• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 5,687 Views, 658 Comments

Jak and Daxter: The Equestrian Front - distortedtruth92

Jak and Daxter Get Transported to Equestria

  • ...

The Second Coming

Jak catches up to Twilight as she is entering the courtyard. She looks up at him to acknowledge his presence but turns aside as a huge blush creeps up her cheeks. Jak holds open the door to the carriage for her. She climbs in, head downcast. Jak crawls in behind her.

The carriage passes in an awkward, yet comfortable silence. Neither party wants to say anything and neither would know what to say if they did. Daxter occasionally tries to break the silence but is constantly thwarted by the silence. Eventually, he gives up trying to start a conversation and concentrates on keeping his lunch in his stomach.

When the carriage lands in front of the library, Twilight gets out first and walks into the library, Jak on her trail. As she reaches the table in the center of the room, she turns to Jak. “We need to talk,” she says pleadingly. She looks to Daxter then back to Jak. “Alone.”

Daxter huffs and jumps off Jak's shoulder. “Fine, I'll go walk around town.”

“Thank you, Daxter,” Twilight says with a smile.

After Daxter leaves, Twilight turns back to Jak. “Look,” she turns away again, “I'm sorry about earlier. I don't know what came over me. I guess I just feel safe with you. I mean, it was the first action I have ever taken without thinking. Don't worry, it will never happen again. To think, my first kiss and I can't even enjoy it. I-”

Jak stops her by putting a hoof in her mouth. “Twilight, calm down. To be honest, the kiss was not entirely unwelcome.” He takes his hoof out of her mouth.

“Really?” She asks.

Jak smiles. “Really, really.”

Twilight and Jak lean in again for another kiss, but, just as their lips are about to touch, the door burst open, revealing a panting Daxter. The two jump apart.

“Jak, Twilight. Something is in town. I think it's a she. She is causing big trouble, yelling something about revenge for something Pinkie did last time she was here.”

“Who is it?” Twilight asks.

“I don't know but she wasn't a pony.”

Twilight looks to Jak. “We better get going.”

Jak nods and heads out the door after Twilight, pausing long enough for Daxter to climb onto his back.

The two ponies gallop to the town square where all the stalls are turned over and splintered. In the middle of the carnage, Pinkie Pie pinned to the ground underneath its claw, is a creature that Jak has never seen before. It has the head and wings of an eagle but the body of a lion. The creature had its beak inches from Pinkie's nose and was glaring daggers.

“How's this for a prank, Pinkie,” she hisses. Her claw tightens around Pinkies throat. A thin trickle of blood begins rolling down.

Jak, not pausing to think, rushes the creature, barreling into her side, causing her to release the pink party pony and crash into the nearest heap of rubble.

The being gets up and glares at her attacker. “Who the hell are you?”

Jak, in turn, glares back at her. “I should ask you the same thing.”

The creature flips her off white hair out of her eyes. “My name is Gilda. Now, I repeat, who the hell are you?”

“The name's Jak. I'm the one who is about to kick your ass.”

Nearby a donkey snorts as if insulted. Jak looks to it, comprehension dawning on his face. “Oh, uh, sorry. Uh, flank is the correct term, right?” He looks to Twilight, who nods.

Jak holds out a hoof to Pinkie, who takes it, and helps her up. “Your not too badly hurt, are you, Pinkie.”

Pinkie starts to shake her head, but winces as the movement pulls at her already torn skin. “I'll be fine.”

“You might want to go stand next to Twilight. I don't know how ugly this is going to be.”

Pinkie gives Jak a pleading look. “Please don't hurt her too badly, Jak.”

Jak looks at Pinkie, shocked. “Bu-”

Pinkie puts a hoof in his mouth. “Please?”

Jak sighs resignedly. “Sure, Pinkie. I won't hurt her too much.”

Pinkie smiles and bounces over to Twilight.

Gilda laughs. “You think you can beat me in a fight? One swipe from my claws and I'll have you running away with your tail between your legs.”

Jak looks at her and gives a large, fake yawn. “Please stop talking. It's really annoying.”

Gilda's face flushes red in anger, and she lets out a huge roar before charging the offending stallion. Jak sidesteps Gilda's slash and stretches out his right forehoof, catching her square in the chest, causing her to crumple to the ground.

After lying on the ground for a good minute, Gilda stands up on three legs, her fourth clutching her chest. With one last scathing look at Jak, she takes off and leaves Ponyville.

As everypony begins cheering, a bright flash of purple illuminates the town square, causing them to shield there eyes. When the light is gone, and it is safe to look, the light has been replaced with a light purple unicorn wearing a lab coat and protective goggle above her horn. She is clapping her front hooves together.

“Oh, well done, Jak,” Jaq says, a smile of pure glee on her face. “That was brilliant. The you just... Oh, wonderful.” She falls onto her back, laughing hysterically.

“What are you doing here?” Jak asks, malice dripping from his voice.

Jaq sobers up instantly. She rolls over to stand on her feet and gives Jak a pouting look. “Oh, come now. Can I not come see my favorite super hero in action. I mean, if I just spent my whole life plotting world domination, where would I have fun. Sure all the plotting is fun, but I think of this as, how should I put it, extracurricular.”

Jak takes a step towards the mare. “What are you planning to do?”

Jaq waves a hoof in front of her face. “Ah, ah, ah. That would be telling, wouldn't it?” She smiles as if she is a little kid, er, filly in a candy store. “Have a nice day. TTFN. Tata for now.” With that she disappears again.

Rainbow Dash swoops in from the cloud she had been watching from. “Who the hay was that?”

Jak looks at the spot where Jaq had been moments before. “Somepony dangerous, Rainbow. Somepony very dangerous.

“Well, what are we gonna do about her?”

“For now nothing. I have a feeling that if she doesn't want to be found, we won't find her. Now, though, I am headed to bed.” He turns to walk back to the library. “Good night, everypony.”

As Jak climbs into his bed, he thinks to himself, Stay out of the hospital for a day: check.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all. sorry for the delay. I've been really sick. I was finally able to pull myself away from the porcelain throne to puke this out. I hope you enjoyed it. Also have a nice three day weekend. Huzzah my first brony meetup tomorrow.