• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,908 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

  • ...

Of Castles and Questions

It wasn't until they were all on the train that Twilight gave any thought to explaining what was going on. "So..." Six pairs of eyes locked on the purple unicorn. One pair simply content to listen, three curious and confused, and one pair belonged to Bubble Berry. "Okay, so here's what happening," she started, "We're going to try to make a portal to my universe that will be usable by any kind of pony."

"So we can go visit her! Or ourselves!" Bubble contributed.

"That's great, Twilight! But how?" Elusive questioned.

"Well, magic is hard to explain, as you know," Twilight began, "but, essentially, we're going to cast some spells on the unicorn stone to form a portal between the universes." Elusive looked as confused as he had before. "That's all I've got, sorry." They sat down in their spots on the train.

As the express train rumbled down the tracks, the seven ponies sat in silence. Twilight was doing calculations in her head for the spells. Dusk was doing very similar equations. Elusive was wondering how on Equus Twilight was going to do it. Butterscotch was huddled in his seat, hoping that nopony would notice him. Rainbow Blitz was flexing his wings, not really thinking about what they were doing anymore. He'd leave Dusk to work it out. Applejack was hopping that they wouldn't be gone long, because he couldn't leave the farm too long. Hopefully only a day or two. Bubble Berry, well, nopony really knows what he thinks about, but he was abnormally calm and still during the train ride.

They trotted out into the station, Twilight still distracted by her calculations. She trotted slowly, not watching her step. She knew the way. The others followed behind her, watching her cautiously. Her hooves caught on uneven stones, and she found herself on the ground. The others helped her up. "Are you alright, my dear?" Elusive asked, "Quite a tumble you took just there."

Twilight blushed. "I'm fine." She stood and they continued their journey. The rest of the walk to the castle was uneventful, and by the time they got there, it was getting dark. Artemis's night guards welcomed them and led them to where they would be staying. Solaris was already asleep, so he would not see them until morning.

As they sat in the room, all completely silent and still, six of the seven ponies suddenly realized something. "Bubble?" Applejack asked, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Hmm?" the pink pony asked, "I'm fine. Why?" They were staring at him like he had two heads, although, for Bubble, that would've been more believable than how he was acting.

"Well, you're very calm, Bubble Berry. It's not like you."

"Oh, that," the party colt laughed, "I've just been thinking about what it would be like to have another me around. I wonder what we would do..." He got a distant look in his eyes, and the others exchanged worried looks. However, they decided to let the matter drop and go to sleep.

"Good night," Twilight called. Six weary voices answered her. She closed her eyes, eager to meet with the prince in the morning, but found that she was unable to sleep. She tossed and turned, her body exhausted, but her mind was racing.

It wasn't until a few hours later that she got up and went for a walk, hoping to calm her anxious mind. She trotted down the dim, familiar hallways, making for her favorite place. The balcony.

She stopped as she came close to it and turned around. She had heard hoof steps. Quickly, she finished her walk to the balcony, putting the sound off as just the echoes of her own steps. She looked out on the starry, cloudless night and sighed.

"Twi?" The sound made her gasp and spin around, her heart pounding in her chest. A familiar alabaster colt stood in the balcony doorway.

"Elusive?" she asked, "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry," he mumbled, "I saw you leave and I decided to follow you. I wanted to make sure you weren't off crying again."

"Oh, I just came out here because I couldn't sleep." Twilight looked up at the sky again, and Elusive trotted forward slowly.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked. She nodded.

"It's breathtaking."

"Not as breathtaking as you." Twilight's gaze went to the floor, and Elusive could barely make out the pink in her cheeks. He stood next to her, putting a foreleg around her. The pink deepened to a dark crimson.

"Cut it out," Twilight muttered, "It's embarrassing."

"Oh, come on, Twilight. There's nopony here except you and me."

"And us, Elusive." Both unicorns turned to see a pony with a deep blue coat and blue, shimmering mane.

"Prince Artemis!" Elusive exclaimed, stooping into a low bow. Twilight just stared at him. The Prince of the Night.

"Twilight Sparkle, we--er...I presume. You are my brother's new student?"

"Y-yes..." Twilight mumbled to the regal lunar ruler. He was much more imposing than Luna. He smiled lightly, and that helped his appearance seem less threatening.

"You need not be afraid of me, Twilight Sparkle. I understand what it is like to be away from those you love for a long time." He looked away for a second. "I hope that you can return home soon."

"Th-thank you, P-prince Artemis," she stammered, not as much from his appearance as the cold winds that had begun to blow across the balcony. She shivered, moving closer to Elusive.

"Do you mind if we talk inside? It's a bit chilly out here," he asked, looking down at Twilight in concern. As if to accentuate the point, the purple mare sneezed.

"Bless you, Twilight Sparkle. Yes, we should go in." The prince led them back into the castle. "You should both be getting to your beds if you wish to talk to my brother in the morning."

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep," Twilight sighed, "I'm too nervous." The prince grinned.

"I believe I can help you with that, Twilight Sparkle." He lit his horn, aiming a spell at Twilight. She blinked and stood still for a second before she yawned. "Please help her get back to bed, Elusive."

"Of course, Prince Artemis." Elusive lead Twilight away. They trotted slowly down the hallways to their room and went inside. The others were still fast asleep. Twilight went to her bed, and was asleep before her head hit the pillow. Elusive went to his own bed and laid down. "Wish he had cast that spell on me," he mumbled.

Author's Note:

Another chapter! Sorry this one took so long.