• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,909 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

  • ...

To The Castle

The train ride started out okay, but then it went a little sour. A colt with a deep red mane and black coat approached their seat and sat down across from them. The whole train ride, he tried to talk to Twilight.

"What's a pretty mare like you doin' with someone like him?" She tried to ignore him, but he kept talking. "Wouldn't you rather have a real stallion, like me?" Twilight didn't appreciate how this colt was treating Dusk like he wasn't there.

"Well," she replied, anger rising in her, "If you're a real stallion, how come he's got a mare and you don't?" She leaned into Dusk's side.

"Aw, come on, baby. You don't mean that."

"Actually, I was quite sincere in what I just...j-jus-...ju-...huh-...hah-...HaaaaTCHHOOO!!" Twilight sneezed in the colts face. He recoiled in alarm.

"Bless you, babe!"

"Get away from me."

"Aw, come on, you don't-"

"Get. Away. From. Me." The colt cringed at Twilight's harsh tone.

"All right, all right. I'm going. Trains arriving anyway." He trotted away just as the train was coming to a stop.

"Good riddance!" Twilight murmured, "That was horrible!" She trotted along beside Dusk. Even the ponies in Canterlot turned to stare. Of course, everypony knew Dusk Shine.

"Come on. Lets get something to eat before we see the Prince. I'm starving." They went into a little place to get some food, sitting down at a table. When the waiter came they both, quite simultaneously, asked for a daisy and daffodil sandwich. The waiter laughed at this at left to get their food, leaving both of them blushing profusely.

The waiter returned with their food just as Twilight's nose started to itch. She turned from the stallion offering her the plate. "Haaaah-...HaaaaaTCHMPH!!"

"Geshundtight, miss." A tissue was levitated over to her.

"Th-thank you." Twilight blushed deeply, rubbing her nose with the tissue. Her plate was set down in front of her. She and Dusk ate in silence. Dusk paid for the meal, since Twilight had no bits, and they left.

The two approached the castle, and Dusk expected just to be let in. To his surprise, the guards blocked the gate. "Dusk Shine, who is this guest?" Twilight cringed and shrunk back from the guard's spears. Dusk pulled her back up to height.

"This is Midnight Shimmer, a very powerful unicorn that Solaris wishes to speak with. He sent me a letter." The guards narrowed their eyes.

"If this is such a powerful mare, then should she not show us some feat of magic?" Twilight looked over at Dusk. Neither knew what to do. Anything Twilight tried would end in disaster because of the tap.

"Well, you see, I-..." Twilight's nose began to itch, "I-...hiiiiih-...haaaah-...HaaaTCHHOOO!! HaaaTCHMPH!!" The guards jumped, surprised. "S-sorry..." Twilight stammered, "A-allergies." Dusk stepped in of her rescue.

"She has trouble controlling her magic in such times as her allergies are acting up. Even so, you should be able to tell her potential from the power of her sneezes. Have none of you read of measuring unicorn potential?" The guards looked at each other, slightly confused, before clearing a way for Dusk and Twilight. "Thank you." The two trotted through the front doors and their hooves clicked down on the marble flooring.

"Are we going to have to wait to see him, or in he not in Court today?" Twilight asked. Dusk looked over at her.

"There's no Court today. We can go right in." They stopped outside the large golden doors. "You ready?"

"I guess so." They pushed open the heavy doors to Solaris's throne room.

Twilight gasped as she came into the familiar room. Solaris was there, in all his glory. His coat was the same pearly white as Celestia's, and his mane had the same colors, but they were darker, richer, shades. Dusk ran to him. "Prince Solaris!"

"Ah, Dusk Shine. My prized pupil. What brings you to the castle today? Did you receive my letter?"

"Yes, I did. That's why we're here." Solaris seemed to notice Twilight for the first time. He gasped and moved to stand in front of Dusk Shine, his long, slender horn blazing.

"Dusk Shine, do you not know who this is?" Twilight backed away from him, pressing herself against the wall.

"Solaris stop! She's not going to hurt anypony!" Twilight trembled as Solaris approached, his horn still alight.

"That may be what she says, Dusk, but these types can be deceiving." Dusk ran in front of his teacher, shielding Twilight from him.

"Please! Hear me out first!" Dusk turned to Twilight, casting the spell to make her look like herself again. "I know that she is not going to hurt anypony, Solaris." He stood at her side. "She's me."

The solar regent recoiled in alarm. Twilight found it odd for royalty to be surprised. "How is this possible? This mare is Dusk Shine?"

"Well, not exactly. My name is actually Twilight Sparkle, but we are, technically the same pony," she approached Solaris slowly, "I am from another universe where everypony is the opposite gender. I cast a spell to get here, but because my magic has been tapped, I can't cast that spell. Actually, I can't cast any spells..."

"I...I apologize, my little pony. Even I can make mistakes." He looked down in shame for a minute before turning to her again. "You can't cast any spells? None at all?" Twilight shook her head. "Would you mind showing me?"

"Of course, your majesty."

"Just Solaris, Twilight Sparkle."

"Of course, Solaris." She approached a book lying on a table. Focusing her magic, she attempted to lift it. The book levitated for a moment before Twilight was forced to the ground, her head pounding and her breathing labored. Solaris and Dusk galloped over to her.

"Oh dear, my young Twilight. I had no idea I was doing this to you. I thought I had merely lowered your capabilities." He magically lifted and pained unicorn. "Do not worry. I will fix this. Come, Dusk." He levitated Twilight to his own quarters, laying her down on the bed. Twilight was in much more pain than she had been last time. She writhed in pain, her body attempting to curl into a ball.

"Twilight, it's gonna be okay," Dusk said soothingly, "Solaris is going to take care of this." He stroked Twilight's mane gently. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Twilight's muscles lessened their convulsing. She laid limply on the bed, her breath coming in quick gasps.

"I will release my tap on you, Twilight Sparkle," Solaris said, his horn lighting. Twilight did not register any of the words spoken. She registered only the pain she experienced as the tap was lifted. This had not happened when Celestia had tapped her magic. The lavender unicorn screamed in agony. "Oh, dear...Releasing my tap should not have been painful for her, Dusk." Solaris was genuinely worried now. "I've never seen anything like this."

Twilight slowly regained the ability to breathe slowly. The pain was dulled, but not gone. She sat up, slightly dizzy. "Why me?" she moaned softly. A tickled assaulted her sinuses. "Haaah-...HaaaaTCHOO! HaaaCHMPH!! HaaaaTCHMPPHH!" Solaris raised a hoof to her forehead.

"Do you feel unwell, Twilight Sparkle?"

"Not really. It's just allergies, Solaris. Not anything to worry about." She attempted to get up.

"Rest, my little pony. Do not overexert yourself." She stopped, laying back down. "Dusk, please stay with her." The sun regent left the room. "Hmm... Perhaps your sneezing is more means to worry than you think, Twilight Sparkle." He mumbled to himself as he entered the library.

Author's Note:

Well, well. This seems so...dumb. Oh, well. At least this is fun to write.