• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 5,688 Views, 658 Comments

Jak and Daxter: The Equestrian Front - distortedtruth92

Jak and Daxter Get Transported to Equestria

  • ...

Emergence Of A Hero

“Well, you'll be sleeping in my guest room, of course!” Twilight exclaimes.

Jak and Daxter had walked back to the library in comfortable silence. As Jak opened the door he had found the ponies holding marshmallows on sticks with Spike blowing fire at them. Jak had asked to speak to Twilight alone to ask where he would be sleeping. Thus, Twilight's previous words.

“You sure it won't be too much trouble?” Jak asks hesitantly.

“No. not at all. Spike and I would be more than happy to have a house guest.” Twilight turns around and heads back to the main room. “Come on. Let's rejoin the others.”

Jak awakens to the sound of screaming. He jumps out of bed, landing on Daxter's tail.

“Ow! Watch where you're stepping, Jak.” His ears perk up. “What's that sound?”

“Screaming. Come on, Dax. Let's go check it out.” Jak waits as Daxter climbs onto his back and gallops out of his bedroom. As he barrels down the stairs, he sees Twilight frantically flipping through the pages of a book. “Twilight, what's happening?”

Twilight looks up, fear in her eyes. “A dragon is attacking Ponyville. Half the town is already up in flames.”

Jak looks at her. “Don't worry. I'll help.”


Jak takes her hoof in his and stares into her eyes. “Just trust me.” He gives her a cocky grin and rushes out the door...

And is greeted by a battle zone. The peaceful, rural town that he strolled through last night is gone. In its place are burning bodies strewn throughout the street. Fire is tearing through the straw roofed houses like kindling. Jak looks up and sees a giant red dragon soaring through the sky,flames streaming from its gaping mouth.

Jak instinctively reaches for his back, searching for his morph gun. “Damn, first my pants, now my gun. Oh, well. Dax, hold on.” Jak clenches his body. Suddenly, his blue coat turns a luminescent white, his eyes glowing with a blue-white aura. Out of his back sprout two angelic wings. Time slows around him as he flaps his wings and takes off toward the dragon.

He lands on the back of the dragon and retracts his wings, time returning to normal speed. Jak has to quickly grab one of the dragon's spikes to prevent himself from falling.

“What are we gonna do now, Jak?” Daxter asks in pure terror.

“We're gonna kill this thing,” he replies with a feral grin as his goat changes again, this time to gray with a purple tint. His mane turns completely white. His eyes go black as the midnight sea.

Jak struggles with the dragon in mid-air, trying to wear it out. As he punches it, he realizes that conventional means will not bring the dragon down. He clambers up to the base of the it's neck and steadies himself. After being sure of his footing, he jumps straight up, punching the dragon's back on his way down, creating a huge purple shock wave radiating from the point of contact.

The dragon roars in agony, its wings going limp. It starts plummeting to the ground, Jak, now reverted to his normal form, and Daxter still on its back.

“Jak, do something!”

“I'm thinking!”

The dragon's unconscious descent steepens into a headlong rush toward the ground, a spot of land dotted with apple trees.

“Dax,” Jak yells over the wind rushing past his face, “we're gonna have to bail!”

“Why can't you fly again?”

“I don't have enough light eco!”

“We're gonna die aren't we!”

Jak smiles back to Daxter. “Not today.”

Twenty feet from the ground, Jak jumps off the dragon. He rolls as he hits the ground, transferring his momentum forward. However, being surrounded by apple trees, his momentum carries him headlong into one. He crumples in a heap.

Daxter crawls out from under his friend. “Jak, we're alive!” When he gets no response, he turns to see the limp body of his companion. “JAK!” he notices the ragged breathing. “Stay here. I'll go get help.

“Daxter? Jak? Is that y'all?”

Daxter looks around and sees a familiar orange mare galloping toward him. He runs and meets her halfway. “Applesauce-”

“Applejack,” she corrects, not unkindly.

“Right. Applejack, Jak is hurt. I think he hit his head on one of the trees.” As he speaks, he hurries past the now dead dragon to the tree where Jak lies unconcious.

Applejack takes one look at Jak and lets out a gasp. “Ah'll go get Twilight. Y'all stay here.” With that, she gallops away toward the library.

Daxter looks back to his best friend. “Don't worry, Jak. You'll make it through this you always do.” Daxter looks up to the sky in time to see two large figures use magic to bring clouds above Ponyville, drenching the ground and extinguishing the fires.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all. Sorry for the short chapter, but, hey, I think I left a pretty good cliffhanger. Happy New Year!