feeling alright, Twilight?" the little dragon asked. She raised an eyebrow.

"Of course! I was just trying out that new spell..." Twilight looked around the library. The book was on its shelf again. She levitated it over to herself. "This one right here." Spike seemed to recognize the spell and he frowned.


"Oh?" Twilight asked, "What do you mean 'oh'?" Spike shifted uncomfortably.

"Twilight, you were going to try this spell out about a month ago, but we asked the Princess if she knew what it was first. She told us it was a very unstable Universe Hopping spell, and that if we used it, it could be hard to get back to our own universe." Twilight blinked.

"You mean...I'm in another universe?" Spike nodded, "So...so there's another me here? Wow! Where is she?" Twilight ran towards her favorite studying place just as the door opened.

"Spike! I'm back!" yelled a Twilight with neatly curled hair. She caught sight on Twilight, the one with straight hair, and stopped dead. "What? How?"

"I can explain, m-Twilight," the straight haired Twilight said. The other Twilight just stared at her. It made Twilight very uncomfortable.

"Who...who are you?" The Twilight with curls asked. The other Twilight refrained from rolling her eyes or stomping in frustration. She remained as calm and collected as she could.

"I thought that was simple," she said, "After all, who else in all of Equestria would have the exact same color scheme and the exact same cutie mark as you, with the only real difference between us being the way we style out manes."

"My...twin?" The universe jumping Twilight sighed and shook her head.

"No. I'm not your twin. You of all ponies should be well informed that even twin ponies don't usually have the same cutie marks," the straight-maned Twilight paused for a dramatic effect, "I'm you."

"WHAT?" The reaction from the other Twilight was a bit unnerving to the time jumping one. She wouldn't have freaked out like that, would she? "So, are you from the future or something?"

"No, I'm from another universe." Twilight proceeded to tell her alternate universe self everything that had happened. She finished with, "...and I'm going to call this universe #1, or universe 1." The curly maned Twilight blinked, slightly confused. "I was talking to Spike, your Spike, and he said that I might find it difficult to get back. Do you know why?"

"I never thought that I would've been able to pull that spell off in the first place but... Well, I think Celestia said that when you jump form one universe to another, you attach onto your magical signature in the other universe. It's the easiest to do, and when you do that, you can tell which universe is which because each of you will have a slightly different magical signature. Since you do not currently exist inside your own universe, it will be more difficult for you to get back." Curls-Twilight though for a second. "I would suggest that you keep hopping, and see if any others of us have an idea of what to do. You can always come back to this one by locking onto my magical signature." The time jumping unicorn nodded.

"Okay. I'll come back here if I can't find any help." Twilight Sparkle ran a hoof through her straight hair, wondering how she could've chosen the hairstyle of the other her. She powered up her spell, the purple magic sphere encompassing her entirely. With a pop, she was gone.

The curly-maned Twilight sighed, "I hope I know what I'm doing..." She turned to her Spike, her mood instantly lightening, "Wow, Spike. If she can pull this off and get home, think of how this could benefit all of Equestria."

Author's Note:

Writing with alternate universe characters is hard! Oh, jeez... But anyway, I'm having fun with this, so I ope you have fun reading it.