• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,902 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

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In the morning, Twilight was awoken by the rising of the sun. She looked around to see the Dusk was waking up too. She got out of bed and trotted over to the window. The curtains were drawn most of the way, but the bright morning light could still shine through somewhat. Twilight opened the curtains the rest of the way, casting bright light through the room. Dusk opened another set of curtains, and the while room was bathed in bright light.

Groans could be heard from the not as early risers. Bubble Berry was awake in an instant, though, bouncing around the room in a pink blur. "Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! We get to see the prince! Oh, this is gonna be so much fun! You know what? I'm gonna have to throw a party!"

"Bubble, now is not really the time for that," Elusive groaned, sitting up, "I'm not sure how the prince would react to a party like yours." He stretched and went to the mirror to do his mane. "If you all want to go look for the prince, you might want to start now. I still need to do my mane and get ready. It might take awhile." The others all decided that Elusive was right in the fact that they should go look for the prince, and that it would be best to go now and let Elusive come after he finished getting ready.

Now, you'd think it'd be easy to find an alicorn at Canterlot Castle. However, Twilight and the others were finding that it could be quite the challenge indeed. None of the royal guards knew anything about where Solaris was, and no one had seen him when the Sun was risen. They went to his quarters, hoping to find something, but no. There was no day court. Where was he?

Just as they were about to give up, Solaris appeared before them. There was something held in his telekinetic grip. Twilight and Dusk knew what it was. "Merencrith!" they cried unanimously.

"Indeed, this is the mineral you requested. It took me quite a long time to retrieve it." He levitated it over to Twilight. "Be careful not to cast your spell on the rock itself, but rather the space around it. This way you do not waste one of your spells on it." Twilight very carefully levitated the rock to the ground in front of her. "But, my dear, how do you plan on casting the spells on the rock on the other side?"

"Well, I was going to go back to do it..." Twilight mumbled, "I'm not sure if I'm ready yet, though. Do you think you could...?" She didn't even have to finish her sentence before Solaris surrounded her with his magic. A smile graced his face.

"Your recovery was a speedy one, Twilight Sparkle. I didn't expect you to be ready yet, but it seems that you are." Twilight smiled. She was about to light her horn when they heard running hoofsteps. Elusive galloped around the corner and stopped abruptly, looking rather embarrassed. He trotted over to the group and his eyes set on the Merencrith. Having a keen eye for beauty, he was forced to resist the temptation of grabbing it to get a better look. It was very beautiful, this mineral. The deepest shade of purple with a shimmering quality. Elusive could think of many outfits that something like that would look perfect on.

"Wow," the fashion colt breathed, his eyes locked on the majestic rock. After a moment, he broke out of his reverie and found several pairs of eyes staring at him. "Heh, sorry..." He looked over at Twilight. "So what do we do now?"

"I'm going back," Twilight explained, "From my universe, I'll cast my spells, and Dusk can cast the ones on this side. I was about to leave." Her horn began to glow softly. "I'll be back soon, I hope." The purple sphere that Twilight had dreamed about seeing again engulfed her. An electrical tingle raced through her as she reached out to Rarity's magical signature. She almost thought she could smell her expensive perfumes and scented hair products. With a soft pop, Twilight found herself standing in front of a familiar alabaster unicorn. "Rarity!"

"Twilight!" They hugged, and Twilight looked around her surroundings. It was not Rarity's usual boutique, but rather another familiar destination, Canterlot Castle. "I'm so glad your back! We've been waiting for a sign from you."

"So, do you have the unicorn stone yet?" Rarity nodded. "Good. Where is it?"

"Let's go tell the others that you're back first. Celestia is with them anyway, and only she knows exactly where she put the stone." Rarity led Twilight through the castle, stopping at a door that Twilight recognized as the door to the room where she had stayed with Dusk Shine and the other colts. The two unicorns walked through the doorway to find five ponies.

"Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil!" Celestia exclaimed. Twilight ran to her teacher and Celestia wrapped her white wings around the purple unicorn. "I am glad that you were able to return to us." The others all gathered round Twilight to hug her.

"And I'm glad to be here, but I am a bit eager to begin, if you don't mind." Celestia nodded.

"Of course, Twilight." The regal alicorn trotted to the doorway and turned back to the other ponies in the room. "I will retrieve the stone. I ask that you wait here. You may want to catch up with Twilight after all this time." The princess left, leaving them alone.

"Wow, Twilight! I'm so glad you're back!" Pinkie cried out in joy, "It's just not the same having a party without you! I'm going to have to have a super huge party very soon!" Twilight laughed and her friends began to tell her about what had been going on. Some of it was a repeat of things Rarity had told her during their talks, but Twilight didn't mind.

She was back. She was home. Everything was going good.

But then why did she feel so empty?