• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,902 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

  • ...

Interuniversal Communications

A series of gasps announced the arrival of Twilight and Dusk to the former's universe. Dusk opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded by Twilight's friends. And her princess... He stood for awhile admiring the shimmering, ever moving mane of the princess. It so much like Solaris's. With a slightly sheepish grin, he realized that this must've been almost exactly how Twilight had felt in his universe. He opened his mouth to say hello, but a pink pony that he had already associated with own friend, Bubble Berry, jumped forward towards him.

"Ohmygosh! You're Dusk Shine! Wow! This is so cool! Now I get to throw a party for both of you!" Dusk forced himself to suppress a laugh at the antics of the pink mare. She was just so much like Bubble.

"I bet it would be a great party...Pinkie Pie, is it?"

"Absoposilutely, Dusk Shine! Can I call you Dusk? I really wanna call you Dusk." Pinkie grinned from ear to ear, and this time Dusk couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Of course, Pinkie Pie. You can call me Dusk."

"Okay! And you can call me Pinkie!"

Dusk nodded. "I'll do that." He turned to look at Twilight. "So... What now?"

"Well, I believe that I would like to have a talk with you. Twilight may come if she wishes." Dusk turned to the princess.

"Of course, Princess... Uh..." Twilight nudged him.

"Celestia," she whispered.

"Princess Celestia," Dusk sighed and followed the princess and Twilight as they left the room. They trotted down the marble hallways, and Dusk almost forgot that this was not the castle he had spent years in studying magic. It all just looked so similar. They entered a small conference room where another alicorn sat, waiting patiently.

"Luna, little sister, I'm glad that you decided to come." Celestia sat next to her sister. On impulse, Dusk bowed to her, and realized halfway that it was unnecessary. He quickly moved and sat down at the table.

"Sister, who is this young colt? Why doest he resemble Twilight Sparkle so much?" Twilight blinked in confusion.

"You didn't tell Princess Luna?"

"Luna knew of your disappearance, but no, I did not tell her where you were exactly. It was a confusing situation and I did not have all the facts myself. Your friend Rarity didn't know very much other than that you were stuck in another universe with no way home. I did not wish my sister to worry about that." Celestia looked over at Luna apologetically.

"We still do not understand, sister. Who is that colt?"

"My name is Dusk Shine, Princess. I am a Twilight Sparkle from another universe where everypony is their opposite gender." The lunar regent looked at him, at first confused, but then her face became a mixture of astonishment and amazement. Twilight and Dusk watched as Luna looked between them.

"There is a male Twilight Sparkle in our presence?" The younger princess seemed unable to fathom the information. "WHAT PROOF CAN HE SHOW US OF HIS IDENTITY?" Twilight and Dusk both cringed at the use of the Royal Canterlot Voice. Looking at each other, the two purple unicorns stood and showed Luna the mark adorning both of their flanks. It was known to both of them and the princesses that a cutie mark even remotely similar to theirs was extremely rare. It would be virtually impossible for somepony to have the exact same one. Luna just stared for a moment.

"Good enough, Princess?" Dusk asked.

"Thy point hath been made..." Luna grumbled. Celestia smirked at her younger sister and rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, Luna, I brought you here so we could discuss some things with Dusk Shine and Twilight Sparkle. Twilight spent three months with him and his friends, and I think that it would be good to get to know them."

"Sister, thou woke us from our beauty rest for us to make friends?" Luna aske, slight anger lacing her voice. Celestia turned to her sister.

"I thought that you would appreciate the opportunity." Celestia turned back to Twilight and Dusk. "I will speak with my sister further, but for now, it is getting late. Twilight, you were unconscious for quite a time and it was not too early when you used the bridge. Now, I think it would be wise for both of you to go get some rest. Twilight, I trust you know where to go." The purple mare nodded.

"Come on, Dusk. Maybe my friends are still awake." Twilight led her genderbent duplicate out of the conference room. Together, the trotted down the hallways.

"It's almost identical to the castle I know..." Dusk sighed.

"Yeah, I know how you feel."

Dusk chuckled, "I would expect so." They came to the room that they both knew well. Twilight pushed the door open and the two unicorns were blasted with an explosion of confetti.

"PAAARTY!!" Pinkie Pie screamed, wrapping a hug around both of the purple unicorns. Since they were used to the sight of a surprise party, neither of them even flinched. However, both of them did smile at the sight of the five ponies that had been eagerly awaiting their arrival.

"Twilight, darling. How did the talk with Celestia go?"

"Well, we didn't actually talk a lot. Celestia is explaining what happened to Princess Luna, who was apparently unaware of what had happened to me." She walked over to her alabaster friend. "I think we're going to talk again tomorrow, but Dusk is staying here tonight." The six mares looked over at the colt that still stood in the doorway. He shuffled uncomfortably for a minute before walking forward and closing the door. Twilight noticed that he seemed uncomfortable around her friends, and it made her smile. As the others danced on a dance floor that Pinkie had constructed somehow, she sidled over to her genderbent counterpart. "I know that it's probably uncomfortable for you to be around all us mares, but you should try to be social." She looked down at her hooves. "I spent three months dwelling on the fact that you were all colts and I was a mare. I felt awkward without any other mares around. Don't act like I did, Dusk. Not for so long at least."

"This is a little different, Twilight. It's only for a day or two at most. I'm not worried, although I will admit than I am a bit uncomfortable..." Twilight smiled.

"Spike is in the other room if you'd rather talk to him, but I warn you, he might be asleep already." Dusk smiled.

"Thanks, Twilight. I'll do that." The purple colt trotted towards the door and went into the other room. Spike was there, curled up in a little basket. He smiled softly at the baby dragon and covered him with a blanket. Then he laid another blanket next to the basket and laid down, closing his eyes and falling asleep instantly.