• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,908 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

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A Hop, Skip, and a Jump

Twilight had never figured that there would be so many variations of herself. Extremely lanky Twilights where spells gone awry had altered her growth. Twilights who wore glasses or contacts or refused corrective lenses to resist the teasing. There were even several Twilghts who'd dyed their manes. Every Twilight seemed so much different, but why? Shouldn't their be Twilights from universes where the only difference was what she had for breakfast? Maybe she just hadn't found them yet.

The ever organized unicorn had taken to numbering them. Obviously, to her, her own universe was Control. The others were all variables of her life as well as everypony else's. #49 had had a Twilight with a different cutie mark. It was similar to her own, but it was blue and green and was lacking in the number of stars around it. Control Twilight's cutie mark had five. #49 Twilight's cutie mark had two.

Universe #53 had found her in a bit of trouble. She found herself in her library...but it was on fire. She had put it out instantly, but suddenly realized that she shouldn't have interfered so much in this Twilight's life. The pony, who's hair was less kept and a little longer than Control Twilight's, had been trying to magic buckets of water over to the blazing inferno. She must have missed a few spells in the book.

"W-w-what? Who are you?" #53 Twilight asked. Control Twilight ushered the perplexed alternate version of herself into the library. She explained the situation, and the still stunned Twilight told her that, unfortunately, she didn't know of anything that Control Twilight could do. The universe jumping pony, who felt worn out from all of the universe hopping, searched for #1 Twilight's universe to rest up. The curly haired her jumped in surprise.

"You're back! I was wondering if you were going to pay me another visit," she said, obviously happy. Control Twilight smiled tiredly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Control Twilight nodded, "Just tired. That spell takes it out on a pony when you do it a lot. I'm surprised I held out as long as I did." Curly-maned Twilight nodded, somewhat knowingly.

"How many?" The other Twilight didn't even have to specify what she was talking about.

"Fifty three," Control Twilight replied. She jumped as #1 Twilight gasped. "What? What's wrong with that?"

"Fifty three? Celestia said that that was a high end spell! Only to be cast by the most skilled of unicorns, and even then only a few times at a time..." The Twilight with the curly mane was thoughoughly impressed. She rubbed a hoof against her chin. "I wonder if I could do it that many times..." Control Twilight rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure you could, but..." Control Twilight yawned, "...could we talk about it later? I'm kinda tired." The curly haired Twilight nodded.

"Of course." Control Twilight snuggled into the guest bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. Sighing contentedly, the worn out purple unicorn burrowed deeper in until only her ears and some stray hair peeked above the covers. She snored softly, making the other Twilight cover her ears from where she lay on her own bed. Eventually, both Twilights were dreaming peacefully.


As our Twilight awoke the next morning, she found that some things never seem to change, and she found that one of those things was Pinkie Pie. The party pony of this universe was standing next to her when she opened her eyes. Before the pink pony could say anything, Twilight covered her mouth with a purple hoof. "Hello, Pinkie Pie. Please, no parties. I probably will be leaving again soon."

"I know! That's why I'm here. I knew you were here last night because I sneezed and then my ears flopped and then my hooves ached. That means somepony from an alternate dimension is here. Then, this morning, my skin felt crawly, which meant that someone is leaving the universe today, so I came to say good bye." Typical Pinkamina Diane Pie. Always so random.

"Uh...okay, Pinkie. Thanks." The earth pony grinned and hopped away. Control Twilight rolled her eyes, sighing. #1 Twilight was still asleep. Twilight considered waking her up, but decided against it. She wrote a note and left it on the bed:

Dear me,

Thanks for letting me stay tonight, I really appreciate it. I might be back again before I find a way home, but if I'm not, I'll be sure to visit sometime. Thanks again.

Sincerely yourself,

Satisfied, Twilight prepped for her spell. Fifty three down, an infinite number of possibilities to go.

Author's Note:

Heheh. I suck at multiple Twilights so much.