• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,909 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

  • ...

The Farm

Applejack and, well, Applejack trotted though the orchard of Sweet Apple Acres. The female Apple was suddenly stricken with a thought. "By Celestia! I nearly forgot! We need at figure out how we're gonna do this. You need a different name, Applejack," she said, frowning slightly at how weird it was to call another pony by her own name.

"Yer right about that..." the colt replied, thinking for a minute, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Hmm... How about Applejohn? It'll be a might hard for our friends I suppose, but I don't suppose ya want a whole new name?" 'Applejohn' shook his head. "Didn't think so... Applejohn it is then, and you can be my....cousin? Can't get something too close now, or the family will get too excited..."

"They'd prob'ly never let me leave then..." Applejohn chuckled, starting to trot towards the farmhouse again. Applejack laughed along with him, nodding in agreement.

"Either way, they'll all be real excited to meet ya." Applejack smiled as she could see the lights of the house come in to view. "Ya ready, Applejohn?"


"Well then, let's get a move on!" Applejack started galloping towards her home, longing to see the family that she had been missing ever since she had gone to the castle. Applejohn quickly followed her.

Applejack reached the door first and swung it wide just in time for Applejohn to gallop right inside. She followed, and found the both of them faced with the immediate Apple family. The three farm ponies stared for a second, before Applebloom gave a little squeal of delight. "It's another of our family! Ah can tell by the cutie mark! He's gotta be an Apple, right Granny?" The filly looked over at the older earth pony.

"Well, I'll be, Applejack. Who's this guest ya got here?" the old mare asked, getting out of her rocking chair and slowly walking over.

"This here's Applejohn, our cousin." The mare felt a bit bad about lying to her family, or to anyone for that matter, but if Twilight thought it was for the best, she supposed that she better not question it. She looked over at Applejohn, noticing the slight expression on his face that suggested that he didn't feel right with it either.

"Howdy y'all," he greeted, his unease quickly covered completely with his happiness to meet the gender swapped version of his family.

"Ah'm Applebloom!" the little filly piped up, grinning at Applejohn. He smiled back. "Gee, you look an awful lot like Applejack. Ya got the same freckles and everything!" Applejack was suddenly a bit nervous.

"Well, that's enough proof that he's an Apple, ain't it?" she asked, "Now, Applejohn. That's Applebloom, like she said, and this is Big Macintosh and Granny Smith." Applejohn nodded. "Granny, Applejohn can take the empty room upstairs, can't he? He's in need of a place to stay for awhile and he'll be willin' ta help with the chores."

"Oh, of course, Applejack. Big Mac and I will just go straighten it up..." The older green mare started up the stairs, and Mac followed.

"Oh that won't be..." Applejack sighed, "...nevermind..."

"Now ah can hang out with you two for a bit!" Applebloom chirped happily, grinning. She circled around the two older ponies. "You do look a lot alike, ya know. Are ya sure you're just cousins?"

"Yep! We're sure. Just cousins...." Applejack said a bit nervously, but the little filly didn't notice her tone.

"Aww, ah wish you were closer family... Then we'd get ta hang out more..." Applebloom smiled suddenly, "But we can hang out now, right?"

"Well, actually Applebloom, I was gonna show Applejohn around the farm..." Applejack said, and the male double looked over at her in confusion. Applejack was giving him a slightly nervous expression. Applejohn nodded and they trotted outside despite the protesting from Applebloom.

"What's wrong, 'cousin?' Ya look a might troubled," Applejohn said. Applejack sighed.

"I don't know if I can do this, AJ..." she mumbled, shaking her head, "I just don't feel right lying to mah own family. Ah think we'll need to talk to Twilight about this tomorrow... Come on, maybe I'll be able to last longer if we take a walk around. Wait fer the family to go to bed and all before we go back, so we don't have ta do anymore lying..."

"Well, I'd sure like ta get ta know yer family better, but ah suppose ah'd rather not lie anymore either, if we can help it..."

"I'm sure we can talk to Twi about it tomorrow and then ya can get to know them..." Applejack said, smiling a bit. Applejohn nodded.

"Ah suppose I can wait just a bit longer...."

Author's Note:

I am so so so so so so so sorry for being so late with this! I've been wanting to write more of this story for months, but it never came out quite how I wanted. This isn't really what I wanted either, but I can't come up with anything better.... Hopefully, I'll be able to write better chapters once I get back into the swing of things.