• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 4,909 Views, 200 Comments

Universe 63 - CarmenColor

Twilight discovers a universe jumping spell, but ends up getting stuck in one that she calls #63

  • ...

The Sky

Dash and Blitz had taken to the air as soon as everypony split off into pairs. The two aerodynamic pegasi would be sharing Dash's cloud home. They made their way there, and Dash showed Blitz around.

"It's almost as awesome as my house," he said, nodded. Dash raised an eyebrow.

"Almost as awesome?" she asked.

"Well yeah," Blitz said, chuckling, "Nopony could have a house like mine."

"Our houses are probably almost identical."

"I know, but mines more awesome."

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!"

Dash shook her head. "Ugh, let's just forget abut it okay?" She frowned. "If you don't like my house, you don't have to sleep in it."

"...I never said I didn't like your house!" Blitz said quickly, "No, no, I really like it here..." Dash rolled her eyes and smiled a bit.

"Good." The cyan mare stretched her wings out. "Now..." She trotted to the front door and swung it open. "Let's get some flying in! I haven't stretched my wings in ages." Blitz smiled and followed her to the door.

"Me neither! Maybe now I'll have a flying buddy who can keep up with me." Dash turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean 'maybe?' I could fly circles around you!"

"Hmph!" Blitz grinned. "You willing you put that to the test?"

"You are so on!" Dash replied, hopping off her cloud home and making for the nearest cloud. Blitz chuckled and followed her, landing next to her on the cloud. "So....let's say, first one across Ponyville and back?"

Blitz nodded, spreading his wings. Dash did the same. They counted down from three, and two rainbow blurs streaked across the sky. They kept right next to each other, their turn-around being completely in sync. They were now speeding back to the cloud.

However, just as they were about to reach the cloud, something happened. The two pegasi were just a bit too close, and their wings bumped together. Now, Blitz, who was slightly larger because of him colt body's build, wasn't really affected by this, but Dash was smaller, and it caused her to spin out of control. She managed to gain control again before Blitz realized what had happened, landing on the cloud a few seconds after he did.

"Gee, Dash. I expected better from you..." Blitz said teasingly, "What took you so long?" Dash rolled her eyes.

"You got lucky," she muttered, starting to unfold her wings, "but I'll win next t--" Dash grimaced as her wing unfolded completely. She looked at it, realizing that she must have clipped it when they bumped into each other.

Blitz noticed her discomfort. "Dash? You okay?" He looked over and saw her wing. "How'd that happen?"

"You hit me..." she mumbled, "I lost control for a few seconds and that's why you won...." Blitz trotted over to her and inspected her wing.

"I did that? Oh gee, I'm so sorry, Dash. I didn't mean to!" Blitz apologized, hanging his head.

"I know you didn't, but I don't think we're gonna be able to race anymore today...." the mare replied, gently trying to flap her injured wing. She grimaced again.

Blitz frowned. "I'm so sorry.... We should probably go home...." He muttered, "Do you need any help?"

"Help? Nah, I'm good..." Dash mumbled. Blitz took off for the cloud house and Dash slowly followed. The colt glanced back at the mare. He knew she would probably be okay, but he felt bad that he clipped her wing.

When the two reached the cloud house, Dash crashed on the couch, splaying her wings out over her. The one still ached terribly, but it was manageable in the right position. She closed her eyes and tried to relax.

A minute later, however, she felt something very cold against her wing. She yelped,trying to move away from the offending object, but the couch didn't give her much leeway. The mare glared up at Blitz, who was currently holding an ice pack against her wing. "What are you doing?"

"Just trying to help..." he mumbled, frowning and looking away, "...but if you don't appreciate it, I can--"

"No, no!" Dash said quickly, "You just....startled me, is all... No biggie." She had to admit, the ice definitely helped dull the pain. Blitz smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"You sure? I'd hate to do anything to deflate that ego of yours, Dashie." The cyan mare growled.

"Don't call me Dashie..."

Blitz chuckled, "Fine, fine... But still, I don't want to hope you if it'll hurt your ego..." He smiled cheekily at her.

Dash gave him a clearly unamused look. "You realize you just said that you have a big ego, right?"

Blitz blushed for a second. "Well...do you realize that you also just said that you have a big ego?" Dash rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, whatever..." she mumbled, smiling a bit, "So, Blitz, I know were like identical and all, but a stallion like you has got to have a couple of admirers..."

"Are we seriously having pillow talk time right now?"

"Just answer the question."

The male pegasus sighed. "There are a few..."

Dash raised her eyebrows. "Any of them your special somepony?"

"No!" Blitz snorted, "...They're not my type..."

"...You have a type?"

"Shut up, Dashie."

"No way, Blitzy." The two ponies stared at each other, looking completely serious for about two seconds. Then, they burst out laughing, which made Blitz loose his grip on the ice. Dash grimaced, and he quickly moved it back into place, apologizing profusely. They chuckled softly for a little while, and before they knew it, the ice pack had melted and was starting to warm up a bit even.

"You can take that off now," Dash said, and Blitz complied, putting the ice pack back in the freezer to refreeze.

"I really am sorry about that, you know..."

"Yeah, yeah...." Dash waved it off. "I'll forgive you this time because you're awesome, but don't let it happen again."

"So, you gonna head up to bed for a nap then?" Blitz asked, and the mare shrugged.

"Dunno... I might just stay here...." She closed her eyes and sighed, "The bed' stop far for a nap, but if you want it, be my guest."

Blitz shrugged. "I might do some more flying for a bit...." Dash nodded, already half asleep. Blitz rolled his eyes and flew out of the house, hoping to get some more practice in. After all, you could never practice too much!

Author's Note:

Sorry I'm late with this, I've been busy....

Things will probably be slow for awhile, but I'll see what I can do... You never know, I guess...